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Thats 3 completely different buildings though right? Even if you assume its the other side of them, there's nothing linking the 3 buildings as being the same as the other picture and a large number of things showing they are different.


The middle building of the colored picture and the middle building of the bottom picture are not the same. The signs at the tops of the buildings give it away. The location that they fly through the buildings isn't the same. Unless it's just a continuity error they aren't the same buildings.


aren't they the same tho? mid building at the bottom doesn't have the sign due to the perspective but it still has the same leaning window and what looks like the entrance to the roof on third one you can still see the banner. I'm pretty sure they're *meant* to be the same buildings but some parts just aren't coherent. Maybe M will fix this in the redraw


There are some things saying they are the same and some not...


could be different buildings, because maybe they flew through couple sets of buildings, because why not


Those are definitely the same three buildings just seen from the back


Metal Bat is the only hero near that big ass hedgehog monster so there aint same place


Have you ever played spot the difference before? I’m seeing multiple differences here. Those signs at the top for one


At the end of the previous chapter we see metal bat on the other side of these buildings looking at Tats and Saitama. There are some similarities and differences between the buildings but that is expected as these are not 3D models but rather paintings of a passing action scene. Also, we have seen Murata drawing parallel panels but they are always far apart and meaningful, to think that Murata copied his initial drawing only after 3 panels for a meaningless parallel doesn't make sense at all. So it can't be different buildings in a different city.


huh? look at the height of the buildings at the point where they went through the buildings. The top set and the bottom set are completely different. This is not the same event from a different perspective.


Gotta disagree, looks like different buildings, even accounting for a different angle


Literally wrong. Amai Mask is in City R. That's where Handsome Castle is. In case there's any doubt, the VERY NEXT PANEL shows his manager and puts it beyond question.


It does not look like the same building otherwise the people in the same building as amai mask would evacuate because of the monster. Beside the building does not look the same to me.


Nice catch. I didn’t even put that together.


Yeah I figured many have probably missed it judging by people's comments in the last couple of days


Wait, you are telling me amai mask and boys were chillin in that building while a huge dragon level monster was 50 yards away?


makes you wonder what meeting they had that was so important to him that he didn't just cancel to go out and help. They probably saw the warnings and he said "let's continue, if the threat came our way I'll handle it"


It probably isn't that deep. It's more likely an oversight. In all likelihood ONE/Murata just didn't think of it.


/u/meltingpotato You should see an eye doctor, and maybe a neurologist.




We are looking at the same buildings from behind. Even then, the windows on the sides match, and the billboards on top also match.


Wow didn't get it personally, nice catch mate!


If its that metal bat. My skill is not hone. Nice find


Rip people who were chilling in those buildings lol


Pretty sure its another side where Amai's mask was


You just don't give up, do you?


Yeah considering if you only think Tatsumaki and Saitama hit 3 buildings, they clearly hit way more than that.