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every single admiral?☠️that’s overkill lol


Kaido and the beast pirates: https://preview.redd.it/w7zaep1mtc6d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cdc34d8808836b0c669a318bb1e742b3b781cac


this panel was funny as hell they did not need to do allat


https://preview.redd.it/7wlaf47t4d6d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c71cbf8e422036190fe6d518f8070e2c1779b48 why they jump him like that😭😭🙏


Wow, wow, wow. Hold up! Did you, my good sir, just use *that* word in *this* sub? https://preview.redd.it/q64dsi51nh6d1.png?width=336&format=png&auto=webp&s=f99ae7a737f552b56f3f67ed377f338a88198ae2 (If your black, ignore this)


I’m still wondering what type of zoan are those two on the sides


Yeah what a silly thing to ask. Everyone knows that HE solos https://preview.redd.it/i1dykobbsc6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa142d6ba1365396f29a4c4feae7bcd16c77ed9




Waido victim


The only reason they didn’t do that is that another yonko crew might’ve intervened during the raid


1. Akoji is no longer a marine so he wouldn't show up 2. Everyone else was busy trying to go and arrest all of the warlords due to the seraphim replacing them and that is the reason that they didn't try to interfere with two yonkos meeting up. All their resources were split thin and they would need the entire might of their forces to try and take on Kaidos army + Big Mom and some of her children


I feel like the second reason is so ass from oda bc I feel like one yonko should be so much more valuable than any amount of warlords (I guess mihawk is an outlier but he's not someone who's really attacking wg authority like a yonko, one second thought he did hunt marines but werent they already after him?)


Idk maybe the WG feared the warlords banding together themselves against the WG since they would have all a reason to go after the WG now that their deals were just pulled out like rugs from underneath them Another factor that might be cause for it is that it took place on Wano and remember how reluctant Akainu was to do anything since it is an unaligned land


True I guess but when they abolished warlords the lineup was Mihawk(genuine threat) , Boa (threat but doesn't have the power to make waves), Kuma(literal slave to the wg), Buggy (zero strength just influence), and weevil(dollar store whitebeard). I'm thinking about it and I feel like taking down a yonko would be better, but cross guild also exists so I don't know it actually is a tough decision I can't lie. I thought it was obvious at first


You're also forgetting Weevil whose strength was compared by the marines to a young whitebeard. Weevil also demolished the marines who were sent to arrest him to the point they had to send Greenbull to bring him in. Boa has one of the most hax fruits in the verse (only because its boa who has it since she is proclaimed to be the most beautiful in the verse as well) and she also has conquerors haki, while not advanced as far as we know, pretty much anyone in the verse who has shown to have it does not go down easy. They sent Fuji and 2 seraphim to go after her along with Koby, and on a side note i wonder if Fuji would be immune to her DF due to being blind and unable to see her beauty? Aside from it being a political nightmare due to wano not being aligned with the WG, they already had plans to get rid of the warlords and capture them prior to knowledge of big mom and kaido even meeting. Remember they heard about this during the reverie and by the time news spread about the warlord system being abolished, the marines were already pulling up on all of the warlords at the same time. Something of that scale, the marines definitely spent time planning it all in advance prior to the reverie


At the same time, it's not really ass bcz yonko kinda balance each other, i think wg bet on shanks or black beard doing something to mess up big mom and kaido alliance but the threat of warlords joining together to stick it up to wg was higher


The reason they disbanded the warlords first was too maintain order mostly if they just disbanded them and let them go they’re reputation would be ruined and they would probably cause chaos and akainu wouldn’t just let pirates roam free But a couple yonko fighting oh that doesn’t matter to them especially too akainu since he believes that we should let the yonko fight each other so we can come and pick up the pieces and some top tiers would be out of the way


They didn't, because they didn't want to. The Yonko are useful for the government as a public enemy to keep controlling the populace.


They didn’t because Wano is a natural fortress, they could just camp the top of waterfall and never let their ships make it up


Its not just about intervening during the raid. At this point, they've left the Marine home base and Mariejois completely undefended. Forget the Yonko doing whatever random chaotic shit strikes their fancy, the Revos are 100% posing a direct and massive threat to Mariejois. They'd know they wouldn't ever get a better chance than when the entire main forces of the Navy are pre-occupied.


Bro beast pirates get mauled 💀💀


so you buffed the marines by giving them every single admiral and nerfed onigashima by taking away big mom they no diff


Where does it say no big mom? It just says the raid on onigashima, which last I checked, Big Mom was a part of it


And Jack. Why no Jack?




Fair enough


Bro went straight for the throat 😭


How is that a buff? That's like saying giving the Beast Pirates Kaido and his Calamities is a buff.


Idk bro maybe because fucking AOKIJI is there??? That is a buff he ain't an admiral anymore.


He's almost certainly undercover. Even if they took Aokiji out, the Admirals would wash.


The only way the admiral agenda can find success, nerfing opponents and giving them all the benefits possible.


??? Nobody is being nerfed lol, and even if they added big mom it wouldn't make a difference.


The marines would still win but wig wother would definitely make a difference


Just spreading the admiral agenda 🫡




Erm I think you misspelled https://preview.redd.it/poiafu4saf6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b5f010dff75ad79b1158c983664ac18519b22f4


Hell yea..


Easily wat


Y’all really hate the animal kingdom pirates huh?


It’s not that, it’s just that the entirety of the WG completely slumps a yonko army. 3 admirals alone would push Kaido and big mom to nearly a stalemate, add fleet admiral, 5 elders, the bum ass vice admirals and the rest of the hierarchy and it’s overkill. I believe the WG fears the casualties they would suffer which would be catastrophic regardless of how uneven the overall war would be, but you saw how casual the war with Whitebeard’s whole crew was right? It was like an RPG battle, taking turns fighting through most of the war as the admirals took their time bringing them down and spent most of the time watching. Imagine them going all out on a yonko crew with no intermissions. Beast pirates are incredibly strong though, and they likely have thousands of gifters that are equal in strength to Big Mom ministers and tarte captains, and Luffy when he had a 300m bounty. Gifters are pretty much all capable of haki and they would probably beat anything in the WG under vice admiral. It’s just that one admiral could beat so many at the same time, effortlessly and expending minimal energy to finish off the rest.


i mean, if ALL the wg goes to wano to beat big mom and kaido, what's stopping shanks or bb or mihawk/croc or luffy or dragon to destroy marijoa and marineford? yeah realistically they can beat every yonko and crew with all of their power, but first of all you have a lot of casualties, second you leave a spot that will inevitably be taken by another big threat or super rookie, and third you leave yourself easily attackable from other pirates


bro, wano is fucking gone.


This is a bloodbath Lmao beast pirates get dogwalked












I think the OG 3 alone could do it.




That would be too unfair for kaido




Bro didn't watch Marineford, of course they do lol


Easily bro,, even if you give the beast pirates Basil Hawkins Scratchman Apoo and Killer they still get wiped


bro those three i don't think are helpful to even beat one admiral lol, MAYBE by some rare combination and luck they can pull off a win like law and kid against big mom, but just against fujitora or greenbull, the og are way too much... now that i think of it, apoo coildn't damage kizaru with his sound attack, so logia neg diff him, they only got a shot against fujitora


If you add the Bigmom pirates plus all the beast pirates the Marines still win extreme diff


Yeah, easily. All it would take is 1 admiral each to fight Queen and King, then the rest can jump Kaido.


1 admiral is enough to solo the commanders.




how so? big mom lost to 2 although she was plot nerfed is it because of crowd control?


I wouldn't really call Kidd and Law "commanders". They are clearly above them.


That’s what he said


He said that it would take one admiral for each commander.


Oh yeah my bad, I read it wrong.


1 admiral solos the commanders low diff: (Wuzan and to a lesser extent Greenbull proved this) 2 admirals guarantee a win over Kaido no argument, 1 alone would push him to extreme. You realistically only need 3 admirals to win every time.


Luffy oneshotted Kizaru and toyed with him and Saturn in a 1v2. You would need all 3 Admirals on deck to fight Kaido to make it competitive.


You don't know what one shot means 


They could.


Sure. But while they are doing so Marineford and other marine terrutories get taken over by some other pirates.




Like…like every single admiral there??💀 uhhh yea i think they got it😭


After 1117, yes, they could.


The pirates get stomped even if Big Mom is added to their side!!! Too many major players on the marines


Every admiral is crazy


Could the Onigashima successfuly survive?


Fuji handles the commanders (possibly needing a bit of help from a few vice Admirals like Koby) while everyone else jumps Kaido, despite his immense strength and durability there’s no way in hell he’d be able to handle all that smoke at once.


Where’s Big Mom


A single Admiral (the newest one of all) gave the remaining forces in Wano a hard time. All that would be needed is a combo of Kizaru and Greenbull.


spite match.... they clear onigashima low diff


Kind of funny. Everybody knows this Marine selection would win, yet the Marines left Wano to suffer. But on the other hand, maybe they didn't even really know what was going on over there in the first place


Give the 3 og admirals to mid diff kaido and bigmom GB takes care of the whole ass beast pirates alone or with the help of koby, lowdiff mid at worst The rest stays at home


Bros throwing 7 Admirals/ Admiral level in the case of Garp and Koby at Kaido 😭😭😭


The whole Gigachadmirals? Yes


You forgot Jack lol


Ooops I forgor 💀


The 3 OG Admirals would legit be enough for the higher-ranked soldiers. Akainu would go for Kaido. Kizaru and Aokiji would probably one shot every character that isn't an All-Star but would have little difficulty to clear the three All-Stars together. Then they would eventually regroup. Now there are two possibilities : 1. Kaido has already dealt with Akainu and now it's a 2v1, Aokiji and Kizaru vs Kaido. I personally think that in this case it would mostly be a battle of endurance and stamina. So personally, i'd go with the Admirals. 2. Akainu and Kaido are stalling each other. In this case, Kaido is pretty much doomed because he would have to deal with all three Admirals at the SAME TIME. Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru vs Kaido. Admirals clear lol.


They could but they would suffer casualties and not be able to get back to their main bases in time to stop anyone who makes a move in the absence of however much military power is focused on foreign soil.


I've said it once I'll say it again: The marines > any single Yonko crew


Kaido gets jumped by sengoku garp and akainu (overkill) and join the rest of them when they are done with wiping everyone else out (if need be)


Irrelevant Irrelevant 55


Absolutely, but bro why all the admirals 💀that’s just too much


Yeah I may have gone a bit overboard with the admirals 💀 The original idea was just garp and koby vs kaido but I thought that was easy win for kaido so I decided to spice things up but maybe I overcooked. Also I should have added Big Mom


Yeah with big mom would be better


Yes mid-low diff the only reason they wouldnt do it is because it could change the balance of power


They are jumping Kaido 💀😭💀


On paper yea, but if they could why didn’t they?


Are they stupid?


yeah prolly


All of the Admirals minus Kuzan could do it by themselves, no Garp + Koby + Sengoku


I don’t think people realize how cracked green bulls df is against fodder he’s practically bm with infinite souls and any of the admiral (probably fuji) clear all of the all stars and the tobi roppo so that gives 3 admirals left and they take on bm and kaido the akainu kuzan and kizaru can hold on till the 2 others finish It’s still a extreme diff and it’s an all out brawl but I got the admirals winning


They mog with Big Mom present, without is just adding extra salt to Kaido's gaping wounds


Half these dudes ain’t even marines anymore lmao But yes this squad could have done it


The better question would be if the marines could invade totto land.


The whole Marine ? They destroy Onigashima and have still enough strength to take out red hair pirates who’s coming after. https://preview.redd.it/ulq0jscrgf6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0c295e845024ebec10b27589f282c20799599e


I love how there isn't a Jack for the Beast Pirates xD


They could. But the others Yonkos would band and slaughter them. That's the reason the Yonkos themselves don't fight each others.


Unfair spite match in admiral favor. You love to see it


Other than kaido all the rest of the beats pirates under performed. kaido would have to do a lot of carrying as usual


They only didn’t to not leave HQ open and along with not knowing how strong the Wano forces are, no one could take on the entire marine force even if they stormed Tot-land


Let's be realistic and assume current marine HQ vs. Onigashima crew that the alliance faced. EDIT TL;DR: Even if we're being extremely conservative about the Marines, there's no way Onigashima wins. Sengoku and Garp won't fight unless the cause is deeply personal to them. This is not. So they're not going to show up, they're both semi-retired. So it's effectively Akainu, Kizaru, Fujitora, Ryokugyu, and assorted Vice Admirals, plus the Seraphim. I see Akainu going toe to toe against Kaido and stalemating him for long enough for another admiral to join him and put Kaido down. If Law and Kidd can defeat BM, Kizaru and Ryokugyu can ragdoll her at best, or stalemate her until she tires and then defeat her. Fuji destroys at least two Disasters. King and either Queen or Jack. Top VAs gang up on the remaining Disaster. Neither Jack nor Queen are exceptional combatants to the level of King. The Flying Six aren't really that powerful, and they don't have Drake. The Seraphim were able to make Yonkou Blackbeard go on the defensive. The Seraphim + Drake clean house with the Flying Five. The remaining VAs (and maybe support from lower ranking marines) can wipe out the headliners and gifters. Marine Giants easily take the numbers. Numbers are not fighters, just large creatures. Trained marine giants should be able to take them on.


3 admirals would be enough


It's a lot more fair if people assume big mom's crew is there as well. king queen Pero jack need 2 admirals + kaido and big mom need 2 admirals attention each so thats 6 + 1 admiral who can assist wherever needed. it all depends on if kaido or big mom defeat some of them quick enough, before the rest of their crews inevitably loses. 7 admiral level opponents is too much firepower.


Greenbull is enough


Coughing Fish vs Biological bomb


Bruh with that lineup? They'd be done within an hour and Sengoku would have done nothing but sweat and scream about how powerful Kaido is while Kizaru and Akainu fill the "StRONgeST CreATurE" full of holes, just like Whitebeard.


Granted Big Mom and Katakuri weren't there, but Kuzan and Van Augur were plenty to deal with Whole Cake Island. Anything sub-Yonko is basically gonna be fodder for any single Admiral, and even a Yonko gets low-diffed if the Admirals are stacked 2 (or more) vs. 1 against them. You could cut out Garp, Sengoku, and Koby and this would still be an absolute god-stomp in favor of the Admirals.


I’m sorry I love koby but my boys hardly helping his jobs dealing with cannon fodder that doesn’t already accidentally die during the battle 😭


2 admirals can beat kaido, 5 will wipe out everything he has built


I think Akainu takes Kaido alone in a extreme diff fight. 2 admirals would definitely take out Kaido


Throw Big Mom and Luffy in there and then it would be more fair.


Not including Big Mom? Garp + OG admirals takes it. Nobody on the beast pirates aside from maybe King and Queen pose a threat aside from Kaido. Two admirals should be able to at least stall him while Garp and the other clean up the rest of the crew. If you wanna say they need Sengoku to maybe but Fujitora and Aramaki are definitely overkill


You included every single admiral so is big mom also added to Onigashima?


Kaido no diffs (oda told me in a dream)


All of them together ? Yea absolutely there’s no chance of kaido winning if they all turn up even if big mom is there to help it wouldn’t change that the pirates would loose here


As usual the Admiral Agenda is looking for another suicide attempt: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNA87liHck7B\_0WqF79Vvehecd2l9wSHR4IYqdNafo0T-9aDZHJH4kWhmL6ADkiPFK2mkH9gGdNFk\_/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNA87liHck7B_0WqF79Vvehecd2l9wSHR4IYqdNafo0T-9aDZHJH4kWhmL6ADkiPFK2mkH9gGdNFk_/pub) https://preview.redd.it/4g606cr4ri6d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdcc219a7df257539f0bc15558ce171b770b40c1 The last thing the Admiral’s see before everything goes to shit in about 1 minute


Yes, easily.




Lol 😂 . Bro ? ☠️


What is this lobsided match up? Kaidou's commanders are losing to just one admiral. Kaidou is not beating 7 admiral level characters. You can throw Big Mom in there too but it does not change anything all of commander level fighters which are literally everyone else expect Big Mom and Kaidou, don't stand a chance against a single admiral, let alone every single admiral at once.


https://preview.redd.it/nyjn8o3wzq6d1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a56e4091da2302c91ef215ac4f02b196fb89ff Wogard solos


Koby takes out the fodders while Garp and Sengoku low diff the stronger beast pirates. The Admirals high-extreme diff Kaido. If Garp and Sengoku also fight Kaido, it's low-mid diff


No way 5 admirals vs kaido alone is high-extreme. It's low-mid at worst. No diff if sengoku and garp joins in.


The animal kingdom pirates get wiped out by Kizaru on his own


Kaido realizes they are gonna lose, so he deactivates his flaming clouds holding onigashima. The island falls, which results to the bombs going off. Everyone dies expect kaido and king that chill in the sky. Beast pirates mid diff.


nah kaido triggers a switch in the island to make it into a giant megazord to ultimately neg diff them all


Greenbull pretty much took out the beast pirates minus kaido by himself. The 3 OG admirals themselves could take it extreme diff. 5 admirals would be mid diff. If you threw in Big Mom that would be more interesting, marines still extreme. But if you threw in big mom crew then pirates win extreme diff with home field advantage


Jesus wept


They could but they may lose 1 or 2 admirals in the process, so its not worth the risk for them Also it will be hard to deal with tobiroppo since we know that tobiroppo > Vice admiral (franky bullied a vkce admiral on egghead and it wasnt even Shogun form) Imo the marines lose extreme diff against beast pirates + Big mom and perospero


Kaido is the only real threat to this group.


if i were to play devils advocate here the fight is at least high diff . king and queen scale to marco in speed the same marco who was blitzing akainu and aokiji and marienford and could keep up with kizaru . oda has drawn parralels between king and marco like both of them kicking down big mom s ship big mom asking for king to join her crew like shanks asks marco etc so its fair to sau that king \~ marco . marco \~ < admirals king and queen > marco \~ admirals hence king and queen can beat an admiral like gb high diff . tho gb like marco should be pleteny capable of stalling king and queen at fp " but gb beat king and queen " gb beat an extremely INJURED KING AND QUEEN . not the same as beating king and queen at fp . so that means king and queen should be able to beat 1 admiral via tag teaming now lets look at how the rest of teh crew supports them kaido scales to g5 luffy . g5 luffy was easily blitzing kizaru . and could easily beat kizaur + saturn . so kaido should be blitz tiers over any one on the opponent team . "garp blitzed marco who reacted to kaido " that kaido was most likely suppressed and garp never blitzed marco as its never implied that marco was using observation haki this makes sense as later on in the series garp goes toe to toe with kuzan so garp is admiral level . while 1 hit from kaido can temporarily paralyse an admiral . ( tho people like kuzan and akainu have walked away from hits from old garp and old beard respectivly so they much endurance then kizaru . ) so needless to say it would take all 4 of the navy heavy weights to slowely beat kaido ( those being garp / kizaru / akainu/ kuzan ) . the problem is the rest . . 💀 no matter what i try i cant get the tobi roppo nor lack to issho level . so issho beats the fodder mid diff then helps gb with king and queen ( who is said at worst would stall king ad queen ) then all of them gang up on kaido . so yeah the navy at worst wins high diff . \\


Where are they starting from? And how many troops do they have with them? If they are starting from outside Wano, then Kaido/King kicks them down the waterfall ad infinitum. And if they're on Onigashima without any troops as backup, they eventually get swarmed. Kaido's the strongest person here, and if Luffy's performance is any indication he can take care of multiple admirals at once if he gives it his all. Assuming they have a considerable army with them, they could win.


Kaido probably washes any admiral individually or even as a duo, but even he’d be bogged down by the whole fleet.


Akainu would be an even fight honestly


Yes and no. They can raid it but will be surrounded and killed down to the last marine, which ruin all the years of hard work on having a strong foothold in the New World, and that being the minimum damage.


Donating 2 free extra Admirals to the Marine Side??? Yeah Marines mid diff win probly I'm pretty sure 3 Admirals can take on Kaido Meaning 3 Admirals take on the rest of the forces Coby stalls Who's Who


No. Cos Kobys there and it’s an automatic failed mission stringing along this victim. Tf they thinking adding that brat.


I will not stand for Koby slander


Well tbf we did always say the entire marines equals 1 Yonko Crew.


They get Thunder Baguas to the face one at a time.


Then they stand up, dust themselves off, and beat Kaido within an inch of his life.


They have Kaido crying "uncle!" Lol


They basically needed the whole marine and the 7 warlords for just 1 yonko crew and that yonko was fucking old and sick. so no.


Also them after the war https://preview.redd.it/zyymqpygqc6d1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467d56db96534a9a03c63b767a094dfdf76503e6


The warlords barely did shit, Boa was actually against them, Jinbei and Blackbeard betrayal, Mihawk looking for an excuse to get out. And still the only Admiral that got seriously injured was Akainu…


There is a reason the marines never went to wano and now a second yonko and her crew is also there... they get anihilated


They don’t go to Wano because Celestials don’t want them to leave Mariejois unprotected. Do you think the Wano alliance that took Kaido and Big Mom could raid Marineford? Lmao


>Do you think the Wano alliance that took Kaido and Big Mom could raid Marineford? you mean Marinford pre Timeskip? Ehh i think end of wano Luffy solos that yeah


Yeah, you just stupid 😂


out of arguments that quick... pathetic There is a thing called powercreep, of. fucking. course. the wano alliance flattens MF. how dense are you lol.


You said something so dumb and expect me to lose my time with you? Lmao


lose my time ? its called "waste my time" you illiterate fuck lol.


Ok two piece reader lmaoooo


No they didn't lmao. They gathered all the marines because that was their most valuable asset, Marine HQ If the fight occured on some random island they wouldn't need a fraction of those forces Just look at how much the marines held back in marineford, that much power was overkill Sengoku didn't do shit until the end. Garp didn't do shit in general because of his mental confliction. Each of the admirals took on WB individually, so if 2 admirals teamed up to take him on together, they would've low diffed him. He's lucky they wasted time with commanders instead He's also lucky that Mihawk, a literal Shanks level fighter was just concerned with getting a duel with Vista, instead of going all out Marineford showed why the marines are the strongest faction, they had to hold back so much just to create tension in the arc, since they were fighting just 1 yonko crew


Hell no The only people who are going to do anything is kuzan and garp