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If I recall correctly, the Dolphins helmet situation was a mishmash with both designs being worn in game by different players. The only difference between the two designs seems to be the relationship of the dolphin to the ring of fire.


Wasn't the "ring of fire" supposed to be the sun?


Possibly, but don’t fault a guy for dropping a Johnny Cash reference on a football sub. 🤣


Apparently an ad agency wanted to use that song for a series of ads for Preparation H, but Cash’s estate declined permission.


Wasn’t supposed to be. It is the sun.


The AFC East is still the only modern division with all white helmets until the Jets introduced the green shell in ‘78. Then the Bills went red in ‘84. Finally, the Pats went modern and switched to silver in ‘93. The Fins are still white, but are an unrecognizable version of their old self, with their new logo. The Colts went South in 2002 after realignment.


Thanks. I was trying to figure out why there were 27 teams 🤔


Do the Dolphins get 2 helmets for the perfect season?


No wonder they were so good back then -- they had two teams!


I can do it, but no challenge for this Old Timer. I'll leave it for others. Really like the old Pats and Bills helmets, and the Giants. I don't care for the reverse colors for the Eagles. The old green helmet with white or silver wings is classic.


I think in the 69 season the Eagles wore both white at home and green on the road.


I didn't remember. The early 70s were the times for alternate looks. I remember the Redskins in their yellow helmets and the Giants changed to a big, bold NY. It sure was different.


I looked it up Eagles played 7 games with white helmets and 7 with green helmets.


That had to be pretty unusual in those days.


I’m 68 so no problem for me, either. And I agree, Miami was so good they deserved 2 helmets. 😁


Dude the oilers have the hardest designs maybe in nfl history


Cause it’s phallic tower ????


Why did the Rams move away from this design? The F-Sequence broken horns is a terrible look.


I agree! Fingers crossed they reconsider in a few years


Their new unis are dogshit. The numbers are shiny & look like they're plastic.


Blue and white https://preview.redd.it/jng06rgh5o7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd6883c0298138d6dc06df02a6f3b383aed760d


This is a retro look they need to seriously consider. Classic!


Still STL Cardinals before bastard Bidwell moved them


Giants fan here who liked the rivalry with the Cardinals. They should have stayed put and worked out the stadium issues and given Arizona an expansion team. It was fun because, in the late 60s, neither team was very good. Neither were the Eagles or Redskins. The Saints fit right in, as did the Steelers. Only the Cowboys and Browns screwed up the Losers Conference by being good.


No the rivalries with the eagles redskins and cowboys were some of my favorite football memories back when they played real football


I agree that it was real football. Not sure how much of a rivalry it was. In 68, Dallas was 12-2, New York 7-7, Washington 5-9, and Philadelphia 2-12. Some of the games were tight and well played...


For me the jim hart era in stl were great games


I remember him, and Charley Johnson before him. I was really young when Johnson was the QB. They had guys like John David Crow and Sonny Randle. They were a pretty good team. I'm always bummed when a city loses its team. I like to kid about becoming Commissioner like Judge Landis was in baseball, but it really sucks for the fans. I'd like to order them to move back, or disband.


I remember Terry Metcalf Mel gray jim Otis Roger wherili


Air coryell


You're definitely a 70s fan. That's why you think the rivalries were so good. First the Skins, then the Cards gave the Cowboys some real competition. It took the Eagles and Giants until the 80s. In the 60s, when I started watching, they were all dogmeat.


Born in 66 I don't remember until the 70s but I loved the cardiac cardinals


It definitely ripped the heart out of this then-22-year- old fan.


It absolutely sucked I'm still bitter


The Dolphins also wore two different white jerseys in 1972. Some had stripes & some didn’t. In 71, no one had stripes. In 73, everyone had stripes. In 72, they were mixed.




Those Oiler ones are things of beauty.


I’ve always admired the Packers, Steelers and Oilers because they represent industry and labor. I suppose the Cowboys and Chargers belong in that class, too. But I don’t perceive them that way. The NFL used to be a blue collar league.


The Miami Dolphins: the team so nice, they posted them twice! You can see the difference in how the teams were split out. The East/CentralWest in the AFC makes sense. But in the NFC you have the Cowboys in the East but they are west of Atlanta, who is close to the east coast but is in the NFC West. (?). I'm guessing they did it to preserve the Dallas-Washington rivalry.


It's never made any sense. When the Cowboys started in 1960, they were listed in the Western Conference. In 61, they moved to the East when the Vikings joined the League. Baltimore had been in the West since 53. The Chicago Cardinals had been in the East for years and remained after moving to St Louis in 60. In the 4 division NFL of the late 60s, New Orleans was in the East and Atlanta in the West. Detroit had been in the West forever. I think the Three Stooges drew it up. They had to disband the team from Moronica...


This is what happened. After the AFL and NFL agreed to merge, they needed to balance out the conferences. This included three NFL teams moving to the new AFC. The owners could not come to any agreement. Complete logjam with no one moving to any compromise. Commissioner Rozelle had 10-15 envelopes made with teams moving from the NFL to the AFC and the six divisions with their respective teams. He called in his secretary and she picked an envelope. The owners agreed that whatever was picked, that was how it would be. What we had from the merger to 2000(?) is what she picked out of the bag.


The three teams that moved from National to American, Browns, Steelers, Colts, all eventually chose to, with perhaps some monetary compensation. At one point Minnesota had said they would move over, but the American told them to fuck off, as the Vikings owners had abandoned the AFL for the NFL. With Minnesota out, the Oakland Raiders would thus complete the original AFL lineup of teams. After that in the Nation, the divisions couldn't be agreed on because one team wanted the weaker new teams in their division, and someone else wanted to not be in with too many strong teams. After a while, there were several scenarios drawn up, and like you said, Rozelle's secretary picked what is shown above asthe NFC lineup.


The best ones are the ones that haven't changed. Especially the one that's only on one side of the helmet.




Did everyone on the Chargers have to wear 22?


Yes. Keith Lincoln #22 was so good in the early 60s that everyone wanted to be him...


Without google, name the divisions back then


By 1973 post-merger the NFL had passed Capital, Coastal, Century, and Central Division designations era (well, at least with 3 of the 4).


NFC north was/is nfc north. Love it


After acquiring and then ditching Tampa Bay


Always be wild to me the flacons and saints were in the west


They had the dumbest divisional alignment in an effort to keep the rivalries in tact. Atlanta and New Orleans should not be in the same division as San Francisco.


I posted this in another part of this thread. This is what happened. After the AFL and NFL agreed to merge, they needed to balance out the conferences. This included three NFL teams moving to the new AFC. The owners could not come to any agreement. Complete logjam with no one moving to any compromise. Commissioner Rozelle had 10-15 envelopes made with teams moving from the NFL to the AFC and the six divisions with their respective teams. He called in his secretary and she picked an envelope. The owners agreed that whatever was picked, that was how it would be. What we had from the merger to 2000(?) is what she picked out of the bag.


every team should go back to these


All these years and Cleveland is still the same


How does the Steelers design fit into any era so it always looks like it’s of that time?


Love the all white helmets on the AFC East.
