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The composition on this photo is impeccable. Great work


Here's my high school photography class analysis: Elizabeth is looking forwards as usual, putting on her well practised smile and classically stoically positive attitude. She knows too much to bother looking back, both literally and figuratively, and continues with her God-given duty regardless of any family foibles and difficulties. Charles looks back, both in time and away from Diana, considering past decisions amidst relationship troubles and difficult public relations, thinking about where he is looking and what he could've done differently for a better outcome for himself. Diana knowingly looks up, which is neither forward nor backward. It is simply where she is this very instant, which is all she can control. She isn't ignorant; she recognises and considers the position she is stuck in. No destiny can now be her own, not her past or her future. She looks to stagnation and stripped autonomy still with an air of youthful optimism, yet knows the ultimate outcome can never be in her favour. She is the perfect centrepiece to the two others, making her ultimate ending all the more tragic.


I agree about the two on the sides, but I think Diana looking up means she is in her own world; she is perhaps imagining the possibility of a different reality and identity as a royal. Her spirit is free, she isn’t quite ”there” like the other two


Humans often stare at the ceiling/sky as a way to dissociate from the stressful environment around them (i.e. classroom, interrogation room)


Or looking up to the Almighty angry at her situation.


Maybe there is a spider on the ceiling.


Or there is just a bird flying around


One royal looks one way, and the other royal looks the other way. And then the Queen's saying, "Waddaya want from me?"


Looks like somebody we know!


My analysis: Charles is talking with another person Diana is looking at the sky, or ceiling the queen is dooing queen things Simple, without context anything could have another meaning.


Here’s mine: Charlie is wishing he was a tampon inside of Camilla Diana is wishing Charlie was a tampon she could flush down the Royal drain The Queen is happy to be post menopausal and has absolutely no need for a tampon


Now analyze it through an anarcho-capitalist lens with a post women’s liberation flair.


Elizabeth, with her iron-clad smile and forward gaze, is the ultimate symbol of a state clinging to its last gasps of relevance. She is the cheerleader for a system that pretends to care while it steamrolls over individual liberties. Her stoicism isn’t strength but a stubborn refusal to acknowledge the absurdity of her role—a ceremonial relic in a world that's supposed to have moved on. The irony of her position? She's the face of tradition in an era that laughs at the very notion of divine right. Charles, forever glancing backward, embodies the tragicomedy of a man lost in the labyrinth of his own privilege. His look of contemplation isn't about the future; it’s a longing for a past where he might have had a say in his destiny. His very essence screams late-stage capitalism: a man with everything but the freedom to be himself. His backward glance is the ultimate punchline—a noble title shackled by golden chains, forever pondering 'what if' in a life dictated by duty and public expectation. And then there's Diana, the tragic centerpiece of this royal satire. Her upward gaze is the epitome of modern disillusionment. She is the poster child for the hollow promises of newfound freedoms—a woman promised autonomy but handed a gilded cage instead. Her expression is a mix of hope and resignation, a nod to the cruel joke that liberation brought only a new kind of imprisonment. Diana stands as the tragicomic hero in this farce, aware of her plight but unable to escape it, her youthful optimism clashing with the harsh reality of her predetermined fate. Together, they paint a portrait of a system that mocks the very idea of progress. This photograph isn’t just a snapshot of a royal family; it’s a satire of societal structures that claim to have evolved while still entrapping its players in roles they never chose. The joke, it seems, is on all of us, as we watch the drama unfold—a darkly humorous reminder that in the theater of power; whether 1980 or 2024, the script rarely changes, no matter how modern the setting might appear.


This is brilliant. I love it.


My Kowalski Analysis: Diana saw a spider on the ceiling and is wondering if the Queen would freak out if the spider fell on her. Charles is confused as usual, and the Queen saw the spider and gave it a nod. Spider is excited the Queen acknowledged him and totally forgot his wife sent him out for biscuits. Now he's going to the pub to tell the boys about it and his wife will be very cross when he finally gets home... without any biscuits.


AI isn’t able to write like this yet, thank you for putting some humanity back in my life today.


Charles is looking back talking to his contact for various hitmen associations…


Oh, my goodness. What an amazing interpretation. I'm guessing you're a writer. Just perfect.




You’d shag her shadow on a gravel driveway


That is a new one.


The composition of that comment is impeccable.


Almost /r/accidentalrenaissance material.


Not really because the professional photographer is very cognizant of composition




Diana was 19 and Charles was 31 here. And the Queen was 54.


Damn, I somehow never realized they has a gap like that! I just thought she was much better looking than him so he looked bad, I'm dumb.


>I just thought she was much better looking than him so he looked bad Well it was also that


Definitely some of that but here I was thinking she was just so pretty she made him look 10 years older for the past 30 years lol. I guess I never paid much attention to anything about him though so only knew her age. Him writing that he wanted to be Camila's tampon is unfortunately the only fact in my brain about him and I wish it wasnt.


>Him writing that he wanted to be Camila's tampon is unfortunately the only fact in my brain about him and I wish it wasnt. Oh...oh no


She never stood a chance


Nope, he's clearly taking a sneaky peek at Camilla's arse here...


I misread this, I thought you said "she". "Didn't think she was that tall..."


You didn’t know Camilla is notoriously 11 ft tall. Charles has to climb her like a glorious polygamous tree.


> he's clearly taking a sneaky peek at Camilla's arse here I don't see him looking in a mirror.


Nope, not a single chance. She basically groomed for the role. They met when she was 16 and he was dating her sister...


I mean her nickname as a child was "Duch" (which she insisted on) because she behaved like she thought she was a already Duchess. Her family has been one of the most powerful families in England for like 600 years, she talked about being Queen as a young child and then actually met the future King of England when he came to their 13,000 acre 'house'...


When I think of the age difference and the skeevy reason for it I'm just like brother eeeeeew.


Good thing it’s not like it was his choice either. They both ended up pretty miserable


He was 31. He could have said no. He could have actually looked for someone he could commit to. He could have stopped fucking that cow.


They could just have let him marry that cow if that’s who he loved


She was already married iirc.


Charles asked to marry her BEFORE she married Andrew


And didn't she say no? But they kept fucking the entire time both where married.


No, she didn’t say no, The Queen Mother and The Queen did. She wasn’t of high enough class, and wasn’t a virgin. Future Queens HAD to be of a certain class / come from a higher ranking family AND be virgins. Princess Diana spoke of having to prove her virginity was in tact through medical examination. They also check to ensure you can produce a spare, and withstand pregnancy. A LOT goes into Royal weddings! Princess Kate was the first commoner married into the Royal family from the get-go. King Charles and (Queen) Camilla had a morganatic marriage in 2004.


Camilla's mother was the daughter of Baron Roland Cubitt, 3rd Baron Ashcombe and Camilla might have been considered a sufficiently high ranking aristocrat, but for her non virgin status being too well known in those circles.


Eww. Do they still do the hymen exam? Also kinda ironic considering women born into European nobility are more likely to ride horses which can pretty easily take out a hymen.


They didn’t actually have to be virgins, they just couldn’t have public boyfriends as people couldn’t wrap their heads around that for a future queen. Even Kate Middleton doesn’t have an ex bf that anyone has heard of Camila was dating up a storm


You CANNOT marry without the blessing of the Sovereign in the Royal Family. Prince William had to ask for the Queen’s blessing, Prince Harry, King Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Anne, Princess Margaret (look up “Princess Margaret Peter Townsend declined marriage”). HECK, King Edward VIII Abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson because of the STRICT laws, AND HE WAS TECHNICALLY KING WHEN HE HAD TO! Uncrowned, but Sovereign!


To be fair, marrying without the permission of the sovereign was how countries got into wars and millions of people died. So it was a sensible rule. For the 1700s when that law was passed.


I don't think you understand the concept of an arranged marriage.


And the whole thing happened so fast! He supposedly started dating her when she was 19 but I suspect she may have still been 18 and they fudged the dates a little. But they got married just a few days after she turned 20, and she was still 20 when she had their first child, William. She was just incredibly young, I was very little at the time but I still wonder why I don't remember hearing more about how she was only days past her teenage years when she was married.


Wait what was the skeevy reason for it? I'm totally ignorant to British royalty stuff


No shade to the Queen's face but her hair and outfit made her look 20 years older.


Well fuck if I don't feel old as shit now. Thanks.


And how old are we ?


I remember this pic! Charles and Diana are looking a bit annoyed because a few minutes earlier ‘God Save the Queen‘ was performed, and Charles leaned over to Diana and whispered “they’re playing our song”, which made her crack up. The Queen shot them a LOOK, and this was the aftermath.


That's a great story, and rings so true.


She looks like a fancily dressed teenage girl. Which is exactly what she was here.


I see so many photos of her side eyeing the sky Lol It’s an almost iconic pose for her


I don't like comparing her to a deer, specially with her name and what her brother said at her funeral (Diana, named after the goddess of hunt, the most hunted woman)...Names have serious meaning, but if you don't picture a doe I don't know what to tell you. LOL  No matter the photo, I feel like I'm looking at a doe that I happen to find in the middle of the woods, absolutely ready to dart back into the trees and bushes if I dare breath too harshly. She always played on her clear pearl blue eyes a lot for the photos, she knew her eyes were one of the only ways she could express anything, besides her clothing, so she used them a lot. Looking up, facing down and looking at the camera, cheeky side eyes catching the lens. 


You are so right. I always imagined she was talking to Jesus when she did this. “Why are they such twats?”


I ask myself that question every day too


She was an observant introvert. My daughter has this face a lot. Quiet contemplation and observing the surroundings lost in thought.


Yh weird. It’s almost as if they’ve got a huge PR team coaching their every public move.


"oh, to be free" 


Her greatest contribution to humanity was breaking the princess fantasy many girls have.


She also humanized people with AIDS. It was a terrifying time for those of us coming of age then.


I was a child in the '80s and there was a lot of fear mongering surrounding AIDS. I remember going to Disney world with my grandparents and cousins, and my grandma thought we could get AIDS from the hotel pool and that laying toilet paper on the seat would prevent you from getting AIDS. I watched enough MTV though to know she was wrong about the pool.


That’s her actual greatest contribution


I’m pretty sure her work with landminds, charitable causes and AIDS victims is a greater achievement.


I sort of think that ties into it tbh. She used her platform for important work.


Agreed. Her sacrifice will not be in vain


I don’t think she really did tbh, she was actually a super glamorous princess which I think many girls (ie my mother) glommed onto while sort of chalking the other stuff up to Charles just being a dick. But not the actual position of princess. If he’d been a charming prince, it would have been all Gucci.


Also, I believe this is a precursor to “bombastic side eye” celebrated today.


That should broke spontaneously with the coming of this thing called common sense.




You can say that her head was in the different place


She is so over their crap here.


I wonder when was the moment that she realized it was all crap that she has to suffer through it all.


She said in an interview that she knew he was with Camilla before they got married. She wanted to back out of the wedding but her sister said “your face is already on the tea towels.”


I think she would have been happier if she never met him or at least backed out of the wedding.


Yeah, she'd probably be alive.


I think everyone would’ve been a lot happier if Elizabeth had allowed her son to marry Camilla.


He sure as hell would have been.


I think the quote was your initials are already on the tea towels, but I could be wrong.


Pretty much right at the beginning, I’d imagine. I am sure there was a romance factor early on, but they kept the actual engagement secret for a few weeks, then when Diana moved to Buckingham prior to the wedding, she became instantly lonely and disenfranchised by the family. She probably knew then that the fairy tale was over even before nuptials occurred.


She was also 19 and from a fractured family so she probably had no clue what normal was.


During their engagement announcement, she looked positively heartbroken and confused when upChuck said, "For love? Whatever that means." That poor girl was like a lamb heading to slaughter from day one. 


Actually, during the engagement interview, the reporter asked them if they were in love. Diana answered "of course" while Charles answered "whatever in love means".


Yeah, hideous answer.


That was the moment.


Ugh I remember watching this scene in The Crown. I thought to myself, "That's definitely some creative license Right there, there's NO way he would've actually said that shit out loud." Turns out I gave Charles too much credit.


I’ve watched the actual video and to me his statement reads more like his attempt at typical 1980s pretentious edginess.


Its just so sad as she was just out of childhood . 3 years older than a kid doing their gcse . Just such a bad idea


> Lord, beer me strength.


She looks like she already knew marrying him would be a BIG mistake.


Maybe the most British photo that ever existed


https://preview.redd.it/ygck9m2ysf6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f931d16699606c5c1461be358fdaf825428122fe Wrong.


Fair point.


This kind of energy: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.“ But also: “Ugh, these twats!”




“It works if you work it and you’re worth it!”


Alternatively- ‘I wonder what Will Carling is doing now.’


Isn’t it also “and Intelligence to hide the bodies where they’ll never be found”???


In a lot of photos, I felt like Diana didn’t look that young. But this photo really does show her age at the time and how apparent the age difference between her and Charles is.


Mismatch of the century.


This is almost an accidental renaissance. Very cool pic. Sad she married into that family/toxic culture.


She had a heart. She didn’t stand a chance in that family.


It’s not that they don’t have hearts, it’s that they don’t lead with their hearts. Leading with your heart will often just get you hurt and it will usually guide you into dangerous territory.


The reason they called Di the people’s princess is BECAUSE she lead with her heart. And people adored her for it. The royals are a cold bunch. They could’ve learned something from her. Leading with your heart shows you have empathy for the people you rule over. This isn’t hundreds of years ago. It’s modern times. It’s better to show warmth.


Didn't she push her stepmother down the stairs?


This was never the life for her


Sacrificial virgin. Poor tormented woman. I felt her sadness & admired her braveness. She outshined the Windsors & they hated it.


The older I get the more warped I find this.


She was a beautiful teenager who wanted to go to the disco on Friday night and he was in the mood for playing bridge while listening to Henry Purcell and discussing British foreign policy.


And fucking Camilla in between


I'm never gonna know you now But I'm gonna love you anyhow EDIT: Damn I accidentally just convinced myself Waltz No. 2 was written about Princess Diana.




This is actually funny because her family is much older than Windsors.


You mean the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family?


I just looked up her family tree and it's so hard to make sense of. You telling me it's incest all the way down?


Always has been.




Yeah I rmb finding out she’s actually related to Churchill at the Churchill museum.


Telling me you’ve never seen photos of young Princess Margaret without telling me you’ve never seen photos of young Princess Margaret.


Does that dude have any idea how lucky he was? I know this is overplayed, but she really was one of the most beautiful women in the world


But he was in love with someone else and no amount of beauty can beat that. Doesn't make old Charlie a good chap but he was kinda stuck too not allowed to marry the woman he loved.


So… why Charles didn’t just stand his ground and say “Camilla or nothing”? He didn’t have the balls to fight for his beloved girl? They wouldn’t risk removing a heir when no further heirs existed yet…


Charles has never stood his ground on ANYTHING. Biggest namby pamby ever


Wouldn’t he have been forced out like his great-uncle who chose love over the throne?


The alternative would have been Prince Andrew and I’m not sure proper, Duty to the Crown, Elizabeth would have gone for it.


Ah, yes, the pedophile. Princess Anne should have gotten the throne. Only one who might deserve it.


Anne would have made an amazing monarch.


Prince Andrew would have become the heir. He couldn't let that happen.


He proposed then had to leave for naval duty. When he returned she was already married to someone else.


There will never be another like her.


She was kind of told that the marriage was because of heirs and suitability and all that but she had the stars in her eyes. She was so young. Had she gone into this as the transactional relationship that it was with eyes open things would not have ended the way they did. Think of it.. do I trade the fairy tale for chance of being princess and queen and accept how things are to be done? The sad thing is Charles was not allowed to have Camilla when he could and was told you don’t need to marry so young and by the time he was told to marry Camila was unavailable. Camilla was not of the right quality. The Queen was lucky that she was able to choose and marry for love. He was forced and Diana was placed in his path. He also tried to back out but was told no.


Boy did you drop the ball Charlie.


Innit girl


Oh. Before her husband came out as Vigo of Carpathia.


The actress who played her in The Crown was a perfect fit IMO.


I never really got it until I saw this pic, she's gorgeous.


Can you imagine being married to such a bore?


I feel that way about my child’s father too!


Man you forget those eyes!


I had the privelage of meeting her on her visit to Canada in 1991. Absolutely stunning, charming and elegant.


Good Lord. Was the wind from the ear that strong?


You’re never as lonely as you are when you are lonely among people.


She deserved so much better


She deserved better. What a heartbreaking story.


Some people say her eyes looked like that as she was constantly rolling them at everything Charles said


Damn. Diana is already giving off that "how the bloody hell do I get out of this marriage?!" look.


Great picture. She already looks bored and she's not even married to him yet. That picture speaks volumes on their relationship.


she looks beautiful.


She looks like a cherub


"Ugh, see what you make me endure"


Que belleza, se ve... Divina y espléndida.


She was far too young to marry him. He was 15 years older than her. She did not have help maturing into the kind of woman she wanted to be. At 19, she was still very much a teenager. Gid bless her, she tried so hard, even when Charles didnt. Bastard.


Remember, he was 32. She was 19.


She seems so Interested in her date 🥵💩💩


This feels straight out of a John Hughes movie.


Charles The Bag Fumbler. Last of his name


Neither of them wanted to marry one another.  The whole thing was transactional (like most royal weddings are/were).  


None of the people in this photo worked a day in their lives


She was a real one as in used her fame for the betterment of the world. Class act.


Ignoring the context of the photo, Chuck actually looks pretty great here too.


My mother was a royal watcher but hated the way they treated her, she said they basically wanted a breeder, ugh.




Yes. I read Harry's book and if even half of what he says in there is true, it's a really fucked up way to live. The shit the paparazzi (edit: and his own family) did to them was insane.


Jesus, she was miserable with that horse faced basted !!


I'm so glad Harry escaped. Poor William and now he's done the same to George. The heir and the spare are always turned against each other and Georgie, Charlotte and Louis will be no different.


Arguably, royal siblings being at odds goes back a long way, and on average is usually a lot more violent.


Good thing we’re past the old “accidental arrow during a hunting trip” bits.


From what I gather, Bill is a real chip off the old block, like his dad. However the palace PR really goes out of their way to make sure William and Catherine are seen in the best light possible. The rest of the gang are fair game though. This has also been going on since the tabloids have gotten in bed with the royal family. Just wait until the youngest batch hit their teen years.


She’s saying “beam me up Scotty”


She looks so young and pretty.


Diana probably did a lot of eye rolling in that family


She already looks so sad. They're not even married yet.


Very beautiful!


No idea how she ended with that star spangled Muppet fart.


80s music and fits were spectacular


As thie r sons approach acharles's age in this pic neither look like him. They both resemble Diana more


She has one job...


18 years old (maybe 19 if it's fall) and over it.


She’s such a drama queen.


Chas scoping out some tail across the room.


M'lady 🤠


What did she ever see in this big eared fucker maybe he had a big 🥒 ?


He is a millionaire (billionaire?) and next in line to be a king


I can hear that eyeroll across time and space


Marvelous photo, thank you so much for posting this 🩷


She seemed like she was different than…. Them.


Taken me 32 years to realise her last name was Spencer


I would have been around 11 at that time. ❤❤❤❤- Diana always.


Now there's a looker.