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Looks like broth.


They didn’t let me taste it so can’t confirm


Next time.. next time.. hope you heal quickly!


Bummer man, hopefully it's not a very painful treatment. Why does this happen? how does it have to do with skating? Is it from falling on knees or you twisted your knees or something? I hope it gets better soon!


It’s really just from extensive use, and with skateboarding I’m constantly bending and twisting and putting stress on my knees…and my body I guess just throws extra stuff at particular joints because I have the beginnings of arthritis. It really doesn’t hurt when the fluid is in my knee, but it limits my mobility, so I get it drained to try to skate and anything else while I still can. The draining, however, is the most miserable thing I’ve gone through. Real unfun stuff.


Can confirm, just had mine done during gout flare up to make sure I didn't have septic arthritis. 


Oh fuck. You ok? As someone who regularly gets pretty sore and swollen knees sometimes these days from skateboarding this is terrifying.


It’s not too bad, I really have no idea why the fluid doesn’t just go away on its own, but from the tests they’ve done and X-rays it looks like I have an unfortunate case of arthritis, so it’s probably just constantly being produced. I initially resisted taking the crazy sounding pills they prescribed for it and the monthly blood drawings to monitor levels of things, but I’m kind of leaning towards “dropping in” on the treatment haha because having your knee drained is like a light level of torture.


My condolences man. That is a not fun time. I have had it done three times and the only fun part was I warned them ahead of time I was a not good with pain They gave me great meds and the nurses that held me down laughed when I told the doctor he was a c licker and some other varoius insults while in pain


Haha I was like “whats a clicker” but then I got it Yeah dude, third time here as well, this time took the longest but honestly glad they got so much out of it. The pain prep does pretty much nothing for me, there’s not much you can do to fend off the feeling of a needle moving things around in your knee. I kinda wish they’d put me under for it haha


No amount of pain prep and “numbing “ makes it ok when they move your knee cap to get more fluid out. I ice after every session now. Freeze a Dixie cup and tear off top half with bottom on as holder and rub on knee. I learned that from physical therapy to try to keep the swelling from happening. Watch the old nba games with Jordan and he would have huge bags of ice on his knees the moment he ended the game. Keep swelling down and the fluid doesn’t build up as much. Good luck and buy a knee sleeve as well


Good tips man, I iced a tonnnn last night, but I really need to remember to do it after every sesh…


I’ve had this done twice to the same knee. Wear your pads kids! Haha!


So how do you know you need them drained without going to a doctor? Kinda had a suspension for ....a friend lol


I’ve had it done 3 separate times, the first time I had a “bakers cyst” and when I crouched or otherwise bent my knee too much, I could feel the fluid moving and it would go behind my knee and make it incredibly painful and almost impossible to straighten my knee out again. And the fluid didn’t just naturally go away for weeks and weeks so I went to the doc at my university, they did an X-ray and everything looked fine and the doctor said “you want me to drain it?” And I said helllll yes. The second and third time I could just tell that my knee was extra stiff, moving in certain directions I could feel a pressure in my knee and around it that wasn’t there when I moved the other one, and kinda comparing both knees my left knee looked way swollen compared to the right. The second time is when they tested the fluid for infection, gout and arthritis. The third time I just went into an orthopedic urgent care and straight up demanded they drain my knee. The PA said “I mean I can’t guarantee I’ll get much out of there…” and he was super surprised we got about 80cc of fluid.


Hey man I have a rather large bakers cyst in behind my knee from an old injury. It recently got so bad at limiting my movement they did an MRI, they couldn't find any damage in the knee, just the cyst hanging out back there now. The stink thing is though they said it was not worth draining the cyst as it will most likely come back. Did you find that the bakers cyst came back after they drained it? I'm at the point where I'm just thinking I try get it drained and see what happens.


Sorry for the response over half a year later but I will say I never got another bakers cyst after my knee was drained. I did still get fluid, but never that particular problem again.


Did it help?


Oh yeah, huge difference and I was skating great again after some strengthening exercises and getting back into it kinda slowly




Sorry for the super late response. It’s not fun, and I hate needles too, to the point of passing out, but by the time I’m going in to have it drained, it’s well worth the temporary discomfort. Kinda like a tattoo, grit your teeth and bare the pain and the result is all worth it. Did you ever go get it done?


what there an underlying injury that you need to get repaired? I woke up this morning and my knee is fat and gooey and a weird pressure coming from the side and behind my knee. I got an appointment to see someone first thing Friday morning. I am only confused because while I would feel a subtle knee ache every now and then but nothing substantial happened at any point. I skated for a few hours yesterday with no knee pain or actual spills and biked home with no knee issues. Today you would have thought ate shit yesterday.


I’ve had MRIs done on several occasions and nothing was torn or frayed or anything. I was told I have arthritis but…I feel like that was an overzealous doctor trying to get me on the treatment plan. I basically get a drain every year, it’s good for the year, and then boom it’s back again. No telling what the problem is. Hope ya feel better. The first time it happened, I had been skating all day the day before but no major incident to cause it. Doctor will probably wanna do X rays and an MRI to be sure for you.


Soo I had water in my knee and I use to skate and it hurt sooo badly and my knee was soo swallow. If wind blew on it it hurt so badly I couldn’t walk or anything the second they drained the water I felt instant relief the only thing I can compare it to is like and addict getting his fix it was instant relief i could t believe it


Feels way better once it’s drained out. It’s going to be a regular part of your maintenance