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That'd be sweet. I love the mods but I'd also love to throw cash money if it meant more official ports.


official ports are a goldmine and fun for players,if teambeef starts to make official VR ports, they may be even able to port non-open source games maybe?


I'm willing to pay good money for some high quality beef!!!


Of course he did, the man’s knows what’s awesome. So many classic PC FPS titles could port so well to Quest.


Quake 2 was so cool but a barf fest lol. Half life 1 was slower paced, not so bad on the nausea. His ports are crazy good. They could just license what he’s already done and they are good enough for prime time.


Some people have noticed less VR sickness with the near instant acceleration versus games that are slower overall but take longer ramping up to that speed. It kind of makes sense, since it's no longer simulating a familiar thing your body expects to feel a certain way. No mis-match if there is no expectation.


I'm surprised I didn't throw up playing Quake 3 Team Arena.


Quake 2 works amazing. I almost jizzed in my pants after playing it for the first time. It was a selling point to my mate for getting a quest


classic doom in VR is something i've wanted since I obtained a headset, I hope they make releases for all the old games


Classic doom is on sidequest. Brutal doom is awesome on quest.


Wait, you can get brutal doom working on quest? You just changed my life. Now to get the hell on earth starter pack working too


Brutal Doom + Voxel doom Enemies + Voxel doom weapons. Such a sick combination! Have a look at some tutorials online :)


definitely gonna give that a look! thank you!


I'm kind of surprised this hasn't happened sooner. Seems like a slam dunk having those games available in the main store


>I'm kind of surprised this hasn't happened sooner. Before they were controlled by Zenimax, there's bad blood between Zenimax and Oculus. Now everything Zenimax is owned by Microsoft. There's GOOD blood between Meta and Microsoft, so hopefully it happens


Good points. Let's hope MS and Meta maintain a friendly relationship. Lots of great IPs to consider bringing to Quest


Please make Quake 3 Arena an official store game. It's the most fun FPS in VR but its not very active online because its unofficial so the servers are inactive. It is easily the most fun shooter I have ever played in VR.


One of my most played and lots of cherished memories playing that 20+ years ago. This needs to happen.


Team Arena for me.


You have lost the lead.


Great news. I love quake 3 arena vr


Let's go Microsoft!! Release the IPs !! Now let's also get SkyrimVR on the Quest3. Can't be a real platform unless it has Skyrim on it 🤣


If they integrate it with gamepass, they might be able to convince the executives.


Noooo, I have crap internet


I'm still waiting to hear news on Morrowind since the vote for it to be ported.


Morrowind would be grand


Well, they had [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/s/isTGtjjHNE) vote and supposedly they are planning to port it, someone told me they are probably working on quake 4 first, then will work on it.


you can currently play morrowind in VR through openmw but it's missing a lot of interactability, or well any amount of it because it has none besides motion controls but it's still great fun


Yeah, it does look cool, but team beef does a great job with motion controls, so it should be amazing when they port it


my only hope is that it will be moddable, though I doubt that


doom and other ports of theirs allow for mods/hd textures, so some would probably work, and since its going to be a port of the android engine, most of the ones [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenMW/s/fEvJjHd09l) as well as others will probably work.


well hopefully, morrowind is already kind of a headache to mod so I'm definitely not looking towards trying to mod it directly on the headset


Nice. They could bring a whole suite of classics to the official store and get paid for all their hard work.


Even after playing it multiple times I'd re-buy Doom 3 VR if they added co-op




Jedi Knight is fantastic as well.


Just give me Soldier of Fortune 2 and i will die a happy man.


I feel like a switch level port of Doom 2016/eternal might work


Take my money!


Man when I tell you team beef did an amazing job with their Star Wars ports I might not be giving them enough credit. They definitely deserve some love and popularity from the community. I hope they’re able to do more official ports


That would be awesome.


You fucking love to see it.


Better late than never I suppose. Team Beefs ports are awesome, I hope this pans out well for them and accelerates other classic games to come to VR which we need more of!


Sounds like all the free versions and mod suport is about to dry up. None of the official versions of doom have even half the features of the team beef releases. Why anyone would want ID and zenimax involved is beyond me. Hopefully something good comes from this. History says probably not though.


The idea is this would be the Team Beef versions sold directly on the store, so in theory the features could be the same, but I admit there’d be various possible negative effects.


I will buy all of these. These games will print money for everyone involved. This is big news if anything come from it.


that's great, but you know realistically this is a 100 ratings at best kind of deal audiences on Quest are really not into great games


I will, obviously, be buying whatever they put out. And if they can pull this off - meta needs to help em out I feel. If team beef would be amenable for a buyout they would be an amazing asset.