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The only doubt was that Oda might save nusjuro for Zoro's last battle, But this clash confirms it Mihawk is indeed Zoro's greatest adversary, You might start considering meds if you think otherwise


Venus is visually struggling,going even with Zoro from a two sword clash, and has been getting hit a bunch You can say what you want about Mihawk, he has never been shown to struggle and he has never taken a single piece of damage the entire series. I also highly doubt Zoro is strong enough to clash and push back Mihawk already It’s obvious which swordsman Oda is saving for Zoro’s end goal https://preview.redd.it/bfv6vab6vc6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22fa574500171cab96e12ccfa25e81c525700778




https://preview.redd.it/cnl83znb9h6d1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3c9c38d339ea0c6ef0caa751593607521c63db4 wasnt mihawk stop by himsta ? which is similar to nusjuro being stopped by zoro . so nusjuro is still stronger then fraudhawk black paint


Venus doesn’t even have a black sword, keep coping about “black paint”


we dont even know u get a black sword if its related to stregnth or bond with the sword or some sort of ancient technique mastery even the databooks themselves q if u ONLY NEED HAKI FOR A BLACK BLADE


Bond with the sword and shit like that would be part of sword skill, why would Oda not give the supposed “actual” WSS that yet give the “fake” WSS the strongest black blade? https://preview.redd.it/5mxvtyf8ch6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd78bbba13d1041c0d0facd8ac4457cdbac6125 Would make no fucking sense. Venus isn’t stronger than Mihawk guys, time to get over it


most elite sword could just be in reference to the fact that yoru is a supereme grade blade and not that it is the strongest of all time as https://preview.redd.it/v7xrula0dh6d1.png?width=459&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9fb444672e97ee8f8f22fa24ff34c2542d4f2c6 shushui a black blade is only part of the 21 great grade swords and not the most elite


It literally says that this sword is known as the world’s strongest, stop the mental gymnastics


Copium has no limits


This clash confirms nothing, since Mihawk has no feats


What's up with all these shankstards trying to cope so hard ? World's strongest swordsman> Swordsman


not when the world doesnt even about said swordsmen and said swordsmen will fight zoro AFTER ZORO BECOMES TEH WSS . so swordsmen > wss


get past vista, jozu, or crocodile first.


It means Sanji beats Nasijuro? Because Sanji blocked Nasujuro too.


did or did not Nusjuro get passed Sanji though.


That doesn’t mean that Mihawk wanted to do it.


failed to achieve any of his goal wanted to test wb got blocked by a yc3 had the intention of going after luffy got blocked by a yc5 had the intention to go after Luffy again got blocked by a Luffy Victim.


* Got blocked by ***DIAMONDS***. \-Wasn’t serious in killing Luffy. He tested his luck. He even said himself that he wanted to test the fate. https://preview.redd.it/nfidpzxn7c6d1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46bdd194c5afc08ef5a3d0cd7b85968964eb9006


no need for excuses not serious when he literally admit he was being serious https://preview.redd.it/8awffn639c6d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce8dc9a36941fb56cc78c8fb19b73a3966ccbec


He did try to cut him but he wasn’t serious. His speed was very slow. But without that prediction Luffy did he would have his hands cut off. https://preview.redd.it/kg3f8mpi9c6d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25da1732c035edd75e1e110b0a2dbf873345376


at this point you should say every time mihawk misses a attack he isn't serious


Marineford is literally the worst arc for scaling. Especially when looking back from timeskip powercrept lens. A serious and angry Sengoku could barely hurt Luffy and just didnt use conqurers. None of the admirals in this serious battle diddnt display their full power and couldnt capture a pre ts Luffy. Mihawk said he wasnt holding back but also couldnt kill a pre ts Luffy. The plot for the protags was massively in their favor. I cant think of a single protag during marineford who had bad showing but Aces stupidity.


>wanted to test wb got blocked by a yc3 >had the intention of going after luffy got blocked by a yc5 It's crazy that people STILL dont get what these scenes conveys when mihawk literally monologues about it when he does it to luffy. It's such an obvious parallel: When mihawk attacks WB he gets his air slash (wow remember when zoro told us how incredibly difficult those are to pull off?) blocked by jozu. The gap here is not WB's strength, its his crew and friends. This is quite literally mirrored and explained by mihawk when he attacks luffy. Shows us that the strongest people are the ones able to bring others to fight with them. This is also what mihawk meant when talking about how becoming PK is more perilous than WSS, like you need to find a poneglyph reader (instant enemy of the WG) and fight everyone that has them (yonko). But no one that's actually sane thinks Mihawk is fucking YC3 or whatever, the vista thing is just MF writing. 0 reason to not have vista get bloodied up whilst mihawk is in pristine condition, just to show the fact he's actually so above current swordsmen, even a renowned one like vista isn't a match for him. This is just like how when sengoku hit luffy in his zoan form with the intent to kill, he doesn't even do any grievous injuries. But akainu is able to pierce ace and scar luffy? The last thing in oda's mind was powerscaling, but rather the writing of the meaning in each confrontation.


> But no one that's actually sane thinks Mihawk is fucking YC3 or whatever Allow me to introduce myself


Keyword: sane


Venus couldn’t even get past Bonney and some fodder giants bruh


So he magically appear right next to the sunny after failing to get passed them


Oh, ok he got past them after 4 chapters of struggling vs people who lost to the franky family and a 12 year old


getting passed Some is far better than getting passed None


Not getting past a top WB commander while taking no hits>>>Struggling to get past some fodder who land attacks


good gettiing stalled by yc5 in single combat and not getting passed >>>> getting stalled by a Supernova, yc5. yc2, and 2 giants and getting passed


Yc5 isn’t thing, the WB pirates aren’t ranked in terms of strength These two giants literally got beat vs the Franky Family 💀


o right vista is weaker than izo too, and Mihawk couldn't even get passed crocodile a person who lost to pre gear luffy.


I can see we’re at the part of the debate where you just resort to trolling and saying dumb things now




Yep. The people that say otherwise are operating on reaction-piece. I’m still willing to admit though, though, that Nusjuro cutting the Labophase is among the top 3 DC cutting feats in the verse. Very impressive.


Aren't there literally only 3 impressive cutting feats though? Mihawk with the iceberg, zoro with pica, and now this. I guess zoros horn cutting feat on onigashima is slightly better than pica though since he only used one sword style.


well Nusjuro atleast doing something while painters greatest feat is stalling Vista.


Nusjuro did nothing for 800 YEARS, he would’ve kept doing nothing if VP didn’t plan a transmission outing them.


Mihawk doesn't have some next level feats or something lol, Venus already passed him in feats if that's what your trying to compare.


Mihawk cutting casually cutting the iceberg is a better feat than cutting something that’s smaller than Pica bloodlusted.


Wasn't talking about that, more like everything else he's done already surpassed mihawk getting stalemated by YC5 Vista.


Mihawk wasn’t stalemated by Vista, he wasn’t even trying and was zoning out thinking about Luffy mid fight. I guess Nusjuro is YC3 since he got Sanji wrestled out of his mouth by 2 random giants https://preview.redd.it/yl1blwap7e6d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1bebefae8fbf3116a69f87135f4706ff174495


Vista wasn't trying either he was laughing mid fight https://preview.redd.it/7uhfhybf8e6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=566564dce39e68287a1e00a117c783596889ef87 Venus taking out Kuma is better than anything mihawk has done.


Vista is always smiling when he’s fighting,like Doflamingo. Venus didn’t take Kuma, he took out a Pacifista. Vista is stronger than a Pacifista anyway.


>Vista is always smiling when he’s fighting,like Doflamingo. He was very casually fighting miahwk it's clearhe wasn't using his full strength, Mihawk actually says that he's not gonna hold back. >Venus didn’t take Kuma, he took out a Pacifista. Vista is stronger than a Pacifista anyway. This is a better feat than anything mihawk has so far.


this chapter just reinforced the fact that mihawk kaido and shanks>>>gorosei


Why are we scalling tobiroppo level against gorosei?


https://preview.redd.it/48cedusg3c6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d3779fb03ec54a10737a421d0951b89b89297c Same Gorosei that got handled by Bonney and some giants btw. (ignore text)


I still to to the gorosei. Mihawk in marineford was yc3 commander at best


If Mihawk at Marineford was YC3 at best then Shanks is Doflamingo level


Yeah he just stopped the war and the fraud ran away when he arrived lol


He realised he wouldn’t get paid for overtime fighting Shanks 🤔


Yeah of course. What feeds your delusion


Calling me delusional yet thinks Zoro is currently stronger than Mihawk 🐶💔


Zoro and mihawk are both garbage lol


The same Zoro that >!sent Nusjuro flying back after he clashed equally with him!< is trash? The same Zoro that scarred Kaido without ACOC is trash?


I thought this was obvious?


No obvious to the Lorosei wankers.


Saturns going extreme diff with the weakling trio 😭


https://preview.redd.it/nthju6x29h6d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce631c3c49a4bc9d8adfbcd01d29dd44a1d786e2 didnt vista tie with mihawk ?? so what argument do u legit have for mihawk > nusjuro


Careful, you're starting to sound intelligent.


We berly have anything for both this debate is currently speaking stupid


We know. Hopefully.


Goathawk clears any swordsman in history. He has the strongest supreme grade blade and its also a black blade on top of that


So mihawk above roger and primebeard? Also rocks looked like he was holding a sword when sengoku was telling the backstory. I guess it’s gg for him too 💀. https://preview.redd.it/6s2sq0ns1c6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32783d341a0bff6c43129c64e15c7343813090c0 Oh, and don’t even let me start about kaido 💀


Yes they all lose a swordfight against Mihawk. Maybe Roger can beat Garp and Mihawk cant but Roger does not beat Mihawk in a 1v1 with his sword.


Imagine watching Mihawk take L after L for 25 years and coming to the conclusion that he beats the fucking Pirate King in a 1v1. https://preview.redd.it/lu3dcpmj6c6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868c02a768ae7197f9eba30a8f1cadeca997f52b


The hell… are we watching One Piece…? What L has Mihawk taken…???? Characters like Mihawk don’t really take L’s. I know Mihawk hasn’t.


>The hell… are we watching One Piece…? What L has Mihawk taken…???? Characters like Mihawk don’t really take L’s. I know Mihawk hasn’t. Keep watching, once you get past Marineford come back here.


Blud I’m caught up with One Piece and been past Marineford. What L’s are you once again talking about…?


- He clashed with crocodile and crocodile said ‘in not in the best mood right now’ next thing we see is mihawk waking away - Got blocked by Mr1… - NEEDS YORU to fight random ass no name character - Mihawk and Jozu had a fairly long face off, what happened next you may ask? Well mihawk sheathed his sword and walked away - Mihawk sent an attack aimed for whitebeard because he wanted to test the gap in strength…. Blocked by jozu -Saw shanks and dipped Mihawk fans: ‘B- But mihawk doesn’t want to fight a one armed shanks because it’s not honourable’ Any normal person: ‘Where is the honour when he hunts and kills fodder characters who have no hope in fighting back…? - S- Hawk ran away from strong characters and went to fight fodder. Vegapunk told us that s-snake is attracted to Luffy because it carried over from the linage factor so this means mihawk runs away from strong characters. - Fought Don Krieg... - ‘He cut a ginormous ice berg’ average Don chinjao feat - Clashed with vista and they both agreed to stop because they will both have casualties. Bare in mind it’s actually stated that vista demonstrated superior sword skills… mihawk is YC level - Not in Kaidos TOP Tier list (but shanks is ;) ) - Never defended his Title against a Top-Tier - One Piece ends in 2-3 Years and his portayal is mostly forgotten by the author - Zoro Victim All Major L´s


So…. Delusion…? >• ⁠He clashed with crocodile and crocodile said ‘in not in the best mood right now’ next thing we see is mihawk waking away Yeah…? So what? He didn’t decide to do him like Daz Bones? Anyway how’s this a L? >• ⁠Got blocked by Mr1… How’s this him taking a L? • ⁠NEEDS YORU to fight random ass no name character How’s this an L? >• ⁠Mihawk and Jozu had a fairly long face off, what happened next you may ask? Well mihawk sheathed his sword and walked away ?… All Mihawk did was throw a simple slash lmfao… how’s this a L? >• ⁠Mihawk sent an attack aimed for whitebeard because he wanted to test the gap in strength…. Blocked by jozu How’s this an L? >-Saw shanks and dipped So…? He’s stronger than Shanks so why does this matter? >Mihawk fans: ‘B- But mihawk doesn’t want to fight a one armed shanks because it’s not honourable’ Yeah…? >Any normal person: ‘Where is the honour when he hunts and kills fodder characters who have no hope in fighting back…? He never challenges characters in the first place as the worlds strongest swordsman lmfao… The only time he attack someone was Luffy and that wasn’t even a challenge lol. >• ⁠S- Hawk ran away from strong characters and went to fight fodder. Vegapunk told us that s-snake is attracted to Luffy because it carried over from the linage factor so this means mihawk runs away from strong characters. Ok… so bait. Or reading issue. >• ⁠Fought Don Krieg... How’s this a L? • ⁠‘He cut a ginormous ice berg’ average Don chinjao feat What? Average…? Don Chinjao a conquerors haki user capable of fighting Garp isn’t average lmfao. Tf are these points… >• ⁠Clashed with vista and they both agreed to stop because they will both have casualties. Bare in mind it’s actually stated that vista demonstrated superior sword skills… mihawk is YC level Delusional…? And it’s not once stated that. Unless you’re using a shitty translation. **Top Left Caption next to Panel:** ミホークと互角以上の剣戟を演じるビスタ!!! この勝負で、互いの剣が相手に届く事は無かった。 **Top Left Caption next to Panel:** Vista and Mihawk engage in a swordfight that is more than evenly matched! In this match, neither of their swords reached the other. >• ⁠Not in Kaidos TOP Tier list (but shanks is ;) Yeah…? Meaning who cares wtf Kaido says since we know Mihawk is stronger than Shanks. There’s also other shit like where tf is Garp… Imu… etc. >• ⁠Never defended his Title against a Top-Tier As far as we know. And so? Who cares. >• ⁠One Piece ends in 2-3 Years and his portayal is mostly forgotten by the author Tf you mean portrayal forgotten? Just say you making shit up. >• ⁠Zoro Victim Delusion. >All Major L´s No. This is just horrible cope and pitiful reading comprehension.


>pitiful reading comprehension. yeah thats a hefty dose of projection. All your takes are Major L´s, kinda poetic though ;) HOwISthisAnL 1!!!!11!!! ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


Is this a zorotard in disguise that wants to indirectly upscale zoro or something? Mihawk/zoro won’t reach that level. Mihawk said it himself, being pirate king is harder than wss. Oda has already teased us with the king fight, when zoro said king isn’t a swordsman. In the future he will probably make a distinction between swordsmen and people that just use a sword like shanks, roger and Rayleigh. You want to tell me that mihawk is THAT much ahead of the people I mentioned, since he is the only one with the title and a black blade? The only people that have a black blade are mihawk and ryuma. Also oden’s father said oden didn’t manage to make enma a black blade before his death, so he seems to be a candidate at the very least. Making the black blade is what I think will probably be the distinction I said before. The only people that have or would have a black blade so far, are unquestionably swordsmen. Even if mihawk is above roger, it doesn’t make any sense that he is that far ahead that roger never managed to make a black blade. That probably shows that he is out of the race in the first place.


Haha Venus wouldnt struggle against Vista lol The only argument that Fraudhawk enjoyers have is the WSS title But they cant say if King Big mom or Whitebeard are swordmen


You’re right, Venus would struggle against Bonney. https://preview.redd.it/9yliepbidc6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab9ee8fe2de97b147c59fc0141c53cca0ac1571


That was giant form bonney so one of his most powerful attacks Also did Venus postpone the fight with bonney, similar to what Mihawk agreed to do with vista