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You definitely need to change the governments name to The Govermint




This is how it should've been in the show acfual remnants and country's not just a shanty town some people who can't spell government and some NCR cosplayers




Yeah and this might be a me thing but I hate that it was a single nuke that made them collapse because like the writers had HUNDREDS of things to use for the NCR's collapse!!! Overextended supply lines Imperialist endeavors corrupt politicians Brahmin barons Raider gangs The legion All the horrors of the divide and the big MT!!! Yet they went with "some vault overseer nuked it because his wife left him"


Yeah, the NCR falling apart due to the aforementioned things would be tolerable… but they decided to go with the nuking of what apparently wasn't even their capital anymore and that was enough for everything to fall apart.


Honestly I'm against showing NCR collapsed for any reason for the meta reason of I'm tired of shantytowns and I want to see functional civilizations in my Fallout Idc about Generic Mad Max Settlement the show should've given us proper Shady Sands with the trolleys


Literally they keep edging us with Civilizations at their very start like in 4 or 76. Or the very edges of civilization like in New Vegas. I wanna see what a post apocalypse city looks like


Yeah it'd be so cool if we got several episodes of Lucy in the wastelands (I'd place the trifecta outside California and not y'know right next to The Master's HQ but that's another thing) and then we get to Shady and it's just normal (like how you feel in 2 going from Arroyo, Klamath and Den to Reno, NCR and Broken Hills)


That’s what I fucking despise. I want to see humanity persevere! I want to see humanity rise from the ashes, maybe not perfect but at least better than before. I want civilization to be brought to an uncaring, unfeeling world. And I want to see the great-grandchildren of my character smiling and living in comfort


Bethesda confirmed that the NCR is still very much alive, just not in the area around Shady Sands


Thank you for saying this. Everyone is so determined to hate the show because the NCR didn't collapse how they wanted it too. Which is wrong because a normal government doesn't crumble when its capital explodes, it crumbles when the divided interests fail to come together to compromise on what to do next.


Although in fairness, fucking nuking a countries capital can definitely exacerbate those other things, especially if they have no idea who did it or why lol


Yeah I can maybe understand it if it was explained as "With the capitol gone and the heads of the bear cut off the claws had to take charge and martial law went into effect one thing led to another civilians shot civilians, soldiers shot civilians and soldiers shot soldiers within just a year the people who loved freedom rose up against the military government and the bear would fall and now the remnants pick apart at its bones hoping to restore the hope and warmth it's fur gave to all in California"


It seems like they cribbed the Van Buren plot here with as mentioned elsewhere the Shady Sands area being lost but the Republic still existing elsewhere


tbh those are not even the NCRs biggest problem, if you look into new vegas you will find out the NCR is RUNNING OUT OF WATER


Not so much as running out of water, but rationing as the BOS during their war poisoned/sabotaged wells and reserves while also collapsing the NCR gold mines. Both of these nearly collapsed the western economy.


Wait, where is it stated that the Brotherhood did anything to the NCR's water supply? The only mention of them not having water to my memory is Hanlon talking about how the NCR has drained all the freshwater lakes in California.


true, also, i wanted to include this in my post but forgot : the NCR is so fucked that they wont have enough food in a decade, to quote the director of the OSI "Our studies project an imbalance between production and consumption. Or, for a layman such as yourself - not enough food, too many mouths to feed. Mass starvation. In a decade or so"


I mean the fact they have an agency that can predict and prepare for a famine just shows how better off they are than most factions


The pure fact that they know starvation is coming in a decade, gives them a decade to prepare. Preparations which have obviously already started and might have been completed (depends on the player) in vault 22


Exactly; like I don't know why people bring up that point as some sort of gotcha like the fact NCR has the ability to calculate that data in advance and prepare accordingly is a sign of some actually good governance (plus not to mention living in a wasteland would significantly increase the risk of famine no matter what you do or how well you organize)


Imo what's ironic is that nuking NCR was planned to be one of the endings for the cancelled Fallout 3 Van Buren.


So the story can’t be “on top of all this, the nuke was the tipping point?” Instead you wanted them to go through and list all the things we see in New Vegas?


It isn’t though, because Shady Sands is presented as being a great place to live. The Nuke is the only thing they talk about or show.


Which would make sense. I don’t think Maximus would suddenly go on a spiel about how the NCR had resource and logistics issues because they went on an expansion spree. Moldaver who wants a cold fusion code wouldn’t suddenly say, “oh it was all Hank’s fault, the NCR was actually pretty close to collapsing.” Similarly, to the average viewer, who doesn’t know what the NCR is, would understand in that period of time that a nuke would probably spell the end for a settlement rather than the show have characters ramble about political issues. They can show us this in the second season, but for the first season and how it was framed, doesn’t make much sense.


That’s the big thing, the corrupt, short-sighted, aggressive NCR “collapses” (to whatever extent) because… it was so nice that a super skeptical Rose McLean thought it was everything Vault-Tec propaganda promised America would be, so a pre-war organisation has to bomb it?


I don't really know what you mean like do uou mean "Oh they made it like oh that's what American could've been" orrrrr?


I mean what the show says. Rose, a skeptical woman who was raised on traditional American propaganda (from vault tec) saw Shady Sands and thought it was “everything she was promised America would be”. This perspective leads her to refuse her husbands request to return to the vault, which is implied to motivate him to destroy Shady Sands. We never /see how what Shady Sands actually is outside of this description and an extremely brief flashback.


The collapse started before the nuke, you can see it on board.


So the Nuke doesn’t deserve a named date, but a speculation that the NCR was going downhill does? They never show the NCR as struggling, they never say anything like that. They do the opposite.


luckily the show is ignorable


To be fair, taking out what was likely the main administration hub as well as probably the main political hub would make all of these problems 200x worse and with that collapse would be all but inevitable. Also to be fair, kneecapping other "competitors" always seemed to be the plan, but of course this time it was motivated by petty disputes, all too human.


Exactly this - my read of it was that canonically there were imminent threats to the NCR that were being handled, like with the OSI, but still serious... and I would imagine that while the capital might change, Shady Sands would easily be the Arlington or Atlanta where these secondary organizations are headquartered. Especially on the famine and drought side of things, it makes sense for Shady Sands to be the hub of that planning since its whole thing is agricultural innovation/aptitude. Like, you don't need to destroy every element of NCR authority, they're already precarious (because apocalypse) and pushed themselves further than they should (Mojave, etc.) - removing their equivalent of FEMA or USDA (or both) would be more than enough to destabilize them completely. I think people also forget that like, NCR or no NCR, most US citizens *now* struggle with identifying multiple complex factors, especially when there's something simple that feels more intuitive. If you suddenly knock literacy down to like 50%, knock formal education down to a generous 10%, and throw in a bunch of absolutely weird shit that didn't exist pre-War and is just daily life (e.g. giant scorpions), as well as the *entire population having a bit of nuke trauma*... well I think yeah they'd probably just talk about the nuke as the cause. They're not logging on to Reddout and debating it or sharing notes.


Eh. You could argue that Moldaver’s fanatics are a remnant of the NCR but seem to have created a cult of personality around her, believing in her dream. Besides, the show is only on its first season. It has a lot more cards to play. I wouldn’t be surprised if each consecutive season expands the world. Cuz yeah, I would’ve liked hints eluding to outside events but we take what we can get.


People will always jump at the chance to be bad people.


They said in an interview they made season 1 have less of the societies because they want to ease people into the wastland


Yeah that's my issue with the show. It's cool seeing the brotherhood and I love the characters but God did they fumble the lore


Yeah because owb is super lore accurate lmao


It's a fan project though, not official. They do their own thing and I think it's awesome too


Then why not let Besthesda and the showrunners “do their own thing.”


The showrunners explicitly rejected doing their own thing because they wanted their work to have a big canonical impact


Let's be honest, the writers didn't want to put in as much effort as this man making a mod of a mod of a map game.


I really doubt the whole of NCR is gone


It’s not, they’re vibing in Sacramento.


How on earth did they get pushed back so far


[Spoilers:] I think this is following Fallout TV canon-esque where >!the nuking of Shady Sands and a sudden massive Brotherhood of Steel offensive with resources from the East Coast Chapter caused the New California Republic to collapse!<. This can be compiled with an assumption that NCR forces were abroad along Interstate 80, Baja, and New Vegas, so were unable to organize an effective response. With >!Southern California in effective anarchy!<, a northward retreat to Sac-Town would be a move to allow the NCR to reorganize.


OH that makes sense. Haven't watched the show that far.


Most of that isn’t canon and mostly just speculation. All we know is the republic collapsed and the brotherhood and vault tec was involved. I really want all that lore to be true but it’s not canon yet.


I really want the fallout show to not exist and Todd Howard to be tarred and feathered. I guess neither of us will get what we want.


You seem like a fun person


shit that makes a lot more sense especially considering how the NCR's main issue in NV is they are stretched thin. haven't seen the show since i don't have the streaming service it's on but that explanation makes it seem a lot more interesting than i expected


I suspect government collapse due to much of the nation’s ruling class having been destroyed in shady sands. The legislature, executive, and judicial are all dead, and it’s up to local regions to pick up the pieces. I suspect it’s similar to the Empire’s collapse in Star Wars Legends, where many warlords took control of major territories after Palpatine’s death while lying that they were still loyal to the central government. Also paralleling that, a small region of forces rallied as a remnant - the Imperial Remnant in legends, the Sacramento region in this scenario.


Or maybe Legion just pressed stage coup button


Well the NCR's political body wouldn't have been in shady sands since in the show they say "former capital" which means they moved capital presumably before the nuking which means they would've also moved all the governmental branches


I’ll admit I haven’t watched the show, but I would think they’d refer to it as the “former capital” because it doesn’t exist anymore, because nuke. Unless it was referred to as the former before the strike?


It was the sign to Shady Sands that says "first capital of the NCR" so presumably they moved government before the nuking because you don't call your current capital the first capital


There is also no point in building a sign board at the location of the giant crater where shady sands was once located telling passers-by this is the former capital of the ncr most people can tell by the ruins and the giant crater


It's been confirmed. The NCR is alive and kicking. Just severely weakened.


i think its a good idea to have the mojave BOS be fighting some NCR remnants, or at least have a path where the NCR remnants can revolt/take over the mojave


You could do it kind of like China in vanilla where you have a diminished NCR with a bunch of smaller warlords made up of the major power centers of the NCR vying for control. To make it interesting there could be an ideological competitor to the NCR's brahmin baron capitalism that also has its sights set on national leadership. There's a few examples in history of a country dissolving after major political upheaval that you could draw inspiration from. Sengoku era Japan, three kingdoms/ warlord era china, fall of the western Roman empire, 90s Yugoslavia, 2003 Iraq


What happened to New Vegas?


I was thinking that Tunnelers overran New Vegas and most of the North Mojave. I was setting the scenario in 2295/2296


Sounds like Dust


Shady Sands was nuked. Sounds more like a fallout TV show submod to me.


Meant in regards to New Vegas. It sounds like Dust.


fair enough


Well the show only really shows it in a stylized credits sequence. But it doesn't look too hot, lots of dead securitrons and some deathclaw skeletons. So TBD per season 2


To clarify, this takes place in 2295/2296 during the events of the Fallout TV show where Shady Sands was Nuked. I’m also making a focus for the NCR remnants (at Sac City) to retake California.


i see that the legion is still there... under such circumstances they would march on to the mojave, so whats up?




I would LOVE to play as the government


Hey this looks really cool, I think that if you plan to put it during the year of the series you should add these things -Legion Civil War: Assuming no one won in New Vegas Caesar dies and the civil war starts maybe you could add more sides and that the big legion powers should absorb the small ones and then go after the big ones. -White Legs: Either make them smaller or split their territory between Sorrows and 80s. -Canaan in Exile: Allied to the Dead Horse and Sorrows or join the 3 into one nation. - Remnants of the Mojave: According to Van Buren there are still NCR at the Hoover Dam that use it as an entire city it would be good to add it over there and still have to fight with the Mojave Chapter. -Muh Enclave please if a Submod don't have the Enclave I will start cring 😭😭😭 Well leaving that aside I would love to know what happened to the rest of the government (AllGood, Hayes, Moore, Callhoun, Oliver or Hanlon)


"The government" is such a funny name


Depending on how far in the future lore-wise you plan on going, you could make it so the Tunnelers have expanded beyond the Divide and are causing major problems to the nations around it. Even could have it so the Cloud manages to leak out from the Madre or hell even giving certain nations the ability to weaponise it. You could also add different scenarios about Big MT and the techs there if you wanted and also different outcomes if you plan on making certain Courier endings canon or not.


Looks really good actually. The only thing I feel needs to be changed is Vault 4 being smaller, as in the show, they have little to no influence above ground, so it might be better if they were just a single state nation like Lost Hills in the base mod, but other than that, it looks great in my opinion.


The followers government lets goooooooo!


Looks fun, I think some Raider/warlord nations that aren't just a claimant to the original NCR would fit perfectly and be very fun


What’s going on in Vegas?


How did the den pop off and nearly kill Reno


To be fair, even though the NCR already had so many issues prior, losing the main government body is a very valid reason that it could break up into factors. If I were you I would make some gangs around what the former NCR territory held, and also some break off portions of the NCR who claim legitimacy of the former NCR(Maybe 3 to 5, or as many as you want). Like the sheriff the ghoul talked to who was the leader of that town and small amount of territory in the fallout show. You could maybe have the Brotherhood of steel or outcasts take over the boneyward/maxson area/the hub/lost hills/etc. Then maybe give New Reno, Vault City, Navarro, dayglow, San Fran, etc/etc to warlords that claim to be the rightful heirs to the NCR and have them duke it out with each other. Then maybe have tribes that were incorporated into the NCR take over territories in the North & east (maybe a few in the south as well if you want) and have them be hostile at the start with other tribes and the NCR warlord remnants. Maybe even have the dust bowl super mutants take over some some areas outside of it. I'm sure Ceasers Legion is still alive, but most likely Ceaser is dead, so have someone like Legate Lanius take over the Legion or do a hail Mary and have an old Joshua Graham sieze power from Lanius after Ceasers death and he becomes the new Ceasers and issues striking reforms to the legion.


Maybe it's also a good chance to even add the Followers of the Apocalypse into a small territory, instead of just a group you can take in and incorporate


The Legion will blitz them so hard.


Isnt this a curbstomp for Caesar?


I'm excited to see what else you add!


It's actually pretty damn annoying that the show seems to have killed off the NCR.


key word being "seems" as it's possible they want the path where the NCR retracted their border like in the pictures


Todd has already confirmed the NCR isn't totally gone, just severely weakened.


Yeah, I know, just forgot at the time of typing the comment. Thanks for reminding me tho.


I like this idea but Shouldn’t you wait for season 2 to do this?


Well, even though it isn’t confirmed outright. The Brotherhood in the show could be from Utah due to where their airfield base was located at irl. So maybe a Utah Brotherhood? Lost Hills is probably gone, that Chapter I should say. Since they don’t show any resemblance to the Lost Hills we know.


This also allows you to change the focus tree completely for the Utah Brotherhood instead of having them be similar Lost Hills and all that, differently ideologies and all


New Vegas is fine where is it?


Have a small raider group of fiends by a bridge


I’d add brotherhood traditionalists that fight with the NCR remnants because they don’t agree with the new radicals


A feudal state of north Californian wine lords.




Why did you Balkanize the NCR?


Well shady sands is in LA in the show and should not be the boneyard be under brotherhood control.






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With all due respect, actually stop legitimizing the show's (and Todd's timeline damage controlling) insulting fanfiction with this. The characters never even leave LA so actually working around this trash in a map game is a waste of time.


Look, being nice, this in no way fits into OWB despite the fact that OWB is a mishmash of actual fanfic content combined with canon content. The show may have been declared canon, but when people say it breaks canon up one side and down the other, this game is your proof of that... it can't even fit as well as actual fanfics do.




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See, I’m more fine with this because unlike the show which barely mentions the surviving NCR, this shows the several factions that should be existing.


Tbf to the show it'd be really damn weird to cut away or just hamstring a reference to the remnants that wouldn't be vital to the plot. Also adds some mystery. The NCR is around but in what capacity we don't know


Did you want the show to reveal all its cards in season 1? It’s small scale for a reason. I wouldn’t be surprised if the show continued expanding its perspective with each consecutive season.


If I were making the mod I'd cut down a few nations maybe give Maxson and lost hills to the BoS or add junktown to the Hub.


Omg it's John Sierra Madre


It's difficult to let go


While obviously its gonna be focused on NCR proper, maybe have the abandoned zone be able to ACTUALLY be led by someone? Like Ulysses or maybe an OC gets control over hopeville and basically makes a Nevada NCR, eventually fighting the BOS and Legion. Also the Northern NCR should probably have a faction with New Reno and Vault City I feel.


Should have one specific location still labeled as the NCR. Or the remnants of the NCR with the second biggest city they have


I’d suggest adding the enclave, an ncr army remain/pocket in the Mojave, a Mojave confederation centred around Novac (the region would be dedicated to salvaging) brotherhood would be wiped out in cannon due to house likely being alive 


Wjere is the NCR?


Maybe just a *little* Enclave remnant holdout somewhere?


–– Chief Hanlon _must_ be leading the Redding council, or at least be an option at the game rules; he was presented in New Vegas as this tired old man who is despite this the only one who knows what he is doing, it could present very interesting narrative (also he is the leader of all NCR Rangers and in one of the endings he becomes senator of Redding, so he is a logical pick for Redding. It also presents an opportunity to lean on the idea of Ranger junta) –– New Vegas probably shouldn't be under the Mojave Chapter, since they are blown up in almost all of faction routes. Mr house or the Courier are probably canonical endings, and to be honest, much more interesting than just another brotherhood. The best desicion will be to just leave whole Mojave to independent Vegas until season 2 releases –– Vault 4 seems kinda far from LA –– What's with New Reno? Why is it so small? –– At this point Caesar's Legion is most likely fractured –– It would've been very cool if this all was like a timed event that fires somewhere at 82 or 83, and has has a visible nuke going off at Shady Sands. But that's just fantasizing.


1. Miss-spell Govurnmint because it would be funny. 2. Unless we go against everything we know about previous Fallout Player Characters The Courier wouldn't have supported Caesar's Legion and Caesar would be long dead of either a bullet to the brain or brain tumor by this point, and his empire eqally balkanized. 3. The Whitelegs are wiped out in any ending they don't stay in Zion. I love the idea keep at it.


You need the shows Brotherhood chapter which is implied to have taken in elements of Caesars Legion after coming in from the East


My crackpot theory is that they actually absorbed the Midwestern BoS, or a group of it. Easily explains why they no longer give a shit about Squires and why they're adults instead of children now.