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Remember when Donald Trump fell in love with Rocket Man over love letters?


The only man ever dumb enough to be seduced by North Korean propaganda.


He even saluted the North Korean General. How *patriotic*?! I bet every time he saluted our Soldiers they felt like upchucking. Traitorous bass turd. Praises Putin and Xi. All our supposed enemies and Trump favors them over our allies that have been our allies since before WWII. Weird cult they have.


He’s also bashed the military numerous times. Not just his notable remarks about John McCain and having no clue what gold star families are, but in many speeches he says the military is the weakest it’s ever been, the military is a mess, etc. That’s gotta feel just *great* to everyone who has served and is proud of what they did.


Well on the bright side, now that he tried "diplomacy" we know what happens when you talk directly to the North Koreans to make big, beautiful deals: They threaten nuclear strikes, shoot missiles over Japan, starve their people and kidnap the occasional tourist. Exactly the same as when we *don't* acknowledge their government.


The vast majority of the military are big trump supporters.


He’s got a Kim Jong-un special fat suit on order!


Do they make them that Big in Korea?


frump got a back order for a North Korean fat general’s uniform. He wants to look like Sasha Baron Cohen in his movie THE DICTATOR!


Trump is a DICK for sure


Tennessee Governor Republicans Bill Lee and Cameron Sextan are the same as Trump; Living under Donald Trump Dictatorships. click and read; https://drhurd.com/2021/02/22/life-under-dictatorship/ Please pass to all you know..


Our Allie’s don’t fund trumps organization. But guess who does.


Russia and North Korea?


Bass turd is the best thing I've read today. I'm going to start calling people fish shits and when they ask, "What?" I'll say you're being a real bass turd.


Let's not forget Dennis Rodman.


I'm pretty sure they just handed Dennis a bag of money.


That was the closest any U.S. President has ever been to positive negotiations with North Korea. Respect the game.


lol. Fuck that respect. He saluted a fucking North Korean general. Edit: he didn’t attend a WWI memorial because “it was raining”. Hard to respect that kind of game


Ohhhh noooooooooooo. Not a salute! The tragedy….


How about publicly mocking gold star recipients, veterans, and P.O.W.s ?


You hate diplomacy.


Let’s start worrying about understanding 2 syllable words before moving on up to the bigger ones, k?


Kissing ass isn't diplomacy.


He hates disabled American vets who fought so he could continue to act like the fucking idiot he is.


When your whole mantra is “America First” and calling yourself a “patriot”, it is absolutely disgraceful. The man showed more respect to generals of a hostile foreign nation than he did for our own fallen soldiers in WWI. Respect is earned


Imagine supporting Trump despite his horrible record regarding US military service members and veterans.


As a vet (god I hate that line)- I despise him, his cult, and every ramification brough about by his presidency.


Look at how these Ohioans justify hating diplomacy because, even though it’s in our best interest, the wrong guy did it… Peak illiberalism.


Trump got nothing for us out of it. Washington told Trump it was a waste of time and a North Korean propaganda victory, so Trump did it and it was a waste of time and a North Korean propaganda victory.


Nothing??? He got an open line of communication out it which is the absolute first, and most important step in negotiations and diplomacy. We also don’t care about North Korean propaganda. They have a LITERAL captive audience. Who are they going to propagandize to??? The mental acrobatics used to justify hating diplomacy is wild! Peak political delusion and illiberalism. WTF is wrong with these people?


........what does the word "diplomacy" mean to you?


Did Trump say a new word over and over again and that is why you are using it repeatedly here?


What open line of communication are you talking about? They're still shooting missiles over Japan, taking hostages and threatening to nuke the South. Keeping the NK people in thrall is Kim's first and most important job and Trump made it easier. Communist governments have only fallen from within from a popular uprising, no Communist country has ever been conquered.


Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Kim’s most important job is stay alive and remain in power. He’s an international pariah with a target on his forehead. His aggressions are 100% logical given what happened to Hussein and Qaddafi. If either one had nukes they would have died of old-age. The U.S. had open lines of communication with Moscow nearly the entirety of the Cold War. This literally saved the world multiple times. Communist nations have a habit of total economic collapse. The U.S. has destroyed a nuclear-armed totalitarian government before, but they did it through increased(!) economic relations, patience, military strategy, and communication. I could go into much more detail, but already spent way too much time explaining this to you. Unlike you, I don’t care who does the dirty, but necessary lifting on positive engagement with North Korea. Nixon was terrible, but opening relations with China was one of the most important achievements of the 20th century.


Kim stays alive by keeping his people in thrall. They have starved several times already since 1991, it didn't lead to his family's downfall. Nixon's opening to China is why Youngstown looks like it got nuked and it's 70 degrees in February now. This is just popular conservative "wisdom" that's repeated endlessly without thought. In fact the entire conservative Cold War strategy has been a disaster for the 21st century, now we just have extremely rich extremely hostile Russians and Chinese with chips on their shoulders the size of Ukraine and Tibet.


Written like one of Trumps’ grievance ramblings.


That's nice but you can't dispute any single fact.


Imagine being this stupid out loud and announcing it on Reddit. You Trump simps are pathetic and not nearly as clever as you think you are. 🤣🤡👞


Sucking the ass of a foreign dictator isn't diplomacy. Do you know what diplomacy is? (You should as an Ohioan) -The Dayton Accords, which marked the end of hostilities in the Balkans. Presided over by a liberal President and his liberal ambassador appointees. That's Diplomacy.


Is it me or do those shoes look better than the trash Trumps selling?


It's probably because trump got his stock through wish.com or temu


Called up XI and was like: “XI I like how strong you are, best kind of strong, I wish could lock people up like you do. Anyways, the mean democrats are trying to take my money. I keep telling them I didn’t do anything wrong but they won’t believe me. Do you have some cheap shoes I can sell? They’ve gotta be gold, gold is best, anything will do”


We thank him for his service. Anything can be a protest if you’re creative enough.


I’m going to print comments off and drop them off later


Tennessee Governor Republicans Bill Lee and Cameron Sextan are the same as Trump; Living under Donald Trump Dictatorships. click and read; https://drhurd.com/2021/02/22/life-under-dictatorship/ Please pass to all you know..


That’s actually quite hilarious


Yeah, this is a straight-up burn against his neighbors while still being hilarious. Anyone can be crass and say "ur dum," but this guy did it with style.


Yay for Swanton guy. Keep fighting the good fight. My smallish town has a guy with a sign, too. I respect anyone willing to put themselves out there like that.


I love parking my car with my Roe, Roe, Roe your vote in the parking lots of Catholic churches!


*(stands up and applauds the Swanton Guy)* Though seriously, just from the pic, he did a damn good job of gilding the sneakers. If it wasn't for Trump's bullshit, I'd get a pair off Swanton Guy for the next Rocky Horror Picture Show showing at Halloween.


Brilliant, undercut his business and reap all the profit!


And dance [The Time Warp](https://youtu.be/umj0gu5nEGs?si=YLvLeZcv-KhaKK_Z) in STYLE!


I’m from a deep red part of the state and everyone has Trump flags/signs except one house, up on a hill, tiny and run down. Their porch was covered in pride/progressive flags and signs. It was pretty great, and very surprising.


People like this give me hope.


Tennessee Governor Republicans Bill Lee and Cameron Sextan are the same as Trump; Living under Donald Trump Dictatorships. click and read; https://drhurd.com/2021/02/22/life-under-dictatorship/ Please pass to all you know..


Brave and awesome. My friend did this from 2016-2020 in his small uber red, Maga town in Ohio--new caustic message every morning for the maga commuters--and it caused serious drama for 4 yrs, constant online complaints to the town, made it into the newspaper, had angry macho maga assholes confronting him at his door, had people contacting landowners in other states to try to block the use of the ground for the sign posting, signs ripped out and thrown into the woods (he always had a new one ready to replace it) so on and so forth.


These people are insane. Someone drove through and tore up my yard trying to take out my “hate has no home here” sign. Stopped right before they hit the stump it was in front of. I put every Dem candidates sign in my yard from then on


But they’re the first to say “f—ck your feelings” or “are you offended snowflake?” Fragile egos.


I’m a Trump conservative and I can’t imagine getting that mad over someone’s sign. Jesus christ


Thank you Swanton guy. We are few here in Ohio, but we are here!


Now this is gold ...




That would be hilarious if Little Donny was sued for red sole infringement. 😄


I had a fleeting moment of hope that this was my dad, but, alas, different Swanton guy. Props to them in deep red country.


Love it 🥰


This is awesome. I wish more would do stuff like this, perhaps with a bit more decorum.


Yeah he’s not big on decorum. He had one that said “blow your horn if you (can’t remember exactly what). Blow me if you support trump” lol


This is Gold! I love him!


Love it! I am in the area and have never seen this.


South on 3


Pretty good. Hope you dropped a buck in his coffee can


If trump cared about those shoes, he would rock them all the time.


I live in a red section of Ohio. On the bright side, we had the heated school board race in November. The moms 4 Liberty or whatever scumbag bs, trying to change public schools...they lost by double digits. I believe common sense will prevail. There was also a local poll taken here... The question was, " do you think the mega movement is good for our country? ". 86% of the residents polled said MAGA sucks... Now I'm paraphrasing but you get the idea..


Most attention I’ve ever paid to school board races for sure. Ours was mixed results but at least worst haters didn’t make it either. I do think rural Ohio is less in love with trump overall but they’ll still vote for him over a Dem


Grew up around that area. I approve this message.


Cornfield, Ohio




Lmao that is good


remember all the stupid fucking chairs they put out for "clint"? this is much, much funnier




Right. Guess who’d be laughing. Guy who made $200 off a bunch of old shoes


You dropped this king! Lol






Nice to see not everyone in Swan-tuckey is a Trumper.


This man gets it! That hate and terrorist group, the magas, will have their feelings hurt.


“Leave cash in can”. I love it 🤣🤣🤣


Tennessee Governor Republicans Bill Lee and Cameron Sextan are the same as Trump; Living under Donald Trump Dictatorships. click and read; https://drhurd.com/2021/02/22/life-under-dictatorship/ Please pass to all you know..


This is hilarious!!


😂😂 that is fantastic.


This is Gold!




This does not remind me of Swanton ~ mid 2000s


I live near Swanton and I refer to this area as Trumpistan


I don’t live there but I drive a lot of rural roads in nw Ohio. The trump tributes were everywhere for ; years. They’re still around but a lot less common now


“Only $200?!!! Hell, I’d get some of those even if the proceeds wasn’t helping my lord and savior from them horrible libtards pickin’ on him all the time.”


But it is truth in advertising!


I love it!


Are those the new Con Airs??? The shoes in the pic look price more expensive than the trump shoes, which look like Kmart Chuck Taylors spray painted gold...


Lmao I’m quite sure he grabbed some old shoes out of closet or stopped at thrift store. Nice try though


Guy sounds like an idiot.


Don’t be mad. It’s funny


Rent free


Meanwhile houses in either direction swap out their multiple maga/trump face flags on a regular basis. Shoes are at least funny and not quite cult-like


Ahhhahahshha the fact I see FUBU makes it that much funnier "Oh, yes the blacks in the inner city LOVE their sneakers! This is a shoe in for Trump! Zing! Hahaha!"




Are you completely brain dead? He’s all over the place, being a moron, spewing bullshit. How is that rent-free? If he’d shut up and go away, no one would give him a second thought. 🙄


Literally don’t care.


>says he doesn't care >cares enough to post his unsolicited opinion. Twice.


He owns your party.


I sell Joe Biden action figures - they are just shriveled potatoes. Libs love them!


Problem is our side is funny. All you’ve got is ugly $400 shoes


Not me, Bidenomics gave me three jobs and I'm still broke as hell, no shoes for me.


And at least you can eat the potato. Liberal politicians also tend not to do things so dumb that they would get thrown out of a Saturday night live pitch meeting because “nobody could be that stupid”


People that make politics there whole identity like a sport fandom are weird. Unless of course they are making of of Drunpf then they are very awesome


Whats dumb is supporting a administration that let's in 7.2 million illegal aliens, make that down right idiotic, or traitorous


More like 2.5 immigrants have come in- most are families.


Huh? Damn I thought i had a good indica, what you strain you toking on?


Weird his didn't sell out, like Trumps did.


It's amazing that the grift still works on these morons.


I really hope I see someone wearing those shoes in public so I can fall down laughing


It's more of a collectors item than something you would wear around. Memorabilia from a celebrity and Former (and possible future) President of the United States.


Hanging on to your old Nikes is a better investment


He pretended to be a successful businessman on a reality show. That's not a celebrity, that's just an actor.


As usual some idiot had the idea for a while and after the latest judgement and fine trump had to find another way to get money from these sheep so he said ok let’s sell those stupid shoes. So his name is on another ridiculous product ie steaks, water, terrible suits. Always pandering and these morons love sending him their money


Except it didn’t sell out. Conservatives have a documented history of buying their own products to create the illusion of success. Pretty sad that people still fall for the con job. A fool and their money are quickly parted. Also, you expect someone found guilty of $350 million worth of fraud in civil court and their organization found guilty of 17 fraud felonies to tell the truth about selling out their products? I guess the saying should be changed to, “a MAGA and their money are quickly parted.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/gop-book-deals/2021/04/15/154f3820-9ca5-11eb-b7a8-014b14aeb9e4_story.html https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/474662-the-myth-of-the-conservative-bestseller/amp/ https://www.thewrap.com/gop-groups-spent-1-million-bulk-buying-candidates-books-and-helping-make-them-bestsellers/ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/22/republicans-bulk-bought-donald-trump-jr-triggered-book


Imagine being THIS upset that somebody you didn't like has so much support they sold out on a product. Lmao


Imagine being a cult member who ignores reality in favor of their delusions. What’s that phrase conservatives were saying a few years back? “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” Well, facts and the law show Trump is a fraud. Anybody who believes him is either mentally disabled or a fool. Which one are you? Or are you so deranged that you believe anything Trump says? Disclaimer at the checkout page. >“Trump Fragrances are estimated to start shipping in May/June 2024. Trump Sneakers are expected to start shipping June/July 2024 for the gold High-Tops, and the Potus 45 White Knit & RedWave Knit are expected to ship in July/August 2024. Shipping and delivery dates are estimates only and cannot be guaranteed. We are not liable for any delays in shipments. Your order will ship as it becomes available, so the earlier you buy, the quicker it will ship. Each sneaker is made to order. We cannot guarantee when an order will arrive. Consider any shipping or transit time offered to you, by us, only as an estimate.” How does a product “made to order” also “sell out”? And why is there a “no refunds” disclaimer on the preorders? Again, a MAGA and their money are easily, quickly parted.


He could sell Trump Turds and his stupid cult would buy them. They are truly unintelligent people.


If people are buying ugly as shit stupid shoes, they are fucking morons, just falling for more of Trump’s grifter bullshit. Jesus Christ.


Most of these people in this group are Democrats and libtards. You're not going to receive any upvotes for right wing comments


Oh I know, it's sad how far left it has become around here.


Kindness is not difficult. Respecting other people is also not difficult. Trump, the far right and conservatives go out of their way to be difficult. Choosing to make laws against women and LGBTQ+ is a long and difficult process. They are not kind to anyone except people who want to keep those people down. A video just came out from CPAC. Did you see it? They are trying to kill democracy in the name of their lord. A few years back people were worried about shariah law and then worried about martial law. Everything was blamed on the left. As it turns out, that is not the case. Project 2025 "a conservative promise" or whatever it's called is the problem. The left hates hate and keeping people down. What is so wrong with that?


Lol, okay. 😂


lol I spend zero $ on my gate fir Biden




Post the address like any Trump would.....


What? Why would I do what “any trump” would do?


Wouldn't matter anyways. Trumpsters dont "dis" other Trumpsters. However, if this were a Democrat's house, a Trumpster would easily call out this location or, as usual, hide in the shadows and hassle them at a diatance like "swatting" or call the Karen's at the HOA.


I would have expected the shoes to be orange.


What’s the pbice?