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Relevant comment from the last time this was posted: >No, this isn't a deluxe flight. This is an ad. How fucking gullible are people today and how many times is this gonna get reposted with misleading titles?


Since this has 79 upvotes at the time of my comment, a bunch more stupid reposts are in our future.


I'd say about 75% of the content on this sub is reposts.


644 upvotes as of now.


People just want to complain and think they're worse off than they are. If something is cool and current, then it's obviously fake. If something is cool and old, then we've lost it and regressed. People don't want to believe the inverse, cool things are attainable and old things could've been fakes.


I think they all had an orgy after the photo was taken. I can't even talk to girls. Sucks.


Yes, you can talk to girls. You’re just afraid of rejection. Everything in life is uncomfortable till it becomes comfortable. You probably fell down a few times when you were leaning to walk right? But you have no problem walking to the computer to on Reddit now, right? You don’t even think twice about it. The same applies to talking to women.


Dude's been in a wheelchair since '83.


Lmao. I was waiting for this comment the minute I hit reply


"well, the floor didn't put me on social media for falling" before the internet, things were easier for regular or even burn-scarred people -- was there.


No, it's a legal restraint


Not really. Computers sucked then. Programming even worse. I see young people working on their future hip replacements wearing Chuck Taylors. They sucked them and they do now. Shoes are infinitely better.


Things really have gotten worse with regards to flight though. You used to actually get a halfway decent meal brought to you and now you can pay for a really bad meal and pay a lot, too. Plus they stack in like sardines anymore. And it's gotten so expensive.


Flights have actually gotten cheaper though, right? Adjusted for inflation over the long term. That's a part of why it's such an unpleasant experience.


I don't know man. In 2002 I took a all-inclusive trip to Ireland for two for $3,500 and that included three nights in hotels and 12 nights in bed and breakfast and a rental car. Adjusted for inflation I think that's still not possible today.


I can't speak for all inclusive trips, but flights have objectively become much cheaper when adjusted for inflation.


According to a Google search, they've gotten cheaper in the last year: >Overall, though, travelers have gotten broad price relief. Average airline fares for flights originating in the U.S. fell by 5.8% in the year from April 2023 to April 2024, according to the consumer price index. They've declined almost 1% in just the past month. CNN I just checked and it really is cheap right now. $850 round trip to Dublin if I look a few weeks ahead. I think the last time I looked it was closer to $2000 per person. That was maybe five years ago? Pre-pandemic, anyway.


Putting this into an inflation calculator this is about 6110 USD today. I'm reasonably sure that you can put together a similar trip for that kind of money for a single person.


You have any idea how expensive flying was prior to deregulation?




Came here to see this comment ... Thanks for making it ... Hopefully people will not fall for this in the future :)


I got 200 downvotes last week when I pointed out a repost for the 20th time and the respons was I got brain rot, I live on the Internet and people haven't seen it so I should be quiet. I think a repost should be flared as a repost and a bot should say how many times its been posted. I want this so karma farmers and other bots gets outed. If everybody started throwing shit titles around with the top 100 posts of all subs reddit would be just like Facebook and Instagram meme accounts. Edit: A bot further down said its been reposted 6 times.


The problem with marking things as reposts is that almost every post is actually a repost. Like it or not, Reddit lives on reposts, without reposts it would be very boring.


Well, new people enter the subreddits and have never seen this. I have never seen it, but I'm sure it will be reposted.


How do people not understand this. Just because you saw something, doesn't mean everyone has.


>I want this so karma farmers and other bots gets outed That is a brainrot statement for sure.


MGS2 ending was right.


I was going to write the same thing.


Answer: I’m very gullible


I remember when Hooters Air had a commercial that had guys eating wings and drinking beer that was served by Hooters gir on a planel. Where she says "Fly a mile high with us." Apparently that was a lie too just like this ad.


Hey it's believable to think they had Fred Flintstone portions back then, this was a time when things were Great according to Reagan and Trump.


Great advertisement at that day, but this was not the real food on-board. Flying was more luxurious though, it felt like your holiday started right there.


People used to get dressed up to fly on a plane.


I would get dressed up to meet that ham.


Is that a euphemism for going on a date?


I'm not tryin to date that ham. I just want it in me.


Eh, people used to get dressed up to leave the house in general.




My mother was a flight attendant so I always had to get dressed up while flying with her. She’s got some crazy stories over her nearly 40 year career.


People used to get dressed up to go outside.


Flying used to be very expensive and something just for the rich.


It was certainly expensive, but not "only for the rich" expensive. Back then, middle class was a thing, and they could afford it too.


Actually, flying had only become within reach of the middle class less than a decade before this ad. But even then, middle class couldn't afford an airline trip every year or anything like that. Things only *really* broke the 'glass floor' in 1969 with the advent of the 747. Widebodies were what brought seat costs down enough to be easily affordable to the middle class. Deregulation in 1979 was what finally opened up flying to the masses.


Yep, this was before deregulation. The airlines were told how much to charge for each route, so you had to draw fliers by offering more amenities cause you couldn't lower fares.


My dad, grandfather, and great grandfather were all pilots. My dad and grandfather flew commercially in the US and they both said felt that aviation in general never lended itself to mass transit. They both felt that it should've been kept as a luxury service for those who could afford it.


Yeah, I’ve also never seen ham cut like that…


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 6 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/159qlnn) on 2023-07-26 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1c7ufz4) on 2024-04-19 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1du5i4q&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 554,774,122 | **Search Time:** 0.18795s


He has a knife!


Anyone who thinks this was real, even 55 years ago, has never actually been on a plane


What do you mean mate, most planes have a full slaughterhouse directly under the captains cabin. If you listen closely sometimes you can hear the hum and roar and squeals. Very common on most planes back then and now 


I realize it’s an ad, but who was the monster that destroyed that jambon?


One iota of turbulence and both passengers will be wearing their beers and a side of hog. Plus, the dude is gonna get shivved by the attendant with the knife. Also, no wonder people get scammed by Nigerian princes. They think this is real, too.


for a moment i thought he was hitting a bong


I flew SAS business plus a few years ago. Best travel experience of my life. Nicest, most cheerful crew of any flight I have been on. At one point the curtain opened and two model gorgeous attendants came out with two trays. "It's time for candy and beer!" one chirped. I swear they were happier than us. The candy tray came to me and I took two pieces, "No, take as much as you want!"


Then you woke up


I love the serviette tied to the end of the leg of, well, whatever it is. It could almost make you forget that fourteen animals were slaughtered for your pleasant flight. This is what sets Scandi Air above the rest


I love that Sveta back there has like a shot and two beers.


While this is not an actual Pic and was an ad, there was time no so long ago when flying was a celebration. I have heard stories from folks who flew in 60s and 70s about the luxury experience




This must be from some vegetarian horror movie.


The smell of sausage sitting in that plane.....for HOURS


Show that ham to an elderly Spanish man. I dare you. I double dare you mf


Instead of streaming entertainment to your mobile device, real actors put on a live play.


Where are the windows???


Behind the curtains


Ooof... I see it now, it looked like a big couch in the lounge area of the terminal... I hope they were able to eat all of that...


Bastard is claiming the whole leg, tying his sock around it!


Love me some prosciutto and Culatello


I wonder what it really looked like on the plane.


People used to dress to travel and acted like it. Suits common. Flights were expensive. Their was more room and you could smoke. Cannot think of an industry that systematically treats its customers worse than airlines today. True it’s far cheaper but I feel like cattle when I fly. Hate it and being over 6 foot makes it more miserable


Today airplanes are just cattle cars delivering the heard and people act like it.


Indeed. Rats do the same when overcrowded


I can smell the cigarettes Edit: to the downvoters, back in these days you could smoke on a plane and having travelled in ye olde days on smokey commercial planes the smell was quite pungent throughout. Just because the smokers was down back didn't always help.


oh yeah… don’t miss that… traveling on planes with a “smoking section” suuuucked. Like the smoke wasn’t going to go past row 17 or something.


Whatever it may be, it's making me aggressively hungry...


Willem Dafoe’s first role


Que agradables personas.


This can't be for real. That's ridiculous. Look how many drinks are there for two people.


They are representatives of Pfizer


Another karma farming loser post.


Now all they give you is diarrhea


Cool smorgasbord bro


Not Ryanair ?


What's remarkable about this photo is the understanding that airlines now try to minimize weight, because extra weight means more fuel needed to carry it around. And yet, this photo shows a wooden cutting table, real dishes, flatware and glassware. There's also most likely many magazines, newspapers, glass bottles, and so on that are not pictured. Figure this plane is carrying thousands of pounds of dead weight for these luxuries.


Dude, this isn’t a photo from an actual flight.


Yes, the image is indeed a genuine picture of a snack being served on a Scandinavian Airlines flight in 1969. Multiple sources, including Snopes and Business Insider, confirm the authenticity of the image and its context. This vintage photo is part of a collection that showcases the luxurious in-flight dining experiences offered by Scandinavian Airlines during that era, featuring gourmet meals such as caviar, lobster, and whole legs of ham served at 35,000 feet.


That sausage and the bread looks amazing! I wish that was what the current airlines had!


Those old airline snacks were quite something, huh?


Seriously, "I'll have the side of cow"


Contactless payment.


I mean, cutting jamon like this is just…. Sacrilege…


First thing I noticed. It’s so hilariously bad.


Only just noticed it on your comments and wtf


Holy shit that is not how you cut a ham. If you do that in Spain, I’m pretty sure you’ll go to jail.


Inb4 a flood of bots talking about much better air travel was back then.


What would that ticket cost in 1969?


She has three beers. Nice.


She really needs the toilet.


Oh you do and you’ll clean it up!


SAS in 2024: loses luggage on a 3hr direct flight


Is that not a very weird way to cut a ham?


Being an adult looks like it used to be fun. Look at everything they've taken away from us.


This look like food from The Flintstones.


that wife is like "go ahead Leif, smile at her again. I dare you"


I will take a slice of haunch and a breast...or two.


They look so healthy


wowow looks amaaaaazn’!




The flight will be in landing in about 20 mins, please finish your beers.


Even in nowadays' flights you can get a beer.


The smell 🤢


There are no windows on that plane.


Behind the curtains.


They are all dead now


Probably not - they will be in their mid 70s/early 80s


I can’t decide if I want the sausage, or the sausage.


This has to be AI


Not AI, but a promo photo shoot. Notice how the walls of the “plane” don’t curve inward towards the ceiling.