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If some random guy on twitter says so…


Pistons fans are famously more hostile than Man U or LSU. Lol Malice in the Palace is still doing a lot of lifting I guess...


BGB is also historically a moron


This feels like he just typed the question into chatgpt and this is the list he got. 


Ain’t nothin hostile about the U anymore unless their 10 fans are beating themselves up.


I’ve been to a ton of browns and buckeyes games. I can tell this guy hasn’t if he has the browns behind the bucks. Are the raiders still the same fans now that they moved cities? Seems unlikely to me. I would have thought Philly was number 1.


The fact that they put the Browns so far ahead of the Steelers says a lot. Pittsburgh fans are insufferable and as it's been mentioned before, Cleveland fans aren't that bad


Unless you're not one. A lot of Browns fans come off as holier than thou assholes even though they haven't won a thing in 60 years. Not nearly all of them, but too many considering how crappy the team has been most of the time. If you don't believe me, just wait until they aren't shown on Columbus TV some Sunday.


Yeah, I mean definitely would’ve been more accurate 20 years ago. I would say at this point Ohio State isn’t even the 4th most hostile fanbase in Ohio.


Limiting this to Ohio would be an interesting exercise. You almost have to include Steeler fans given all the bandwagoners in Ohio. I love the Buckeyes but a lot of our fan base does get way too hostile at times.


Would say for pure hostility I would say 5. Ohio State Buckeyes 4. Columbus Blue Jackets 3. Cincinnati Bengals 2. Cleveland Browns 1. Steelers/Penguins fans.


Good call except I would move OSU ahead of the Bengals and Jackets.


Bengal fans are hostile as fuck.


When I think of the Browns/Buckeyes, 'hostile' fans is not in the top 5 things I would associate them with. Especially the Buckeyes. The Browns are far more known for being the drunken lovable loser than they are hostile, similar to Bills fans. You cant have Browns at #5 and have the Bills unranked considering they are cut from the same cloth.


Im a browns/buckeyes fan, and I've been to browns games with people who were in opposition and they were always treated so kindly and even welcomed in the tailgate. I've also been the target of steelers fans, Philly fans, Falcons fans, and Giants fans, and I can't say the same. Jags and Panthers fans were super kind though...and no, im not antagonistic as a human being.


As a Dallas fan, I agree with Philly being the most obnoxious...


As an eagles fan, I also agree. We wear that shit like a badge of honor and I don’t like how we’re ranked number 3.


Yeah, the Browns being on here is wild. I’m a NYG fan and several years ago I went to a Browns v. Giants game in Cleveland. Everybody was super friendly and tailgaters were offering me food and beers even though I was decked out in Giants gear.


Detroit Pistons at #6 Is this list from 1988? The Bad Boys are in their 60’s now


Hostile fanbase, not hostile teams. I think the fact they are in Detroit bumps them up a few notches.


The Red Wings def have the most hostile fan base in Detroit from my experience


I'm an Avalanche fan and remember going there in the late 90s wearing my Patrick Roy jersey. I was 12 and heard some wild shit yelled at me.


I’m a Buckeye fan, a 49ers fan and a Guardians fan. Whoever made this list has been drinking Drain-O.


I’ll say the alleged hostility of Browns fans is way overrated, unless you are a Steelers fan. I’ve gone to Cleveland games as a Bengals fan multiple times-Andy Dalton era mostly-and had nothing but positive interactions on the train and at the stadium. I do think the frustrations of the Browns fanbase contributes to the bad perception Buckeye fans have-Browns fans transfer their loyalties and anxieties onto the Buckeyes-and toxicity ensues.


As a Bengals fan in central Ohio, I revel in Browns/Cleveland sports misery even more than Steeler failure purely because of Browns fans. They are way too arrogant considering how terrible the franchise has been over the decades.


Joe Burrow is going to totally flip the instate fanbase for decades, every Central Ohio kid coming up loves Joey B. Fwiw, I have no idea how the Bengals got on that list-before we got Burrow, Browns/Steelers fans would take over their teams games at Paycor or Riverfront!


I hope you're right but I doubt it. If it happens, we won't really feel it for a while. Columbus becoming a Bengals town is farfetched but it would be glorious.


Anything from big game boomer is trash


Ohio going hard in the paint.


Big Game Boomer is a joke


I hate random sports lists that have no criteria… it’s literally just some guys opinion.


I agree, I just thought it was funny.


Lmao. In all of sports? There is not one professional soccer team on this list. There are 50 clubs in England more hostile than every team on this list. Big game boomer missed the mark by a lot.


There are clubs in Turkey that look incredibly scary to me as an outside observer. There was a team in South America that killed a ref, cut off his head, and put it on a pike in the middle of the pitch.   And somehow Maryland made the list. Lol!


Manchester United is on the list, they are the only soccer club that I noticed.


Okay, but only 1 is incredibly low.


Yes there is, Mann United is at 8, though I agree there definitely should be more


There's no way we are more hostile than Penn State fans.


I think we should start a war over this list.


Big game boomer has been known to hate us. Nothing to see here


We need to be number 1 on this list when the game comes this November. The shoe should be deafeningly loud during defense! (Except be nice to their band. They are nice folks)


List is trash after not putting scUM on it.


Lol I'm #3 and #4...love it!


Same haha


UMiami had a fanbase? More like a meme-base. Nobody actually gives a shite about them except the media


lol at Utah and Maryland on this list


Ya the Mormons kind of shocked me being on the list.


Have you ever been to a game in College Park? This is absolutely deserved.


"All of sport" Man U supporters are too miserable, sad and exhausted to out-hostile other fans. England (and us, for that matter) as a whole pales in comparison to fan hostility pretty much anywhere else in the world. They'll certainly yell shit, but they aren't throwing molotovs or attempting ransoms/assassinations/starting literal wars.


Maryland 🤔


I live there. Trust me, they deserve it.


Top 5 top 5 top 5


They’re not wrong our fans are horrible


Does that include hostility to their own team?


Saw this meme on another sub and these don’t pale in comparison with Argentina soccer fans


The fact that the Mariners are on this list is hilarious…they probably have the nicest fans in sports.


Yeah, I used to live in Tacoma and the few Mariners fans I met were pretty chill. Seattle is definitely a football town.


I mean, I get Oakland and Philly, but Tennessee being two is a shocker. Us being 4 is surprising. Never seen anyone have an issue at the Shoe. Almost got punched when I went to the Michigan game in 2017


Tennessee fans a fucking awful bro.


Based on what? I've been to enough Buckeye games to know it that our fanbase isnt in the same universe as Raiders and Philly fans. Give me a break. Just because we have a LOT of fans, doesnt mean were hostile.


There is no way Ohio State is 4th and the Dallas Cowboys are 39. Zero chance.


Oh I guess the fans of TTUN fart rainbows


Big game boomer is a loser who hates on OSU for impressions


This is just a dude posting bad takes to get the interaction on Twitter


The fact that Celtics didn't make the list is why this whole thing is irrelevant.


Browns and buckeyes my 2 favorite teams are in top 10 we both have big fan bases


# AGILE! HOSTILE! MOBILE! ![gif](giphy|uyWQZLPe8jVYI)


This stuff is always so random. It’s some random persons personal experiences that decide this stuff. Like when PA would always say Ohio drivers were voted the worst in the U.S. humorously biased


Browns fans are only hostile toward the Browns.


celtics and knicks didn't make it?


Love that the entire AFC North is on the list.


Yeah listed by Big Game Boomer.


Philly is number one to me from experience but we’re easily the most hostile in CFB. I’m in the south and it’s true, Ohio state fans are insufferable here and usually not realistic at all. I try to be realistic but I’m a homer through and through as well so I get it lol


Why do people listen to Big Game Boomer?


“All of sport “ shows one non American team.  Tell me you are 70 IQ without telling me


I’m an eagles fan and I feel offended we aren’t number 1. No way raiders are worse than us.


Solid #4 ranking fellas.


2 of my teams in the top 5 LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!!!


4 and 5 for me. Not bad.


Well I suppose at least my hockey team isn't on that list.