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Sometimes there’s a lot of flights going out early mornings and everybody shows up to tsa at the same time. So usually it’s enough, but I usually got with 90 minutes to be safe


Depends on airline, checked bag, and TSA.   Arriving safely at your gate with plenty of time to spare and not checking the time every 30 seconds in the TSA line is worth a few less minutes of sleep.


Only time I’ve been through Eppley was around this time last year and showed up 2 hours early, was through TSA and at my gate in less than 10 minutes for a morning flight. I’d say always better safe than sorry, but to each their own


Id do 90 mins to be sure. Your flight will start boarding at least 30 mins before takeoff. Flying out of Epply is great. The TSA line at its longest is like 30 mins. It's even better coming home. You're off the plane and in your car in like 10 mins. Pro tip: TSA pre check costs $80 and is good for 5 years. Even if you travel only once a year, spending $16 per trip to skip TSA both ways is worth it.


In some big cities the TSA pre line is much longer, which fools you, because it actually moves much faster.


90 minutes is the right time. I try to park 90 minutes before departure time and have never missed a flight. OMA is a super underrated airport. I book flights for a lot of my employees and have flown out of countless different spots.


Man I used to think so - but not anymore. I’d make sure I was in the airport at least an hour before BOARDING, not just departure. TSA is a bitch.


My in-law was supposed to fly out Tuesday and got delayed until Thursday. You might have extra people from the past couple of days so maybe a 1.5 hours


2 hours early minimum


Yep. Not worth taking a chance.


Flights start boarding at least 30 minutes before takeoff. Are you factoring in: walking from wherever you park, checking luggage, making it through security, a last minute bathroom trip, etc? I think you're cutting it too close.


I’d go 1.5 should be fine


If you aren’t checking luggage, absolutely. 45min is my usual. I’ve never had security take more than 10 minutes.


It honestly depends on the Friday. Sometimes you can breeze right through. Other times, the line is past the escalators. I know that isn’t really helpful, sorry. Source: my wife travels a ton for work, and we have been at the airport plenty for many early-morning departures.


If you check your luggage you need to be at the counter at least 50 minutes before the flight. Later than that your bag may not make it to the plane. At Eppley, I’ve tried to be at least 1:15 before the flight. I’ve never gotten there two hours early and it’s never been an issue. I do have pre-check. I flew earlier this week and we did not check bags and from walking into the terminal until we got to the gate was about 10 minutes. We got there less than an hour before the flight.


Nope. My fiance learned that a year or two ago when we went for our flight. The conveyors were down and the line was very long. He always says an hour is enough…. It wasn’t that day.


I’d be at your gate one hour early.


We've always arrived at least an hour before boarding (whic is like 30 mins before departure). I'd get to the airport by 5. Even though I've always made it through within 30 mins, one time I dropped my husband off and he had to check his bag and TSA took like 45 mins bc there weren't enough staff or something.


Depends. Sometimes I get baggage checked in and through TSA in 15 minutes, but sometimes the baggage check in line is long and can take quite a while.


We usually get there about an hour and 15 minutes before. Never had any issues even when checking a bag.


I'd say NO because that's your departure time, not your boarding time.


I always budget 2 hours early, that way if my Uber is late, if I hit construction or traffic I'm not freaking out. I love the airport just in general so I'm showing up as early as I can usually.


Hour before boarding is fine (that’s walking through the door of the airport, not the parking lot). Add 30-45 min. if you’re checking a bag. There will very, very seldom be a time where TSA alone will cost you anywhere near an hour. Source: I fly bi-weekly out of Eppley.


Usually Eppley is like a 15 minute deal. Only time I ever missed a flight is one morning at 6:30 I showed up and the line to check bags was insanely long and I got to the counter at 6 and they just refused to take my bag or check me in. It was a weird day. Luckily I was going to Tulsa and thought flying was stupid in the first place. Moved my rental car to Omaha and drove. I got to the hotel before my flight to Tulsa landed.


If you have pre-check it's fine, but if not I would give yourself more cushion. It's normally fine but I've seen a few times in the past year where the wait has been over an hour for regular tsa in the early morning. It's bizarre to walk into eppley and see the line all the way past the escalators, but it does happen.


Agree with everyone else 90 min tops! Mom has been traveling a lot lately and we drop her off sometimes 2 hours early. Plus eppley is a mess with all the construction they have going on. Give yourself time


If you dont have to park a vehicle, and have TSA pre and aren’t checking bags, maybe or maybe not. 1hr before departure is only 30 minutes before boarding.




Should be fine






Yes. I flew out Tuesday with cws traffic and still didn't need but an hour.


If you have precheck and it’s not like the day before thanksgiving or something. Otherwise I’d aim more for 5-5:15 arrival.


Legit takes 15 mins to get thru security at eppley


hour and a half is fine


With Eppley? I try to pull up 30 minutes before boarding starts... the longest you can spend in that TSA line is 20 minutes. Such a tiny, quaint airport.


Do you have pre tsa and what day? If you have pre tsa then definitely. If not Monday mornings and Friday mornings can be hectic.




I said Friday. Love the 🤦🏼‍♂️ emoji. Do you love to troll? You obviously knew what I meant enough to call me out that it was “wrong”.


I have a flight in a few hours at 6 am----they said the early morning is the busiest time. Called the airport to double check and speak with a hooman. 2 hours early recommended....maybe 1.5 at the very least....


Show up 20 minutes before flight. You will be good.


Agree. It’s so dead in the early morning, and terrible food/coffee options on top of that.