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Whatever makes Bandai the most money.


Fair answer


That and how much the japanese player base likes a character


Any assumptions has been destroyed with Ssnake


Hahaaha, S-snake has a Ex but not the OG Boa hancock lol


Neither of them deserves an EX, nor does yamato but here we are, S Snake and 3 Yamato EXs 🤷‍♂️


Yamato is fine to me, she got the strength and popularity in wano. Now 3 yamatos is crazy.


Fr isn't she the character with the most EX units in the game? That's crazy considering she was just a story character for wano when Luffy has 2, Shanks has 2, Kaido, BM, BB still has one, KING OF THE PIRATES has 2 and had 1 at the time of the 3rd Yamato release when wano was literally over. Brother... They dropped 3 EX Yamatos before EX WB


it’s cuz yamato rakes in the money from JP players so they gonna keep making JP players happy to get as much money as possible this is scamdai after all


True it's always been JP first. Even blue EX Luffy wasn't locked behind a semi pay wall in JP servers


true enough man


Yamato is very popular tbh.


true enough don’t get it twisted i love yamato as a character (in OP) one of my favourites from the female cast, you can probably tell by tag i really do like yamato, it’s just that bandai has released 3 versions of her before releasing other more important units rather than hold her other units off for a while instead of introducing new ones than releasing other versions of her later on


From a personal perspective i think alot of characters could be EXs whether "deserving" or not


atp anyone can be EX’s doesn’t matter if they’re deserving or not as long as they bring the money in you’ll see in first anni they released BB and shanks which are one of the most popular and favourite villains on the series and at the time and shanks probably top 3 most favourite character out of the straw hats as well as the fact they’re both emperors so they were deserving of EX titles then 2nd anni i’m pretty sure that was the roden era so they released roger and oden the pirate king himself no need for me to explain why he was deserving then oden he FLEW to popularity during the wano arc he was a fan favourite especially after the backstory even i love him he’s defiantly deserving he’s one of the best swordsmen of all time and the only one to scar kaido and was strong enough to kill him if kaido didn’t force him to kill himself for his friends than there’s 3 anni blue kiado and EX luffy this was during the wano arc’s release so of course kaido was a no brained evey one loved him as a well written and enjoyable villain of the four emperors who made luffy look a runt he’s deserving 100% then there’s luffy here’s where bandai started getting greedy he’s luffy 100% deserved an EX for sure he’s the MC my favourite character why not make an EX of him but then you see his price no guarantee but for JP players there was a guarantee for thousands of dollars then on his rerun we see he’s guaranteed but for thousands of dollars if that doesn’t show they only care about money i don’t know what does and the thing is that’s the turning point where they start getting greedy and they don’t care anymore if anyone deserving or what it’s only about the money now since they’ve built up a player base it was time for them to milk it


Kaido and Big mom have 2 Exs


Yeah that's what I'm saying they're more important yet have less EXs


Yeah, and i have yet to get one yamato lol I really want her


Hopefully you do bro! My brother pulled for them and got shafted hard so good luck 💀


Hahahaaha, i'll wait bro


Between S-Snake and Boa, definitely Boa deserved the Ex. She at least did something amazing, was about to kill Koby and petrified most of Blackbeard's crew. Also, didn't she also got rid of 2 Seraphim? I can't remember a lot about that chapter but anyway. They stole Boa's Ex just for the weird player base.


So many units deserved an EX more than Boa and Snake, but you're right she did so much good stuff but no, if I recall correctly, the Seraphims were just called off by the marines (I think it had something to do with the fact that blackbeard took Koby)


Boa is one of the top 10 most popular characters in the series so yes they are gonna give her/clone of her an ex


Yeah and no EX for her? Come on


S-Snake has changed how low the bar is for characters to get an Ex. If they are relevant to the arc, “strong,” and have enough flexibility to make two broken skills, they’ll do it


I see, gotchya


Agree with Hancock, she should’ve gotten one of Yamato’s EX slots. She has the strength, and if you’re talking about popularity, if I’m not mistaken she has never been out of the top 10 ever since she first appeared on the popularity polls lol.




Whatever Bandai thinks is best. With S-Hawk being released, the criteria of hype, powerlevels, popularity, etc have been thrown out the window for me. I'm not mad about since it allows me to save and this was very easy skip for me. The main character I'm saving for is Lucci and with his leak, he could be released soon.


I feel you bro. I'm saving as well to get used to it. I spend my diamonds too much and inevitabely spend money 🥺


Lmao u spend money on this game? 😂


I did yeah


Bandai's mood




Popular characters that are important to the plot and have powerful abilities


That used to be the thinking and then they made S snake an EX randomly.


Lolis make big money in Japan especially a gacha


Yeah definitely 100% why she got an EX due to popularity despite her importance being minimal. EX annoyingly are now based on what sells over what's actually worth the status of EX


Maybe idk, Katakuri , Doffy, Sanji and even Boa fall into that to various extents


Boobs and Sideboobs


True but only for yamato lol


Anime character of high relevency that appeared in the show 2 or 3 months ago


A serious answer to your question: fan polls you can check the poll charts and reflect it against the exes. Putting aside Ssnake and other seraphims. Then comes fans requests such as white beard


I see, interesting reply


Sanji? The 4th in the crew?? No way




Kata and Doff could've been EX back in the day... Not for this yr. They're irrelevant. Lanji doesn't deserve one either. Boa..... As much as I like her, she doesn't deserve it either just like S-Snake. Their EX sells more than other BF/Step-ups. They need to choose units that people will summon for. I am patiently waiting for Blackbeard or Shanks since I don't have either one of those.


It's a mix of everything and the context (current anime arc). If Yamato was in Egghead she would get another Extreme, but since she's not there, we are instead getting Snake and still might eventually get Bonney if she's popular enough... It's also what Japan wants, but really, there's not that massive difference when it comes to popularity other than some exceptions. I don't agree with people thinking that Snake means everyone could be Extreme. There's a context for Snake. She's from Egghead, popular enough in Japan, a female (that might have played a role too) and a way of hyping seraphims eventhough S-Hawk deserved it more, and it's the rare Extreme between anni extremes. She's dominating this month, next bounty fest banner will likely bring at least one hard counter, much more than Zoro, any Luffy or even Sanji, soon new Ex will arrive and she (and Roger) will sit in a corner and cry (ok, not so much...they will remain good but not this good). Basically, Snake is filling the Ex quota that Yamato filled in the Wano era (though she won't be getting more extremes), and whatever new Ex we get will be a yonkou, old legendary pirate/marine, Strawhat or current arc main villain. Personally I think warlords, Strawhats and arc main villains deserved extremes instead of giving several versions to yonkous/Yamato. It's kinda crazy we haven't gotten yet a Ex Doffy or Ex Boa from the waifu category, but this is all stuff we will eventually be getting.


I agree with all of this, they definitely are keeping up with the anime arcs.