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I couldn’t care less about the truck. All of their beers are mediocre at best.


Their Thunderpunch was where it was at. Idk if they still make it but I lost a lot of memories thanks to it


I was severely disappointed. I don't think they sell enough to afford the repairs on that truck.


Now with subtle notes of rust


The logos on the can are the best part


And yet it's providing them publicity...


Should’ve just put Wine, Beer, and Spirits on there instead. It’s the superior brand of the two.


Of the exact wrong kind.


No such thing...


I'm just one dude, but I'm less likely to buy Thunderhead beer now than 5 minutes ago. And I quite like their Cornstalker beer. But it isn't so good I can't live without it.


I mean you guys can downvote me to hell but there is such a thing as bad publicity. There's an entire crisis communications industry and a huge swath of the marketing industry devoted to choking out or rephrasing bad publicity. Think there's no such thing as bad publicity? Try looking at Gina Carano's career.


You're really missing the point. Obviously, the expression isn't 100% true, but advertising on a Cybertruck is going to get a lot of notice, as intended.


The truck is going to get "stuck" on the rock, calling it now.


Considering I have already seen at least six businesses in Lincoln doing the same thing, unless they light it like a CBD/vape shop, I won't notice.


Sounds like you've already noticed other businesses do this, that's a win in the marketing world.


Don't remember what the businesses were, so 🤷‍♂️


Yup exactly. Roger Stone doc on Netflix discusses this. All those “clapbacks” overlap into people who agree with it. Dino’s posts too, free publicity.


Nothing says "I underpay my employees and overcharge for drinks" quite like a shiny new Tesla.


You know why so many small business owners only drive a car with their business plastered all over the thing? So the vehicle becomes a marketing business expense write-off. edit: corrected a very obvious spelling mistake. I fatkeyed it.


Of course, the ol [write off](https://youtu.be/BAjxn2US7J8?si=fYI4G7cJlyMm0ZOs)


Jon Stewart did a great bit on phony corporate values. And how silly people get (left/right) and how they align themselves with a corporation or dislike a corporation based on their actions. The only values corporations have is share holder value. When it comes to Bud Light or Tesla or any other culture war argument surrounding a mega corporation, it’s just dumb.


Thunderhead is not a publicly traded business though is it? Private companies have quite a bit more control over their actions.


EVs are sort of a special segment though. Hard to convince people to spend more because of environmental reasons when your CEO spends a lot of time (and $50 billion) normalizing a political party that actively tries to destroy the environment


"But the echochamber told me that person is bad, so anything they touch is bad now"


But people will still overreact to every little thing


Their beer sucks. Thought that long before this dumb truck


Annnnd its been recalled again.


and again


All vehicles have recalls. Just as an example here are the recalls for a 2022 Honda CR-V (there are 6 of them): https://owners.honda.com/service-maintenance/recalls?id= * 2018-20 CR-V Fuel Pump Mtr Saf Recall Exp2 * 2020-22 CR-V Hyb 12V Pos. Battery Cable Safety Recall * 2017-22 CR-V Incorrect Certification Label Noncompliance Recall * 2022 CR-V Hyb Left Front Outer Joint Drv. Shaft Safety Recall * 2022 CR-V Hyb Right Front Outer Joint Drv. Shaft Safety Recall * 2021-2022 CR-V Rear Center Seat Belt Safety Recall


In less than a year the cyber trucks have had FOUR recalls, not quite six but also didn’t take a four year period


I have a Tesla and all but 1 recall has been just downloading an update 🤷‍♂️


It's always hard for me to see someone with so much money and so little sense.


Why does anyone care? Thunderhead is a small Nebraska business that is an OG in the Nebraska brewery game. It is absolutely bizarre to post a vehicle choice as some kind of slight against them and I say that as someone who thinks their beer is absolutely mediocre. Is the goal to hurt them?


I don't want one, but you do you. Thunderhead had a great taproom, just not great beer.


You're literally giving them free advertising.


That's true! Who doesn't want a huge reddit post where everyone talks about how much your beer sucks and what a douchebag you are? (To be clear, not YOU...the Tesla owner)? After all...it's "free advertising".


Hey look, another Cybertruck post...


It’s the same when companies did this with the H2 Hummer. I wouldn’t get worked up about it meh 😑 …and ironically it’s working bec here they are getting pre advertisement and you noticed 😝


Give em some grace, they were probably hammered when the bought it. In fact, they're probably still hammered driving it.


It’s the owner so it’s entirely possible.


Probably had to hammer their way out of it.


And just when I thought they couldn't get any worse in my book.... I had a lot of not so great interactions with the brewery when I was bartending (not for them). Their beers never really sat well with me, but most of my anger comes with how they interacted with me instead of quality of drinks


It is definitely unique. It is growing on me.




Love their beer and the truck is cool to me


You guys really hate it when someone enjoys something you don't, huh?


Big “I hate a billionaire’s tweets, so anyone who buys one of the many products that one of his many company’s produces is automatically just like the guy I hate” energy


Yeah, I primarily ended up in a Model 3 because there are exactly zero other electric sedans in the US that qualify for the federal tax credit. It's not my fault the legacy car manufacturers refuse to make sedans.


Nobody is really dunking on the other models, though. They dunk on the truck because a truck is supposed to be a utility vehicle but the Tesla one looks incredibly impractical.


Except this vehicle is designed for conspicuous consumption and the things it says about the owner are disliked by most people.


> Except this vehicle is designed for conspicuous consumption and the things it says about the owner are disliked by most people. Says the Jeep owner.


Bruh. My jeep is 01 xj. Nobody gives a shit about them.


Unaware you speak for most people now


It's truly staggering to me that so many people here, and anywhere in general are so upset, angry, and distraught over a vehicle. Oh no, they have a Tesla truck. I'm not going to drink their beer anymore! Think about that for a second.




Damn, it seems like you're the one that got all mad by my comment. Glad I could do that for ya! Actually, I'm not mad at all and I don't give a shit about him or his vehicles. But i do find it hilarious that people are so obsessed with hating him. But hey If you are so passionate about all this, maybe you should do something about it. Get into politics or whatever and attempt to make that change....or YOU should just sit this one out!!


Why is this subreddit obsessed with the dumbest shit that has nothing to do with Omaha? Why isn't there a shot of the license plate? You probably could had gotten extra karma for that.


Hey look, its our town’s DB lol




A brewery with a Tesla vehicle really screams "Entertainment 720"


Kind of a smart advertisement.


I dont like the cybertruck but walking up to a car to take a picture, and then posting it on reddit just to hate on someone is so insanely corny


I always thought their beer was a bit musky.


I’m betting he doesn’t commercial plates on it and I’m betting he’s taking a tax dodge by having the business buy it


Hate to say it, but if you are serious about a bridge to converting to electric/green for transportation then you have to acknowledge that Tesla is the industry leader and leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.


Rivian makes Amazon's electric delivery trucks.


Maybe Tesla and their other EVs, but not that car. It is ugly, which is subjective. But it is also a safety hazard for the traffic around it, which is not subjective. And then, how many recalls for now? Just ... not the car for me.


This is Reddit, nothing positive is allowed to be said about any company or product related to Elon Musk. Reddit doesn't care about reality, they like their we-hate-elon-musk circle-jerk. Your positivity is interrupting it.


So... Am I to understand you think the cybertruck is a good product? A quality vehicle? A reasonable expense for this business instead of paying their employees more? Is that what you think?


Simping for Elon Musk of all people. What a choice.


You nailed it on the head!! It's cool and trendy to hate Elon!


Maybe 10 years ago.


Tesla is the reason other manufacturers are racing to release their own EVs. Anyone who thinks other car companies would be mass producing EVs without the impetus of Tesla is delusional. Anyone who thinks Tesla would be where they are at now without Elon Musk is also delusional.




How do you define dominating? Over 55% of all EV sales in the US this year are from Tesla. The next closes competitor to them is Ford, with under 7%. https://www.edmunds.com/electric-car/articles/percentage-of-electric-cars-in-us.html


Tesla seems to be the only EVs in the list of the top 25 best selling vehicles of 2023 (both the model 3 and model Y). How exactly are they falling behind? https://www.caranddriver.com/news/g43553191/bestselling-cars-2023/


Imagine going to a Tesla building to take a photo of a Tesla and then complaining about it on the internet. Who would have thought you’d see a Tesla there?!




Because they own a Tesla????


Is it bugging anyone else that the logo isn’t aligned parallel to the panel?


it looks square with the bottom of the truck, i guess I’d have to see it lined up with the body line to know which was worse




Great way to write it off on your taxes.


I love their beer, they really excel at brewing German style beers. If Thunderhead likes the truck, good, it’s their truck, not yours. Don’t be so sensitive.


That’s awesome! I’m going to have to go have a beer and check that out!


I don’t care how unpopular this is, I like the design. Certainly better than almost any other car on the road