• By -


Love to see Kumas actions finally get rewarded. He went through absolute hell but legitimately altered world history by saving Luffy and helping him. Now it comes full circle and Luffy and saved the very heart and life of his daughter to the point she has reached the pinnacle of freedom.


It's vindication, in a way, for Kuma. Love this scene.


Absolutely!! Kuma and Bonnie story is so sad. And it is easy to miss but this is a little girl who we are talking about. And she just met her hero, Nika. And she can be Nika too!! Awesome. Luffy bring the joy to others juat like Nika did!!


Ironic that the 5 elders who tried their best to squash the belief of Nika ended up created another one when they gave bonney her powers


Bonnie accomplished what Yamato dreams about being Oden.


Give him time, being Oden is within reach. I believe in Yamato.


In some regards, Yamato already surpassed Oden. Oden ditched his responsibilities to see the world which led Wano to disaster. Yamato willingly stayed back to ensure Wano will be strong enough to fend for itself without Kaido.


And Yamato had no obligation to do so either


If Bonney can Change Peoples ages what's to say she can't distort their futures and make an army of Nikas and Odens?


This feels like Oda is saying to all the little kids (since Bonnie is a kid too) reading the manga: "you can be like Nika/Luffy too".


Library of Ohara's chapter secrets said the same thing. Maybe I'm just a sentimental middle-aged fool, but it lifted my heart to see it put in such a way. Life may be hard, but you can be the agent of the joy you want to have in your life.


This is almost like the spiderman thing as in anyone can be behind the mask anyone can be spiderman Man this is sooo peak can't wait for the next chapter


So I'm honestly wondering.. Would it be possible for Bonney to transform into a gorosei if she thinks there is a reality where she takes their place?


that would be insane😭


... Not our Bonney I don't think, but a what-if timeline/future where Blackbeard got her fruit? Absolutely. BB would probably imagine he has the powers of ALL the elders or worse.


It's not alternate realities. It's what she thinks her future could be. She'd never think of being like them


Seeing yamato in the cover page in such peace while egghead is such a chaotic mess cracked me up


Bonnie's face in the top left panel is absolutely precious. It's such a genuine smile.


Bonnie finally acting her age makes it more special


That look is everything


Love how it contrasts with luffy's evil grin in the panel right before too aha. Our little rubber gremlin is rubbing off on people >:)


Chapter is great Bonney turning into Nika at the end is a perfect metaphor of children being able to become anything they want to in the future if given the right encouragement by adults


The part I like the most out of this scenario is, that with luffys help Bonney now can imagine a world in which she is totally free, so to say "the spark of the revolution" was passed to the next generation and they now can see a liberated world. Felt really epic!


I really enjoyed it, just the whole thing of Luffy encouraging her it makes me happy.


that what got me. He gave her hope for a future🤘🏾


Isn't Joyboy the warrior that brings smiles? After having her imagination skills destroyed by some Gorosei, Luffy showed her she can still *dream* (imagine). Once she transforms, she's smiling again. I began understanding Bonney's DF powers. She can grow anything older. But that's not the true essence. She can bring any future something can have, meaning, she can grow someone taller, since that can be an alternate future. She can grow up to be Nika because she now knows what and who Nika is. She can now objectively imagine it. I don't know if that's about DF powers, or if it's her powers alone, but imagination is key. Maybe Bonney had unique DF powers, but I really like how her DF works, and how Oda explored it. She might play some crucial role...


Hope the kiddo joins the crew


that’s what a lot of fans speculate. and i really hope she does as well. pull a Jinbei


>pull a Jinbei What does that mean? Like, get asked to be joined, rejected it, wait almost a decade long to spiritually, physically and officially join? I love Jinbe, he's my 2nd Fav SH member, but that was a long ass wait.


you’re not wrong i didn’t think he’d ever join💀but as in just join the Straw Hats. if i remember right she has a crew of her own or is apart of one. something along those lines. or Go with Luffy until she can better home her strength and can fight on her own.


Well iirc her crew got destroyed by BB when they arrived in the New World and since then she travels alone so I think she doesn’t have any real restrictions to join. Of course that doesn’t mean she will, but I think it’s still a big possibility


that’s right cause blackbeard is looking for all he can to become unstoppable. he tried law but luckily Chopper made Bepo some “Rumble Balls”. Blackbeard is going crazy out here💀


Roger had some kiddos on his crew, Shanks did, now Luffy may


Luffy already had his temporary kid crew member His name was momonosuke, idk how TF everyone in this sub forgets he exists. Kid was with us for 80% of post TS


no one forgets momo lol trust me. the shogun isn’t forgotten by no means


Shanks did not, he rejected luffy and even rejected the giant brat recently.


Uta, Uta is pretty much canon, she was in the official chapter as a shadow.


Uta as a character may be canon but the entire story of Film RED is not, which includes the beginning. She was never a part of Shanks' crew, he never had kids on his crew.


Shanks is literally remembering her in the chapter that's why she shows up.


Again, Uta the character is now canon because its a quick flash to what Shanks is thinking about, however NONE of what happens in Film RED is canon including the notion of her being part of Shanks' crew. Just like Shiki is a canon character but NONE of the events of Strong World are canon. Shanks did not have kids on his crew at any point, why? Because the actual canon material has NEVER shown that.


Looks like a fight is finally about to begin instead of constant running.


i’ve been waiting for more fighting, especially being that the Iron Giant is throughly and actively searching for “Joyboy” especially since they hit us with that mean cliffhanger in Vegapunks transmission 💀


I heard a lot of people didn’t like this chapter


and you’d be right this whole comment section is split. a majority say hell yea. the others say nawl


I just don't like things that break a power system. Devil fruits themselves allow the user to manifest a possible future of human evolution. And if bonny can manifest any possible future that she wants, she basically has the fruit-fruit fruit and could possibly copy any devil fruit power. And this is *before* she awakens. Imagine what it will look like after


Who says she hasn’t awakened it? Saturn indicated that the potential of her fruit lies in the user’s sincere belief in what they can imagine; child-like innocence is the true power, which Bonney was about to lose until her dad and Luffy-as-Nika saved her, making her fantasies come true. So now her mind is perfectly aligned with the purpose of the fruit. She had a full-hearted belief that anything is possible for her because she is just a child, and because Kuma and Luffy protected her and her innocence.


I don’t understand all the hate on this chapters ending, it legitimately made me smile and it was such a nice twist to the escape of egghead.


I thinks it’s because people want it to be unique/exclusive to Luffy. Bonney’s fruit is pretty broken as we can see and her being able to turn into an her own version of Luffy’s awakened state is pissing some fans off. Gear 5 is so different from any other power that some fans probably feel like she shouldn’t be able to rival Luffy’s peak. Understandably so I can get the frustration a bit but I love OP too much for something like this to get me upset. Keep it coming!


The big thing is I do not think Bonney will be as powerful as Luffy or stay in Gear 5 as long as he can. She is still going to use the powers very well because she is a lot like Luffy when it comes to imagination, which the Elders even said is the only thing that holds the Nika fruit back.


> The big thing is I do not think Bonney will be as powerful as Luffy That's an extremely safe assumption. If people are worried about Bonney outshining Luffy, they're just dumb.


If anything, I think Bonney using Gear 5 is a great narrative opportunity to show that Luffy is more special than just a vessel for his power. We are about to see why Luffy deserves to win despite not being the failure of past Nika users.


She's also not really a fighter. She's mostly doing what she can to survive. We also don't know if her version of Nika is limited to herself or if she also gets "awakening" effect on her external environment.


I do wonder if they’re just both gonna tag team Mars because…what are the others gonna do? Jump into the water to fight them? I feel like Jupeter would be useless here


If the elders went in the water, it'd be a great opportunity for us to find out whether their powers are devil fruit related XD


Seems like the most likely outcome. Maybe Oda is just throwing female cosplayers a bone lol


Nothing has ever been unique to Luffy. He is not the only pirate with a DF. He is not the only pirate with a special DF siught out by the government. He is not the only character with special parents. He is not the only stretchy guy. He is not the only guy with Future Sight. He is not the only guy who combined his Conquerors Haki with his Armament Haki. He is also not the only character with an insane growth rate. Added to that the Nika ability has been shown to affect characters around him. And Luffy believes in everyone being free to puruse their dream.


And yet he’s the only one with all those things at once


Katakuri is almost all those things. He just needs to figure out how to combine his Armament and Conquer's haki.


Next time he's onscreen, I expect him to have advanced conqueror's. If Kaku can get an awakened fruit to keep him vaguely relevant on his return, Katakuri can definitely have some power creep.


Law is a D, has the Op Op Fruit which likely gave Imu their immortality. His fruit is awakened. Only thing missing is CoC but wouldn't be surprised if he has it. Katakuri is the son of someone significant, has all three types of haki plus advanced version of CoO, is stretchy like Luffy. Only thing he isn't is Luffy. Blackbeard and Shanks depending on their backstory could potentially tick all the boxes.


Being connected to the only devil fruit that is connected to the one and only sun god Nika aka the 1st pirate sounds pretty unique. Other DF may have some similar ability like Bellamy or something but not to the extent and capabilities of Luffy not to mention his effect on the environment. I get he’s not the only DF user or person who can stretch or use observation haki but those are just things almost everyone has available to them.


>sun god Nika aka the 1st pirate We don't know that yet. Whether Joy Boy and OG Nika are the same person.


Don't forget Law who had the Op Op Fruit and the previous user most likely was the one who gave Im their immortality. Law is also a D.


People are fools. This is what a Joyboy should be doing! Inspiring hope, smiles and laughter in the darkest of times. That combined with a DF that can bring any future into a reality(as long as you believe it can happen) and Bonny going Gear 5th/Nika makes perfect sense.


Seriously. And this is coming from someone who strongly disliked the Nika reveal in the first place. That's a joyous panel right there and the look on Bonney's face there is worth it. Nika brings hope. Luffy here managed to unlock her ability to dream, to be *free*! It's perfect.


It's like people forget that she's a literal child with child like dreams and imagination. Her fruit can make her dreams come true if she believes in them enough... She believes she can be Nika-like, so she is! It fits so well with her character and Luffy's influence on other characters. The more I think about it, it makes sense. This scene melted my heart, and made me smile.


Probably the same folks who hates gear 5th when it was revealed.




Right!? I was suprised by a lot of the hate comments in the spoiler post. Some of them were the same old complaint of G5, but some was about this chapter's ending. WTH!? Shouldn't they be proud that our boy Luffy managed to encourge/inspire Bonney to able to achieve the Nika form like "Nika of old" might do!?


Best advice to enjoying anything, stay off the subreddit. People constantly hating and nitpicking, I don't understand how people have the energy to hate that much.


>enjoying anything Lol, best advice ever. I just enjoy the ride and don't complicate things. I thought for sure with 1000+ chps out, people would already get used to some stuff and just enjoy it, lol🤣


I Love IT but also kinda hate it I Love it for what it represents And hate it because her df is kinda broken Just Happy that bonney ist free


Tbh i'd wait on calling it broken. She doesn't have Conqueror's or ACOC, so it's not like she'll be as strong anyway, and we still don't know exactly what is going to happen with her. She might just take on Luffy's Gear 5 appearance and have none of the powers, for example. Or she might have similar powers but nowhere near as strong as Luffy's. She might only be able to hold this form for like 5 mins max etc.


But she should still be able to have the same black paint bucket that Luffy used on Saturn.


>Tbh i'd wait on calling it broken Right? What's making some assume her DF's broken? Was it officially stated in the manga chapters and I just missed it? Or is it like a term I don't know about?


How did you come to the conclusion that it's broken without even KNOWING what she can do with it yet? For all you know, it could be weak af, or it could be severely time limited if it's not weak.


> And hate it because her df is kinda broken It's not.


how is luffys STRONGEST form appearing in someone else with no training or even being deserved not OP?


First of all she's more than deserved it. Second of all, it isn't just her achievement it's also Luffy's.


I love this so much


it’s the little things like this that make me love One Piece


Same :) — another moment is when dorry and broggy say they have no idea about nika and they came all this way because “He’s our buddy!”.


it’s crazy how they went from chillin with Shanks to saving luffy and friends. that’s friendship 💯


I know right! All these little moments are what makes One Piece so dear to me.


Little thing Lila another Nika


This is the conclusion of the combined suffering of kuma, Ginny and bonney and is so heart warming, kuma's wish has finally come true!!


Mine as well, and it turns out I was correct in how [Bonney's powers](https://imgur.com/a/Tv5TzNH) would work a few chapters ago! Really excited for her future and possibility if she becomes Nakama.


I hate it....... The fact I was spoil of this by scan-leak on X. I hope that person suffer diarahhea.


Luffy teaching others how to be free and showing them how is the very idea of Nika the warrior of liberation, and it's great Bonney can get a taste of that freedom after seeing hers and her parent's lives.


Yeah, Bonney turning into Nika might be a foreshadowing metaphor about Joyboy igniting people's desire for freedom during the Void Century.


It goes back to what Mihawk was saying during the war at Marineford. That's Luffy's greatest power is to ignite the spark in others.


That's some good vibes right there after the back story of Kuma and Bonnie. Damn, that part hits so hard


I can’t see any of the Elders *dying* but I can’t lie, listening to the *Drums of Liberation* theme while reading that felt great. Mars is about to get tag teamed lol


>This made my heart smile How does smiling heart look like btw?


have you ever watched Adventure Time?


Well, I've watched clips, if that counts.


Ricardo the Heart lol a heart with a face on it


He seems so... rape-y. Idk. Disturbing for sure.


for a kid show he was dark as hell. he was the ice king heart after all


I loved it. But when I think about it one thing bothered me. SÄąnce Nika should be the freest one, what happens if there are 2 of them? Do they infinitely get freer and freer? I also don't understand why people feel threatened by Bonney's transformation.


Don't mind me just going to cry.


honestly 😭


Now the only thing I want is to kuma to gain consciousness and see her daughter and luffy. To see his legacy still lives on….


i think that's what the panels on the top right are, idk if we'll get anymore kuma action than that


yeah you’re right. But considering the pain he went through, he doesn’t deserve an ending like that. There must be a way, He has to have a happy ending. He had a wish to set sail on the seas with her daughter, that would br wholesome.


I think it tracks in the same way that her “Nika-like” future tracks with what we’ve seen. Girls made of rubber!


Its freaking poetic. The more I look back on Kuma and Bonney's story, the more I love it


The childlike essence of it all is perfect. It would be so wholesome if she joined the crew. I'm imagining Nami and Robin being extra protective of her considering their own childhoods and Jinbei being a paternal figure to her.


luffy's is me looking at people being mad in the spoiler thread


I don't love nor hate it, just not a fan. Luffy literally died to get G5 while bonney just casually imagines it (I know it's all about imagination but this one's a cheapshot to luffy's buildup to G5 imo). Not hating on Bonney but Luffy is the Warrior of Liberation. Edit: Y'all don't put me on your scopes just bc of my opinion. It's just a take so chill. I Love Bonney and would love to see Nikka Bonney in action.


Have to see the extent of her Nika form before we can compare them though


The way I'm reading it is we know Luffy bends reality with his awakened form, so imo he's bending reality a little so Bonney can realize her dream with the powers she already has. Like a sort of boost up via Nika


idk, it probably lasts like under a minute and won't be as powerful as peak G5. i trust oda's writing not to spam it


Luffy straight up was the one who gave her the idea and encouraged her to do it.


One thing has nothing to do with the other. One is a watsonian decision and the other one a doylist. Oda could’ve just made luffy *not* say that


Yeah ik but what I meant was that, all those buildup for G5 just for another character to copy it? I know It's a very Luffy thing encouraging her like that but know that there are other fans too that wasn't a fan of Bonney copying G5 even if it turns out later that it's just the appearance she copied. From a reader's POV, imo it's a cheapshot to that G5 buildup, and how Luffy earned it. That panel literally recognized Bonney as another Nika. Don't get me wrong, I love Bonney's G5 transformation and I wanna see how she fights with that, but my opinion above was just another different approach to digest and my way to give a critical take to that plot we're given.


I don't mind, it's not like she is going to be even close to Luffy in strengh so I really don't mind if she uses a similar power. Katakuri already had an insanely similar power to Luffy back in Whole cake. Hell the moshi fruit was shown as better in pretty much everyways.


It's a love it or hate it type of thing. I love it, my brother HATES it


It's like terrible fan fiction just became canon.


100% people can talk about how it’s apparently “foreshadowed” but that doesn’t make it good even if it is. It’s just a bad concept that turns all of Bonney’s grief and development into someone who just wanks Nika the whole time and it’s called “being free” it’s like an actual disease or something where instead of serious emotions being played out in the one piece world, they’re just ignored and covered up with laughter. What’s the whole thing about inherited wills that carry others to be stronger that was so present before gear 5? Is everything in one piece built up to just laugh at everything no matter what the pain is or who needs help? Kuma has basically been forgotten and now Bonney just looks up to Nika.


I'm just focused on Luffy's face when he said "Let's GO". I'm telling you, evil Luffy saga is coming, lol.


So can someone explain to me like I'm an idiot (because I am). Is Bonney awakening her DF and becoming Nika/Joy Girl? Or is one of Luffy's abilities to inspire another person to be free and liberate them thus becoming a joy boy esque version? Like how he can make the ground rubber he can make beings white with liberation.


Bonney is just using her Distorted Future power here. She can transform into any future as long as she believes it's possible for her. In this case, she is aging into the future where she is the most free, which she believes is a future where she resembles Nika and presumably has a stretchy body.


The inspiration Luffy gave her was key, because her distorted future ability only works if she actually believes that it could happen; her being a kid with innocent imagination is what makes it possible. She was losing that innocence during the encounter with Saturn, but Luffy showing up as Nika has reinforced her belief in Nika, seemingly the most childish, impossible dream, as something that is real. I don’t see how Luffy could transform other people. Maybe Bonney could.


Me too. Not just my heart but my face too!


It's Saturn's fault. He gave bonney these powers. He created the second Nika. They'll hold of the elders and they will fail and it would be because Saturn was doing his shit.


It's the way how it was paneled that did it for me Seeing the memories of Kuma promising to take care of Bonnie and giving her something Ginny and him longed for Freedom Such a heartwarmning chapter


I feel Bonney has become a representative of the new young generation of kids that loves one pieces and want to be free and funny like Nika.


How does she even turn into that?


Because Luffy in Gear Five form is the what she thinks the epitome of freedom looks like. She wished for a future where she was the most free, so she took on the appearance of what she thinks the most free thing/person is in the world - Gear 5.


Bonney's devil fruit ability called distorted future allows her to change her body to match a different future she can imagine. After seeing Luffy in G5 she was able to firmly imagine a future where she had the Nika devil fruit so that lets her change into a Nika form.


So she could turn into any devil fruit? Isn't that too OP? (pun intended)


No, I doubt it works like that. Bonney says "gimme the future where i am totally free", which is more of a meta level of Nika, not his literal devil power. I don't know any other devil fruits, that have this level of implementation with the character, other than Luffys fruit. Maybe Big moms soul fruit which is kinda connected to her vore gluttony...


I'm on this level. I doubt that she'd be able to go full giant like Luffy does - is her body rubber? But I do think that her heart would be beating to the drums of liberation and helping power the giant.


I think in the bottom right panel she is full giant though, due to how the Marines are reacting. But yeah I don't think she'll be nearly as strong Gear 5 Luffy


She has to *believe* with all her heart it's a possible future. I don't even think it's about DFs. Bonney doesn't know Luffy is Nika because he ate a Fruit. She knows it's who he becomes when he's at his most free. And he himself told her that she could be the same. So she believed, and she did become Nika as well.


Theoretically she could use her power to do that but it has limits like she has to be able to concentrate on the future where she has the power to maintain it. She also hasn't been shown to be able to use the ability for very long at any given time so we'll see how long she can stay in Nika form.


alotta people look at it as a spark was lit by Luffy/Nika but i also feel like Vegapunks island may had an influence as well due to all the crazy shi it could do. i could be wrong about the second part tho




i’m fkin dead💀💀💀


This is a joke right?


for goda angels, nope.


Well at least some people like it.. I absolutely hated it and I think I’m going to drop it One Piece. Not completely, as I’ll probably check in ever now and then but damn the quality dropped. The good time of serious fights are gone…


Egghead is all about whether or not you control the will of living things. It was one of the first things Lilith said. No matter how hard you try, you cannot control people's wills. Despite their best efforts, the Elders couldn't control Kuma and they can't control Bonney.


The reaction to the end of this chapter really makes you realize that some people read One Piece they can push agendas and powerscale and that’s the only thing they are interested in.


Tbf, I would love to push a Joyboy like agenda on the real world


i read it for the adventure 😂 i could careless who could be who bc at the end of the day. all of them manage to one up the other


Absolute asspull. Her fruit can change the future? Since fucking when? Her fruit was to change ages, not the future itself. The implications are bad - if she can change her future, just wait till it awakens and she can change other people's futures. Then all enemies are changed to a future where they lose instantly. Oda needs to put limits on her fruit cuz it can become too broken too quickly


Not to mention that the entire concept behind devil fruit powers is that they're a possible future for human evolution. Which means if she can just copy whatever future she wants then as far as we know so far she could theoretically copy any. Fucking. Devil. Fruit.


Peak fiction


Nah I don't like it if bonney has gear 5 powers out of nowhere. Distorted future is too op if she can copy any devil fruit even awakend technically


THANK YOUUUU, it's literally just the one piece haters or the sweaty power scalers that are upset with this😭🙏


Sounds corny and forced. As for the panel, I’m not fussed about it all, people acting like they’re the same power level lol it would be interesting to see Gear 5 with no haki though. But overall I just wanna get to Elbaf already.


Many people seem to think that because Bonney has the Nika form that she automatically is as strong as luffy. Y’all missed the point about G5 and Nika. It was never about „getting stronger“ This form specifically is to represent **freedom**. Its supposed to be the form you take on when you feel like you can do whatever you want however you want. A visual metaphor. To me, Luffy was always a brawler. And he always enjoyed himself the most during fights. So for him, his **freedom** would be to fight however he wishes. To change stuff into rubber, to grab lighting, to compress himself and then bounce to the opponent: all things he does because he thinks it’s an enjoyable way to fight. Bonneys **freedom** is much deeper rooted. Being cut off from the rest of the world for the biggest part of her life. Ginny and Kuma being slaves and confined. Having her father be turned into a cyborg slave for the government. It was about herself and the people close to her being confined. And the only real ray of hope that ever came through were the stories kuma told her about Nika. So in her eyes, being Nika means being free. That is her freedom. So instead of being someone who inherited the will of Nika/Joyboy (imo Joyboy being the actual person and Nika being this legendary sun god and warrior of liberation where we don’t know if it was an actual person or more of an idea), Bonney instead took Nikas form because for her, that’s what it means to be completely free. She saw Luffy how he behaves and feels like he is completely free. So when she wanted a future where she felt completely free, it’d be a future where she is capable of reaching this form too So don’t worry Powerscalers. Outside of her doing the weird cartoon stuff and a bit of rubber shenanigans, I don’t think we will see her be an actual fighter now (repost only this part of the comment once she fights Saturn and proves me wrong)


https://i.imgur.com/fsP6d1m.jpeg This is what occurred in chapter 1101. It has already happened, so I don’t understand people who despise the choice made by Oda: it is clearly in continuation with Bonney story and her devil fruit.


I love the panel of Kuma on the right, both his dreams have been granted! But at the same time we still don't know if he's still sentient. It's a real bittersweet situation.


Thanks for the spoilers... Maybe wait until the chapter has actually come out... Edit: NVM, lol. Forgot it was Sunday, not Saturday. My bad!


From being the 2nd weakest Worst Gen to having her own Gear 5 form is honestly a massive step up.


Honestly been waiting for Bonney to see Luffy as Nika + this since Saturn mentioned how her belief in Nika was waning


I loved it too, also I was expecting a break next week but no! We get 3 chapters in a row bb <3


I absolutely love this moment




I didn't really like it. She seems like a mary sue.


It made me tear up, seeing Bonney finally break her chains of suffering was just so damn wholesome to witness


Bonney has the most OP fruit.


Long time fan since the beginning, this panel brought a tear to my eye. Maybe its just the parent in me that influences that, but I don't get all the hate over this chapter at all.


I was like this: 🙄


It made my brain cringe.


This is crap. Gear 5 ruined everything. Ill take my downvotes


You would love it less if people didn't hate it so much.


Im ngl 100% you know he’s doing it as an FU to anyone who dislikes it but pretending not


It's so transparently phony lmfao


I find it incredible. I think of one piece motifs is about sharing, so instead of disappointed because luffy power is no unique Im thrilled because more people can have it. Stronger together, sharing hope, dreams, is truly ressonated with me.


This made my face smile


Her becoming a second Nika is the Matrix Ressurections thing of two "The One"s: Gay


Every few months I need a wake up call that a bunch of posters are literal children. Thank you.


What--narratively--is well written when the "chosen one" trope is 'subverted' by adding another? Explain how that is such an offensive thing for you


I hate it


Two Nikas fighting racist bastards.




That's why Zoro is a traitor theory will come true.


Zoro won't go after them. In this form, they're white.


I think it is fine that Bonny gains cartoon powers, but she won’t be as strong as Luffy since she has not been shown to use Haki let alone Conquer’s haki and coating it like armament plus future sight.


It made my nose and eyes feel funny. I really love it!


Omgg I am also soooo happy like lesssgooo man she always wanted to be free anf now that she has her hero with her she really can be free man I am sooo happy lessgooo She deserves it and whoever said that this is bs is just wrong


u hearts smiles by seeing the biggest asspull in the series with no sense? weird


Unpopular Opinion: Kuma's backstory isn't that sad.


I don't really like this, Luffy's worked hard and almost died to awaken his fruit and become Nika but then Bonney just suddenly does it


That's kind of the point, though. Luffy went to hell and back to become the inspiration for others who are also suffering. Luffy is the ember to ignite the flames of revolution.


I mean they're not the same thing though. Like if a devil fruit came around that could copy other fruits (kinda like Monoma from My Hero) then I would be fine with it since it's how the devil fruit works. Bonney's fruit is very janky with it's requirements and she'll likely lose a lot of her possibilities as she gets older so I fine with things working out for her in a niche situation.


Luffy's true dream is unlimited freedom for everyone. 200 years ago, someone might have had the fruit of Bonny who managed to reach the Nika form himself (perhaps he got information (about NIka) from the giants) and that's why the robot was switched on and attacked the Redline. That's why everyone laughs at him, because unlimited freedom seems unattainable for everyone and that's why his wish is labeled as ridiculous. See the reaction of the Straw Hats, some said that he can best achieve his dream as King of the Pirates Last thought, then I won't bother him any more. What if 800 years ago Joy Boy, with his power to transform into Nika, once showed the owner of the fruit of Bonny's power how it works. She used it on herself and on all D bearers (that's why the D is also a laughing mouth). It is said, "I sense something, we have to hurry," which is what the 5 wise men say to each other. Could it be that they are afraid that Bonny will use the "Consumed Future - Where I am Totally Free" on others? Perhaps they are having a deja vu, where they had the problem once before and 20 kingdoms were needed to keep the D's in check. That also explains why Bonny should be killed, because the fact that she is the master key for Bear is probably not as dangerous as the Consumed Future.


Is Nika a character or race ?


Maybe luffy isn't the main nika? maybe bonney is.


that’s a good theory. but i think Luffy might be the main one. until we really know more about Joyboy in the past life we won’t really know til we know….ya know? maybe bonney is a disciple of some sort


Was built up well but im ngl i just don’t like it


Same it also made me wonder what’s Bonnie’s weakness, this thing seems like it has no downside


Well i hope it stops here and she isnt as broken as it seems she will be