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No offense but all I care about with Chip Kelly is the X’s and O’s. He’s our OC, and X’s and O’s are all that matter anyway. We have guys to recruit offensively, I don’t care how he interacts with the media, and how past players view him now is kind of irrelevant. As far as the vibe goes… I think everyone here is excited to have two of the most creative offensive minds this century (Day and Kelly) be on our team. If it works out even to just 80% of what most expect, it will be an electric season to watch.


100%, HC and OC are 2 totally different jobs.


If all you care about are Xs and Os don't you literally mean offense? /S


James why are you really here?


Quotables for clicks


lol I’m not writing about Chip Kelly for any articles anytime soon. Just here to have conversation. I’m new to Reddit and have mostly just been on Twitter.


Think you’ll find cfb Reddit a much more pleasant experience, unless you truly enjoy the toxic cesspool that is Twitter cfb community can devolve into.


Hoping that is the case. Always heard about the CFB community on Reddit but never really jumped in. I decided to this week. It’s been good so far. Curious to see how things go during the season.




Whether or not Chip's hiring to run Day's offense (as Chip insisted he would) results in improved offense remains to be seen, but in terms of what each man needed I think it was a match made in heaven. Day *loved* offensive gameplanning, QB development, and playcalling: those were his bread and butter coming up professionally, and it was his comfort zone. But being the head coach of a major college football brand, especially in the NIL era, produces too many timesucks (recruiting, portal management, NIL schmoozing) for Day to be able to manage all those things effectively, so the quality of the offense and the QBs slipped in a very noticeable way. Chip Kelly entering the fold at Ohio State gives Day a person he knows he can trust completely with the keys to his offense and the development of his QBs, having played and coached under Kelly for years and knowing how the man ticks. For his part, I didn't keep a sharp eye on the goings-on at UCLA, but what I've gathered from what I have heard is that Kelly really didn't like those "CEO" duties and timesucks. He just wanted to gameplan. So, it's a symbiotic relationship: Kelly gets to enjoy what he enjoys most about the game, free from the administrative minutiae that goes into today's sport, Day gets a guy he knows he can trust to run his offense for the future, freeing him up to do other things that are needed. Bonus upon bonus, maybe the addition of Kelly will get a little more out of Justin Frye and his unit, seeing as how Frye worked under Kelly for a few years and produced some pretty good results. tl;dr - Day needed someone he could trust to run the offense. Kelly needed a place where all he'd need to do is run the offense. The hire, in terms of the personalities involved, is fantastic IMO.


He's no Jim Bollman


I would say at a place like OSU for what Chip Kelly is here for people are going to care more about the X’s and O’s. He is here to call plays, help rebuild and retool our run game. Idc how he is to the media. I have heard some of his responses about college football and where it’s going…I don’t think some of his ideas are bad. Recruiting wise I know he can spot talent and he might just be called in for a couple of recruits a cycle. He said it himself….he wants to get back to coaching, not dealing with NIL, boosters, recruiting a roster. What he enjoys is truly coaching. As far as past players, unless it’s a constant stream of players saying they hate the guy or something then I tend not to put a lot of stock in that. A coach can learn and grow over time. Coaches will surely make some mistakes and frankly not everyone is going to be everyone’s cup of tea. He isn’t here as a personality hire. He is here to help elevate a team. If his sole reason is to just call plays and fix our run game, and it were possible that he never talk to the media or a recruit and our offense ranked top 5 overall and top 10 in run this year, I would sign up for that 10/10. Anything else is extra in my eyes.


Maybe it’s secretly Connor Stallions twin brother from LA




I saw Chip at the airport, and was behind him in the TSA precheck line (It was March 8th, 2024 at 1:45pm in the CMH concourse B if you need to fact check with Chip). Not a single person besides me knew it was him, and I had to double check with my Philly friend that was with me to see if it was him. I would say it’s going pretty well because there is no drama with him, and not a single person (that I could tell) recognized him at the airport.


You just want to flex that pre check, I see you


![gif](giphy|l0HU8V1CHKTUFtuFO|downsized) Not going to lie, it’s pretty nice to have.


Hahaha interesting. I wouldn’t expect there to be much drama (especially if he’s not doing many media interviews). If it was up to him, he doesn’t mind being lowkey.




For? 😂


You’re really coming to Reddit for quotes? Modern journalism I guess


I think reporters should be using reddit to get quotes. Modern journalism needs to utilize modern forms of communication. Walking neighborhoods and knocking doors isn't the way


Why not?


Reddit does not reflect the opinions of society at large, so I’ll disagree.


It reflects some of the opinions of society. And it's condensed into topics pretty nicely. Nobody is saying that reddit is the undisputed gospel of society, just that it's a good place to find people willing to talk about a specific topic.


Yeah it could be used for that but I’m not looking for quotes, just looking to have conversation and share what I know about Chip after being around him the last five years. I’m new to Reddit.


lol I’m not writing about Chip Kelly for any articles anytime soon. Just here to have conversation. I’m new to Reddit and have mostly just been on Twitter.


Hello James H Williams. You can quote u/eigervector as cautiously optimistic. What’s the vibe on the West Coast after the PAC implosion? I’d imagine it’s difficult to see and report on?


I’m not here to report on anything about Chip for an article. Just here to share what I know.


How are the UCLA fans and students taking the recent realignment?


The realignment to the big ten? Remains to be seen fully but I think there’s some excitement at the possibilities. There’s definitely a chance to fill the rose bowl back up again with help from opposing teams. Also, having to bring on a new head coach kinda put a lot of the recent attention on that (something I don’t think they fully would’ve wanted to happen while going through the conference changes at the same time.)


As an OC, who only has to coach offense and not handle HC media duties, not be heavy on the road recruiting, and not getting grumpy from contractural speaking engagements….its a home run hire.


It’s come full circle. Urban was enamored with Chip’s offense which is why he hired Ryan Day. Now Chip is here and there’s nobody Ryan Day trusts more to hand the offensive reins over to. Chip is Ryan’s Mr. Miyagi. The vibe is Chip is an offensive genius who is going to bring the run game back to life. He’s not here to run a program or recruit. Day excels at that and Chip is here to do what he does best and that’s figure out how to score a shit ton of points.


He will definitely have the offense running the ball and scoring points. Interesting point about the stuff with Urban and Day. I never thought about that but definitely sounds about right.


We are all excited to see how CK can fix our O line woes.


Yeah O-line seems to be a concern for some OSU fans this year. Chip has done pretty well with offensive line during his time at ucla. I’d have to think the talent at OSU will be better than most of what he had in LA and has enough within his offensive scheme to hide any flaws that may occur for the front line.


If we can run short yardage when needed, and have time for our QB win win. Add that to running our QB (finally) we are going to be a hard out.


I’m excited. We have the best coaching staff in all of college football by a mile. Especially with the addition of Chip and Laurinaitis this offseason. I fully trust every decision that Day makes with the team.


Kelly wanted to be an OC w/ out the headaches of being a HC/face of the program. Day wants to be a HC w/out the playcalling responsibilities/OC stuff. Given that Day played QB for Chip at UNH 25 years ago, it’s kind of a perfect fit. Day is good at team culture/mental health kinds of things, Kelly-not so much ( and I do NOT mean that as a criticism of Kelly as a person). Their roles on the team complement each other very well.


Chip Kelly has had some pretty talented teams in the past and never won a title... my concern is whether his schema is built for titles or more vanity metrics.


Jim, I’ve always had the general feeling that chips offenses were great at spreading out and taking advantage of teams he had a giants speed advantage over. A lamb killer if you will. But when he played someone with equal talent and speed on defense he struggled. Is there anything to that assumption based on your covering him at ucla?


Nice try Fed.


Fed is crazy :/


As a long time fan I am cautiously optimistic. He’s a big name with some creative, innovative chops with a ton of offensive talent on this team that anything should be possible this season. That said we’ve had some big name coaches as coordinators that were awful. Insert Greg schiano. Better head coach than coordinator. Nevertheless I’m excited for season to start.


Based on what I’ve heard about and seen from Chip, he’s an ok head coach but doesn’t check all the boxes. If he’s locked in a room with a whiteboard, I think he will be in good shape as offensive coordinator. I think there’s some passion reignited in him and he’s coaching with his buddies, so he’s gonna be in a good place to start the season.


Maybe you can share your thoughts on why Frye seems to be a shitty recruiter and his development expertise (or lack thereof) as UCLAs OL coach?


Damn why is everyone so antagonistic for no real reason?


What he's done in the past as a HC is irrelevant. We didn't hire him to be our HC and he is an excellent offensive mind (and he's admitted that he was burned out at UCLA in recent years so their decline doesn't surprise me). I fully expect the offense to improve under him as opposed to Day calling plays himself. The question marks are at offensive line and QB right now.


I think Chip joining the staff is exactly what Ryan and Chip needed. As a fan, I feel great about it.


I think everyone here has to be excited to have him in charge of all this talent. The numbers his teams put up at Oregon speak for themselves and it seems like the players and fans have very quickly taken to him! I think he is exactly what Day needed to take the final step to get a National Championship. I like Day as a coach but was not a fan of his play calling. Having Kelly calling the plays makes this a whole different offense that will use way more sets and mix things up to keep defenses guessing. No one wants to see a jet sweep to the short side of the field on 4th and 1! I think it was the best hire we've had here for a long time


Seems like a great fit. Day trusts him. Chip seems happy. Can’t wait for the season.


Can’t speak for the other fans but I’m quite nervous. The narrative within and outside the program for the past few years has been about how soft the buckeyes have become. While I really want to be excited about Chip, I don’t associate him or his teams with toughness. Keeping an open mind and trying to be glass half full but since we haven’t really seen anything from him yet that would be vibe I’ve come across most often. I think the more casual fans are very excited because he is a recognizable name.


UCLA’s run game was absolutely road grading the past couple of years. If that isn’t “tough” I don’t what is. I suspect “tough” is a stand in for “I’m the type of fan who has an absolute conniption fit if my team doesn’t pick up a first running on 3rd and 2 every time”-which Kelly is actually kind of good at as an OC/HC.


Your comment is a perfect example of why most teams hate the OSU fan base. First of all I responded to the question he asked, not sure why you felt the need to throw a lil’ fit in response lol. UCLA was most certainly not “road grading” the past couple of years 😂 They are a run first team and they run the QB a lot. When QBs run, they tend to get a lot more yards than a RB, skewing the team avgs. They scored 10 or fewer points 4 times last year - in the fucking PAC 10! 🤡 Anyone with a basic understanding of the game would laugh at that


Imagine going to Reddit for quotes for an article. This subreddit is pathetically inactive when compared to some other sources for actual Ohio State football discussion. Do better as a professional.


daddy chill


lol I’m not writing about Chip Kelly for any articles anytime soon. Just here to have conversation. I’m new to Reddit and have mostly just been on Twitter.


I think the owners of other forums-11W, whatever the hell Rivals has going on-might get a bit salty with a reporter openly seeking Buckeye opinions.


I can only speak for myself. I’ve followed Chip since he was coaching at Oregon. I’ve never liked him. He was a cheater at UO. I think he’s always been kind of sleazy. He’s an offensive guy, defensive not so much. This OSU team needs defense, not another offensive mind. I don’t like the hire. I can’t start liking Chip Kelly just because he’s now dressing in my team’s colors. And I don’t think it’s going to lead to success. I feel like I can see where Day’s tenure is heading and it’s looking a lot like John Cooper 2.0. If he loses to Michigan again this year, he needs to go. I don’t think Chip F-ing Kelly is the piece that’s been missing.


>This OSU team needs defense, not another offensive mind Found the troll


So our defense was top 3 last year but that was the issue?


yes, we need our offensive coordinator to be more focused on the defense. great take


lol what a weird take. You’re upset that the offensive coordinator is “an offensive guy, defensive guy not so much”?