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I did start a reformer play through but didn’t finish it because of PC issues. I did love playing purist because of the challenge and ressource management aspect. Worrying non stop about manpower and making your units as efficient as possible because every American life has to be worth 1000 mutie. Though from what I played in the réformer “good” path, it feels really good to reunite the US in a grand coalition.


I remember being only able to play purist. You didn't have a choice other than seeing a teaser focus in the tree, staring at you, menacingly.


I remember those days too. And there was a very poorly done reformer path before the true reform update came out and wow was it different. It had like 12 focuses in total. It’s on YouTube somewhere


Played Nevada


Any advantage over a US playthrough?


Nevada is about building a wasteland alliance between the US States instead of simply just uniting it yourself so the game consists of you helping countries unite their regions. For once I think some of the writing is somewhat more "heartwarming" than a USA run, instead of just clicking "declare war" on every remaining country on the map late game there are events and features for the late game phase as well. Overall it is slightly more "challenging" as you no longer control the entirety of the United States. And you also have somewhat of a control of what the states look like or do. Also seeing hordes of NCR, Pacific, and Northwestern troops just flood legion territory is quite satisfying as all you have to do is push weak spots while the alliance guys hold the line. >!To add to the whole "Story" Granite gets a wife!<


Reading this again I just realized how trash I explained it, overall I would just play it yourself and find out


That's cool! So you get a more autonous united states through meddling in various regions instead of going to war and eating up everyone. Just two more questions: Do you get these regions as puppets? Is there a Purist version of this?


1. No, all regions are independent (there might be some exceptions but I'm unsure) 2. The "Purist" version of this is probably just super mutants and ghouls not being accepted as they get the same "Mutant Question" focus tree as the normal USA reformers. Also, something important to note is that nobody gets unique focus trees other than Nevada, they either get the generic focus tree or the enclave generic focus tree


Thank you very much for your answers!


No one likes the Purist path. Shame. If only someone updated it.


Being genuinely evil is hard to write and hard to also play as. At most I can stomach the “Indentured servitude bits” but not even seeing them as humans but another species entirely makes me just lose hope.


Ohoho, It's gonna get WORSE in July!


Worse than putting a baby to nap because it was too loud. I’m not gonna lie, I played the East coast mod and played the purist enclave version and the “Cure clinics” actually got me sick to my stomach. I honestly can only guess a few ways you can top it… And it both intrigues me and scares me. Also if it’s coming on July I am assuming it’s coming on the 4th of July because AMERICA


Here, let me ask you this for "Over the top" How do you make Robobrains? Aiming for the 4th yes. We're on track for it!


I saw a YouTube video explaining how it was bad. But they mostly explained it was bad because they were doing it on Prisoners or people without their consent. That’s the extent to my knowledge. Other than that I just see it as putting one to sleep. Cutting open their head and plopping it in a jar and VAUALA. A robo brain! Also guessed it. I’m so ready to celebrate 4th of July while watching the shit show that is UK election while also playing something that will have me rethinking my choices that led up to this moment. This is gonna be the best 4th of July EVER.


I love both but more is great


This is a sin how many people have never played purist.


Purists make for a good meme run, but Reformer has it all at the end of the day.