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Him crying after the Purdue game and falling to his knees after Dales shot at MSU showed how much he loves this program. Slam dunk


I agree, he seems like a guy who is going to give 100% max effort to this job.


Took on a dumpster fire and got those guys playing well for the last 8 games. I am excited to see what they can do next year with a full season.


Agreed. If our young core stays, I think we can be really good. If we make the tournament next year, that’s a successful first season.


Program guy, OHIO GUY. Plus he’s gonna keep his hold on recruiting.


I think he deserves a chance.


Really liked his energy and rotations just hope he can recruit


He was the lead recruiter for Darius garland at Vanderbilt and the last two top 10 classes OSU had


the same classes everyone crapped on Holtmann for?


What? They were good classes. He got fired for not getting anything out of them


maybe, maybe not but a lot of people said they were overrated, not really that good, blah blah blah


And zero McDonald’s all Americans. Brought in some nice players but nobody who can make them truly nationally competitive


Let’s start with making the tourney and a run here and there first


Just looking at his bio, I'm not worried. Seems like he was the main guy to get Darius Garland to Vandy when he was an assistant there. I think recruiting will be fine.


He's been our best recruiter. Biggest question mark is really the overall team management over the course of seasons


Absolutely agree


He recruited every player currently on the team.


Same age as Thad when Thad took over


Wow - did not realize this. I miss Thad 😔. Excited for this new chapter though.


But Thad also experience running a program. I don't think the age makes any difference


Holy shit that’s crazy. He looks so much younger.


He did too good of job not to give him a shot. I think this is doing right by one of our own. And we’d be kicking ourselves if he went elsewhere and did well. I’m fine with it.


Works out nicely to underpay a brand new coach, since Ohio State is stuck paying Holtmann for a few more years.


That’s what I was thinking. Cheap hire. Probably cheap buyout too. Give him 3 years and see what he can do. Seems like a cheap experiment.


This is what I was thinking give him 3 years if he does well first two give him an extension.


Are we? All contracts have offset language in them these days.


Supposedly only saves them a few million with him getting DePaul job




Ayy just a few hours ago I said I'd be happy with this and I am still happy with this hope it works out he earned a shot


That's a feel good story. I hope he's blessed with decades on the bench here.


This is the right choice


My dad still hasn’t figured out he’s not the diebler he thinks he is.


😂 well maybe he can bring his brother back to Columbus!


I like it, but I hope it's a prove it kind of contract not a long term, just incase.


Really hard to recruit on a prove it deal. Just give him the bag and eat the buyout if need be


Don't think you need to give him the bag for a first time head coach thats not a big mame. But definitely right on the recruiting aspect.


It’s not our money


He’ll be the lowest paid in the conference


Long term deal (at least 4 years) with incentives and a low buyout. 


The right move, welcome aboard coach……wish I could have said that a couple of years ago.


I'm not gonna say I'm excited because there's some attractive coaches on the market, but he did a nice job with this team. The players seem to like him and his in game coaching was far better than Holtmann's. Hope it works out. Jon is an assistant coach and recruiting director for Matta at Butler, wonder if he poaches his brother for his new staff.


Why would Jon want to learn under his brother instead of Thad? Thad has forgotten more about basketball than Jake knows. Jon is in the perfect spot.


What other coaches did you like? Several of the names got extensions and with the UM job open we'd be at least second on the list of attractive major jobs. If Dusty goes to UM where would we look. I like the hire, but think part of it was to settle the situation and not draw it out and be turned down in 3 weeks by a bigger name.


Now go get some size


Well, OSU actually has a very strong returning team with only Battle being the sole key loss. Diebler will have the opportunity to feed off the the nice run he oversaw at the end of this season and whatever this team can accomplish in the NIT. It’s a big job and an even bigger opportunity for his first head coaching job. Let’s hope for the best!!


![gif](giphy|l0MYATH9ZumUHCBXy) I can’t love this news enough!


I am incredibly excited about this hire. It’s obviously a huge risk, but the upside is enormous and he has already proven to be a great in-game coach. Also, I am hopeful that he will be able to bring Oden and Diebler over from Butler as assistants. They both seem like future head coaches and have worked closely together in the past.


I wish I shared that enthusiasm. They went really cheap and it sounds like there’s no real NIL money which concerned big names. And you’re also competing with Michigan who may get Miller or Cronin - proven coaches who you have to recruit against


Smartest move possible-occasionally it really is a HC issue and not a team/roster issue. Good luck Coach Diebler!


He interviewed for this job 8 times. And aced almost every one!!!


Right hire. Good guy. Good coach. Long live Jake Diebler!


As long as it's a low-buyout type contract that we can get out of if he's not good I'm fine with it, let's see if he can build a program and do all the other aspects of coaching beyond gameday. If he's good we can up his contract at that point, and would be a home-run given his age. And it keeps the team together


Why do you sound like it’s your money lol


We have deep pockets, but if he has a disastrous first couple years and we need to let him go, we can’t just eat 10+ million bucks


There’s no way he will be paid enough to coach for a couple years and still have a $10+ million buyout


Because it’s gonna be a low buyout type contract


By default, yes. As a first time head coach he won’t be making enough or have a long enough contract for a high buyout to even be a concern


Not final yet, is it?




“expected to name” him as head coach… so yeah, not final. But admittedly close to it.


At least we know he’s better than Holtamm


skeptical but of course I hope he proves me wrong


Lol what was the search firm doing ?


Billable hours remain undefeated


Hoping this works out. I have my concerns and I hope I am proven very wrong. My biggest thought: why didn't other big name coaches want this job?


You’re assuming they didn’t. I think between the fan base and NIL sponsors, there was big pressure to keep him.


You are right that it is an assumption. However in this day of age, we would have heard of SOMEONE who was interested other than a guy from a small school in Florida. I can see why Sean Miller was entertained but crossed off the list due to some things in the past. But what other big names were there? None really.


What big name coaches are available? The good ones have jobs.


Our arena sucks. Our team is second to the football team. Maybe the bigger names wanted too much money. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right. Things that need corrected in some way. Florida had success. TTUN w Bielin. OSU w Matta had success. All had the same challenge. Something is different now. Maybe just NIL pockets, maybe more. But needs fixed.


No. No, not the same challenge at all. Transfer portal + NIL makes NCAA college basketball an entirely different sport. It's what screwed up Holtmann. It's extremely hard to build a culture and team when you don't have guys like William Buford, David Lighty, and Aaron Craft sticking around.


Because they already have big time jobs. Ohio State hoops isn’t Ohio State football. It’s like asking why Ryan Day isn’t interested in becoming HC at Kentucky.


Doesnt mean you have to go take from a Blue Blood like Duke or Kansas. There are other options but didnt necessarily get traction or we didnt hear it. Agree it isnt a big time job like football, 100%


Sometimes the solution is in front of your face if an assistant steps up. People act like an in season audition isn’t a valuable evaluation tool, they just want to whine that a name isn’t big enough b/c “”We’re Ohio State”.


You may be right. You should also be able to pretty much pick who you want with the checkbook at OSU. Doesnt mean it is the right pick, but you should have the options. Time will tell for sure.


I agree that if it is ONLY a $$$ issue, Ohio State can take a back seat to no one. That said, a coach at big time school-like Scott Drew at Baylor or Dan Hurley at UConn-isn’t going to upset his whole set up for a few million more-these guys want to maintain a great program they built, not parachute into a fire.


I agree with you 100% about UConn/Duke/Kansas/UNC/etc Should be able to push the guy at Baylor, Tenn, Auburn, etc at least really think about it.


I hope for the best. I think it’s extremely premature. Guy has literally never been a head coach at any level and we don’t know if he can recruit. Like I said, I know he’s passionate and hope for the best but I’m still weary.


He's a proven recruiter.


Who are the guys he recruited? There’s no one on this team that was an impressive get


I hope for the best. But recruiting as an assistant and running a basketball program are two different beasts. Even the most hopeful fan can admit this is a huge gamble.


This seems awfully knee jerk, a mistake lesser true baby programs often make (think Bill Stewart and WVU)


Like Duke?


Had blessing of coach K, played at renowned program, and would have been hired by high major. Diebs couldn’t get job at mid major alma mater


3 years from now i think we regret this emotional hire. Hope im wrong as he’s shown he can make some in game adjustments but there is a ton more to coaching and building this program back up


We can think about that in 3 years and make a decision then, but Diebler deserves a shot and the college game is so different than it used to be.


This move is getting roasted. Hope they’re all wrong but this seems awfully knee jerk


Roasted by who? I’m seeing like 95% positive comments across social media.


Going to guess someone in the maize and blue team’s sub said mean things about it and bragged about having a clear shot at Dusty May, the flavor of the month.


Everyone outside of the eleven warriors bubble.


Haven’t checked eleven warriors yet. Everything I see is 95% or more positive comments. Do you have a link or cite?


I mean what do you honestly think the reaction would be after a team hires an inexperienced head coach with zero tournament success and a three week run in which you had one nice win


So that’s a no, you don’t have anything to support your earlier remarks. Got it ✅.


I'm not super happy with it, but I guess we'll see. We should've been able to pull a bigger more proven coach. It's one thing to coach as an interim with zero pressure and only one focusb(game planning) than it is to run an entire program with a lot of moving pieces.


Perfect guy. Until he’s not and the entire fan base turns in him in 2 years for not winning the big 10 title soon enough.