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My Zazu is currently a food monster. After his recovery from acute renal failure, he has been trying to snatch anything and everything, no matter how much I tell him it could harm him. I gave him some wet food this evening, and he ate his and his sisters', then went to eat kibble and then tried to eat eggs while in their shells. This was in under 10 minutes. I had to fight him on Sunday for MY rice krispies.


HAHA that’s so funny. When we feed their meals she ALWAYS finishes first and I have to block her from gobbling up her brother’s


Blocking him does nothing. He's a slimy bastard.


Maybe put them in separate rooms?


I was just shaming mine to a friend because he used his enormous thumb paws to open a closet and rip into the unopened bag of dry food inside. I have never met a more food motivated cat, he's a rescue who adapted very well to indoor life and I think somewhere deep inside he still thinks he's food insecure and has to eat as much as food as he can when it's available. He's on a diet, but vet is pretty pleased he's down to 17lbs. https://preview.redd.it/kqh09frixk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5165925fbc7adb2f879566e70b6a43a8be81e0 Here is him acting starved.


I have an orange cat who used to open up cupboards, drag out 20 lb dry food bags, and go ham on the food.


He hasn’t eaten in a WHOLE 20 seconds!? Unbelievable!


My orange boy is the same, he was a housecat someone abandoned who lived in my apts backyard and the one behind it before I took him in. He was very skinny and is super food insecure now because of it. 😩❤️


My former feral calico is the same way. She will steal food from anyone. I once dropped a chicken nugget out of the air fryer, and she had it before I could stop her. It was blazing hot, but she didn’t care. She had some weird affliction where she wasn’t absorbing nutrients properly, so she is very small even though she eats everything. It’s been a struggle to get her back up to 5 pounds (from her lowest of 2.8 lbs at the vet).


I have a tabby with something similar with her guts. It took a good probiotic to get her gaining at all, and it was a big moment when she finally started gaining and started looking like a cat (instead of a cat-shaped sack of bones).


A cat-shaped sack of bones is exactly what she looked like. The vet was surprised that she was still eating everything she could get to. She is currently on a good probiotic and it’s astounding how much better she looks! I’m glad your tabby is better too! Tell her I said pspspspsps.


Thank you! I did tell her pspspsps from you. She looked confused; perhaps it lost something in the translation?


To be fair, there be no food near! (Directly visible in this pic)


Mine was a stray as well. We need to lock her in a separate room while we cook/eat. So frustrating. We have roaches in our apartment (trying to get out of this lease, ew) and she will eat them! Like ma’am? We feed you plenty!


https://preview.redd.it/8nmu2uxrpk7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e21b22975493c81ed13a4c2e1d8b56d38d099479 Mine is very particular about her food. She only eats 1 brand of dry and 1 brand of food topper that we combine. The ratio of wet and dry cannot be off. It has to be on the pink mat. And the bowl cannot have high sides. She was literally starve herself if these demands have not been met. She’s the only 1 of 6 that gets special treatment


i love it when cats are particular like that, i can relate


My baby was like this when we first took her in as a stray. She demanded to be fed no less than six times a day. Of course we divided it up into smaller portions so it came out to the same amount, but that was fine because it wasn't really that she was hungry, she just wanted to eat and eat and eat and eat. She would have a bowl of dry accessible at all times as well, and if I was late with one of her six meals, she'd eat a couple of pieces of dry then look back at me like, "see how desperate I am for the good stuff?"


Mine prefers his food hidden and bagged. The food that's out? Nah. The new bag in the pantry ? Hell yes. He doesn't even like treats unless they're in a bag in a drawer. I try to give him one? Nah. Too easy.


No, water obsessed https://preview.redd.it/qeeu7516yl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c56dbeb60966a0abd8ded709719299c4ea63c3 Please help


I think you mean demon possessed?


No but uh, give me water or you'll be tortured -Beans


My orange is obsessed with water AND food! I also had an orange previously that was just obsessed with food.


Mine is now addicted to chicken flavored treats




https://preview.redd.it/pbwikm198l7d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc4360a905f61f00b3e2af5f891488b7cd7b0b6 Yes Penny tries to help herself


Yes! Mine always wants to see what I’m eating. Sometimes I’ll give him a bite if it’s something cat safe and not seasoned or salty. My co worker made lasagna and gave me a piece to take home and my cat went nuts while I was eating it.


I think your cat is maybe Garfield??


He is looking extra skinny.


I think my cat wrote this


He told me he hasn’t been feed in a million years and he was very convincing


https://preview.redd.it/xl8ruq122l7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb715faba367a33dde799ce51b246f703540e5bb Teacup has broken 2 automatic feeders and made many attempts to hack our current one, bites my nose when I’m sleeping and he’s hungry, will eat cat treat bags in the trash, lick my roommates’ cast iron pans, lick plates of food left unattended, will try to climb up my arms to reach food I’m currently eating and will throw tantrums when I don’t feed him an hour early and has conned my roommates and I into giving him dinner twice once.


Okay Teacup has to be forgiven because look at those curled feetsies and faaaceeee


That’s how he gets away with it every time


Food testing is a serious job okay


https://preview.redd.it/6gxha1zr6m7d1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=875410ef9927b99613702f5c9d9d902b5286a13b Any questions?


stop being a cheapass and give him the ham. 7 years of bad luck if you don't


Dang i can’t have that


smart choice :))


My Gilly ate half a biscotti while I was in the kitchen, fixing my tea. She fiends for food, human or otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/tyvfbrwg5l7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87838c65965852f845389752b0bd0dffe7762102


Unrelated but that’s a really cool photo, looks like an album cover to me for some reason


Thanks! 😸


https://preview.redd.it/1n45luo3xl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0918bbae969a5cf84ccbf6c3d92e7413ce2ea3d7 This one. If she can see the bottom of the bowl she is meowing at you. Worst thing she needs a diet but we try to cut back and she has started eating the dogs food 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ We don’t leave food out in general, but we’ve also caught her on the dining table looking for it 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Getting up there is at least exercise for her 🤷‍♀️ lol


Idk you tell me 😭 https://preview.redd.it/qbsydqo24n7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e30dd2db41037cadb4f88d29402163da14b3442


OH MY GOD!!! Caught red handed


She ran away with it right after too 😭 We had to chase her around the apartment 😂


The Orange Army (all three of them) tended to wolf down any food presented, so we went to slow feeder bowls and it helps immensely!


Considering how oranges are usually chonk, this one is clearly starving and will die in seconds without food! SECONDS!!!


Yes. My new kitten has recently found out that I chew, and chewing means food, so whatever I eat whether it’s oranges or just chewing a gum, he wants a piece.


Ours isn't an orange, but she was exactly like this. She had severe food anxiety, acted like she was never going to get fed again. Would tear into loaves of bread, chew into bags of chips, anything she could eat. After about a year or so of regular feedings, she slowly calmed down. Now we can put down food and, if she's not hungry, she'll wait to eat. So get a routine going, stick with it, and eventually your orange will learn they're not going to starve.


I think that's a factory setting which gets a modded boost with oranges


There are zero churus that are safe in this house unless they are under lock and key. Orangie will chew every inch of the tube to make sure it is sucked dry.


Yup, mine stole 2 buns out of the breadbox (we've since got a new one), has eaten loads of dry dog food and gotten sick, and has tried to get into basically any human food that isn't salad.


Even they hate salad


My sisters cat 😭 I opened a can of spam and he thought it was his food then bite my ankle when I wouldn’t give him any


Yes. It drives me crazy


My orange really likes lasagna


My little orange guy was rescued off the street and in the beginning would literally scarf a whole can of food in like 2 bites poor hungry baby. But now 8 months later he still acts like he’s starving. I literally have to fend him off while I try to eat my meals at the counter and he’ll try dig a paw in to get a taste if I’m not careful 🫠😂


He doesn’t love food more than any cat… unless the food is chips. He goes feral for chips. if he sees you with a chip bag or eating a chip, he **will** try to snatch or swat it out of your hand. He also tends to shove his fat little head into the chip bag (if present) and feast.


She is *gorgeous*


Omg Evie says thank you!!


You're welcome! Please give Evie a million smoochies from me please


Treat obsessed!


Wow, that cat is very captivating for some reason.


I know she’s so beautiful and adorable that no matter how annoying she is I LOVE HER


my foster cat Callie WAS obsessed with food until we started giving her as much as she could eat, now she doesn't eat all of it anymore and I end up throwing food away, so she doesn't overeat, but there's always food there when she wants it to explain: when I got her, I fed her 3 cans of fancy feast a day, as directed to me by the shelter I foster for, and she would ALWAYS come looking for more food, like, that was *all* she ever seemed to think about, so I asked the shelter if we should give her more food (they pay for everything) and they said sure, double it if she wants it, give her as much as she wants, so thats what I did, I started giving her 4 or 5 cans a day (rarely 6), and the first few days she ate every last bite of it, but after around day 4 of this, she actually started eating a little less, and now she gets 4 cans a day instead of 3, BUT, I end up throwing about a third or more away because I only leave a can out for 4 hours, after that I replace it whether its eaten or not (I don't trust bacteria and stuff like that so I wanna keep her food fresh), now sometimes, she'll eat an entire can and actually want more, but its rare...she ***never*** obsesses over food anymore now though, she's kinda 'meh' about it because she KNOWS there will always be food there if she wants it phew, sorry that was long-winded, hope it made sense the TL:DR is: try giving her as much as she wants for a little bit so she knows it will always be there, and she just may stop obsessing but still eat around the same amount of food


We experienced exactly this with a little black girl we adopted. She came from a family who couldn't afford to keep her fed. She had been surviving on minimal amounts of the cheapest cat food and was malnourished and food obsessed. We just gave her more food than she could eat and after a week or so she began to eat normally. Now she has a perfectly normal relationship with food, often leaving stuff she doesn't like much, or if she's not hungry. She's even beginning to be picky and turning into quite the fussy little madam. Her previous carers didn't spey, vaccinate, treat for fleas or worm her, so we wondered if her eating problems were worms. She was treated for worms immediately when we got her so that could be why she began eating less a few days later.


oh thats awesome, I'm so glad to hear she's doing better, and also that this isn't a one-off experience either what you say makes sense and we actually don't know where Callie came from, or even how old she even is, the vet couldn't tell and neither can anyone else...all we know is that before she got to the shelter she had a HARD life, most likely at the hands of humans, because she was almost feral and HATED humans, didn't trust ANYONE apparently...until she found me...but she is as sweet as can be to me, quite loving...now...not so much when she first got here but doing really well now...and best of all, she's mine forever, the shelter told me that since she seems to be fine with me and never has been with anyone else, that they're happy to keep paying for me to take care of her for the rest of her life because they don't think she's adoptable so, SCORE lol I get an awesome kitty for good and don't have to pay a cent


Fantastic. , 😊


Yep! Mine is! And he’s a bottomless pit too!!


Aren’t they all?


Yes, by mine is not a cat, but a pug. 😀


i have to transfer his food into hard containers because he will rip through any bag of food you bring home. i used to work at a pet store so one time i used my discount to buy puppy food for my friend who was gonna pick it up later that night and my orange menace gorged himself on nutrient-dense puppy food 😭


Both my orange boys are food motivated.


Only when we're having pizza... and ham... and steaks... and French dips... ans rotisserie chicken... and ribs... and anything with cheese...


Cheese is her favorite food i think. She goes for it with a ferocity never before seen


[Can not relate](https://i.redd.it/3rtu68j8594b1.jpg) Oh wait...Gino will want anything I'm eating. If he hears the cheese drawer or the lunch meat drawer, he'll be at the fridge in a jiffy. Hear me getting out bread to make toast? He's there thinking I'm making eggs or a sandwich. We have to separate him from our other cats at dinner time because he'll bully them out of the way. He'll try to paw at my hand to get whatever food I'm eating.


https://preview.redd.it/tz9lkdkyom7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c2902a0873cbfdf6a09910199b314fd55e16a8 Not one, not two, but THREE food-obsessed bozos. I'm still trying to teach them boundaries when it comes to human food, but it's been 8 months now and no dice. Doesn't help that I live alone in a one room apartment, with a very inconsistent work schedule.


He was living on the streets so he was very food insecure when he came to stay with us. It may him feel good to always have a little dry food in his bowl so he could take a hit when he was nervous. https://preview.redd.it/bd3914dwvm7d1.jpeg?width=2987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc1b96c3d18314bf3fb640b3c4df3818a5ee18d He’s much better now. He still expects his breakfast and dindin on time though.


What kind of human food he like?


Yep. Completely ruled by food


If food is around, my cat has to be involved, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/142gubks8n7d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6756f214a76b1e1be925ab55886a61cab8f1a1a This boy absolutely is. We've had to switch to microchip feeders for our cats so that he stops stealing everyone else's. We're also now slowly getting his weight under control.


Only for yogurt, ice cream, and the leftover milk from cereal (none of which I give him). He will climb all over me if he hears a spoon clank against a bowl.


Yes. Mine is so sneaky about it too. He frequently does stuff like hides in the closet and magically reappears to steal my senior cat’s veterinary diet from her. But it is a good way to keep them entertained, too. I give my guy puzzle toys and he aces even the hardest ones. I’ve also taught him to turn around and wait for treats. If I had the patience I could probably teach him to jump through a fire hoop for one. 😂


What a cutie! He needs more food to grow into those paws! 🧡🐾🐾


NOPE! My orange is the only cat I've known that will sometimes ignore meat and just eat biscuits.


I have a food gremlin. This girl literally steals and opened every treat bag or wet food packs I buy. Like this morning, I had to give her a light smack on the butt (really just light to get her to get off the table) for opening two of the packets that are for the KITTENS and not for her TWO YEARS OLD slim butt. Other times she is dancing around my legs and rubbing on me when I’m cooking. What do ai do then? Take my foot and slide her off to the side so I can stand by the counter.


My orange cat was food obsessed like that for a while - I had to put a cover on *anything* I wanted to keep safe, even salad or blueberries or tortillas. It was earlier to just carry him with me if I had to go grab something from the pantry, he was *so* driven I could barely turn my back.  Eventually we noticed he was losing weight and got some tests run at the vet - turns out he had some digestive issues that meant he wasn't actually getting all the nutrition he needed. We got him on meds and now he's so much more chill! And healthier, too, of course. But he still is partial to salad greens.


Yes! But he’s a former stray so it makes sense. It is funny though, he wants to escape but his need for food overpowers it. We give him bikkies when we leave for work, he sees the open door and tries to eat faster to escape


https://preview.redd.it/bi8j00xy0p7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34273f3759ad7360f5cf1bc4dc9f6dea5f0a411f Twins!


And yes, if the photo wasn't clear enough.. obsessed with food 😅 always hanging around, hoping for scraps. Just earlier tonight, I wanted him out of the spare room. He wouldn't come when called, so all I had to do was say, "Ya hungry?" And wooosh. Downstairs to the kitchen. But, weirdly enough, when he gets his own food, he *always* leaves exactly half for later.




Not orange but HUNGRY https://preview.redd.it/63zfrqfk8r7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292060bacd851e6a065e9e6d82360003f07546d2


Mine is water obsessed, particularly sink water.