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Why the fuck does the GOP *have to* be on the wrong side of everything?


It's the government's job to make life better for it's citizens and the GOP wants the exact opposite of that.


"Government is ineffective and we're gonna PROVE it!" But really, anything to help their corporate bosses and/or line their own pockets


If you've got resources to spare, these organizations support candidates that represent the working class rather than the corporate class. https://couragetochangepac.org/ https://truthtopowerpac.com/ https://ourrevolution.com/ https://justicedemocrats.com/ https://leaderswedeserve.com/ https://runforsomething.net/




That's exactly it. They want to destroy government and make it dysfunctional, so they can then justify privatization of government services.


They also fuck the deficit, then when the Democrat gets into office they blame them for the shitshow they created.  It's maddening.


Tried and true conservative party tactic. they do it all over the globe. if they see the writing on the wall that they will lose an election, they will absolutely destroy everything they can to make it as difficult as possible for the incoming party to govern effectively .


Shit yeah. Our new conservative government in New Zealand have rolled back worker's rights, conservation measures, sacking government employees just so they can give tax breaks to landlords!




While making a tidy profit


With the Ohio voter suppression regime, a Democrat need never worry about holding higher office, forever.


This isn’t even an exaggeration.


I wish they only tried to prove it’s ineffective instead of actively trying to strip people of rights and rolling back regulations that keep people healthy and marginally sane at work. Like just proving something is ineffective would be so wonderful but here we are


Taking care of your citizens is socialism and that's bad. Fighting over the scraps left by the super rich, that's fucking Murica!


It's not about proving anything, unfortunately. Like you said, they want to ensure that we are wholly dependent on our employers for everything by removing all of our leverage.


They've bought, hook, line, and sinker their own lies, that started with Reagan. Such as: >when their corporate bosses profit, everyone profits, too. And also: >there's nothing the government can do that "responsible private enterprise" can't do 100x better and 100x more efficiently! But name one instance of a privately run town or even country where the people are happy and prosperous, and remain so to this day! What happened to the old mining towns of West Virginia? Are they still run by the same corporations that built them? Do they still own the grocery store, the school, the car dealership, the mail service, the utilities, the hospital? Do they still pay their people in company scrip? Are there people living in those towns? Are they happy and prosperous under corporate rule? As u/Razing_Phoenix said, It's the government's job to make life better for its citizens. But a Republican will tell you that it's not. That each individual should work to make their lives better on their own, without relying on the largesse of the government.


And their damn voters are gonna say "it happened under biden ergo democrats bad"


“BiDeNoMiCs, hur dur hur!”


It's because rich donors tell them what to do.


The GOP thinks government should only be minimally involved in crafting laws protecting people and making sure people make a living wage is not one of them. They believe in “the free market / slave labor”. They do not support millionaires and billionaires paying fair wages to employees.


Nobody that makes under $1,000,000/year is considered a citizen by them.


Republicans play a zero sum game. I have a republican cousin, and I hear about it often. Say there's $100 on the table. You get $30 and I get $70. Well, society decides that you deserve $40. In republican view, that means I will only get $60. It has to come from somewhere, whether that's * Higher prices for me * Less wages for me * More taxes for me That is the zero sum game. It completely ignores things like occidental reporting 21 billion in profit for the year gas prices were high, CEO's paid millions of dollars with golden parachutes, the billions spent on military funding, the taxes corporations and stock holders don't pay, the 25 trillion dollar economy, etc etc Republicans have written off those topics, as something that just is, that can't be changed, that isn't the problem. That's just capitalism. It's petty, selfish and simple thinking. But it explains why they're so against things like free lunches for kids in schools. A lot of people think this way, especially those who only have a couple dollars to rub together. When your broke, it hurts to see other people "get" while you're hurting. They are also too short sighted to see that the republicans they vote for are wealthy fat cats exploiting their labor.


My co worker on student loan forgiveness (obvs trumper) what about all the poor sucjers that had to pay their student loans before" ME.. "shit changes, laws change, society changes, also mabe it shouldbt cost $150k to go to college"


If they didn't get ahead, nobody should get ahead. They're self-centered and the world revolves around them and what they did or didn't get.


It’s the extraction of wealth mentality. Realistically, paying low level employees a livable wage increases economic activity and there is ultimately more wealth creation. If you give me $100 I’ll spend it. If you give Bill Gates $100 he’d probably use it as scrap paper or something. It wouldn’t even be worth it to him to carry it around. But in their mind, they want to be Bill Gates so Bill Gates should get all of the money. But they also think trickle down - supply side economics is a thing. Since when has business found it financially a good idea to increase supply when they already have enough supply?


Velocity of money, keep pushing money into the bottom of the chain and it goes through many hands before it reaches a billionaire, pay the billionaire directly and poor people dont get shit, as god intended.


> Realistically, paying low level employees a livable wage increases economic activity and there is ultimately more wealth creation. This is true, and also why you are missing the point. Their actual goal isn't just profit, it's to have power and control over the rest of society.


100%. Hierarchical view of everything and they believe they should be/are always at the top.


The ultra wealthy are not interested in creating economic activity or even leaving the world in better condition when they leave it. They are going full scorched earth by taking as much as they possibly can from the classes below them. They are deliberately and intentionally extracting wealth from the bottom up. This is very damaging to society but they don't care because they won't be around to face the consequences. 


Totally. My cousin says "Corporations don't pay taxes. Consumers do. Corporations create jobs and products for consumers." and "If you increase tax burden or wage burden on the corporations you'll just pay more for the stuff you want."


*Sales* taxes get passed onto consumers. Corporate *income* taxes do not. At least, not fully. Sales taxes also hit all retailers equally, so if I'm trying to buy a $10 widget and there's a 10% sales tax, the widget will be $11 at retailer A, and also at retailer B. And they only apply to the final retailer that sells to end consumers. Manufacturers, growers, wholesalers, distributors, etc, don't even collect or remit any sales taxes at all. But corporate income taxes apply to the entire supply chain, so the manufacturers or growers pay income taxes on their profits, and the distributors and wholesalers also pay income taxes on their profits, and then the retailers pay income taxes on their profits. US federal corporate income taxes are no longer progressive (meaning all corporations pay the same 21% income tax rate on their entire taxable income, whether they're a small mom and pop shop, or a huge multinational corporation like Walmart), but we could revert back to progressive tax rates so that smaller businesses would have lower tax rates, and could sell the same goods at a lower price to net the same profits after.


Your explanation is spot on . Thank you .


maximum wage then


There's a very real argument for. You'd get a healthier work life balance. Ceos cap at 1m Part of the issues with companies is if your CEO is making 49m, 500m, etc, they work 24 hours a day. Then they turn into Elon, they work all day, so should everyone else. But hey, fuck stick, I only get 80k!!!???? Any company that profitable should be paying their employees a multiplier more, also none of them need to be that profitable. They could hire non slave labor instead


I heard someone suggest that we bring back a global human sacrifice. Every year, we sacrifice the highest earning human on Earth and send them into the sun.


Why stop at 1? Do it 100 at a time.


> Part of the issues with companies is if your CEO is making 49m, 500m, etc, they work 24 hours a day. Sure, because a golf round is considered work for them.


They're available to a limited amount of people to do with work and they think that's work, but yea youre right. They consider some golf game witha guy they know in the same industry work


We need to wake up and realize that conservatives are a lost cause. You cannot undo half a century of corporate funded brainwashing. They do not have a coherent world view at all.


I always hate when someone responds to free school lunches with "no such thing as a free lunch". Like no shit, no one is claiming that.


For real, I guess we all just have to say "free at the point of sale" all those extra words even though it's fucking obvious because right-wing morons are bad faith actors.


I hate idioms in general. IDK why. Like the ones my parents and teachers used are just so old and tired. The new ones aren't very good either. No one wants to work anymore. Everyone gets a trophy. Ugh


It's the same thing with the Ukraine. Here's the reality, America was at war for 23 years. Like actual, real war All that money spent on American arms isn't just going to anything useful after. All the military industrial complex is still pumping. The money to Ukraine helps achieve that. Now, if Republicans actually wanted to shut down the military industrial complex and bankrupt like 80 percent of those companies, then that's a discussion to have. They had zero issues lighting billions on fire a day for years in Afghanistan, Iraq (how fucking dumb was that) and other escapades. But an actual country fighting an oppressive regime???? Nahhhhh!! If they aren't killing brown people, it's not worth it.


The contribution we've made to the Ukraine war is a very, very small price to pay to bring about the downfall of Russia, it's war machine and it's economy.


Yes, totally agree. But to some republicans it's some insane amount of money. The reality though is that money isn't going to"America" if it's not spent there.


Well, given how some parrot the Kremlin's talking points it is safe to assume the party is compromised.


It’s not just economic, either. This view permeates almost everything they do. The “value” of something is a fixed, static point that only has so much to go around.


That’s genuinely one of the best answers for the fundamental problem with their thinking.


It really does explain a lot.  Virtually every topic aside from social issues is viewed as "what is it going to cost me, and if he's getting something, why am I not getting it?" From school lunch to student loans, minimum wage, social security, food assistance, rehab programs, health care, child tax credit, everything The double standard is deep. 


Because they can be. They’ve got their voters so concerned that a lady with a pee pee is going to sit down on the wrong toilet that they can screw ‘em right in the pocketbook.


Literally everything.


Its the anti-progress party Thats all you need to know




Unfortunately that sits well with millions of Americans who would rather be the empire than the rebels. 


They love money, for themselves. They don't think it but their collective money boner is always showing. I'm certain that the people in the GOP can be diagnosed as addicts


Their ideology is “be an asshole”. That’s about it for their ideals.


Because their party platform is “fuck you”


>Senate Bill 256 would raise the minimum wage for non-tipped workers to $15 and tipped to $7.50 by 2028. I think this is how the legislative process is supposed to work. An elected official is responding to voter's opinions and offering a compromise position. I would still rather have an immediate increase to $15 across the board, but his proposal is not unreasonable.


They're paid handsomely by lobbyists to take those sides


Because being a piece of shit is what they really enjoy more than anything. Hurting people. Making life harder for Americans.


It gets them elected and re-elected.


That’s kind of their thing


Because their donor class pays very well to ensure that they keep enforcing the class hierarchy and protecting the oligarchy.


If you give poor people more money, then how will billionaires buy a third yacht? Think of the uber rich and stop being selfish.


Because they are evil and want you to suffer


Yeah they're obviously terrible. But if we want to blame anyone it has to first be the absolute dipshits who continue to vote for them. What they do only works if people are stupid enough to choose it. And they are.


Are republicans just objectively horrible people who have found their tribe?


Wilhoit's law Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Because they are spineless AH. Look at their de facto leader.


Why the fuck does the GOP keep staying in office? They are hell-bent to destroying the working class, and yet many of those same people vote for them.


Given that it's the modern Republicans, I'm surprised they're not trying to implement maximum wages.  "No, Costco, you can't pay your stockers that well. Aldi, you know it's illegal to let your cashiers work while sitting. What is this communist policy where your cart pushers get free water on hot summer days and can stop working for five minutes to grab a drink?"


Sounds like Florida




Mike debitch wants to turn us into a red state like florida. Why do we not have a decent democrat running against this fucker. Ill never forget in the height of covid instead of implementing masks he has his dumb fucking wife give us a cookie recipe. WHY ARE RURAL PEOPLE SO GOD DAMN DUMB.


>  WHY ARE RURAL PEOPLE SO GOD DAMN DUMB. Because you are taught from childhood that Republicans are good, that whatever bastardized interpretation of Jesus' actual teachings the local church teaches is truth, that cities are nightmare hellscapes of crime, drugs, rape, and black people. Anyone who disagrees gets out and goes to college, which means the next generation is all the kids who bought it. 


Also voting against the gays to prove thier masculinity. Most shop guys are that basic.


Yeah that was just my entire job history until I left.


I wouldn’t be so opposed to maximum wages for CEOs but we know they’d never go for that.


The fact that CEOs get paid millions of dollars to exit a company when they fuck up is just mind blowing.


“Home Depot, we’ve talked about this. If we don’t start seeing more hospitalizations and deaths from heat stroke we’re going to have to start fining you.”


I would actually be okay with a maximum wage. Imagine the formula being something like your highest paid employee/board member/whatever can only make X times as much as the lowest paid employee, including stock contributions.


I know there are areas in Ohio where companies arent starting employees at at least $15, but where can you live on $15? These guys are not living in the real world.


The fight for a $15 minimum has been dragging on for so long that it should be a $24 minimum now.  That's why $15/hr seems absurd and unlivable. 


Yeah they are. It's just they want to continue pumping that money into the people who don't need it at all rather than the people who are actually paying into it. It's a giant scam and stupid people fall for it.


My company just raised their starting rate to $15 from $12.25. I'm hoping a minimum hike will raise all boats in this situation. I've been promoted and got 30% raise at the time, but now I'm only making cents above the brand new people coming in. It sucks, and we're annoyed.


Ask for a market rate adjustment equivalent to this change. Threaten to leave if they don’t give it to you. If you let them walk on you, they’ll gladly oblige you.


Don't think I'm in a position that they're worried about replacing me if I walk, unfortunately. They'd more likely happily gesture to the door if I threatened anything and replace me within a week. That's why the whole department is unhappy but not saying anything.


"That's why the whole department is unhappy..." Maybe you should get your whole department together and tell the boss you want higher wages. There might even be a word for it...


Friendly helpful advice:large locals unions are often very ready to help unionize new work places. Contact them for advice and help!


Communism? ./s


...but what if the *whole department* had this demand?


Anti-union propaganda is super effective because why have they not thought of this?


What kills me is that 15 bucks isn’t even exactly up to snuff anymore. Just pure stupidity? Evil? Stupevility?


And $15 will especially be low in 2028, which is when it takes effect in the republican bill. By 2028, the minimum livable wage will probably be like $30 an hour.


And that’s their game. They know if they lowball now it’ll never be reasonable. The left should be pushing for $50 so $20 sounds reasonable. But instead the right is dictating the narrative.


$15/hour is about $512/week after taxes. I know because thats what I made a few years ago. It was hard to get by. Im a single man who lives alone, so I get no help with bills. After rent, utilities, food, gas, etc. it is definitely living paycheck to paycheck territory. I have since moved up and make more now. I made $15 pre-pandemic and it was hard. I couldnt even imagine living on that now.


I’m glad you’re making more now! Yeah, while I’ll be glad if it’s raised to 15, that should be one step.. of many


Cruelty is the point.




I'd rather set their salary at the min wage, and then let them justify it.


lol sure! That way the only people who will be in government are people that are independently wealthy! 


GOP: More money for you is Bad. GOP: Universal healthcare is terrible. GOP: Vaccines will kill you. GOP: Climate change isn't real. How the fuck does anyone justify voting for these fascists


Do Ohio Republicans just reflexively hate anything to help people survive? Rhetorical question but seriously way to not even hide how beholden you are to campaign donors instead of serving your constituents.


>Do Ohio Republicans just reflexively hate anything to help people survive? Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/congress-voted-against-funding-a-cure-for-cancer-just-to-block-a-win-for-biden/ar-BB1lQpVZ >Biden's Cancer Moonshot initiative is Congress' latest partisan casualty >However, with the ever-present dysfunction of Congress, maybe predictably, the program has been stalled. Some Republicans, refusing to give Biden a “win,” voted against the renewal of funding. >Even though this would be a win for all Americans – and humanity – it apparently did not outweigh the politics of making a Democrat look good. This is the definition of party over country. >I'm a doctor. So is my mother. When she got cancer, I realized how little that mattered. >Republicans have stated budget cuts need to be made with an ever-growing debt. But where was this attitude when tax cuts for the wealthy were on the table in 2017? They don’t have to look at patients in the eye and break the devastating news that they have cancer. They don’t have to treat cancers that block intestines or drown a patient’s lungs in fluid. >Cancer claims more than 600,000 American lives a year. In economic terms, it has been estimated that the annual financial burden of cancer care in this country is about $200 billion.


The crazy part is that it isn’t really even a “win” for Biden. It is something that has been receiving funding for years, but they voted to discontinue funding that had already been occurring. If they had continued the funding, really nobody would have even noticed or really cared. To me, what these people have done is worse.


Why isn’t this on every campaign commercial right now?


Because even though they are not the same, the dems are still capitalists.


Well, smart capitalism would say that the more people you have who aren’t busy dying of cancer, the more potential customers you have to buy all your random consumer wares!


Not just “Ohio” Republicans.


>Mariah Ross, the campaign manager for Raise the Wage Ohio and One Fair Wage, said the Senate bill is just a “trick” meant to “confuse people.” >“At the end of the day, Ohioans are not fools,” Ross said. “They know what is happening in their state; they know what they’re currently experiencing and they know what is happening right now — pay is not sustainable.”


Except the R’s are actively attempting to fool them


Perhaps it's time to, oh I don't know, end gerrymandering to keep extremist views from become legislation.


The French would be having bonfires of political bodies sans heads for shit like this.


End gerrymandering!


Stop voting for the GOP! Is it not obvious that they just want to enslave the least educated among us by now?


The people that vote for them have no idea what they actually do once elected. They don’t see this shit. They don’t check up and see what the person they voted for is doing. And if they do, its context is heavily altered so they think it’s a good thing.


This seems to be a lot of the issue… A lot of maga conservatives have stopped looking at the policies and instead treat this like a game show and just want their contestant to win. Who could have saw this coming?


“Ask not what your country can do for you, but how your country can *screw someone else*”


“I’m shocked! **SHOCKED!!!!** Well, not *that* shocked…”


Even more shocking when they continue to vote red in November


Okay but why? That isn’t even enough to pay for a shitty apartment anymore, that’s like the bare minimum to get by with roommates.


Protecting corporate profit margins from the people doing the work


$15/hr full time with no vacation is $31,000/yr *before* taxes. it's absolutely insane


Studios going for $1000 / month, taking up 77% of your pre-tax income, and somehow its too much to make the minimum pay


Republicans are the enemy. Plain and simple. This class warfare.


Why do Republicans hate Americans so much? I would venture to say they are the #1 threat to America right now. They prevent *sooo* much progress, and have for **decades**.


I can never get it through my skull on why bills like this don’t include provisions that not only increase minimum wage, but then pin it to inflation. Shooting for a one time increase is dumb. Once it’s pinned to inflation, there’s no more fight to increase it again in a year when inflation eats away at the $15 minimum. Dumb.


That's already in the Ohio Constitution. The problem is the wage of $6.85 / hour in 2007 still wasn’t a living wage, so even though it increases with inflation it's still never going to be a living wage. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-constitution/section-2.34a


I understand people think prices will rise but they are already. People deserve to make a decent living. Even at 15.00 a hour it will still be a struggle. Smh"


Minimum Wage ***should have been*** $15/hr in 2016. Imagine being in 2024 and being against what is already 8-years outdated. Dear god Republicans are such a worthless party.


Not that I wasn't already convinced, but this solidifies that fact that the GOP, especially the Ohio GOP, has to have a humiliation fetish. Not that I'm kink shaming, but god damn, how many more Ls do they want to keep taking? If the Raise the Wage group can get their initiative on the ballot and it passes (hopefully it does), then we're just gonna go "how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man" to the GOP once again.


Who keeps coming up with this arbitrary $15/hr minimum wage number. That’s what I made bagging grocery’s in 2001. It needs to combat inflation. $20/hr minimum should be the goal for most states. I’m aware some states that money could go further or less in different states. It’s not a perfect number, but $15/hr isn’t the move anymore. That was the number people were begging for in 2016, pre Covid and Trump.


“Some in the restaurant industry fear raising the minimum wage could change tipping culture” Literally everyone I know hates tipping. Why should we be responsible for paying the wages of a restaurants employees? And why do servers think they deserve $30-$40 an hour when the people doing the real work in the kitchen make less than half of that?


As a kitchen rat of 16 years - thank you. Edit : Afterthought. Cooks/chefs in places with a good food scene spend years in an extremely high demand (and largely abusive, but that's a different topic) field making a name for themselves, because we give a shit about the food. We care about every step of that process. We're culinary nerds. Every cook I know that's worth their salt can give you a whole breakdown of how food and our, as a species, preparation of it is a major factor in human cognitive development and the development of community and society. The servers are smiling in your face for the tip, then saying the absolute worst shit about you, your kids, your appearance, your voice, whatever - the second they walk behind the server stand or into the pit. Then they bitch *to the hourly kitchen staff* about how you didn't tip 20% for the standard job of presenting already finished work to the table. Tip culture needs to fucking go.


Republicans want us poor and sick Stop fucking voting for them ffs


You know, Ohio seems to be consistently just shit at everything. Why don't people just _leave_?


Too poor to move


God I'm so sick of this dog ass state.


Do Ohio’s Republican’ts ever do anything to help humanity or the environment? I’ve changed their party name to Republican’ts because they do not do anything positive for most people. They are the Pro Gun, Anti-Medicare-for-all, Drill Baby Drill (for more oil), defund Public School and give money to charter schools, never raise my taxes, cut taxes for the wealthy, gerrymander to stay in power, support a wannabe dictator for president party.


Next they’ll introduce a bill to ban people from having roommates just to fuck with us even more. $15 isn’t shit


Kansas already started down this road years ago, banning unrelated people from living together.


The fuck? That's ridiculous


But on Republicans, it’s normal.


This told me everything I need to know: "Barker said restaurants are still trying to stay afloat following the pandemic and inflation. If the wages are raised, some businesses will have no choice but to increase menu costs to manage." Menu prices have already gone up, and by a lot for the majority of places.


So, just a party of the people???


Nobody hates themselves more than poor conservatives


So they legislate against the people’s votes? That should work out well


They're simply obeying their real bosses: The ultra-wealthy and corporations who give them money. You don't fucking matter. Neither do I.


How bout we put forth an amendment that locks the pay for these scum fucking pricks. In fact, lower it to a wage just barely better than the average ohioan. These assholes live in a fantasy land where everything is cheap and everything is good! And that people just don't want to work. Fucking pathetic that these souless fucks represent us as a people. I wish these maga culters an untimely death and hopefully its fiery!! Fuck the GOP!!


Didn’t corporate profits account for like 40/50% inflation recently? I’ll have to find the sources. I see a lot of blaming welfare and immigrants for why prices are so high but i can’t seem to connect the dots. No one blames corporations.


But if companies pay people more, how will those companies be able to afford to buy politicians?


Republicans are concentrated evil


Lord Jesus will swoop in and build new hospitals, schools, and infrastructure. The Devil will retaliate by sending in his minions to deceive the righteous into believing and voting for false promises and idols….as written in the Book of Betty 3:19 Oh say it the Lord, Amen s/ Better wages produce more taxes and benefits throughout the state. Capitalism will weed out the business that can’t bootstrap in this economy


Fuck these assholes, continuing to wage class and financial war against the working class, especially the youth. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/1IabJ7IlpX


Funny I don’t see them trying to tie their pay to minimum wage. 🤦‍♂️


Of course, just like the south. Poor and uneducated


Eat shit, Anti-American Republicans. I'm so fucking sick of these asshole making American lives harder. Vote blue to save Ohio.


wtf!!! This is not right! They will allow the price of EVERYTHING go up but wages and won’t approve you for benefits because you make too much but expect us to survive ?? I was leaving Casey’s general store and they had a hiring sign and it said starting at $11 an hour. How is an adult supposed to be able to care for them selves and sustain housing working 40 hrs a week for $11!!!??


Don’t underestimate the common man’s deep desire to profit unfairly off of some other poor bastards labor.


GOP: We can't have the poor not being poor anymore. Who would we make fun of? Who would do our work?


$15 per hour is two Big Macs per hour. Living wage?


Two things; one, a Big Mac is $5 in Ohio, so it’s 3 Big Macs an hour. Two, the idea of being paid in big Mac’s is kinda funny.“Baby I’m carrying this family on an 9600 Big Mac a year salary okay?”


I mean it's either raise the wage or increase the amount of people on welfare. People need to eat and live somewhere otherwise they die? Not hard. And I know people have to work for that. It's just if you insist there be people flipping burgers for you or bringing you food from a restaurant kitchen, they have bills to pay too! I know right? The gall of those people. Thing is, you can't both have people serving you and have those people have nowhere to live. And no, school kids can't do it. They have *school* to go to during the day.


Organize and unionize.


Just doing their corporate overlords bidding. Campaign donations have strings attached.


>Senate Bill 256 would raise the minimum wage for non-tipped workers to $15 and tipped to $7.50 by 2028 get rid of tipped labor, its such a ridiculously uneven payscale, most people being tipped aren't making 40-50$/hour like the article says, just a few people


Fuck Republicans


Yet the very people they are screwing over will vote for them in droves to keep women from having control over their body, a gay couple from adopting a child, and immigrants from taking jobs they don't want to do. They would rather starve themselves and their children then see those things happen. The misinformation is real and we live in a world of sheeple.


Man the GOP really hates the idea of voters deciding anything. Instead we have to vote on if we're even allowed to vote on it


Put a maximum cap at $600 for rent.


What scum bags. Anything that might actually help the average American, Republicans are solidly against. I think if you support Republicans you have to ask yourself deep down why they might keep doing this. Maybe it's because they don't give a crap about you.


The bigger question is why do the people that vote for this party constantly want to shoot themselves in the foot??


A bill sponsored by the government, to thwart their constituents from improving their income.


why do you keep voting for your red politicians ohio? yall are getting taken for a ride, wake up..


The Democratic Party needs to get more people out. Knocking on doors Support Candidates running for the State House. Heck after the Householder crap. Ohio should never elect a republican again.


Remember folks, the GOP doesn't believe that government exists to better the population. They believe it exists to RULE you, not represent you. The only way to fix this is to vote. Even if you live in Ashtabula county or whatever deep red county. Folks that don't want to be ruled outnumber the folks that are desperate for a dictatorship. Just gotta turn out at the polls. See y'all in November.


If it benefits the working class. Rest assured the Redumblicans will oppose it. Now it was a tax break for the wealthy they would be all for it.


[Fuck Sonic, Jimmy John's, Arby's, Dunkin, Baskin Robbins, and Buffalo Wild Wings](https://www.newsweek.com/this-fast-food-giant-bragged-about-killing-15-minimum-wage-1579273)


Speaking as a foreigner/outsider, The Republicans really do hate poor and vulnerable people.


I'm not sure this needs to be turned into an argument about politics. I'm a business owner in Ohio. But for 40 years before that I was an employee of some business or another. I started working at the age of 14 and I remember minimum wage then (1976) was $1.90 per hour. I was super excited the next year because the minimum wage jumped to a whopping $2.10 an hour. So I have plenty of experience on both sides of the issue. The Ohio minimum wage is $10.45 per hour for most employees. Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. I can tell you that where my business is located in North Central Ohio, unless you're washing dishes, you're making way more than $10.45 an hour. But you know what? Like me in 1976, if you're washing cars like I was or pumping gas, or working as a dishwasher, you're either very young and trying to get on the wage ladder like I was - or there's something else going on (usually a lacking skill set that would normally deserve a higher wage. Sorry. That's just the reality. ) I've seen billboards by Frito-Lay advertising $27 an hour for factory work filling bags of chips. Taco Bell in my area is offering starting wages of $15-16 an hour. So in large respects, this bill seems a little irrelevant, if you ask me. And at the end of the day, wages are, and should be, dictated by supply and demand. You will get paid what you deserve. That's what's going on where I live in Ohio. Our wages are up 25% over the last 5 years. To gain - and retain - employees, we have to pay more. And we do. And that's just basic economics at work. No tinkering by legislators needed.


If they say you can live on less there salary should be minimum wage and see how they do. They should not make more then the people they represent


Give them the $15 and jack the prices of every go up even more. So that $15 will be as helpful as $8 Careful what you ask for.


The GOP HATE you. They want to keep you poor. They want to keep giving corporations bailouts all while fucking over the working class. Vote the GOP out of power. Fuck the GOP.


OHIO! Now is your time. Rise up & vote in all your local elections.


> “They don’t want to see the tip wage eliminated. It’s so critical to their business,” said John Barker, the president and CEO, said. *shocked Pikachu face* here, let me translate this for me "They don't want to have to actually pay their employees, essentially slave labor paid for by the charity of my patrons is critical to our business", said the greedy capitalist that thinks his profits are more important than Tina being able to feed her fucking child.


This is why the kids slang for anything bad is “Ohio”


Vote the bastards out!


Reddit hive in full swing in this thread


At this point, the GOP could be advocating for throwing children into active volcanoes and I'd just accept it.


It’s funny they do this and then also shit like idk …one of the biggest bribery schemes in the nation up-charging the hell out of utilities


> ‘Well if you get rid of the tipped wage, even if you do it slowly, people won’t be inclined to tip,' California has had the same wage for tipped/non for the past 40 years? We're leading the way with normalizing 20%+ tips for handing you a bag. Oh and when the US raised min wage to $7.25, california raised it to $7.50. It's now $16, unless you are fast food, then it's $20, or medical related (office workers included) at $25. We do have variable minimum wages and none related to tipping.


$15 isn't even enough. I started my first job in Vegas as a mental health technician for $20 an hour, and THAT was nowhere near enough. Minimum livable wage needs to be like $35 an hour


Why do these low income hillbilly’s keep voting for the party that supports only the rich? Propaganda is so powerful in 2024. It’s leagues beyond the propaganda they had in the 30’s and 40’s.


Ohio: Minimum wage - NO, Disgraced antivax doctor that spread lies during Covid - YES


Help me beat Bathroom Bill Bird in Clermont County! I live in a deeply red county and am determined to beat him! Please contribute if you can! If you can’t please share with your friends and neighbors! 💙💙💙 www.votefortraceym.com


Unpopular Opinion: Honestly, good. Raising it to $15 an hour for everyone will increase prices for all businesses. That means either they have to lay off people because price demands are too high, or, in proven cases with fast food companies like McDonalds, they will just increase prises on the consumer. Then, we will again raise the minimum wage again. Some family businesses may not have the funds to operate anymore, handing over the reins to monopolies who can afford this. The answer is not to complain to the federal government (about this). Sure, some businesses do NOT pay correctly, and employees SHOULD fight back. Against them, not at the government. We should be looking at our government's SPENDING policies. Why are we funding, spending $200 million Presidio Park, a park in San Francisco, when this money could be used to help Americans? https://posey.house.gov/wasteful-spending/ https://www.c-span.org/video/?529485-3/adam-andrzejewski-wasteful-government-spending-programs The government could increase taxes on certain things to stop money circulation and force businesses to lower their prices from absurd amounts. Central banks can be stricter on giving out loans or increasing their interest to deter hapazard loaners. The government could introduce actually useful policies in production or help people get work, so that we have more quantites and qualities to justify these price hikes. I just don't think $15 minimum wage will solve anything. Unless it is being introduced with other fiscal policies or something to stop businesses from charging so much (and exploiting consumers like in the medical field), it's just going to drive prices higher and sink people in need. A few dollars worth to you costs thousands, millions, or billions of dollars annually to other businesses.