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Team 1 wins it high. Law is too hard to overcome in a team battle


Hes not that hard for sanji. Hes got the best observation and speed here and is kinda just built to give him a hard time capitalising. Kid getting to take on sabo is probably a conq w but he cant move after the fight that makes it a toss up between zoro vs yamato.


You’re spitting but because you said anything moderately good about Sanji you get downvoted here


Always the victim cope


Disprove my argument poser


Yamato beats Zoro


yeah no


He does not stall Kaido 1v1 Asura did Jack shit and that was ACOC


Asura wasn’t ACoC and if it was it wasn’t on the same level as King of Hell. It would at most be the highest level you can get before you got into ACoC KOH Asura > KOH > Asura Pre ACoC. ACoC alone would give Zoro the ability to stall kaido.


That cope is insane it absolutely would not Zoro could barely use his Haki with Enma without over exerting himself and Kaido literally called it Conquers Haki so it was ACOC. KOH is nothing but a title it’s not a whole different Zoro nothing changed from him using Asura (his strongest damn move) KOH is just him being aware of his ACOC potentially it ups his basic attacks sure but Asura was already ACOC


It’s not Cope. Yea Zoro can’t control or keep up KOH for an extended amount of time but while he can he should definitely be able to hold up kaido. Plus this was an already tired Zoro that was already fighting king before he unlocked it and was already on borrowed time from the mink perc. We haven’t seen a fresh Zoro use it yet. Based on the visuals of Asura there was no ACoC used so it can only qualify as CoC. KOH is a whole new Zoro power wise. Don’t act like ACoC is just an AP boost. It’s a stat boost for everything but speed I would say. We see this with Zoro vs King. King was overpowering Zoro before ACoC but as soon as he unlocked it King was the one being overpowered. King could take Zoro swords before ACoC but now Zoro can make some type of force field to push back an separate opponents. Asura isn’t as powerful as dragon damnation and you can see that just by looking at the panels. Asura was his most powerful attack before he unlocked ACoC. Zoro unlocked a whole new level of power and haki, the power to clash with top tiers and put up a fight. Zoro could clash with kaido an come out with a clean cut before ACoC so KOH he should be able to stall him longer. Zoro will be able to eventually use ACoC on top of Asura which would bring him to a new level.


That cope is insane it absolutely would not Zoro could barely use his Haki with Enma without over exerting himself and Kaido literally called it Conquers Haki so it was ACOC. KOH is nothing but a title it’s not a whole different Zoro nothing changed from him using Asura (his strongest damn move) KOH is just him being aware of his ACOC potentially it ups his basic attacks sure but Asura was already ACOC


Bro with his conq amp hes probably as strong as her and hes not used to it. The only diff is swordsmen only realy need to land one good hit vs one piece blunt damage nerfs.


He’s not stalling Kaido 1v1


He can with conq, not for as long as yamato tho but he's also actualy able to hurt kaido because of how swordsmen work. He couldn't use it at will before. Yamato is more likley to win but won't win every time maybe like 80% not including plot armor.


Idk man... Zoro took a lot of damage and did plenty of fighting before clashing with Kaido, not to mention the fact that he'll have come out stronger post wano.


Zoro wasn’t fighting the likes of King before Kaido it’s not like he was exhausted or injured on the rooftop


Solid observation, though I wonder how Sanji vs Sabo would go...


team 1 but that yamato pic goes HARD


And then there’s kid 😐


OP didn’t even bother looking for a cool Kid picture. Based.


Captain midd* Current feats: Law >>> Midd. BM gives only law credits, law outplayed her and law got a real battle against bb while shanks oneshoted midd




https://preview.redd.it/zdxlcopy6gcb1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2b1cc300a8ff83106dda976f617ffff00e77be Should’ve used this picture to show that kid is him


Team 1 slams


Idk about slams but they definitely win


I agree too I just wanna see how much Yamato fans wanna cope this


Team 2 loses Because of sanji being the weakest out of the group


W take Widd > man thats gonna get replaced by microwave


You're cappin. Sanji is likely stronger than kid rn...




Thats why i said likely because we dont have 100% proof. But the evidence is stacking up. Like his durability being through the roof, and his speed being likely the highest in the crew. Him vs the seraphim shows that much.


Bro yamato is easily more powerful than zoro. She kept up with kaido and stalled him for a good amount of time. I don’t care if zoro tanked a combined attack it broke almost every bone in his body leaving him with enough power for one more attack. Yamato was keeping pace with hybrid kaido for longer than roofpiece was. She also has better control over Acoc and ACOA and has a mythical zoan df capable of even giving her an extra outer exoskeleton like we saw. Also sanji is easily able to deal with sabo and Kidd’s awakening had the potential to be island level since the grand line is so goddamn magnetic


He is the strongest here, he just got the weaker teammates who are also worse supports.


Having law on your team is like an instant win button. The irony is Law is best in team fights but he’s crew is so useless he struggles. It’s probably a hard fight for team 1 but they win. If you swapped kid and law then it would be a balanced fight.


Why are there 2 empty slots in the second pic? Yamato and Sanji vs 3 YC1+ characters is unfair


That’s what i was thinking


Two problems here. Firstly, you didn’t even mention kid at all like he isn’t stronger than sanji. Secondly, Sabo isn’t yc1+.


love kidd r/kiddpiece


Here's a sneak peek of /r/kiddpiece using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/kiddpiece/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Kidd is still my goat Oda can suck cock](https://i.redd.it/mraj4fzkvcpa1.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/kiddpiece/comments/11ynn6r/kidd_is_still_my_goat_oda_can_suck_cock/) \#2: [Kiddchads, we comfy today](https://i.redd.it/kcuemv5s0jwa1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/kiddpiece/comments/131dj7o/kiddchads_we_comfy_today/) \#3: [Timeline of Kidd Hate](https://i.redd.it/fnk290sm8kqa1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/kiddpiece/comments/1255eek/timeline_of_kidd_hate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Fuck Kidd


What did Kidd do 💀


Nothing that’s the issue


I just don't like him. I don't like how he walks around thinking hes a rival to Luffy. Law too. Fuck em'


My man is simply going after his goal which is to be pirate king what do you expect him to do start kissing luffys ass and join his crew? Law simply wants to learn more about the world.


Fuck em


you mean usless captian mid?


Incorrect Twice teach me your ways


He was only wrong once Kidd is stronger then sanji. Zoro, law and Yamato are the people that are on par with him based on feats. Sanji and sabo aren’t there yet feat wise


Sure. I was mostly joking but Sanji is barely weaker than Kidd, if at all


His definitely weaker unless you see sanji on the level of law or Yamato I don’t think that’s the case. As long as you have zoro over sanji then that means Kidd is above him as well


nice joke


Team One simply has better synergy. The characters themselves are on similar levels but the synergy gap is kinda palpable. I guess Sanji can kinda stall Law, with his speed and resistance to dura neg. Sabo and Yamato probably stalemate each other. Zoro slight edge on Kidd. But in practice Law’s gonna enable his team more and that’s why they win.


I feel like zoro would shit on kid no problems.


Bro kidd steals the fuckin swords and blasts zoro into the ground with damned punk


I have to be conservative or they will crucify me


first obviously


Team 1


Law is just the overall strongest and most useful person there, and sabo offers the best aoe so team 1.


Law is not the strongest there. Zoro and debatably Sabo can be above him


Debatably, I have law above them based on feats and portrayal.


Overall strongest Low who doesn’t even know what haki is vs Acoc user Zoro


Zoro law and Sabo bodying


Team 1 has better synergy and overall power. Sabo has no top tier feats so it's a 3v2


He’s the flame emperor! Dressrosa, riverie, up until the latest chapter, be hasn’t taken a hit! And no one on this list could have survived what he dealt with in that chapter. It’s unlikely he doesn’t have future sight and Acoc. Possibly the strongest person on this list and definitely closest to an emperor


0 feats above yc3 so putting him against anyone leads to his strength being unquantifiable.


He’s the first commander of the revolutionary army so thats at least a yc1. Then won his devil fruit so thats yc+. Not getting hit by an admiral, invading reverie, survived against imu and the gorosei are all feats


>He’s the first commander of the revolutionary army so thats at least a yc1. Burgess is the yc1 of the bb pirates. Strength isn't always decide your position. Unless we have any statements or feats his strength still remains unquantifiable >Then won his devil fruit so thats yc+. Devil fruits don't inherently make you a certain tier. It's about how you use it, and we have nothing showing he uses it as powerful as Ace even though he likely does, but I don't theory scale yk? >Not getting hit by an admiral, invading reverie, survived against imu and the gorosei are all feats Sabo admitted Fujitora was holding back, nobody was holding him back or preventing him from getting in, surviving against Imu is also unquantifiable since we don't know how strong they are, and same with gorosei. Don't get me wrong he's strong, but his strength shouldn't be labeled as a certain level officially in scaling until we know for certain.


Zoro and Law have crazy synthesis. Sabo is just the non simp sanji. Yamato and Kid don’t have what it takes.


Kidd literally counters both law and zoro but of course no one is gonna point that out.


Care to explain?


Sure Kidds magnetism will have a major effect on both law and zoros fighting styles and there is no evidence of either being able to negate his hax since big mom could not.


White no diffs


Sanji =lose


Yeh sadly sanji don’t have feats vs top tiers🥲


You can indirectly scale Sanji though. You don’t have to only use direct feats you realize that right


☠️ How ?


He’s gonna say something like, cuz Zoro did it Sanji can too😂. That’s legit how Sanji gets most of his supposed “feats” and hype for most of the fandom


Team 1 high/extreme yamato kinda carries


Team sabo, should’ve given them Lidd instead of Law if you wanted this to be remotely fair


Team 2, kid takes away everyone’s swords and then it’s just melee time


Law can still give people the wet-work without a sword, considering he can still remove hearts without one, teleport and use counter shock. Zoro is really de-railed if he loses his swords though.


Ur right on law, but wouldn’t u say their hakis are strong enough to resist df powers. I honestly don’t know how to tell who’s strong enough to do so. Like we saw law resist bb crewmen gender change df attack. And I’m sure Yamato and kid are = to law haki wise so can do it too.


Zoro one shots kidd, then it becomes a midd diff fight, in which sanji carries Lamato


Na zoro gotta get through yamabro 1st. Idk about df tbh but her haki is strong


Zoro’s haki is stronger period.


Team 1. Law>Zoro>Yamato>Sabo>Kidd>Sanji


More like Zoro >Yamato>Law>Sanji >Labo> Midd


more like widd>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all


Sabo > Yamato > law/kidd > Zoro > Sanji (Sabo is biggest question mark here) Team 1 has overall stronger fighters imo plus laws broken team abilities Team 1 high diffs


Sabo fanfic right here.


team 1.Kidd is absolutely worthless in this fight so it starts out as a 2v3. Dont know how strong sabo actually is but he could at least be useful. Yamato is strong with a great fruit but Laws is better. Zoro wins against Sanji


Why is Kidd useless in the fight?


Because people are biased and unfair even through Kidd obviously can provide very good support to pull away Zoro and Law’s sword


Thank you he might actually be the most useful one on his team. Yamato is strong but Kidd provides the most utility out of the three and will definitely be the most dangerous for the opposing team.


because he’s kidd. /s


Team 1 high/extreme diff. Law > Yamato Kid > Sabo Zoro > Sanji


Team 1, Kid will get blitzed


No tf he won’t


IIRC Kid's speed feats aren't that impressive. He needs metal resources and prep time for his attacks


He may not be fast in terms of travel speed but his reaction speed is able to allow him to keep up with the others his not getting blitzed.


He will. Zoro uses shi sonson, and blitzes Midd. Zoro blitzed big meme and kaido.


Anyone with law win, also Sanji is holding tean 2 back


Team 1. Sanji holds them back abit


Who’s bottom right ?




Man's didn't realize it's 3v3


Yamato beats Zoro Sanji beats Sabo Law beats Kid Team 2 wins extreme difficulty


Sanji beats sabo? Lmao


You got any feats saying Sanji doesn’t beat Sabo? Because to my knowledge there isn’t any


I don’t think sanji has feats vs top tiers so that’s why I say he wouldn’t be able to beat sabo


Sabo doesn’t have any feats against a top tier either tho, unless you consider getting one shot by Imu a feat of his endurance and/or durability.


He stalled Wujitora and took out Featless Burgess (pre-DF). This is all people need to hype Labo. I'm not saying for sure that Sanji beats him, but Sabo still lookin' fraudulent IMO.


egghead zoro > yamato


Egghead Zoro hasn’t shown anything that puts him ahead of End of Wano Zoro


Zoro's team obviously, Yamato is by herself


law and zoro got the haxs to beat kidd and sanji only problem they have are yamato df and her acoc and kidd is getting blitz zoro law and sabo high extreme diff mainly cuz of yamato and sanji


White square #1 solos But in all seriousness team 1 is better overall


If it's a fictional VS match law wins no matter what since all it takes is for him to use more than 4 braincells for him to no diff anyone


this is why i hate him, he has no personality, all the fights he is in end the second they start, he overshadows widd, and he pretends he is the mc fuck maw


I like how each team has someone who's father/fatherfigure is a dragon xD


Sanji carries this mismatch to victory.


he’s the first person to die. so he kinda holds the team back tbh


He can at least take out Law.


Sanji carries this mismatch to victory.


I'll andwer as soon as we'll have some decent sabo's feats


the white space is gonna carry hard on their team


Gotta go with Team 1, Law is insane when it comes to team fights given his incredible support and both Sabo and Zoro are pretty capable


All depends on how strong sabo is. If he’s as strong as yamato or close enough than team 1 wins. If he’s comparable to every other commander than team 2 wins. My ranking outside of sabo is yamato>law>=Kidd>zoro>sanji


Zoro > Sanji Sabo > Yamato Law > Kid


Zoro> Sanji Sabo < Yamato (sabos feats are lackluster) Law = kidd Team 1 wins due to laws hax


is john cena also fighting from both sides ? . if yes that the team with zoro


Should’ve switch law and kid to make it more fair


bro why you using that kidd pic


Easy team 1… sa d. bo slams not to mention minority hunter Zoro in his master asura mode.


Sad Bo


Is this trolling?


Why do both teams have two empty slots?


Team one high diff


Probably team 1 but realistically it could go either way. For all we know sanji could get a buff guarding Yamato or a nerf being distracted. Also how well law synergies with his team is very important. Kid (Mid) attempting to take law and zoro’s weapons is also a very important interaction that could be decisive


Useless.D.mid was arguably the weakest of the main 3(Luffy,law,and mid).So I see him getting taken out by sabo and law because they know what threat he can bring forth against zoro so they would go for him first.(This is because of laws high iq and luffy not being around to duck it up).I see sanji having a 1v1 against zoro for obvious reasons,yamato gets jumped by sabo and law.So when yamato falls zoro would tell them to not intervene and then lose or win against sanji(I’m not doing that debate).After the fight if sanji wins he loses to law and sabo.


Zoro vs Sanji isn’t a debate. He will always win High Diff.


You say that but now we’re ganna get a bunch of fans in my section blowing it up so good going.(also I could care less who wins I love both characters so don’t be bothering me with that,I’m just here to powerscale yonkos and admirals)


Unfortunately team 1 because Sanji throws, how come team 2 has to get Sanji while team 1 gets Sabo. Kidd counters law and Zoro’s swords but there’s not much Sanji can do in this fight to make up for team 1’s firepower and Law’s support


Sabo > Law/Kid > Zoro/Yamato > Sanji. Team 1 wins


Team 1 no diff Lanji and Midd and then triple team to clap Yamato both ways 💀


Team 1


Sabo takes care of Sanji mid-hgh diff, Law takes care of Kid high diff by wanking Kid to the limit, Zoro v Yamato is extreme diff either way but in case Zoro loses Sabo and Law will take care of injured Yamato .


You put Law and Zoro on the same team. You’re gonna be hard pressed to find someone who can beat them.


Yamato isn’t enough to carry team 2


Team one but only because of law


Team 1 law is just too much and Sabo is probably higher than yonko commander plus so I think this is a easy w for team 1


I'm sorry but Yamato can't carry team 2 that hard, so team 1 wins pretty handily


Team 1 slams because Lanji is a Yc2 fraud


Team 2,if they jump law immediately no diff


Zoro sabo and law because sabo is close to gear 5 luffy I think but I’m not really sure


Sanji drags team 2 down+laws team support. It's a no brainer.


The one with the wakipai will win


I'd put my money on team 2. Kid and Yamato have Conqueror's, Kid's DF is Awakened, and Sanji's Germa enhancements are starting to become part of him


Team 1 wins mid diff


Swap law with kidd and it’s a better match up, two sword users on same team is ehhh


Sabo,zoro, and law are 3 of the scariest people in the show atm. Sanji probably beats kid at this point lol. So they def aint beating law zoro sabo!


Team 2 is stronger, but team 1 has law in a team battle. Yeah team 1 wins because it isn’t even that large a difference between the two power wise


Team 1 mid diff


Tf is Sabo wearing


Wtf is Sabo wearing


Widd Carrying team 2


Honestly a pretty easy dub for Team 1. Sabo and Yamato have elemental counters to each other, so they go off and stalemate eachother for a while. That leaves Zoro and Law vs. Kidd and Sanji, and unfortunately, Kidd's hax won't come in handy here. His assign is good in most battles because he can keep his opponent in one place to attack them, but Law can simply Shambles himself or Zoro away from any of the attacks. Not only that, but Sanji's liable to get, ironically, blitzed here, as Law can teleport an Enma-readied Zoro at him. One clean slice at the neck, and Sanji is probably going down. Swordsman vs. Humanoid targets is just that good. And obviously from there it's a sweep. Law and Zoro mid diff Kidd, and then they go in to reinforce Sabo, for a low diff on Yamato. Altogether it's a high diff battle, especially if taking out Sanji takes multiple attacks/attempts.


Who in that group is most suited to be a protagonist though?


team 2 maybe law beats kid but yamato and sanji beat zoro and sabo


they don’t




zoro>sanji, law> kid, and sabo counters yamato's ice with his fire. team 1.


So u put Goatro, SaGoat, and Himfalger D Law against Yamato, Shitji and Useless D Mid and expect anything but a violation?


The power level is roughly equal, so lets check how the interactions go: * Zoro has no mobility, and Law provides it * Sabo will likely have to face match up against Yamato because of their respective fruits * Kidd has decent control over most metal, so he should be able to disrupt attacks and abilities from less-than-Big-Mom calliber sword fighters, providing reasonably good utility Judging by how Yamato seems to be slightly stronger than Sabo and how Zoro and Law seem to be skewed towards Law supporting Zoro (Kid is a MUCH BETTER duo partner for Law since he can enable Law to reliably hit his heavy-hitting abilities), and how Sanji and Kid both have reasonable answers against their opponents (Both can fly in case Law teleports them somewhere, Sanji has incredible durability and Kid has his awakening to answer any long-charging one shot ability of the other team), team B has a slight advantage over team A


Zoro has no mobility? And I’m pretty sure team 1 wins since they have more Overall Power and Raw Power


>Zoro has no mobility Yea, like most swordsmen in One Piece (aside from notable exceptions such as Shanks and Law, who is barely a swordsman). They're typically capable of very fast dashes in their attacks, but lack the means of quickly getting from A to B, and the bigger the distance, the more the issue is pronounced. On top of that, Zoro is a strength-based swordsman (like Mihawk or Oden) as opposed to speed-based swordsmen (like Brook or Cavendish), which further reduces his mobility On the flip side, strength-based swordsmen typically have VERY HIGH stats for both Attack Power and Armor Penetration (Zoro and Oden cutting Kaido, Zoro and Mihawk cutting mountains). Having one of their most prominent disadvantages removed gives Zoro a huge boost (though Sanji can likely tank 99% of his attacks and they'd likely be fighting each other, which is why I didn't consider Law to be as big of a support as other people assume he'd be in such a 3v3) >And I’m pretty sure team 1 wins since they have more Overall Power and Raw Power Could you elaborate?


Labo fans gonna say he is still op after getting one shot💀


Team 1 wins High - Extreme diff in my opinion


Team 1 claps


Gimme team #1


Law is such an MVP


Team 1 wins. The teams overall strenght is higher and Law is there to support.


Team 1 Kidd is useless basically 2 on 3


Yamato can't carry that hard


You just set team 2 up too lose lol


1, easily, team 1 has access to Ope Ope no Mi, and team 2 has Eustass, extremely unbalanced


Oden solos team 1 tbh


Law is to broken and would win this fight almost alone. How? Just have him switch the souls. Heck he can almost oneshot team2 with that: Put in Sanji in Yamato and he will be out because boobs. Then Kid in Sanji and without his DF he is pretty weak. And Yamato in Kid whos body is weaker than hers thus severly limiting her fighting power. So team2 is a walk in the park in this 3v3. There might be even better combinations. Like maybe switch Sabo and Yamato - assuming Haki is based on mental abilities, her superior body would be a huge powerup.


Yamato is arguably the strongest there, maybe Sabo but that's a tossup. I would say if team 2 plays as an actual team utilizing Sanji's speed and durability they have a shot. But overall its extreme diff team 1.


Wustice Waptain Widd takes it


Dayum, if law didnt exist, team 2 wins, cuz Yamato is the strongest in this fight. But Law is just too tough to beat in a team fight. Also, even in general, Law > Useless Captain Mid


Zoro defeat Sanji, Law defeat Kidd, and Sabo can stall Yamato until the others win


Zoro and Law are pretty much always one step beyond Sanji and Kidd respectively


Zoro clears both teams


Left mid diffs😂


Yamato gets bludgeoned by all 3 after one of them stalls her while her teammates get low-diffed.