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Love Tunde on the bike and in ALW, but her regular strength classes are a little chaotic. Like Robin in strength and on the tread, but can't take her on the bike. Love Hannah C in barre and foam rolling, get annoyed with her on the bike. Like Matty in general but I despite his "stretching voice" lol


LMAO at Matty's stretching voice. It is a bit much, but the stretches themselves can be really nice, especially his "calm" themed one.


I’m a diehard Tudne fan, but I unfortunately fear you’re right about her strength classes. 😭 not that they aren’t effective, but sometimes it’s all over the place.


Agreed 😩 I love love love her on the bike and bike boot camps are fine too! But completely agree on her strength. Her arms program was the same way.


I love her too but one of her full body strength classes was one of the only times I thought ‘i could easily get injured right now’ in my 5 years on the platform




Yes! I feel like Tunde got a huge following for her ALW classes and everyone wanted Tunde arms so they threw her in as a strength instructor. She clearly doesn’t have the training or background to be teaching it


> Like Robin in strength and on the tread, but can't take her on the bike. As someone who only does strength and Tread (at least 2 years since I did bike), this seems accurate to me. All the dislikes of Robin seem to be focused on her bike. Either that, or I just *really* tune out for strength and Tread lol.


Not going to lie, I love Tunde on and off the bike, but some instructors should definitely stick to what they do best. It's probably most noticeable to folks who have more than one piece of equipment. Like someone said Matt is better on a bike than a tread but I don't have a tread. So I can't compare


Totally agree about Robin. Her strength programing is awesome but I can’t deal with her on the bike.


This is exactly how I feel. I love them all but they each have their own strengths. I once took a tunde strength and I still have no idea what was happening.


Ross is great at mediation. His yoga classes suck.


Thank you! I honestly can’t take them anymore. The body mechanics chat is incessant, impedes flow and is rarely helpful.


I love Ross’s demeanor and dad jokes, but the biomechanics is not it!


Omg, THIS. I cringe every time I hear him say biomechanics…


You have to tone. Tone your lower body. Tone tone TONE.


Now sickle your ankles just to see what the opposite feels like


They are bad bad. Once I took a class of his that was so bad and mentioned it here and got ripped a new one. Edit: wasn’t on here was in the main Peloton reddit


I tried one of Ross’s yoga programs but couldn’t finish it because i felt like he talked way too much and I did not like the programming.


I love biomechanics but his cues just fail to land and connect.


🥹 i’ve taken like 2 yoga classes with him and i wanted to love it but alas, couldn’t get into the flow with how frequently he was explaining stuff. 




I agree. I suppose I could see why some people would like his yoga teaching style so I wouldn't say it objectively sucks, but it's definitely not for me. It feels so disjointed and overexplained yet also not understandable to me 😅 But I enjoy his meditations! I wish he had released more walking meditations before leaving soon


I find his meditations wildly inconsistent but really enjoy his yoga but I prefer to practice the style of yoga he trained in than vinyasa flow. My practice really grew from focusing on the biomechanics and spending time in the postures. 


I love Hannah C’s stretching and barre, like I adore how goofy she is. She’s one of my most taken instructors if you sort by all modalities and # of classes taken by instructor. It doesn’t translate on the bike for me and I rarely ride with her. Love Ben’s no nonsense strength classes but again, can’t do it on the bike. I need more pizazz. I recently started doing tread walk/hike workouts (non peloton tread) and I did a few of Selena’s. It made me gravitate more to her strength classes because I felt like I got to know her better by doing some walks. I was lukewarm on her and I was missing out!


Ooh, I have to agree with you on Andy. I love his strength classes and programs, but his chaotic music choices are a big turn off on the treadmill.


I came here to say Ross for meditation vs. yoga but since that's already been brought up - I personally dislike Jess Sims and Tunde for strength. They're two of my favorites in terms of personality and I love taking each of their runs/walks or rides, but their strength classes involve way too much cardio which just isn't what I'm looking for in a strength workout.


I feel the exact same way. I always feel like I’m going injure myself when I take a Jess sims class.


Becs checking in saying hello


What…you don’t love her shadow boxing???


😂😂 I’ve only heard legends of it I have the rower and she’s the only one with blatantly awful form


lol Find me the person that asked for Becs to do anything other than longer marathon training runs where she doesn’t talk about her kid the whole time. Peloton is baffling sometimes


I used to be a huge fan and she’s probably the most experienced runner there but even pre-child sometimes I could only take her in small doses simply because of the music 🎶 honestly, the music is the main reason I’ve stayed away since then. Being a mother is awesome, but I’ve had friends and read on here all the time how the kid talk is overboard. Also she like others gives off elitist vibes lately.


I love Selena’s strength classes, but not her running classes. The ones I’ve taken have been kind of chaotic with random additions of speed and incline. She also yells more in her running classes, which isn’t my vibe. I like Mariana’s tread classes, but not her yoga classes.


I took that Olivia class and totally agree! So chaotic and all over the place with weird movements.


Before anyone @s me…I really do like Ben. However I don’t love his cycling classes. I like knowing what the class plan is or even just interval lengths and I feel like he doesn’t deliver on that. However I love his strength classes. His form can sometimes use some work but the programing is always solid.


100% agree- love him for strength but not on bike!


Agree - love his strength classes but his rides are soooo boring. Its such a shame bc he often has great music! The daft punk ride should've been incredible but it was so sleepy


Oh gosh, I love Andy on the tread but I think it's because I have the same classic rock taste that he has. He always makes me laugh, too. I'm intimidated by his strength classes though so I can't compare.


his strength classes are totally doable, give it a shot! 


Good to know! Maybe I'll give it a shot this week. :) They just look so intense in the Instagram stories.


Don’t be intimidated by Andy’s strength classes! Try a 10-20 min one. I adore him


His strength are great! He’s goofy and ridiculous but he’s got strength down


Hannah Corbin for Barre, big no on the bike for me. Ally and Hannah Frankson are perfection in all they do 😉💜


I absolutely love Cody but just took one of his groove rides and honestly he wasn’t feeling it at all - thought he was hungover or something! Will stick with Emma for groove!


The other day I took a Cody intervals and arms and he was so visibly annoyed by the arms sections. And I get it, I’m sure the little 3 lb weights are comical to him. But Tunde can make those weights challenging as hell so maybe just don’t teach the class if you hate it.


That's funny because I feel like he has a ton of arms/light weights 10 minute classes.


It’s hard to tell with him where his moods come from. He was definitely in one. But it is funny to see the big dudes with the super light weights.


It is! I also love when they say things like, "I'm feeling it, too!" and I'm like, "Suuuuure you are, but thanks for making me feel like less of a weakling!"


He definitely hates the arm classes! Lol. I don’t think he loves bootcamps either


Love Olivia on the tread and for PZ rides, but think all her other rides are way too chaotic/don’t prepare you well for the efforts.


May be an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a fan of Tunde teaching PZ. I've done two of her PZ classes, and I just can't get into them. The first one I did she kept talking about Matt W. the whole time, and it just felt like she copied one of his classes exactly. I like her fine otherwise. I just avoid her on PZ along with CDE. On the other end, Matt W. is excellent at every class and modality he teaches so I know that whatever I choose with him as the instructor will be anxiety and stress free. lol


I can't tolerate CDE on any ride. Primarily bec the DYPZ and BYPZ programs forced her on me. But Tunde felt like a breath of fresh air. Olivia in PZ is just too unbelievable. Like "are you even going as hard as you want us to?"


I was trying to be nice about CDE, but yea I've never been able to tolerate her. I like Olivia she's pretty no non sense to me. The thing I can't stand about Olivia is her obsession with Ariana Grande, but other than that she's cool to me. Maybe Tunde will grow on me as she gets more into PZ, but as of right now, not a fan.


I think I prefer Tunde's PZ bec I prefer her music choices. And I like how many zone 5s she gives us. I love a proper PZ struggle session! Denis is ok too on PZ, as is Hannah. But CDE is straight up BEC for me now. I can't handle her!


Olivia is 100% not going as hard as she calls out, except maybe the Max ride in BYPZ. She also really really loves her OOS sections in PZE rides. “THEY’RE JUST OPTIONS”


You are not alone. Tunde’s regular classes are great. I am a die hard PZ rider and I will not do her PZ class again. She gave out wrong information on zones and she kinda danced the whole time. I get it , PZ training can be boring she wants to keep it fun with the dancing but it was totally distracting me from being in “my zone”. I need PZ classes to feel like training and not fun 😂


Absolutely agreed. I've been doing PZP challenges since 2019, and she just doesn't fit the vibe for me.


I want Tunde to be better with PZ classes. Her intervals classes that essentially were PZ were way better than the official ones. She hasn’t recorded new classes in a while, either. Her low impact classes are excellent. I’m not sure what’s not working with PZ specifically. As for CDE, I like her programming for PZ classes and climbs. However, I go through phases regarding how much of the hot/cold crew/hands on your back/I am I can/ and crying I can handle. The Palomar mountain climb rides were solid.


I don't know. Maybe she doesn't take it as serious as the other instructors? PZ is pretty regimented and maybe that's not her vibe. It seems she's only done one PZ class a month since November, and perhaps that's not enough.


Yeah, maybe she needs to do them more frequently? They are rather structured and possibly easier to teach-but maybe that’s completely off and I have no experience. Hannah and Charlotte seem to have done pretty well transitioning to teaching.


I really like Hannah F. but I generally like all the UK instructors.


And I love Tunde teaching Power Zone. She might not be the same vibe as all the other instructors, but I’m fine with that. Personally I find the other PZ instructors boring …. Don’t come for me lol.


k. Enjoy the 6 PZ classes she has out.


I don’t care for Mariana’s yoga classes, but I love her on the Tread!


Same! I do like her yoga for runners classes, but she kind of annoys me in her regular yoga classes. I adore her on the tread though.


This… She’s great on the tread and fine with meditations and she seems like such a nice and authentic person. But her yoga classes are too fast or confusing


Mariana’s my absolute favorite tread instructor & I love her yoga for runners classes, but she and Ross are legit the only yoga instructors I can’t follow at all.


Her yoga for runner’s classes are the only yoga classes I take from her. I agree that she’s great on the tread.


I don’t have a tread but she seems like a wonderful human being - I just can’t stand her yoga programming. It’s too damn fast and chaotic, even in her “slow flows”


I took one stretching class from Hannah C that was mid. Everything else has been terrible (programming, music, cueing, etc)


I absolutely love Alex on the bike, favorite instructor of all time…  don’t love him on the tread.


Mariana is pretty good at running. Horrible at leading a yoga class IMO.


I love her yoga classes thread she is good but music choices suck


Katie Wang’s row bootcamps are so awesome and fun! Her enthusiasm really shines through. Her regular rowing classes are good, but she truly shines in the bootcamps.


Jess Sims Tread bootcamps >>> Jess Sims Bike Bootcamps. It’s just not the same


I really like Cody’s HIIT and Hills rides, but hate his generic ‘pop’ rides.


This is exactly why I don’t like Olivia’s ALW classes! Switching moves every 20 seconds is too chaotic and I hate the “crunches” and she does them in every class it seems!


Love Wilpers and Olivia as running instructors - do not take their cycling classes.


Wow!!! Two of my favorites on both modalities 😂 I only ride PZ and really just with them two and Ben. Like them a lot so run with them too


I agree. lol. I also like Jon and Mariana on Tread. Maybe I just like predictable and fuss free instructors and those five seem to fit the bill. Hannah F. is pretty good too on both, and perhaps more lively. :D


Wilpers is the ultimate bike coach.


I love Matt on bike but maybe a little less so running. I’m the exact opposite for Olivia.