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Yes..this is actually a really good thing for one piece. When i watch these videos, I get a new perspective almost every time coz these booktubers analyse things way better. They give new opinions abt the characters we know and what they did. And their randomly hated characters are so interesting too lol. They also give us a good variety in discussion. There's the powerscaling guys which make a good video now and then. The theory crafters are pretty good, but their videos tend to be super long, but sometimes it's super interesting. And then there's the booktubers who talk abt the story and characters in a detailed way without worrying abt the power structure and the future too much which is so relaxing. Sorry for the rant, but yeah, I'm happy with the state of one piece content on YouTube


Booktubers care more about themes and character consistency than powerscaling. Powerscaling is fun as a process but weirdos who get too attached to a character ruin it.


Yea like people really go to bat for straight nobodies.


Their perspectives are nice


I loved how Merphy Napier opened my eyes for the fact, that Pudding is the same trope as Boa, but actually done well. Never would have thought about it otherwise


Can you (or anyone) give some good recommendations for booktubers who are going over One Piece?


Merphy Napier is the only One Piece content I watch on YouTube at this point. Her first time read through videos were so enjoyable and she gave a lot of fresh/different insight on some arcs that I hadn't really considered before. Watching her fall more in love with the series and most of the characters was a lot of fun and her enthusiasm with every chapter review now is great. She's also not afraid to speak on things or characters she's not a fan of, or push back on general fan narratives/perceptions of things that she disagrees with.


Yeah, she really didn't like sanji in thriller bark for good reasons.


I pretty much fully agree with her feelings on Sanji, and I know many others do as well. When he's written well and Oda doesn't focus on all the constant, over the top pervy/simping shit, he's one of the best characters in the series. I have no issue with him being really gentlemanly to the women and trying to convince them that he's a perfect boyfriend, or even falling in love with every beautiful woman he meets. But all the pervy shit and over the top stuff that Oda thinks is really funny to constantly stick in, especially in certain arcs, just makes him so frustrating.


I mean, a number of shorter-term readers (like picked it up in the last... you know... 15 years) probably just glosses over it, but it was week-to-week fan consensus at the time that chapter 464 crossed a line. There were a few people defending it, but it just wasn't the same kind of thing as an actual bath gag like what happened in Alabasta. He was expressing that kind of thing in a completely serious situation when the only people around to be tsukkomis were nameless zombies.


I don't know if she's a book tuber, but MelonTree's videos on One Piece are incredibly insightful (as well as funny). She really breaks down character motivations and insecurities in a way that shows them with significantly more depth than many might initially realize.


THIS is a GREAT recommendation for in depth dives in OP. MelonTeee is extremely insightful and amazing.


I HIGHLY recommend [this english professor](https://www.youtube.com/@PhilipChaseTheBestofFantasy) who is currently reading and posting videos as he goes (he is up to water 7 at the moment) and as a bonus i want to mention [this phenomenal creator](https://www.youtube.com/@MelonTeee), whose analysis and perspective comes from multiple rereads and rewatches and what i can only call an obsession. one that makes my own obsession feel like a casual hobby by comparison. i get so excited whenever she releases a new video.


I'm enjoying Philip Chase right now, he is the bottom one in OP's pic!


Not a booktuber, but Mom Piece is excellent and eerily prescient occasionally


The way her predictions line up with stuff she has no idea about coming out weekly was something else.


I’m just about brand new as well to booktubers but in the pic I watches a few of the English Professor’s thoughts videos and they were really interesting. I can at least recommend him haha. Channel is Philip Chase.


Daniel Greene [did an arc-by-arc review up through Wano](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGye3IeTsQJl0BqJR7H4KKGSUyzwyRJnA&si=rZ1B4LuO5qy524Bk) that's really good. IIRC it was his gateway into manga after being initially against the idea of reading manga. His fans bullied him into reading OP and he fell in love with it, so much so that he's reviewed other manga now as well.


Philip Chase Drawk Show Merphy Napier Best "booktubers" I have seen so far that talk about One Piece.


Mom Piece (Drak and Mama Drak) is one that doesn't get considered, because they don't really do other books, but it's incredible. Mama is so good at literary analysis that she has predicted correctly so many things.


She's great, keep meaning to get back to them. She manages to grab the themes incredibly well


I got the YouTube community post. The end of Wano stream is this weekend. The end of Dressrosa was just posted to YouTube.


That mom and son duet is also intelligent as heck. As someone who've been following the series for more than 2 decades, they still offer something that I or most reader don't really pay attention to. Sometimes the son can get pretensious / arrogant, but he sure can back it up. Not really a fan of his artstyle though.


Yeah, I'm actually subscribed to them


What are some things she’s predicted correctly?


Spoilers obv: Just off the top of my head but they have a system to tell what she has gotten right/wrong. >!luffy being a sun god, like pre timeskip, luffy having an armada, ancient weapon lore...!< It would honestly take forever to go through all of them. I am not sure if they have a list on their discord. She developed a fraud hawk theory in a vacuum. No external input and she went "is he just painting his blade?"


Not just pre timeskip, but at Arlong Park. Also she noticed the magic circles in the room of authority at the first showing of the Gorosei.


During Arlong Park she somehow concluded Luffy must be Nika? How? Don't remember any references there apart from Arlong's old crew being the Sun pirates (?) but not sure if that was even dropped back than or only later when Jinbei was introduced in person (and not only spoken about as he's mentioned in East Blue the first time iirc).


Not Nika specifically, more like she thought he would be a representation of Ameterasu. I don't remember the details well enough to recount how she got there but it has a lot to do with studying Japanese mythology and seeing some probable inspirations for stuff.


She didnt predict nika, she predicted that he would be the sun god. Her hypothesis was based off of certain (japanese) mythology, coupled with other storytelling patterns. Something about a farm boy becoming a god. (Idk exactly, im no expert on this stuff).


Been to long, just watch it. Has something to do with directions and eastern mythology


That's impressive


Where do I find their stuff. I'm only finding videos on YouTube that are less than year old


Look for The Drawk Show on YouTube


They’ve been only doing it for less than a year at this point so this checks out


She only started within the year but she doesn't know about the show so when we say she's predicting things, it's that she was only as far as say Sky Island and yet is 100% version Luffy is a sun god.


>!She predicted Luffy being a Sun God ludicrously early. The sheer "WTF HOW" reaction from everyone else more or less confirmed it for her. Then she riffed off that for tons of analysis since.!<


She obviously knows the spoilers. 


I've been following the channel and I don't think it's necessarily that she knows the spoilers, but there is a knowledge imbalance between herself and her son, and I think his leading questions and choice to pursue certain hypotheses over others tends to inadvertently clue her in to where she's right and where she's wrong.


I buy it. She's not the only person to pick up on the sun thing early. Morj has been beating that drum for a long time. The sun god prediction was attached to some reasonable-but-entirely-wrong speculation about other gods in One Piece, which makes it feel more genuine to me.


Talk about overly pretentious and arrogant, I cannot stand morj. Honestly most YouTubers are annoying as hell to watch, they’re either just ripping theories off of Reddit and other YouTubers or pretending they’re doing a live read through of the first time and then being like “oh wow that’s pearl and don krieg and gin in the first panel”


No bro wtf. One thing is pointing out the theme of the dawn of the world that the Strawhats are meant to bring, another is reading pre-timeskip and randomly saying "I am 100% convinced Luffy is gonna turn into a sun god". Mama Drawk is 100% led into the correct places, there is no human on Earth who predicted that shit before Who's Who revealed the existence of Nika


There is actually, I saw people saying something like that 15 years ago on message boards mostly as part of speculations about the D clan iirc. I didn't take them seriously at the time. It was rare for sure, most people were talking about expected devil fruits for hype characters, whatever Haki was going to be exactly, etc... But it has been said.


Brother. Luffy literally answered prayers in skypiea. It was literally fake god vs true god. She is not the only one who picked the foreshadowing


0 reading comprehension, nothing about Skypiea was about portraying Luffy as a god. He was fulfilling his usual role of taking down the local dictator and freeing the country. No one has ever read Skypiea and thought "Luffy is the sun god", I've been reading One Piece for 13 years I can guarantee you this much.


Brooooo. He was literally answering prayers. Are you listening to yourself? And the visual storytelling through the sun imagery. Many people have predicted that luffy represents the sun since pre ts


Without having listened to her, that would be the obvious conclusion. However, when you watch it you can see how she draws upon knowledge of mythology, tropes and symbolism and arrive at that answer without it feeling unnatural or fake. Anyone else id believe they were cheating for views. Mama drawk though is as genuine as they come


It's why I stopped watching. I don't blame her for it, I'm sure she hasn't looked anything up herself, but if you read the twitch chat comments you will see how horrible people are about avoiding spoilers. I've seen comments in their videos where people literally said "Pay attention to all the sun imagery with Luffy" and shit like that. It would have been a better series of content if she wasn't reading the twitch chat but it is what it is.


yep you said it right, its why i kinda fell out of interest with it. commenters ruin everything by giving leading information.


Would be funny a new creator guessing everything correct in chapter 1 and people still believing it


She got context clues early on during Little Garden, due to how Broggy and Dorry refer to their gods like they’re actually real. Ironically, she said that Usopp isn’t a god.


She blatantly knew about spoilers, its obvious as fuck man. Lol. Its all about the views my man.


She predicted the end of Onigashima twist with Luffy at Little Garden as the wildest and most correct prediction she's done.


>!She predicted the existence of Imu (paraphrasing, a darkness standing above the government) during Skypeia!<


In episode one of Mom piece she predicted Luffy was a sun god bro how the fuck??


In all honesty, it's extremely refreshing to see a real literary mind take a shot at One Piece. Not just another "Zoro will win because he's stronger" but "Zoros fights are about overcoming physical adversity, while Sanji's fights are about overcoming his internal struggles while not giving up on his morals" So nice to see someone realize that powerscaling is mostly BS. The bit about Franky and Senor Pink being both a mockery and celebration of Masculinity I think shows the difference perfectly. Everyone takes it as face value of them being manly men punching each other, but no further, they're breakdown was so good.


So wholesome. I just watched the dressrosa VOD


>she has predicted correctly so many things. Idk i follow them since day one and she felt kinda fishy a bunch of times


Hell she even accidentally made a Fraudhawk meme on the latest video


I worry about stuff like this sometimes because I recall Oda said he'll change the ending if too many people predict it and I want One Piece to have the best ending it can.


Merphy Napiers analysis of OP is to this day the best booktuber deepdive into One Piece


Merphy: "Now that I've caught up, I won't do weekly chapter reviews, I'll do a big review once a month." Two weeks later: "Okay so I'm doing reviews after every chapter now."


That whole situation was hilarious lmao. She made that statement then literally right after the release schedule got all wonky cause long breaks and such lol. The lore bombs that started coming at the same time made it super sub optimal to cover monthly lol.


And she caught up right at 1043 or 1044 so....yeah


We're definitely riding the lore train until final war now, so maybe she can re-evaluate then haha.


One of us


That's what happens when you catch up during the biggest plot twist in the series 


It helps she gets a healthy amount of views from it. There are many great comic books that I would like to see either manga, book or comic tubers cover but they never will because covering something popular will get them a lot more views.


Pretty sure she's mainly doing it because she's very very passionate about One Piece. There are parts where she was bawling talking about them. Also, she's big enough to talk about whatever she wants.


And it helps her to make great videos on One Piece. My main point is that if you rely on views then you need to get views. The YouTuber Comics Explained loves the author Johnathan Hickman but only does Marvel videos or a comic that is currently popular because that garners him the most views, even though I want to see him cover indie comics.


I was already watching her for stormlighr archive and mistborn, easy to follow her journey with one piece, id like to recommend her friend Daniel Greene and his journey through berserk for fans of that series as well.


I watched both of them before they covered One Piece. It helps that they are passionate about it but since they rely on views they have to take that into consideration when making videos.


I love that she became a super fan after reading the manga


And the fact that she became a manga fan in general after OP is wonderful. She did Vinland, FMA, HxH, Naruto... Hoping she'll get to some more mature stuff as time goes by. Edit: forgot she did Uzumaki and Tomie, for example


She even read Dragon Ball before i did 💀


Now that shes through OP and Naruto, she has to read Bleach


She's been working through JJBA also


You would love MelonTee


Oh, I love MelonTeee. Found her through Yugioh stuff.


It was thanks to Merphy’s one piece analysis that got me into her channel, which then encouraged to start reading for fun. It’s been a year and I’ve been down the rabbit hole that is Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere books ever since! I even gave her a [shout out in my book revie](https://www.reddit.com/r/brandonsanderson/s/2t9t4ti9WY)ws lol


I think I watched Daniel Green review the Dresden files first, a long time ago, and then he did his collab with Merphy and then I started following her. Sanderson is amazing!


Which video is that?


All of them?


Oh, ok. I thought you were praising 1 specific video.


Is that Philip Chase? He's one of the reasons I went full tilt into Malazan. Gotta check his OP videos out.


Oh a fellow Malazan fan 👋


Have you seen the special edition Hardbacks coming out? I'm so damn excited


One of us. One of us


My friend just got me into Malazan! 4 chapters into deadhouse gates, I'm in it for the long haul


i found my people! OP a great fit for Malazan fans, both long ass series filled with wild lore and a ton of basically Ascended characters running around everywhere lmfao now im imagining Oda doing a prequel series with crazy long philosophical monologues


Malazan is a series that even power scalers would love.


Yep, I think he’s currently on Water 7. I binged all his OP videos in the past few days.


Merphy Napier getting into OP is the best thing that happened to booktubers


One Piece is like a modern Odyssey, a very goofy and cartoony odyssey. even if "goofy and cartoony" is not your thing, which is totally reasonable, just the story in it's most basic form is amazing and worth a read/study.


Even though they are doing it for the easy revenue that comes with a fandom swarming your videos I would rather listen to them than some of these known One Piece youtubers like say King of Lightning screaming idiocy for a 40 minute video or Ohara throwing out clickbait bullshit


I've never watched a KoL video. Nowadays I only ever listen to Tekking and Artur.


I love Tekking for fun vibes and Artur is great for his breakdowns of chapters. I also personally love Morj for his analysis videos, but he’s not for everyone. Parvision is fun as well.


Morj went off the rails with his raid stuff. Stopped watching him then. I do enjoy The Hidden Island from time to time.


He's gotten better since. Seems like Egghead reignited his love for the series. His theories could be hit or miss but he recently had a huge hit with the flooded world one


You should check out syv. I really like his content


Will do. Thanks for the suggestion 


No problem, man


I like Jay D. Legend as well, but he's more for memes and funny shit than serious stuff, but it's a good turn of pace compared to the others i watch (Merphy, Tekking, Amber Alise etc), some variety is nice! And he isn't annoying and obnoxious with his comedy like i've found some other "funny" OPTubers to be. Plus he collabs with Merphy quite a bit, which is nice (actually he, Merphy and Tekking recently did a stream together, not necessarily about OP though, it was OP and other stuff, very fun).


tekking and sawyer7mage are all you need


I wish I could enjoy Tekking but his energy and humor are so off-putting to me


Murphy Napier is also great.


> Even though they are doing it for the easy revenue that comes with a fandom swarming your videos Murphy has like 73k Subs for her books channels and 435k for her manga channel lol. It's funny how big/powerful OP fandom is But yeah, your point stands. I checked a couple of her videos and it is so damn refreshing hearing her analysis in a "non-baiting" manner (the fake hype face, the red arrow in the thumbnail, etc)


Her book channel was already over 400k subs, then to appease the algorythm she repurposed it for manga content because that gets more views and created a new book channel (I think she also already had it but only used it for vod stuff).


Ahh I see Nevermind then. 400k for a book channel is super impressive


Really? That's crazy that she made that decision...sacrifice all for the algorithm


that is true, so many bad one piece youtubers, it feels like its all click baity or just plain wrong


"They're doing it for easy revenue" sounds a bit misleading, if they love the story that will show in their videos


This makes sense cuz while One Piece have its ups and downs as a battle shonen, the mystery and adventurous feeling are always there, which probably book-readers enjoy better than shoen fans. Also Oda inserts a lot of themes that are connected to the real society, which is rare for not only shonen but manga in general, and they're more likely to be able to catch and appreciate them better than average brainrotted shonen fans


One piece was always an epic fantasy story more than a "battle shonen"


You really nailed it. I get that at the end of the day One piece is a shounen. However, I wish more OP/Animanga youtubers talked about the themes and writing in general. It is really what makes OP so brilliant and stand out from other animanga series.


the fan base hound them for it, and they provide, i just hate comment sections cant help but spoil everything because of misunderstandings and "no one dies wait till marineford" comments, i like the outside view and phillip is very cool


[This English teacher has started reading it](https://youtu.be/dnYIsEdj7WM?si=tkKI7VA5OO_dbUC1), very wholesome


I look forward to Phillips, really enjoying his analysis


It started with Merphy Napier. Then Daniel Greene.


I thought Dan did it before Merph 


Just checked, Merphy got to it in January 21 but it took Daniel until May, he probably needed more bullying to get into it. EDIT: was wrong but still right as mentioned below. Daniel’s first review actually came out in February 21 so only a month after Merphy


This has broken my brain because I would have sworn daniel got into it earlier than merphy


Daniel got earlier into manga, with Berserk IIRC. Merphy from what I gather is hesitant to read Berserk because of THAT scene, even though she reads plenty dark books.


Ohh that would make sense. And thats fair enough berserk isn’t for everyone


Wait I was wrong but still right. Daniel’s first video was actually in February 21, a review of volumes 1-3, still a month after Merphys video though.


Or maybe he's just a chaotic goblin.


I think the influence of TotallyNotMark is sometimes forgotten. This dude was doing the arc analysis videos during the lockdown and getting millions of views combined. I believe his formula inspired a lot of people to start reviewing One Piece.


looove watching these channels because they're so much more... literate. I've been especially enjoying Philip Chase (the guy on the bottom of the screenshot)


Booktubers are wholesome, OP YouTubers except maybe Tekking, have this air of pretentiousness about them and that if anyone disagrees with them or their theories, they turn into huge d-bags.


The raid's still failing, bro, trust me


Dude knew he was wrong and tried his hardest to save face bahaha


At some point he was just committing to the bit. I respect it.




Mr. Morj, a big OP youtuber has memed the phrase "the raid will fail" to death, back at the start of Wano. Even after Wano was wrapped up, he still insisted that Kaido and Big Mom will jump out from the volcano and mess everything up.


I do worry how their existing fans feel about the new direction though... There's been times when I've really likes a YouTuber who then changed to a completely different kind of channel because it got them more views, which doesn't feel good.


She has the will of D already


It's great cause unlike anime fans they have some reading comprehension




More TikTok but every year there's like a dozen people that start watching OP and then make OP their entire personality of recapping each episode and giving their takes


Ray queen?


Sorry, I meant rat queen


Who is the the glorious ray queen? The one you took the screenshot of? I'm sorry I don't watch much YouTube. The only one piece youtuber I watch is melonteee.


Merphy Napier, it's a joke in the community she was a book tuber who was a booktubers who we pushed into reading one piece. Now, it's one of here favorites now.


Okay. Thanks. I will check out her channel.


Yeah she's definitely worth the watch


I'm currently creating a video on how similar One Piece is to Homer's Odyssey. Hope that video unites literatis and weebs once and for all😅


Isn't there already a 6 hour long video on YouTube about the same thing?


Yup https://youtu.be/prOeb5wnNEk


Holy shit, a lot of points are similar to what I wanted to talk about, but in a different way🥲 But that's okay, my video will be shorter, around 6 minutes hopefully


The algorithm is definitely helping this but they are also just better at it. Normal books don't have hype cycles, so you actually have to know how to talk about content in a smart way


It makes sense. One piece is easily one of the best sagas ever written. The further you get, the deeper it goes. The characters are incredible, the world building is immaculate, and it touches on so many real world issues in a fictional setting and the main character is a rule breaking pirate who goes around bringing smiles to everyone he meets because that's just what he wants to do. He has no moral obligation to the people he helps, he just helps them because he doesn't like seeing innocent people suffer. It's literally a perfect story and one of the greatest works of fiction in history imo.


Infinitely better than the autistic screeching about power levels we get from actual One Piece Youtubers.


Hey I mean manga is literature. And one piece is rife with references to western literature so it makes sense that book tubers would take an interest


Booktubers low diff one the anime reviewers one piece ytbers. So refreshing content and no braindeads talking about power scaling, dumb theories and hype stuff


Actually reading does wonders for one's ability to consume media


Of all the OP channel Tekking101 is still the best. Geography is everything.


I guess it's subjective and I do appreciate Tekking and his love for the story and understanding. However, what I am mostly looking for in any sort of one piece reviewing content is analysis of themes, characters, symbolism. Oda puts tremendous amounts of effort and is so talented in connecting all those thematic ends and I feel it's such a shame that it's wasted on half of fanbase who doesn't paid it any mind and focuses on who is stronger, Mihawk or Shanks or something like that


Nah bro you this show really expanding to all different ages.


I love seeing people that don't really read manga or watch anime get into one piece


This is cool, I didn't know there was a different side to the OP discussion besides powerscaling-- not joking. I know we love to share theories but besides that shonen powerscaling has uprooted most discussions from what I've witnessed.


One piece would be a good manga to read for the first time on a YouTube channel. So many chapters to make content on.


It’s cool, but it’s also just a no brainer for booktubers seeing their friends channels skyrocket after they do one piece content.


My vol 1 is signed by almost every straw hat 😁❤️


The fools! They should have heeded the warnings of Geoff Thew! THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM THIS WORLD! ONE PIECE WILL CONSUME THEM AS IT HAS CONSUMED US!!!


One piece = more content + passionate fans == huge money. That's the reason even netflix is investing so much in the series.


yeah, and most One Piece fans are around 20-40, of course they have capability to buy unlike other series.


I watched a few of the latter’s videos, the English professor tries ones. I was legit impressed by how he picked up on certain themes and emotions that he’ll definitely be visiting in future arcs haha. Overall though it was nice both to see a different viewing angle and get a little validation from the prof that One Piece as great as we all think it is. Edit: YouTube channel is Philip Chase for any interested.


"and iv been subscribing to evrey Chanel that starts reading one piece" Yes, that is the business model they are going for.




I suggest Daniel Greene and Murphy Napier. Dominic Noble is fun too, he does a series called Lost in Adaptation where he compares film and tv adaptations to their original works.


Really? It's like being surprised people make youtube videos about anime, or cars.


I remember when Daniel Greene did a QA video and was asked if he would review manga, and he answered by intentionally mispronouncing manga in a ridiculous way and dismissing it. Then a few years later he is all passionate about One Piece… The Algoritm directs…


Honestly Daniel's growth as a creator is pretty cool. He was rather combative and a bit snobbish in his early days but over time you can see him develop past preconceptions


I saw some videos from different booktubers. I like most of them but..there is a woman (forgot her name) she says a LOT of absolutely nothing! Also she always takes a shitton of time to say something in the first place. Absolutely boring. Also she did a video showing her kids a onepiece video and then she was "nah i am not going to show them the anime" my goodness imagine showing your kids something they really like and then boom nothing. I would be fully sad and enraged if i were one of them


It may not seem like it at first because it starts with a silly tone but I believe One Piece is literature that will be renowned for centuries.


I been watching the english professor reading One Piece for a while and he's so charming and a great prospective to see on how people who aren't online or weebs or whatever see "our" media. It's very interesting and great to see!


i’m so glad. one piece is so majestic its only right everyone experiences it. (I still think they should wait every week and break weeks like us for authentic experience. cause fair is fair😭🤣)


Murphy Napier is the best.


I mean to be fair its a pretty accessible media (manga) if you enjoy reading books. I think its not surprising. Especially when you consider the complexity of One Piece in particular, it can be quite similar to novels because they can be very interesting and entertaining stories and they can all teach lessons and say something. Im a newer manga reader though, started my first manga (One Piece) I believe Feb of this year. Since Ive read several other things and I really am enjoying the medium similar to how I enjoy novels.


Wait, people who appreciate good writing enjoy good writing? Strange...


you will never hear real opinions from these people after the first video. When you have 1000 Subscriber and finally got a video that performs well, you are going to cater to that audience and be less critical about it. Also why should their opinion have more weight than the opinion of anybody else on the internet? Because they read Princ Harrys biography?


From whom you can hear the "real opinion" then, according to you?


You’re right about the incentives. But idk why you’re so hostile at the end there…did somebody read Harry’s biography and then piss you off?


To be fair while understanding writing can help you analyze something better, but half of manga is show don't tell with the drawings. Also sometimes translations are not always spot on and cause problems for analyzing writing. It looks to me more like people jumping on the ban wagon and is something they would never actually read unless they could make money off it, or get a lot of views. Plus all the people who will watch the video and just regurgitate what she says because people have no minds of their own anymore


You would think that a mf that supposedly knows how to read would see how trash one piece is but the views are king and glazing one piece is the way to go


It'll turn into a watch-fake-plot-videos-with-fake-thumbnails path soon.