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For me it's a tie between Troll Warren and Mojave Brotherhood. One is a constantly expanding powerhouse with bonuses to very rare units and the other one is a constant underdog fight for survival until you explode with your superior tech. Destiny is also fun.


> For me it's a tie between Troll Warren The Unity is troll warren boosted to 700%. You have 15 day war justification and TONNS of non-core manpower. When I did Unity playthrough by the time I made it to NCR I had like 600 supermutant divisions (22 full armies) with 20 width fully equipped with support companies. I also almost capitulated the big mexican country north of Tlaloc, forgot the name (rio something?) while Tlaloc himself was still alive and was actively nuking me. Sadly, I couldn't get the Tlaloc dead achievement, cause by the time I got to his border I've lost majority of my equipment and couldn't get through the robot line fast enough, so he died of old age.


Texan Brotherhood is very fun due to forming republic of Texas if not that I’m use too playing All-Good Murphy NCR.


Kingdom of Manitoba Gunn path. Plenty of flavour, unique mechanic, a big war you build up to. What's not to love?


Wdym by unique mechanics? Manitoba play as any common tag, you just have a timesensitive minigame at the end, which is pretty simple to solve


Unique mechanic, singular. Reread their comment


I had the most fun with Eureka enclave path, but almost entirely because of the challenge which will vary a lot based on skill. I'd say that either robot city or twin mothers was the most fun I had when I wasn't really being challenged to the fullest. Chained choir hummingbird path was also a ton of fun for not being too challenging.


Would you say it's more fun to lose and relocate, or hold the line against Lanius as Twin Mothers?


Definitely to lose, relocate, and come back with a vengeance. I prefer to hold the line until I complete all the focuses that require you to own your current cores and then after that I figure I've been a good enough speed bump so I intentionally pull back to be able to continue my focus tree.


Nobody here says the Bone Dancers? Join the Washington Brotherhood or become eldritch cannibal cultists.


My top : Mac Arthur : so many choices to be made, and big focus tree. Maybe a lack of real opponent tho. Mojave Brotherhood : It's a slog. The tree is short but you end up fighting a two-way war with the two biggest player. PA is strong ! New Vegas : Kinda the same than Mojave Brotherhood but with robots instad of PA. Maxson Expedition : Tough early game, taking on bigger player and needing to micro. End game is OP. Eureka : Fun to build a nation with a small time player like that, going against the NCR and all shenanigans is fun, but need planning. The Enclave in ERB mod : Of course. Arroyo : Medium fun, short tree, but you can play as the Chosen One so yeah ! (Yeah, I prefer high tech nation, it's just my thing. I never really played tribals). Of course, playing the two big player NCR and the Legion is always fun, with many things to choose from. But it's kinda too easy.


If the Montana brotherhood survives you have a real opponent I'd argue


You can take on them pretty soon and they are hardly a threat honestly. They are hard to manage as a player, so as the AI... They usually have very low manpower, with only a few PA division, when you are already rolling.


I mean, in my experience AI Macarthur usually loses to Montana Chapter, though I agree that for a player they aren't too tough to beat


The AI don't know how to handle low manpower PA nations usually. MacArthur usually loses in the hand of the AI but its one of the best country in the hand of a player.


My first Mojave brotherhood playthrough Murphy guaranteed me so we Caeser and later the Republic of the Rio Grande declared war on me we steamrolled them until I turned my focus back to them


I love the Rogue Rangers, fast wars and you build up for fighting the NCR.


Alamo brotherhood , ironmongers, mirelurk tribe, and seraph lords were some of my favorite runs.


Play Hangdogs, chose WARDEN in the civil war. You play a robot heavy nation ruled by a pre-war AI who wants to rebuild Chicago. You get an extensive list of decisions that advance as you control more of Chicago, giving you a bunch of buffs by learning from the nations you conquer. Also it’s the only People aligned nation that focuses on robots to the best of my knowledge, so thats fun. Rex from New Vegas is an advisor option.


The most fun I've had so far was with Sons of Kaga. Snaking your way up to Arroyo was pretty fun, and the war against the NCR was TOUGH but manageable. They were going at it with the Legion and I invaded them over some disputed territory, got all the way to San Francisco then couldn't push anymore, but held on long enough to recover some manpower and split the NCR between me and the Legion (who proceeded to invade and kill me)


Pioneer Company is typically a good pick for having a bit of fun


I had fun with them but got stuck on the passkeepers and couldn't push


The nation that is the “most fun” to play imo is anyone of the nations that are focused on taking over one specific part of the country. Usually these nations are surrounded by other nations that have an intertwined story so to speak. Go play any of the Colorado or Oklahoma nations.


I absolutely love robot city, i already love just using robots cause i dont need manpower and i just build more factories. But the main fun part is that the focus tree feels really personal to doki. Also i like that area of the map (tho circle junction is a bitch and a half to get through)


For the lolz: Roach King. If you don't die early and get your roaches up to 1300+ HP divisions... They don't die, so they win! Twin Mothers/Robot Town: Both slow starters and end game monsters. TM a bit stronger end game. Three Rivers with the Airforce tech focuses: Having SuperFortress Airships, Jets and Vertibirds with low tech heavy robots will vaporize any enemy. Getting to that is the story.


I like playing as Loidminister


Personal preference, but Caesar's Legion or Lanius are very fun to me. But they aren't as narrative focus, just really good for warfare and conquest.


Pioneer company


I had fun with them but got stuck on the passkeepers and couldn't push


You have to encircle, rinse and repeat at the narrow checkpoints you have with the narrow pass. Let them come out from their mountain fortress but keep some units, enough to reasonably push, at the lines then cut off one or two units at a time. They run out eventually.


I really like broken coast. Raider nation that through focuses can get intermediate tech plus has tribal tree, can easily do world conquests with them.


I really liked playing Santa Anna. Not too difficult of a start and you have big papa protecting you. Shales army is way fun if you go the master route. It says it’s hard mode but it isn’t too bad. The bonuses are ridiculous and once you start rolling everything is ezpz.


Troll warren all the way


Duchy of Lagenburg is amazing if you stay with the GOAT Yorkton