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I personally enjoy using the Wii and switch ports to use the motion controls for the brush parts


Been putting off playing on my switch because I totally forgot that it has detachable remotes I can use to paint with 🤡


What’s better is you can use the touch screen from the switch and just actually draw it in handheld


I forget all the time but the joycons are kind of cheap crap so I get it. The pro controller is usually the way to use the switch but it is cool for okami to just detach them and use the joycons


Wii all the way for me <3 Oh I bought a oled and never tried okami there only on my lite lol


*flashes back to trying to draw cherry bombs* 😱 !!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO- 😖 PC. OP should get it on steam. I dunno what experience you had, but I, personally, am glad the era of motion controls has ended. WAY too finicky. Edit: Switch is probably fine, though.


I have a bad memory with the wii because I had a shitty censor bar 😭😭


The Switch also makes good use of the touchscreen for brushwork.


The [DF analysis](https://youtu.be/_L54LbYdzlU?si=ek_hGZbg8YiRgRH9) has a lot of detail, so I’d recommend watching that. In my opinion, the Switch is probably the best way to play Okami HD, and here’s why - being able to play handheld and docked is obviously a huge plus, and playing at native 1080p 30fps docked and native 720p 30fps handheld is the best you’ll be able to get out of the Switch. The switch has the same settings and frame rate as every other home console (and PC), so the only downside is missing out on support for higher resolutions. However, imo Okami isn’t a game that really benefits significantly from a very high resolution, so I believe this downside is extremely negligible. On top of the fact that the performance is close to perfect, the Switch supports motion control mechanics introduced in the Wii version, which is always a plus. [You can find the game on sale for $10 quite frequently on the Switch](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/okami-hd).


You can also use the touch screen if I'm not mistaken


I absolutely love it on the Switch because I can draw directly on the screen in handheld mode. Perfect for the more complex drawings like bombs.


Switch remaster is the best. It has the easiest controls (making the drawing SO much easier, there's a lot...) and there is something special about playing it haldheld and docked.


I only played it on the Switch but I think it’s the best console to play it on. HD rumble on Ammy’s steps immerses you in the game, and the motion controls are actually usable for the brush controls. You can draw one after the other immediately and intuitively. If you go handheld you can also draw using the touchscreen.


I can't lie the Switch is ***phenomenal*** in terms of the way you can seemingly integrate touch controls for brush powers I don't know if this makes sense, but I think that the Switch port and controls are the ways the game is meant to *feel* I still have no qualms playing it on Playstation, but I have to say that I really enjoyed my playthrough on the Switch just because there were so many controller options (Also, I had to have an OLED experience with the game and that was awesome)


Play it on Switch, the HD rumble for the footsteps feels so nice!


I like using the switch cuz of the touchscreen for when your using the brush, makes drawing wayyy easier.


I played on switch and enjoyed it! I know I should have detached for motion controls but I'm lazy and played most of it lying down handheld. definitely redrew a lot of stuff but I believe it's a lot more accurate w detached controls. the graphics on the switch are beautiful!


Having played Okami on the PS2, PS3, Wii, Switch, and PC I personally think that the Switch port is the best. It gives you the option to play with a traditional controller, motion controls, or even touch screen! It was a smooth gameplay experience, and it has all the perks of the HD remake.


Steam Deck


Okay so pure comfort and feeling I'd say PS5 or XBOX but when it comes to the Brush mechanic its PC since its more accurate and faster drawing it really depends on your preference I'd say there is no definitive Answer but Ive always played it on console so I can't vouch for PCs performance etc.


The pc controls are kinda weird I’ve not played it myself much but had a little go on my bfs pc and ye it was something


I have the game on PS2, PS3 and PC. I prefer the PC version because I can switch between using mouse or controller whenever I wish. The transition is seamless and immediate.




Switch with joycon / touchscreen or PC with Wacom tablet for drawing.


PC... Especially a handheld PC!


I enjoyed ps4/5 a lot personally


I LOVE the switch it’s sooo smooth on it!!


It looks absolutely gorgeous on the Switch OLED screen if you have that


I have played on the Wii and the Switch. I played the Wii first (twice), and recently the Switch (once). I preferred the Wii, but I feel combat was easier on the Switch. Honestly though combat isn’t very difficult in the game, so I think the more challenging version on the Wii isn’t bad. I just like throwing my arms around when during combat, it makes me feel like I’m actually fighting haha. Though using the scroll is very very cool on the switch.


While I never drew on the screen itself with the switch port, the drawing on the switch seemed easier and more fluid than drawing with the pc port. The motion control options may or may not suit you, but they are easy to turn on and back off again mid game - just keep in mind that the "global" options you can set in the main menu before you open a save file affect mainly NEW save files, you need to change settings after you open a save file if you want to affect that save file. I know the switch has a reputation for being underpowered etc etc and bad for ports - but this is a ps2 game. The switch port is, if anything, LESS likely to stutter or crash than the ps2 (thanks, scratched disks!). The built in switch ability to go to the home screen and sleep the console even mid-cutscene makes the switch a clear upgrade over the OG ps2.


I just got it on Switch and PC and I like the switch a lot better. For old systems I like the Wii better than the Playstation. I did find on Wii the drawing was really hard. On Switch it's not as hard but I still have issues with bombs.


I loved my ps4 playthrough


Ive decided im down between the switch port, and the pc port, just cus its on sale right now, is there any big difference between the 2 versions, gameplay wise?


Just your control options. Depends if you want to try the motion controls/touch screen, or maybe mouse and keyboard. But no, essentially no differences otherwise. They were all developed together.


Ohhh okay, Thank you!


I love playing it on my switch (light(


One minor downside of Okami on PS4 that really disappointed me was, it was the same trophy list as the PS3 release, meaning you couldn't earn them a second time! But, its totally fine, and handles the aesthetic more accurately than the PS3. 4K really isn't too noticeable for it, even on PC. I'm not into the motion controls, I think dual stick is way more efficient. But naturally, the Switch gives you all of these options in case you want to try them, and runs without a hitch, so it's definitely the perfect platform for it. Regular controls, motion, or even the touch screen! (Also, the game regular goes on sale for sometimes as low as 10 dollars. Potentially no harm in double dipping in the future.)


Im curious, how does the brush mechanic work in ps4, do you use the little sensor on the controller or is something else?


No, just the right stick. No motion control support as far as I'm aware. The PS3 had PS Move support.


I like playing on OLED Switch and PS5!


Just completed Okami on the Switch. I've previously completed the game on Wii and PS2. I personally prefer playing Okami on the Switch now because of how easy it is to draw on the screen with my finger. The Wii is a close second because of how fun it was to use the Wii remotes during the fights. Playing on the PS2 was the most difficult for me as I struggled to draw anything fast enough in the battle with Ninetails with the joysticks. I haven't collected all the fancy beads tho because I struggle with the race with Kai.