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No, there are objective issues with the pacing. When you’re adding so much filler to not outpace the anime because you refuse to do seasons or breaks then there’s an issue. 


And despite the cover stories pushing the story forward and providing "Filler" that is also canon and already written they dodge them like the plague unless they absolutely have to. They could've squeezed in at least three or even five episodes from the Germa cover story.


This is enough to get me started on the Manga version, wasn't aware


You aren’t aware of that and say others aren’t true fans? Oh, the irony.


The irony that you're implying I'm not a fan because I haven't read the manga.


Who said anything about the manga? Just not knowing about the cover stories already shows you are missing part of the story and you aren’t as invested in One Piece as many other people. Are they “truer” fans than you? And I never said you aren’t a fan because of that.


You are losing track of your own argument. You were originally claiming that I do not have the authority to decide who is or is not a fan. Yet you instantly try to make a point that I'm a lesser fan because of my last comment




The Cover stories are all fun but have varying levels of importance. One explained how Hachi first met Kami but another explained how CP9 survived Enies Lobby for example.


Ooh say no more I’ll check them out


Are the pacing issues enough to deter you from watching the rest of the series? If the answer is no then you are in the category of actual fan. A lot of the responses I'm seeing are completely missing my point.


nobody is missing your point. everyone is just telling you what you're saying has nothing to do with being "actual fan". bad pacing is the result of them not wanting to catch up with the manga, but also not wanting to make an effort to create new scenes to stretch the runtime. so instead they choose the easy route with flashback, reaction shots, repeated scenes, etc. that's just toei. not oda, not one piece. it's not about "carefully unfold a story **worth telling,** while bringing you along for a journey **worth experiencing**". none of that. it's just toei picking the easy route to do their job.


Dude I’m talking about people skipping skypiea not about skipping the fluff - for gods sake - you’re missing my point as you’re telling me that no one is missing my point. You are repeating what a lot of people have said and every time I go yes cool I’m not talking about that


do you think people can't read the original post and dozen of comments you made? like it's just up there *If you are tempted to watch at 2x speed you are not a fan.* and this is literally the first time you mentioned skypiea. you're just scrambling to say anything back to others who called out the nonsensical point.


What did quoting the part about the watch speed serve? It’s true watching at 2x speed is haram. Great since it’s all up there please read it and lock in on the part where I reject the very concept of re-editing a show regardless of the justifications you guys are repeating in my inbox. I have not watched One Pace. The guys that have taken this in a weird direction took that line about One Pace WAY TOO PERSONALLY. To the point where I have had to EXPAND my point in order to move away from there and get to where my INTENTION WAS I have read posts on this where guys are asking if it’s cool to skip skypiea and other arcs - just because I didn’t include my full dissertation in the original post doesn’t mean you can just casually accuse me of scrambling as if there’s a prize at the end of this


no need to act dumb. the context of the discussion is about the bad pacing. not people who want to watch OP at 2x speed to get it over with. and you're saying people who can't handle the pace are not actual fans. and I already quoted another claim in my first reply, but of course your ignored it. you said >No... What you are witnessing is a series that is taking its time to carefully unfold ... and that's just factually wrong. they're not doing this for any of that reason. they just don't want to catch up with the manga. if they have 300 chapters distance, they will adapt 3 chapters per episode like how it's normally done for an adaptation and we won't have this issue. your point is absolutely nonsensical because you're not even talking about one piece or oda. this is about an animation company, namely toei, picking the easy route to do their job. and not liking how they do it has nothing to with being One Piece fans.


The discussion deteriorated to that. I didn’t make the post with the intent on shitting on One Pace watchers, despite me typing those words over and over you guys are still repeating the same statement as if this is a reading comprehension issue. I get it: One Pace is all Canon with none of the fluff saving hours upon hours of livable time. Please, take a breath and think about the possibility that my original intention was to slander newcomers of the show that want to skip things like skypiea and other less important arcs in order to catch up. I’m confident that it will not be possible for you


that's literally your original post man. you think the bad pacing is the series taking its time to tell the story a certain way. it's not. and you think people who can't handle the pace are not real fans. as you stated multiple times in the dozens of comments you wrote. the discussion didn't deteriorate. people simply called out the nonsensical point. now you're just scrambling to say anything back and moving the goalpost here and there. even mentioning skypiea for the first time as if I can't see you never made that point before that comment.


Bro you’re being an idiot. Either you’re just a teenage kid or someone who doesn’t understand what quality is.


I’m not your bro - I’m not an idiot - I’m not a teenage kid - gtfo my inbox this thread is dead


I don’t watch the show mainly because of the pacing. I read the manga and will watch interesting parts of the show. Your point is just a stupid one.


If you don’t watch the show you aren’t part of this conversation


Oh, cause I don’t watch the show I guess I can’t have an opinion on it. I have watched it before, and I know that the pacing is absolute shit at times. If people want to cut out the useless bullshit and enjoy it that way then why do you care? You can go enjoy being the only true fan alone in your basement.


At the start it’s fine, maybe a little slow, but the pacing is objectively horrible during some arcs. Like Dressrosa has more episodes than the manga version has chapters. The flashback in that arc is shown >40 times.


The pacing is horrible through all parts, 325 episodes to defeat one enemy. It is tiring. The story is great, really tired of the number of continues between the start and end of a simple arc. I mean, I will still watch it, but dang man is it tough.


I agree that the pacing is definitely slow and that the Rebecca flashbacks in dressrosa stood out to me as well while watching. No idea why there were so many and there were also a ton of backstories to get through in there as well. With all that said, my argument is that a true fan of the series will encounter issues like these and continue watching albeit a bit frustrated. What I’m seeing are people that are basically forcing themselves to watch the show in order to see what the hype is and when they are required to have patience they are simply not capable because they will only accept one piece at its peak


> argument is that a true fan of the series will encounter issues like these and continue watching albeit a bit frustrated A true fan can acknowledge the flaws in the medium the story is presented in and provide negative feedback when it's appropriate. Sometimes you're a fan of the story but have to admit that one adaptation of it is subpar and hard to get through in parts. 


“Hard to get through” is the part I have a problem with I just don’t think it’s that bad


But that's subjective. Some people are more irritated by dragging out and repeating scenes than others. Neither group is more of a true fan than the other


this isn't a competition to show who's more dedicated, dumbass. I love one piece in and out but I did skip Skypiea and read manga from dressrosa instead of anime. you're not gonna gatekeep who's a fan and who's not based on your stupid opinions lol no series is perfect, one piece isn't either. it has some few flaws and let people deal with those flaws however they want. 


If it were a competition you would be disqualified for skipping skypiea


and I'm sure you're the judge lol, Found the gate keeping karen of one piece 


>What you are witnessing is a series that is taking its time to carefully unfold a story **worth telling,** while bringing you along for a journey **worth experiencing**. That's just nonsense. What you are witnessing is a series that was meant to be watched weekly for years with a pacing according to that, with openings and endings, repeated flash backs and recaps made with that in mind. All that while trying to not catch up to the manga. It was never done with people catching up in mind and it was never done for people to watch episodes back to back or binge watch. I have been watching one piece since the 2000's. But watching it again from the start would be insane and I really love one piece. Trying to gatekeep like this is just pathetic. There is a reason on why there are talks of a One Piece remake and why One Pace is a thing. People love One piece, but nobody in their right mind would like the pacing when trying to catch up it's just something you have to tolerate.


It's not nonsense it's a coherent opinion. Also I'm not trying to gatekeep so you can take back calling me pathetic as well. You are also wrong about watching it again being insane, many people have watched the show from beginning to whenever multiple times. You are entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. I've been watching since the 2000's as well... "people love one piece" My post is not directed towards one piece fans, please reread my post and stop exaggerating. The pacing is a bandwagon that people love to jump on. The only time it annoys me is when it's coming from newcomers with FOMO.


If you're going around acting like the arbiter of who is and isn't allowed to be called a fan, then you are gatekeeping in the most direct sense. You do not get to tell someone who watches one pace that they aren't a fan of the series. You don't get to tell people who watch on x2 speed that they're not a fan. Gatekeeping is pathetic, and you're a premium example.


I can tell them they are not a fan of the original edit of the series. Also I don’t know how you can defend watching at 2x speed


> I can tell them they are not a fan of the original edit of the series Sure you can, but you didn't. Don't pretend you've been saying something different this whole time. And I can defend x2 speed because people can enjoy the series exactly how they want, and if they enjoy it then they are, by definition, a fan.


Cause OP is getting a second mild boom due to final saga,high quality animation and OPLA,film red and this gen is use to short media compared to one piece enormous commitment so let them ask,it's not that big of a hassle




You act like you are the judge of who is allowed to call themselves a fan and who isn’t. We call that gatekeeping and being a jerk. You even use the words “true fan” in the comments, which makes you sound like a kid.


Really? Jerk? how old are you?


I am 26 so? What should I have called you?


a respectable modern insult tofu boi




No, they are some serious issues with the anime. It’s purposely been dragged out so it doesn’t catch up to the manga, and this doesn’t extend to just filler episode as 100% canon episodes will have needlessly long still shots or random character reactions. It’s honestly completely understandable if someone goes from a seasonal anime to one piece and complains as the anime production is just different. If a modern studio got a hold of one piece and made it a seasonal anime, the amount of episodes could probably be cut down to near half by just cutting out all the needless filler. Manga slaps tho. Maybe there’s a argument to be had about poor paneling with post new world chapters, but I think it’s fine.


Great - my argument was never about the fluff - I’m aware of the fluff - I’m not talking about the fluff I’m talking about skipping canon because of the episode count


“If you only watch one pace and not the original edit you are not a fan” one pace just removes fluff.


You can be very fan of One Piece just reading the manga (that it's the canon story and the original source), maybe watching some anime episodes because you want to watch specific epic moments animated and coloured. Watching every anime episode including all fillers doesn't makes you more (or less) fan.


Woah I never said anyone has to watch fillers. Everyone is perverting what I wrote and it's unfair. I didn't even mention the manga in my post either but you're some guys are convinced that I'm saying you aren't a true fan if you don't watch it animated. Guys read what I wrote and stop putting words in my mouth


If so many people “misunderstand” you, maybe your way of expressing was the problem?


Look at what you just did. Please show me where I wrote the word misunderstand. You proceeded to put words in my mouth I never used and even put it in quotations. You guys are not reading you're getting your feelings hurt and then desperately looking for holes that don't exist.




Good night


Or you could let people enjoy the series the way they want to enjoy it. Saying people need to drop a series because they didn't like the first 4 episodes is frankly just ridiculous. 


You're missing it. There are people that are deep into Arabasta and still asking if the show is ever going to get good. I'm assuming you want me to just let people enjoy the series the way the want to by not enjoying it and complaining to actual fans about the pace?


There is a balance to be had between 4 episodes and 100s of episodes. You could have asked why people continue watching a series they've disliked hundreds of episodes from, but instead it looks like you have a 'perefect' way of enjoying the series that involve already loving the series within 4 episodes, and anyone that doesnt adhere is a lesser fan. 


"why people continue watching a series they've disliked hundreds of episodes from" This is literally all I'm saying and if people chose to read what I wrote fairly they would see that. Instead you are getting hung up on the blurb I wrote about the 4th episode because you probably didn't get into it until later AND THAT'S FINE. It was more so an example that you don't need to watch until Arabasta to know if the show is for you. Also I've never even spelled the word "perfect" in that way, you also will not find it anywhere in my post because I never implied there was a perfect way to watch it. I don't care how you watch as long as it's not 2x speed because that is creepy


I've actually read the manga as a whole first back in 2009, so I didn't encounter the pacing issue most people complain about until I watched the anime for the experience when I already was invested. And I'm not taking your words out of context or choosing to interpret them differently than they were written by you. If you want the takeaway message to be;  "why people continue watching a series they've disliked hundreds of episodes from" You write that and not;  "If you are not invested by that the fourth episode it means that the show is not for you."


The fact that you are still hung up on the 4th episode comment even after I explained what I meant is just insane to me. I stand by it the 4th episode is objectively engaging


lol, it's objectively NOT. your opinion doesn't make it objective 


If you reread my reply you can see I'm addressing your statement of me taking you out of context, and not going back into your weird 4th episode point. I would have accepted that explanation if you didn't act like I misconstruder your words by addressing it. 


You’re choosing to harp on that small point instead of looking at the larger issue.


I like some of this but hate the gatekeeping in the beginning. No one has to watch it regular speed, only original in japanese to be a true fan. If you choose to watch it that way that's great! but if someone else doesn't and they want english dub and One Pace who cares? if they're enjoying the show let them enjoy it their way. Their way isn't hurting you. But also it's reddit. people barely read past the titles on any posts so most things will be reposted in variations like 50 times a week.


No, It isn't gatekeeping and I never said anyone has to watch it in Japanese nor did I even mention dub vs sub in my argument at all. What I did mention was OnePace and 2x speed watchers. OnePace is a bastardisation of the original show. If I were the creator I would be complete insulted. It cuts it in half and skips entire arcs in order to do so. I've never understood why it's so prevalent. Watching something that is supposed to be entertaining at 2x speed is borderline disgusting. It is also very telling.


one pace mainly cuts filler and the padding it makes it more true to the manga which is need cause the anime is fucking awful. Weekly anime is shit to begin with but to have a show like one piece be weekly with Oda taking breaks for his health its just pure stupidity and makes the show worse.


Chill - this is what started my rant in the first place the anime is not awful I can’t wrap my head around this take - such an exaggeration


I wouldn't call it awful but I would say its a solid 5/10 the animation and music go hard when in needs to but the pacing is horrendous scenes are clearly slowed down and the shit the chose for filler is baffling. but if that your prefeed medium go for it I'm not going to make a post about how no one should watch the anime cause I think it butches one of the best story's ever told. But I do think most fans at least on this sub would say the anime is the worst way to consume the story manga being the best then one pace to fix the pacing and filler then the anime.


Wait you actually know nothing about One Pace hahaha. It doesn’t skip any canon. It follows the manga exactly, how are you claiming they skip entire arcs as an actual point lmaoo.


I wish I knew less about it. and Skips chunks\* of entire arcs Is what meant to say so you can calm down when you're ready.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. It cuts no canon content. You can’t be this stubborn surely.


I have zero interest in arguing whether one pace is better than one piece. This is not a matter of stubbornness - one pace watchers have perceived this as an attack and are missing the fact that I’m directing my argument towards NEW people that have NEVER watched the show and are asking for ARCS TO SKIP.


You’re literally saying One Pace cuts canon content and chunks of arcs as well as if you watch one pace then you aren’t a real fan. Both of which are false statements which require a response. You’re just moving the goalposts at this point.


Nope you did it again, literally putting words in my mouth. I never said One Pace cuts canon - just tilt your eyes up and you’ll see I said new people are asking which arks to skip - so stuck on one pace when it’s a fraction of my original overall point damn


You said it cuts chunks of arcs and if you watch it then you aren’t a fan. Any reasonable person, especially a new watcher, would assume you mean it cuts canon content. Chunks of arcs especially makes it seem like important events are removed. And I know One Pace is a portion of the post, but it required addressing, especially since your understanding of it is clearly poor.


Literally learned a lot about the one piece fandom today I’m glad you enjoy the show. My post is directed at people that do not. I have never and will never watch one pace. I said that they cut chunks of arcs. You assumed the most inflammatory version and I’m not taking responsibility. I’ve done digging in one pace in the past and have seen several accounts of people saying that the edits were heavy handed at times and that is what discouraged me from watching. Since then I’ve considered those that have only ever watched One Pace to be second citizens of the fandom but today I learned that apparently you guys are the majority.


>OnePace is a bastardisation of the original show [I can't believe how badly they've ruined this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1z6umwBs5I)


Yes there are literally a handful of examples people use to justify editing an entire show


Been a while since I've seen a gatekeeper post. Lol




Absolutely trash post but if it was bait it's masterful.


The gatekeeping is crazy, OP has one of the worst pacing I've seen, had to switch to manga cause Dressrosa was so bad. >No... What you are witnessing is a series that is taking its time to carefully unfold a story **worth telling,** while bringing you along for a journey **worth experiencing**. garbage. They mostly keep the pace slow so that the anime does not catch up to the manga. You are probably aware of Wano's pacing, despite it being one of the best arcs. OnePace is definitely good, and even better for watching or rewatching OP due to the number of still frames and unnecessary scenes. >If you are brand-new to the series, this should be the litmus test: Watch up until episode 4 (No not all the way through Arabasta). Luffy's backstory where Shanks Sacrifices his arm to the sea king and Luffy goes "Shanks your arm, YOUR ARM!! . If you are not invested by that point it means that the show is not for you. I kind of agree with this.


So because dressrosa has bad pacing the entire show is garbage and needs to be re-edited by some randoms that you guys keep sucking off. OnePace feels off, it’s rushed. It doesn’t feel the same and I don’t like it. If someone has ONLY watched OnePace they did not watch the same show I watched and I do not count them as a fan. Is there a OnePace following in Japan like there is in the US? Hell no, they have longer attention spans


Exactly OnePace doesn't have unnecessary shots of random characters, repeating flashbacks every episode, or recaps; of course, it feels 'off and rushed'. 


Exactly, every recap in One Piece is an essential part of the experience and what makes One Piece as great as it is. If you skipped even one recap you're not a fan.


You would have had a point if I had actually said any of that. OnePace cuts a lot not just recaps


Yes, toei has a ton of creative methods to pad time, like: minutes of reaction shots from every background character on the island, repeating the same flashback dozens of times, repeating or stretching the most random shots,... all parts of the "essential One Piece experience" that must not be cut right?


You do not like the show and that is okay, these are opinions you are passing off as fact. I do not mind these elements because I’m a fan of the show


No? I like the show. I am a big fan of it, and I've been one for more than 2 decades now. Saying it has recaps and padding is not my opinion, it is a fact, that's how the show is broadcasted, if you haven't been noticing them, maybe you've been watching One Pace by mistake? >I do not mind these elements because I’m a fan of the show Are you watching the ads in the middle of the episode though? If not, then I'm afraid to say that you're missing out on an essential part of the One Piece Experience, and therefore you're not among The Truest of True Fans.


No I don’t watch the ads in between - Another ridiculous analogy that holds no weight. The recaps and padding are not that big of a deal - are we talking about the same 3 - 5 minutes max?


how are you gonna ignore the people who corrected you about one pace and continue arguing?  You just wanna prove your point? even though you're wrong?


I’m literally replying to everything I see - if you don’t see a reply don’t just assume I’m ignoring it it’s a long ass thread now


One Pace doesn’t cut anything that isn’t in the manga. No scenes or amalgamations of scenes justifies the 150+ hours it saves. You can bring them all here. In fact I’ll list them for you: Fight scenes: 1 minute of smoker vs Vergo, 8 minutes of brook vs big mom, kaido vs big mom (the part where they split the sky is kept in One Pace) Others: Koby’s meltdown is cut a little short in marineford, kid luffy flying through the sky while we are is playing in slow motion is cut. Everything else is straight up worthless padding, reaction shots or repetition of flashbacks. Now justify watching an extra 150 hours for these scenes?


Thought they cut more - that’s what started this mess - this thread is disgusting now


Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.  You say you're not a fan if you watch the anime adapted by onepace. What if I say you're not a fan if you watch the anime at all? I mean, a real fan would read the manga only right? But then someone else might say I'm not a true fan, because I read the manga through scans, translated into English. A true fan would read the manga in its native Japanese.  But then someone else might say you're not a true fan if you're not buying the manga physically, on release on the streets of Japan. And then someone else might say you're not a true fan unless you're creating the manga itself. Unless you are Oda, Oda is the only true fan because he's the only one who can truly appreciate one piece in its most raw, unfiltered, unprocessed state. The rest of us aren't fans because we only read the manga, Oda experiences the series through his minds eye in a way that cannot be captured on mere paper. Or, to put it another way ... your logic is bad, and you should feel bad.


One ridiculous sentence after the other and it got progressively more insane. That wasn’t even parallel to what I said so no I wouldn’t go full silly mode and think any of that. I feel bad that you guys are getting defensive when I’m not even talking about you.


I agree, it's ridiculous and insane. But that's exactly the logic you're using. And of course you wouldn't take it that far, because then you'd run the risk of including yourself in the group of "not a true fan". Instead, you drew an arbitrary line where your logic stops being used. And as for your last comment, pity from the deluded does little to upset.


Alright so I have only started watching one piece like 1 month or so ago and I just finished wano Idk if this is a joke post or not but the pacing is terrible so i dont blame ppl for watching one pace. Keep in mind ive only watched the anime so idk how it is in the manga . Also it look me till Baratie to start liking the show before that it was kinda just alright. Personally id say to drop the show after east blue saga If you dont like it because if the main cast are not enough to keep your interest then theres no point.


Good point about the shanks episode. Do you know what episode that is in One Pace? Episode 1.


What's your point? I'm aware that they cut content from One Pace, that's my grievance with it. The fact that this is a selling point for some only speaks on that individuals attention span.


My point is people can watch One Pace and still be a fan. The original anime pacing is so bad that at points it outweighs the benefit of actually watching the show, which is sad because One Piece is a really good story. Talking about attention span is just silly. It depends where you draw the line, I can say you have a poor attention span if you don’t like watching paint dry. The fact of the matter is, if people are used to watching any modern anime, even One Pace will feel a little slow for them, but One Piece is too far to the point where people start questioning “why should I watch an episode of One Piece when the plot is only going to move half a step forward when I could just watch something else and be far more entertained?” Seriously, go watch an episode of AOT, Demon Slayer, JJK etc. and write down what happens in each episode. Then compare it to the amount that happens in each one piece episode, even for pre timeskip the difference is huge.


Watching paint dry? When you’ll say anything to make a point how is that the comparable to literal animation. “if people are used to watching any modern anime, even One Pace will feel a little slow for them, but One Piece is too far to the point where people start questioning “why should I watch an episode of One Piece when the plot is only going to move half a step forward when I could just watch something else and be far more entertained?” You’re fully unaware of the fact that you just admitted here that it’s an attention span issue. Don’t like the pace? Dont watch the show. Why go to such lengths to circumvent the original edit. Why not rename the entire sub OnePace if the original edit is that unwatchable. I was under the impression that the show had fans but all I’m seeing are critics and bandwagoneers


I’m saying you accusing people of having no attention span because they watch One Pace is subjective. You can draw the line anywhere, an extreme example being watching paint dry. If I say you should watch One Piece at 0.75x speed or you have a short attention span that’s exactly the same point that you have made, I’ve just put the line in a different place. Genuinely not that hard to understand. Don’t know why you would want to die on this hill either. As if no one has ever found things boring in this world and somehow it’s a problem with the person if it is. “Don’t like the pace? Don’t watch the show.” Pahahaha you’re actually crying. People can watch the original anime if they prefer it but there’s nothing wrong with watching One Pace either, which is the preferred version for most people I know. Lastly, fans are allowed to be critical of the media they enjoy. You don’t have to take it all in your mouth little bro. Glad you’re enjoying it though.


You aren’t just putting a line in a different place you’re conveniently making extreme and implausible arguments that go nowhere. Who watches a show at .75x man what are you talking about. That’s not a question of attention span that’s more of a why would I be watching it this way. A better analogy would be to say that I’m accusing people of having a short attention span for skipping filler - which is something I assume that you would assume I would think - and while it’s not the argument I was making in all actuality it isn’t even false to say that when you think about it. You guys watch one pace because you are too impatient to watch the original edit. That’s literally true. It hurts you to admit it so you accuse me of crying? “You don’t have to take it all in your mouth little bro” You’re a fruit - weird fuck


“You’re making extreme and implausible arguments” Like your initial points? Last thing, when the remake starts and it fixes the pacing, are you going to argue that people who watch the remake have a short attention span. Yes or no? Simple question.


Copy and paste them I want to see People like you will probably be waiting for an edit of the remake


Copy and paste them I want to see - I've gone through these in other comments. You didn't answer my question. When the remake starts and it fixes the pacing, are you going to argue that people who watch the remake have a short attention span. Yes or no? Simple question. If your answer is no, then it invalidates everything you've been arguing so far.