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I'm more confused than ever by the relationship of Shanks and the World Government. Why was he casually meeting these monsters? Does he know about these forms? Did the Roger Pirates know about them? Also the time limitation on Gear 5 is pretty insane in a world where Yonko's tend to battle each other for days at a time.


Luffy is new to this form. Remember when he would shrink after using Gear 3?


People forget he was STILL shrinking at Marineford. Gear 4, while he lasts longer, he did train that over the timeskip.


I mean, Marine Ford was like what? A couple months after he learned gear 3 maybe?


No it was literally 2 weeks or something lmao I am not kidding


Shanks is related to a celestial dragon family and is a pirate emperor, the elders also seemed to be somewhat familiar with him. Luffy ran out of Gear 5 once against Kaido and restarted it, he could go for round 2 against Saturn.


I doubt that anyone apart from Imu knows their forms. I guess Shanks wanted to talk about Blackbeard and what kind of threat he imposes to the world.


The marines made an announcement that low ranking men had to look away or die. So their forms are definitely known by higher ups.


Not necessarily. That might be the rule but I doubt he walks around transformed in the office and he says he hasn't been to the "surface" in a while so it's perfectly possible he hasn't shown anyone this form in 50 years


Also these are extraordinary times 3 out of the 4 original Yonkou are dead The last one is making moves Joyboy might have returned The revolution seems to start in earnest Blackbeard is likely a huge threat too since Imu showed anger against him too and in many ways he is like a dark mirror to Luffy, being also a gigantic threat to the WG would make sense, especially since one of his hobbies is related to histroy according to a SBS Revealing your super secret Devil Fruit to the highest ranked and likely loyal marines seems acceptable in this situation Low tier trash not (yet)


Princess Shirahoshi and Princess Vivi also are a threat to Imu. Blackbeard has two devil fruits and a weird body. Not sure.


Yeah that’s possible, I can’t even think of a reason why any of them would have needed to transform in the last few decades. But now there will for sure be rumors within the marines, if their weren’t before, and it will spread, like from the dude next to the guy who’s head was exploded.


Or they knew that Saturn will kill everybody who they think the world govt can't control. Or it's like with the emperor's haki which people of Lower ranks can't resists but Saturn's ability's are more severe


Or Saturn just, yknow, told them to say that


Luffy is pretty new to gear 5. When he was new in gear 4 he could hold this form for about 10 minutes. Don't forget he is coating himself with Haki,the version which kaidou is using too. In one piece time it's Like 3 or 4 days passed since his first use of gear 5, also luffys fighting style is not based on fighting for 3 days,but all he have to learn now is stamina to fight longer


The limit was 30 minutes, but it took him 10 minutes to get his haki back after reaching his limit.


There was a 2-3 week break between the Raid and when the straw hats continued to leave Wano. This is when Greenbull showed up


>There was a 2-3 week break between the Raid and when the straw hats continued to leave Wano. This is when Greenbull showed up It was 1 week between the Raid and when Liffy & Zoro woke , then a few more days after that before they left the island


That's all fine but I heavily doubt that there will be a 2nd timeskip. With how things progressed so far it's fair to assume that Luffy will find the One Piece in like the next 2 months in-world time. When is he supposed to get the hang of it like he did with the other gears..?


I also find it hard to think of any way there could be a second time skip. Things are evolving too rapidly in-universe and there's no way they can afford to be months/years not doing anything important


Yeah I’m really confused about that. I wanna know the name Shanks gave them


He probably has a family connection with the whole Figarland thing. As for how he, as someone raised by pirates since infancy, would know about this connection, I don't really know.


The pure essence of One Piece is the more we know, the more questions we have


I wonder if Shanks has a twin brother who remained in Marejois. Given his father is head of the holy knights, it would make sense for him to be the head of the order, and the Gorosei line about taking the meeting because it's him and wondering what he's doing there would still line up


I've tentatively been on board with this theory. We know Shanks is a Figarland though don't know his precise relation to Garling. We saw a silhouette of God's Knights which included one figure that has a very similar silhouette to Shanks. And we also get a few things from "Shanks'" meeting with the Gorosei. They never refer to him by name and assume "from his station" he'd have nothing to do with politics. We also only see one side of his face, the side without Shanks' distinctive scar. Shanks may be able to get a meeting with the Gorosei himself based in his status as, at least a former, celestial dragon. But there is definitely a non-zero chance that the man we saw at the Reverie was not Shanks.


Another thing to add, any time we’ve seen Shanks, he’s been shown with his scar around his face, and the meeting with “Shanks” and the Gorosei, we didn’t see any scar markings, even at that angle we didn’t see anything.


I have a feeling Vegapunk knows what fruit Saturn has and may use this moment as a way to lore dump a bit (possibly about the others fruits as well). I also have a theory that Nika may be a "hard counter" to those fruits as well, but theres way too many fights going on right now to know what'll happen with that.


Honestly it might not even be a fruit. It might just be what these guys look like. Their true forms. They keep referring to other characters as “humans” as if they’re something else.


Don't most celestial dragons talk like that? They all consider themselves to be literal gods, so it makes sense that they would refer to other people as "humans".


True, but the Five Elders definitely look, dress, and feel different from the rest of the CDs.


They do but there might be a deeper reason for it.


That's entirely possible. I just have a feeling Vegapunk knows what they are - and he loves infodumping for us so far.


In the translation I read, Vegapunk adresses Saturn with "St. Saturn I presume". Gotta wait for the official translation (or Library of Ohara) but if this stays like this, he hasn't seen that form, maybe not even met him at all.


they have met it was in the cover story of chapter 1075


Yokai summoned by a devilish pentagram and they wouldn't be devil fruits? I think it's more likely that they're primitive devil fruits. Or they could literally be the devils that made the fruits I suppose but why make the Nika one then?


my theory is that what if in ancient times there was a war between deities and devils and Nika is the remaining survivor/resurrection. They didn't create his fruit, but he created the fruit and throughout the years has been escaping their hands. Another scenario could be he is like a Loki situation who was a devil that rebelled against the status quo. This also ties into my thoughts that Imu is most likely the Sea Devil.


I like this take. While their choice for calling others “humans” might just be good old racism and thinking they’re better because they’re celestial dragons, this could still be true. It’s pretty likely that at least Imu, if not all of them, have been around since before the creation of the devil fruits, so it could totally be that they are creatures from the “before times”


The fruit Luffy has grants him the powers/personification of the sun god Nika, all the devil fruits do this, it seems to me they are the reincarnation of this ancient creatures/powers. In my opinion the five elders are actually this very ancient creatures, as in they have not died since ancient times.


Jaygarcia's transformation visual is inspired by that of an yokai. Ushi-Oni. So they could just be yokai. That could mean all kind of world shattering revelations. The world being controlled by yokai perhaps...


Doubtful since we can see the awakened form.


Maybe they are the race of the devils from who the fruits come from, who knows


I think this is likely with all the occult symbolism going on


He's gonna bait out his knowledge of the void century by revealing the name and ability of the fruit.


From here I imagine it's a hit and dip kind of thing, Strawhats needed to be made directly aware of the Five Elders as an enemy and having him pop up like this and fuck shit up is a great way to do it. Also this is exactly what I imagine when Oda describes stuff as clashes, Luffy & Kizaru threw some bombs but are pretty even and now they gotta get the hell out of there


Egghead is essentially Saobody 2.0 it would make sense for Kuma to save the day again. I don’t know how he might, but Bonney being included in this arc isn’t a coincidenceZ


I imagine he pops up, says something like get her out of here or just goes Run and then makes a suicide attack against Saturn It’ll give Bonney incentive to lore dump whatever she knows


I can see him being how they get the sunny and crew out of there. Everyone gets on and he just boops them away


We still have the ancient robot that came to live. It most definitely will play a part in fighting Saturn or escaping from him.


Yeah I imagine robot vs. Saturn is what gives them the window to get outta there


Also possibility of Kuma flying to Egghead to save Bonney.


Oh god the crazy shit in this arc is faaaaaar from over isnt it, we still need Kuma, the Flashback, the Robot, the incident, the BB pirates that are on Egghead, the escape


The ancient robot, whoever the fuck was on the Blackbeard ship, and where is Smoker during all of this? Last we heard, he was on his way to Egghead


the summoning circle is a pentagram for a more interesting reason: [https://i.imgur.com/w9loCps.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/w9loCps.jpg) its actually based off the 5 elements. each of the 5 elements correspond to a planet, each with the same name as the gorosei.


These are the elements that compose the Japanese days of the week btw, from tuesday to saturday. Sunday and Monday are sun and moon just like in english


it increasingly feels like imu is gonna be a moon god at this rate


This would make sense, that the Gorosei are part of a group of 7 and Nika betrayed them Are the gorosei said to be descendents of the 20 kings?


I def think it's related to something like that


Saturn is the stomach, according to this, which is interesting, as that's where Bonney stabbed him


And she’s the gluttony pirate


Interesting when you think about [what Saturn/Kronos is known for](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_Devouring_His_Son)


given that these are each of the organs that make up a person, im wondering if imu has been split into 5 to protect himself like a horcrux or something. probably not, but an interesting thought.


So… FMA then?


I've been thinking this for a while. I think that imu and the gorosei are like vegapunk and his sattelites. I believe that their power/abilities will be shown to be extensions of imus.


Venus being metal works well, since he's the one with (probably) Kitetsu I


Yeah 金木水火土 and 土 is Saturn and the 5th


The gorosei being celestial dragons, might turn out to be devils, which could mean that the fruits that grant powers could be godly fruits, and just called devil fruits by the devils pretending to be gods? Also, if they are opposites, devil fruits and the gorosei, since DFs are meant to represent dreams and hope and imagination, could the gorosei be despair and nightmares of sorts?


What if the D. stands for something light like “Daylight” instead of the “Devil” generally assumed for years. The actual devils despise those with Daylight in the name: Monkey Daylight Luffy, or something like that.


In Wano and Zou they mentioned “Dawn” several times


{[deleted by user]}


I think next chapter might be a "transition into the flashback" chapter. Saturn and Bonney will have a verbal confrontation, that ends with Bonney saying something like "No! I know what you've done to him!" as the chapter fades into Oda's flashback style.


This has some serious Sabaody Redux vibes. I think we should brace ourselves for something really really bad to happen.


Well now I am thinking Jerry Garcia is about to cast a mass banishment spell sending everybody to the underworld.


I'm so here for a hell arc


Not the hell arc I expected to come first.


To mirror impel down


Oda got tired waiting for Kubo to commit to the Hell Arc and decided to do it himself


Pedro: Guess who's back...


Confirmed. Gorosei is the the grateful dead.


Love when they do Estimated>Eyes>Demonic Spell


anime will add a Drums>Space in there


That would be a hilarious troll from Oda after it was mentioned that they would go to Elbaf next.


Oda did the same thing in Sabaody saying Fishman Island was next. When the Straw Hats make a trip plan, Oda laughs.


I'd like it to be a reverse outcome with the Straw Hats being the victor.


Here's some things that would be great for the reverse outcomes: Kizaru on the verge of executing all the Straw Hats -> Luffy being the clear victor against Kizaru It took Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji combined and going all out on one prototype Pacifista -> any individual Straw Hat can take out a modern Pacifista with minimal effort. Kuma indirectly helping the Straw Hats -> Kuma directly helping them Luffy alone punched a Celestial Dragon -> the Straw Hats collectively leave a big dent on Saturn (i.e. group fight vs Oars) The Straw Hats announced completely defeated -> The Straw Hats receiving increased bounties and more pirates start joining the Grand Fleet


That's been my thought for a long time. The subverted Sabaody. I think you could do it a lot of ways, especially since Wano's ending was (deliberately) weird enough there might be a wrinkle to all this we don't know to account for yet.


What if they end up in Hel (from Norse mythology) and exit it straight to the Elbaf?


Bad for the World Government. Luffy punched Charloss; the Straw Hats will kill Saturn. This arc is all about Saboady’s redemption.


We still have yhat Giant robot that could at any moment attack the giant-enemy-spider. I do not believe Elbaf will be next, but where ever the Strawhats and remaining punks will end up will be wild.


**Atlas is going to die soon** * She was the one who ordered the Pacifista to attack the marines, which is what forced Saturn to spring into action in the first place. * So far 2 of the 6 Satellites have been killed; Shaka by York, and Pythagoras by S-Snake. I feel like we are bound to see additional Satellites get killed off too. If York and S-Snake can each kill one of them then I can easily see Saturn getting one too. * **Atlas is currently right in front of of Saturn**. Sanji, Franky, and Bonnie are not dying here because of plot reasons. The main Stella Vegapunk body is most likely safe too since he'll probably get scenes later with Bonnie regarding Kuma's backstory. Atlas however sticks out like a sore thumb as she is the most disposable character here. * Bonnie has just stabbed Saturn. Obviously she won't be able to kill Saturn, but Atlas may view this stab as an opening to attack Saturn herself (she is Vegapunk's violence and the main Stella body is in life-threatening danger right now). Remember that she blindly charged at CP0 earlier in the arc despite being way weaker than them. * Her death will further show that Saturn isn't playing around in the slightest, as opposed to her just being injured by Lucci and then being happily repaired later on.


Honestly I'm surprised Atlas has made it this far. She caught a Rokuogan to the face as soon as Lucci showed up. Vegapunk is in a bad spot right now, but Atlas is in a *really* bad spot right now.


Atlas is CUTE! Therefore she will survive and be the next crew member.


I think everyone but Lilith is at risk, it's very possible the others die and she takes his legacy. They really only need one (two with York).


Yeah lilith being the only survivor except maybe York taken by the WG is my current guess.


I feel like this is a definite possibility, especially with the way they introduced her.


The 'magic circle' is the REALLY weird part here. Oda hasn't shied away from showing scifi tech this arc, so I was expecting if the Gorosei did anything with 'magic' it'd look like alien tech, but this looks like straight up magic, which has only been in the movies and video games before.


Devil Fruit abilities are literally magic. His special Mythical ability being demon like powers wouldn't be out of the realms of a Devil Fruit power. We've already seen God fruits have even crazier effects than just normal Mythical powers.


What do you guys think about Saturn saying "I almost can't remember the last time I came to the surface" * Coming down to the surface from Mariejois * Coming *up* to the surface from, like, Hell. * Something else?


Mariejois is the holy land, so that area and its ground are all "Heaven." The islands are just earth/dirt/the surface.


My own interpretation is that it's the devil fruit itself talking (finally I get to come out and play type of stuff), which is unlikely but it seems pretty cool.


He justed used it on Sabo tho


Coming down from Mariejois.


the five elders, the greatest known authority in the world, as good guys to the public, all have demon devil fruits lol


I can see Saturn going nasty on the SHs and punks along with revealing some information about Kuma and the WG. Also I see him going beast mode, gettiny a kill or two. Leading to Luffy declaring he will break down the WG starting today. SH + Punks vs Saturn & Kizaru. Dont know who would win tho


Oh no I don't think Kizaru is getting out of this unscathed, he essentially failed his mission and forced Saturn to do it himself. I feel Saturn will either execute Kizaru for his failure or force the SHs to save him. I mean Saturn executed a normal marine for a bad comment, what do you think he does to an Admiral that had one job and couldn't do that.


I definitely was thinking for a second that Kizaru's "This is not good..." wasn't due to Luffy's attack, but to the fact that Satan was coming


I wasn't entirely sure if it was Kizaru saying that, I thought It was Luffy realising he is at his limit. But I checked and it's a thought bubble and Luffy basically never has thoughts so it's probably Kizaru yeah.


'Luffy basically never has thoughts' ouch lol But yes.


He actually never had a thought bubble in the manga.


Not even a bad comment, literally just LOOKING at Saturn was enough to execute him


The type of Yokai his fruit is based on is supposed to kill you if you make eye contact. He might not even be able to control it against lesser enemies.


Kizaru joining forces with SH is my Wet dream


It seems like Saturn had the expectation that Kizaru could kill Vegapunk, eliminate everyone else besides York, and keep the important items unscathed and now he has to do it for him. When Kizaru does get up again (highly doubt that star punch would put him out of commission for good), I would not be too sure if he'll want to continue with his mission.


Saturn would have to be an idiot to Kill Kizaru. Killing one of your most reliable Admirals over one failure ?


there is a group of five symbolic creatures in Japanese folklore that includes a spider: the Goketsu no Tobira (五傑の扉, "Five Gatekeepers"). These creatures are said to guard the entrance to the underworld, and each one represents a different aspect of death. The five creatures are: Tengu (天狗): A mythical creature with the body of a human and the head of a bird or dog. Kitsune (狐): A nine-tailed fox with magical powers. Tanuki (狸): A raccoon-like creature with the ability to shapeshift. Mujina (貉): A badger-like creature with the ability to transform into human form. Kumo (蜘蛛): A spider.


Okay chopper better face off Tanuki


It crazy how Sabo managed to see their form and survive. Now i get it why Wapol scare af


I'm also impressed with Cobra. He was on death's door before entering the throne room. Not only did he see all of them, and not have his head blown off. He died standing his ground against all 6 giving Sabo time to leave. A King to the end!


Oda's clearly cooking up something with Robin, because it's deliberate at this point that she's the only SH that hasn't been seen in even one panel since Ch. 1090 while all the other Straw Hats have. Either he's about to have her show up and confront Saturn over the Ohara Incident or she's about to do something with Punk Records to prevent Saturn and company from getting their hands on it in this Ohara 2.0 arc, like leak the info about Ohara's research to the public. That would definitely shake the world.


Atlas and Edison are about to have a bad time. Atlas is in front of Saturn after ordering the pacifista around and I doubt Saturn is forgiving. As far as we know Edison is now alone in the control room, bar a captured Kaku and a restrained York. My money is on the Blackbeard's taking him out and freeing York


BB quietly sneaking York out would be cool


Saturn compares humans to insects and transforms into a giant spider This is Sanji's second run vs a giant spider And possibly his third matchup in post timeskip vs an enemy who can use strings


His fruit I thiiiink is an Ushi-Oni Yokai. Probably Ox OX Fruit Mythical Model Ushi-Oni. I just looked up spider with bull head, and there is indeed a yokai matchibg that description.


There is a yokai for like everything lol


Bonney kills saturn. Kizaru notices that saturn got defeated and a flashback starts. Luffy is happy that saturn got low diff by bonney and calls sanji to clear the way to save vegapunk. Zoro reveals that he has 4th sword hidden and one shots lucci. At the end of the chapter we see Kizaru transforming into a super saiyan.




As soon as I read "low diff" I knew where this was heading to.


Most likely outcome tbh


This is canon now.


At this rate, reinforcements better show up for Emperor Luffy & his crew. Whether they be the Grand Fleet, Hancock, Kuma, the Iron Giant, or Dragon!


I am hoping for the Grandfleet! Its about time they show up again


Well it's pretty obviously going to be kuma and the giant. There's really nobody else


I've seen a few people say that Saturn has really strong haki, and that's how he blew that Marine's head up, but what if it was magic? Combined with the pentagram, and the fact that it didn't look a whole lot like haki in the panel (which could easily change with the anime), I think it's a possibility. And here's an overarching idea: maybe magic exists in the OP universe, but it's somehow being hoarded by Imu and the Five Elders. Maybe Elbaf is one of the last places where magic still exists and that's why it will likely be the location of one of the last story arcs.


This is how he did it: Za Waldo. Then he walk over and punch him really fast. Then walk back to where he was standing. Then toki something. So it looks like he just exploded


Not just luffys fruit has been avoiding the world government, but blackbeards as the most evil deity. The rest of the gorosei and imu have evil deities as well.. which is why the nika fruit is so important to the world as the bringer of hope and freedom from this demon society


I agree, but Nika isnt based on a God or demon or something from real life, it's like cartoons, so the yami fruit may also be something not necessarily based on a real life god...


I would guess the theme will be something like Luffy's fruit gives him unrivaled freedom, while BB's takes freedom away from everyone else or something along those lines.


If devil fruits embody hope and wishes, then yami-yami is the one to take away people's hope, aka being darkness itself


Nika is actually based in multiple sun gods and there is even a photo of the Bajrang Gun's first draft with the name of one of those gods written next to it, Oda just decided to create his own Sun god and add cartoon stuff to it, but it is indeed based on real life gods.


Wondering what was the last panel where Bonney was thinking something regarding Kuma while stabbing Saturn


Looks like Saturn was the one that ordered VP to remove Kuma's personality, so she got a little stabby


A couple chapters ago she mentioned that her "wrath had a new target" after asked if she still hated Vegapunk so I'm pretty sure the flashback text is her reliving the memory of Saturn ordering Vegapunk to erase Kuma's free will


> from my comment in the main chapter post: from the comments on TCB scans: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15448eb05e61c536084470c3722d912336fda01e639acc07ebbe40d5a39391e5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/876050b0cc35bab63a969b7a322d4149be6daac6a851770e4547c6bdb8d098de.jpg i see some very close matches! definitely kotengu and baku! > the others don't really match perfectly, maybe other yokai.


Piggybacking of [this post from 4 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/13ykuho/1085_spoilers_chapter_1085_was_a_game_changer/) since a few predictions made in there came true, I think the summoning circle Saturn used will be a new power revealed in One Piece and that the origin of the Gorosei is otherworldly.


So here's my theory: The Gorosei aren't Humans who ate Yokai fruit. They're just straight up Yokai. They're demons. Either that or the humans that ate the fruit lost their wills completely, which is effectively the same thing. 800 years ago, in order to defeat the Ancient Kingdom, who threatened to eliminate the sovereignty of nations by providing the whole world unlimited free energy (read: freedom), 20 Kingdoms came together to fight them. And they got fucking *bodied*. So Nerona Imu presented an idea: let's summon some Demons to help us out. Surely this can't go wrong. So they did it, and it worked great. The Ancient Kingdom was defeated. But uhoh, now Imu and his 5 demonic retainers were in control, and, already racked with guilt for agreeing to / being unable to stop the demon plan, Neferteri Lily set out to Ponyglyph bla bla bla. This would explain what the hell is so worthy of secrecy in the Void Century. Like, if it was just "We did a little genocide, sowwy" I feel like at some point who cares. History is full of murder and genocide. It's one thing to deny your history or whitewash it (see: the idealistic story of Thanksgiving vs the reality of smallpox blankets), but it's another thing to be *so* extra about enforcing its secrecy. But if that history is "We summoned demons 800 years ago and they continue to rule the world from the shadows" *that* is a secret worth keeping. So that's my crackpot theory.


This is the best one I've read so far. We even have examples of that right before timeskip with brook and the cultists


If the sea hates devil fruit users it would probably REALLY hate pure yokai or people who had been taken over by their fruits Makes sense why Imu and the Gorosei would wanna live so high above the sea


It's funny to imagine straight up yokai sitting around doing paperwork as the ministers of various government departments.


Bureaucracy is the *real* Hell, am I right?


After seeing the teleportation circle I wondered if shanks used one as well to get to marineford so quick . Since he has ties to the gorosei it might be a possibility


If it worked at that kind of range though, why bother using a ship to get to egghead


You have to visit the area before you are able to use fast travel.


Something similar to this "looking away" thing used to happen to my ancestors: I'm from a state called Kerala, in Southern India and my ancestors (4+ generations ago) used to have to get out of the way and hide on the side of the road/path when someone from a ruling class walked by. Get spotted, and you might be whipped or even put to death for sullying their eyes.


i understand luffy is young and all, but every form he achieves comes with some constraint/limitation, a yonko needs to be able to fight for days


Truly He acted like a yonko for like one chapter lol When he entered rooftop


Noooooooo Luffy, don't go for the head! There's nothing in it!


Haki is so last year If you ain't weaving spells, you're losing


I think the only thing which can save SH, if Saturn decides to go full john wick is the ancient robot. I think it has alot to contribute to this arc and I hope we get to see about it more. Because SH are highly overpowered by the wg now that the seraphims and pasifitas are also under Saturns control


Imagine the ride ride fruit marine starts riding the ancient robot


Aw shit


I haven't fully fleshed it out, but I don't think the Five Elders/Imu are based on yokai. I think Nika is a corollary to Sun Wukong. It makes sense, Gear 5 resembles Sun Wukong and the ability to stretch is similar to Wukong's staff. Wukong has influenced a ton of Shonen characters (Goku being the most obvious and known), and Monkey D. Luffy becoming the Pirate King is a fitting parallel to Wukong on the Monkey King. Plus, Nika was the "Sun God" again connecting to Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong had six sworn brothers, all Demon Kings, in Journey to the West, most of whom weren't given any background or story. But these included the Bull Demon King, the Roc Demon King, the Saurian Demon King, the Macaque Spirit King, the Lion Demon King, and the Tamarin Demon King. Saturn fits the Bull Demon King well, and the shadows of all the other Five Elders could easily match all of the other Demon Kings besides the Lion Demon King. Some myths of Wukong also had a Single Horned Demon King as a sworn brother, which would fit better, but it is fairly uncommon and usually was a separate antagonist. It would make a lot of sense to me if Nika was essentially Sun Wukong, and the Five Elders and Imu were his sworn brothers/friends. I'd think they didn't get their powers from Devil Fruits, but are "devils" themselves (hence Saturn came to the island via summoning circle). Maybe at some point Nika helped create devil fruits to allow people to fill some innate desire and fulfill their wishes, and Imu became upset and rebelled against Nika. Maybe Nika didn't like the idea of immortality but Imu wanted it. Not really sure here. This could also explain why devil fruit users can't swim, Sun Wukong's "weakness" was fighting underwater. He didn't like it and he was said to be limited in what he could do there. It would make sense if he created devil fruits, they inherit his water weakness. I also think this would revive the theory that the egg on the Oro Jackson contained Luffy. Sun Wukong was born from a magic stone egg that turned into a stone monkey when interacting with the wind. If Dragon has the Wind Wind fruit, he may be Luffy's "dad" in the sense the egg hatching required the use of his fruit.


>I also think this would revive the theory that the egg on the Oro Jackson contained Luffy. Really loved your theory overall, but I really hope for you to be wrong here. It makes Luffy literally a chosen one, and that concept hasn't been developed on this series at all so far.


Luffy was given the straw hat of the King of the Pirates by an Emperor of the Sea, son of the worlds most wanted criminal, grandson of the hero of the marines, and has the mythical Nika fruit. I think the story is plainly making Luffy the chosen one. >!I also don't want Luffy to be from an egg. How would that even work if Dragon is his actual father?!<


Easy. Dragon is an actual dragon who ate a human fruit. Dragons lay eggs. Dragon laid the egg. (/jk, but honestly who even knows)


Hasn't this will of D thing been the seed for a chosen one?


Okay this theory is rely cool and I would love for it to be ture. Also makes you wonder if they will be any characters with powers based off Wukong other allies or even enemies will show up for the God's knights or other characters


I still think their visual inspiration are the Yokai, Saturn's design is too specific but that doesn't mean they aren't also inspired by Sun Wukong's companions and journey to the west.


This is interesting as Sunwukong is based on Hanuman, the son of wind.


Bonney making the first strike against the Gorosei is interesting, but there's no way she's winning this fight. When Jay Garcia fights back, Sanji will definitely come to her rescue We're definitely gonna see Sanji VS Saturn, maybe even a team fight, but if Oda hurts my boy even more we're gonna have to take it outside


One of the things I am most surprised by is that he said ranks Commodore and above can look at Saturn. Does that mean that they are ok revealing these forms to regular marines. Commodore is not a high-ranking position relative to the number of marines that are there.


People have said that killing with a look is one of the Yokai's power and just like Medusa the Yokai can't really control it. So it's possible that Saturn wasn't saying he's not okay with lower ranks seeing him but simply trying to save their lives as weaker marines would instantly die upon looking at him. It would be a bit silly if he didn't want people to see him but he hadn't developed a better strategy to prevent that than to say "don't look at me or I'll kill you". While if he's just trying to prevent losing half of his force accidentally it makes more sense, sure some marines might still look but a couple of marines is an insignificant loss.


the way how saturn said Nika doesnt look like someone who never saw this form. I bet he knows the one from 200 years ago who activated the giant robot


Oda really said this is the final saga and I have still so much to tell this week. While I get that the Straw Hats are still young and new compared to crews like Shanks or BB who have been around for some time this chapter showed me again that there will have to be some more power ups for all of them. While we knew the Five Elders were strong Saturn showed that strong may have been an understanding. While Luffy had to take on Kizaru himself Shanks could probably have let Beckmann take care of him and concentrate on Saturn. Zoro is not able to take on an admiral by himself at the moment. I‘m really intrigued as to how it all will play out. Shanks joining forces with the Straw Hats is still at the top of my list of predictions. We know that Elbaf will be important and I feel like we don’t even understand how important it really will be.


We're getting a Saboady moment to show even though Luffy is a Yonko not everyone is strong enough to take on the real enemy's of the story.


I get why some are thinking it, but I am betting outside of maybe losing a Vegapunk satellite and maybe Kuma, the Strawhats walk from Egghead looking like some straight monsters with Jay Garcia left either flat on his bum or sinking in the ocean.


Magic vs Science


Considering that Saturn is the Warrior God of Science, I think this quote will be relevant: magic is just science we don't understand yet


And to think the black beard pirates are still lurking


Kizaru is done. I guess the "this isnt good" line was towards the elder. Seems like Kizaru did not finish what he had to do and big daddy is going to be angry. And it would also show what the Elder can do by killing Kizaru.


I'm in the same boat. Saturn doesn't strike me as an "it's ok, you tried your best" type of guy.


The Kizaru death will be blamed on Luffy initially and when Akainu finds out the actual truth he turns on the WG.


That would be so hype. As much as everyone hates Akainu he would be a really great 'grey' ally/enemy.


I wouldn't be shocked if Saturn kills Kizaru for "failing his mission" or something. Just to really drive home how ruthless these guys are.


Kuma is looking more like Kizaru's hard counter. Lasers can cancel each other out for a little bit, but kizaru seems to zip away to swing back at full speed which means nothing against kumas deflection. That leaves the straw hats to beat Jay as a way of saving vegapunk (which luffy promised to do similar to his promise to Tama). Defeating Jay could tip the scales on kizaru since now he has to contend with all those lasers at once (pacifistas have 3 vs kuma's 1)


Japanese think Gorosei are western demons, while people here say Gorosei are Japanese yokais. How odd.


Basically shows how obscure this yokai is that even the jps can't tell it's their own cultures shit lol 🤣 It's a jp yokai An obscure one [saturn](https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/WpzM6Ig7K654WYQqxmmGSBuvVKCpaCCEgAEp-iZrP-Q/https/image.myanimelist.net/ui/fkHpHKa8ZRvgXF3EvLfxXJwxEUD0Uw9ky_kPrNcD6QQ44G_pUQAICdInrLizssIYPXVPrLH3t9WAZNTPaD_-cVE-TfeJzlVDe3UiIgweQyoK_7M88y7Ty4Nqa8h_Xcn2CYIfJldUHFqqPazjXL2n-LsOnNwodsR1clNyeGpHZ2FRekGUnIWjjmfYIk4PvfrR0S_twg8sK3pU4kFWU1EyBvfIq1WaN8wfie9_PiYhTzwk8BYVc5HF65t7G_72aggTnuvpAJr9eBuzCuMY_1tgKg)


I think that Bonney and Sanji will fight Saturn for a bit while Franky and Atlas guards Vegapunk. Atlas might die here protecting him since we know the satellites aren't safe. As for the vice admirals, I don't think we're getting 1v1s anymore. It would be cool if the other Strawhats and maybe Kaku have to deal with them. It would show how the weaker members have gotten stronger. Bluegrass' devil fruit is ok, but I like the Otter guy.


\-Blackbeard squad on Egghead could be trying to steal a devil fruit (though, most of the members already have one), which makes Saint Garcia, CP0 (Kaku, Lucci, and Stussy), various Marine Vice Admirals, and the Strawhats as potential targets. \- The '5' in the magic circle makes me think either all the Gorosei have this ability, or Imu does. Also the Room of Authority has some interesting designs in it, as there are pentagrams on the walls and circles on the ground (Ch. 1086 has some examples). \-Saint Garcia's reaction to seeing Luffy, and thinking "Nika" instead of Luffy/Hito-hito no mi/etc. makes me think there's a personal connection between their fruits, or Garcia and the previous user. \-Here's an older theory of mine, when Luffy's fruit was name dropped in 1044, it's primarily Garcia and Shepard Ju Peter speaking about the fruit. Ju Peter, being the head of Agriculture, could know more about it and other devil fruits as he has a direct hand in growing them for the government's own uses.


Go is 5 in Japanese, it likely refers to the 5 elders, or the 5 corners of a pentagram, additionally relating to stars. It could also relate to 5 common demons in Hebrew mythology like Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Lilith, Satan, etc. Any number of things it could be related to.


Devil Fruits are ACTUALLY devils.. note how Saturn said he hasn't been to the SURFACE for a long time and man just summoned himself using a pentagram


Mariejois has always been contrasted from the surface tho and the holy coming down to the surface


The last time he’s been down from Mariejois. If he’s immortal it would be so cool if the last time he was down there was when he was fighting Joy Boy the first time.


What if Luffy's devil fruit is so dangerous because if he wanted to he could go all cartoon style and reach his arm down someone's throat and pull their devil fruit out?


I think it's kind of interesting, Saturn had the same "clouds" on his that Luffy has, but a different color. That is to indicate an awakened form, right? I don't think it's a coincidence Luffy has white clouds and all these other bad dudes have them black :P


that was also the first thing I wondered about. Might portray that he/they are the antithesis to Luffys awakening


The awokened Metal Robot will play a big part in battling Saturn


I think the elders are maybe the companions of joyboy in the past and they betrayed him and made him lose the war


What about BB pirates? They are still in shadows.


I still think a major major character dies


Broook. Oh wait he is already dead tho. Yohoohohoho


Reposting my comment from the chapter release thread: There's too many comments to scan through and see if anybody posted this, but I suspect [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ushi-oni) is what St. Saturn's Zoan power is. Killing with mere eye-contact seems pretty tell tale to me. Especially the "...enjoy killing and eating humans" part. Now we can't safely assume he will eat and kill the people on Egghead island, but the "enjoy killing" part could be seen in his behavior with the Mother Flame incident. He agrees with Imu that it needs to be tested and is the one to actually put the attack into motion (Chapter 1086 for those who want to check it themselves) And indeed, Wikipedia editors themselves has made that connection, citing it in the popular culture section of the article. Furthermore, looking back at Chapter 1085 where the Elders all transform, it seems safe to assume that all of them are awakened, based on the fact that Saturn is. There is also a similar silhouette of the black awakening mist they have. Off the top of my head, I believe St. Markus Mars has the bird-bird fruit: model [Vermilion Bird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermilion_Bird). He transforms into the clear bird-like silhouette and to be frank, the name and personality match to the Vermilion Bird. If we go by what the Vermilion bird represents, in the taoist element distribution it represents fire which in turn stands for summer and the planet Mars. Additionally *"The fire element provides warmth, enthusiasm, and creativity; however, an excess of it can bring cold or hot Hatred, impatience, and impulsive behaviour."*