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Are you looking for the lowest cost gym? The closest gym to you? A specific type of exercise, a pool, a body fat measuring tool, or something else? If you want classes, is there a specific type of class you're looking for or specific time of day or day of the week that would work better with your schedule? You kind of asked a really open-ended question. That being said, most gyms offer a free week. Go check them out.


Most of the gyms in the area are going to be about the same and same sub-par equipment (life fitness, etc.). I've tried Anytime Fitness (Old Market), Genesis (Midtown and Cass), YMCA (Downtown), and those were all really about the same. If you want a gym with better and more equipment, Bob's in Bellevue is great (minimum 1 year contract, last I checked $65 a month) or Iron Heaven (120th and Maple or Gretna, no contract and $40 a month). Both of those gyms are 24/7 access.


Blue moon if you are close to them. Sort of need more information what type of gym you are looking for and location


If OP doesn't want Planet Fitness they wouldn't want Blue Moon. BM is like PF with no Olympic lifts etc.


Huh? PF is all machines no free weights. BM is definitely better


The YMCA is a decent option. Quite a few locations around town, most have pools, most have basketball courts


Bobs gym in Bellevue


And you can snag some records a few doors down at 402 Vinyl.


Check out total body fitness, it’s run by a couple (husband and wife) and they really give you everything you need, time alone in the gym, one on one training, meal planning, the 9 yards.


Need more info on what you want and why not PF style. PF doesn't have a pool or large free weights, so if that's what you want a YMCA membership is probably what you're looking for. If you want more personal then Total Body Fitness if you ever want a gym buddy i can also invite you to my complexes gym. it's somewhere in the middle of the PF/YMCA spectrum, it's 90% machines but also has a pool and yoga room and a small selection of free weights. downside is you'd have to match my availability to bring you as my guest.


VASA for the win, hands down


YMCA or Vasa would be my go tos


If you’re looking for group fitness I would highly recommend Ultimate Workout on 76th and Cass. I’ve been there for 6 years and I love it.