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This game is like everything Chris utterly despises in one package. Dis gon’ be gooooooooooooood


Yes just the thumbnail gives me CP2077 vibes and I'm all for it and the cast too. Like other guy said this could be like the Marvel playthrough that was great. I've been a fan of Saint's Row so seeing this kind of got me hype because at least there's something good that came out of the game. I didn't make the connection at first but once I saw the thumbnail I connected the dots and saw how lame this game looks and how it's perfect for the guys. Then I remembered how Saint's Row is Tomar's favorite video game and it's a treat.


Oh shit, Tomie’a a fellow Saints appreciator? Oh man my heart goes out to the poor boy for having to experience this


Saint's Row The Third was his favourite when it came out or something.


2 and 3 honestly have such great dialogue and characters, which is why this corpo corpse stings that much more.


I'd have to go back. I remember liking 'em but at times were different too. What made me kaugh back then doesn't always make me laugh.


Honestly 3s pretty good, but it was definitely trending downwards at that point imo. Saints row two was great because it took all the contrivances of the GTA formula a dialed them up to their most fun interation. SR3 seemed to take the message that the silliness WAS the fun, and the gameplay kinda became little shallow. If GTA was James Bond, SR2 was the kingsman, SR3 & 4 were Austin Powers 2&3. TLDR Saints row ultimately died not because the writing, but because it forgot what people ultimately enjoyed about the genre it was satirzing, the writing was just a symptom of the problem.


Yeah he loved it until he saw the blatant anti-semitic content.


Then he loved it even more.


I want them to 100% this game so they are forced to cringe at thousands of lines of dialouge for my seal-clapping amusement


Chris would LOATHE the secret ending cutscene.


What a disaster game


I’m nowhere near as plugged into games as I used to be. What happened with this? SR3 used to be one of my favorite games back in the day.


The game is a reboot of the franchise, still using the same engine SR3 used, just released with prettier graphics, and a lot of humor that would make the most hardcore Redditor blush. Having played it for free, it's just Saints Row again, which is a good and a bad thing. The mayhem is good and fun, but this game is severely unpolished with a lot of glitches in the gameplay and physics. It's just ultimately a really bad showing from Volition, and the game feels really dated due to the engine and gameplay design which would have been fine if it was released in the early 2010s but not now in 2022.


Great explanation, the voice acting is the best part of the game and it's only decent. The writing on the other hand makes me feel bad for the voice actors for having to say the shit that drooled out of the person who wrote the lines... I get SR as a series doesn't want to take itself seriously but it's like the devs didn't take MAKING the game seriously. All in all, it's just an embarrassment. I never was a fan of SR or really anything with Volition but I can't imagine people being excited for really any game in the near future from them.


That's a good point, it's fine to not want a serious tone but you still have to take things seriously. You have to develop this brand new take and they just fail at it because they just don't seem to care. There is almost no legitimate threat to the characters even when bad things happen to them. They don't develop the enemies enough for me to care about them. It ultimately feels like they tried to do too many things at once because you ultimately have FOUR rival gangs in this game, the generic Mexican cartel, the cringey "post-capitalism as an aesthetic" ravers, the PMC cowboys, and then the guy whose gang you fight in the intro. None of them get characterized well enough, and when they fuck with the Saints it ultimately feels hollow. The leader of the hispanic cartel who they do try and give you some reasons to hate, ultimately is killed super anticlimactically by another character. The rave gang is led by like SIX people whose only distinctive traits are the helmet they wear. The game is a mess, but I hope the boys play a good amount because there are so many chances for riffing on it.


> humor that would make the most hardcore Redditor blush. Oh, God… that bad?


There's some funny stuff in there (even in this video, the training video bit got a few big laughs when I saw it) but mostly it's just sort of befuddling. I think it's one of the most confused games I've ever seen, they had no idea who the hell their audience was. It really feels like you're playing a bunch of Tumblr psychopaths running a street gang, which honestly would have potential if this game had any self-awareness at all.


tumblr psychopaths is probably the best way to put it. It's like all the unhinged bluehairs who say "be gay and commit crimes" made a video game


It's really unfunny at times, but there is some stuff in there that got at least a chuckle out of me. I found the apocalypse Game of Thrones larping missions endearing at times, and the boss has some snarky lines, but that's mostly it.


Chocolate soylent mmmmfffuuuh




I hope this is the Marvel playthrough again


And the crowd goes wiiild!!




The fact that this game has to now be specified with the year 2022 next to it serves as a hilarious reminder of how outdated it is. It's 2022 and looks like a PS3 game. It's 2022 and it animates the exact same as the other games. It's 2022 and it's going for '#relatable' humour. It's forever haunted itself to be 'current year' joke: the game. It's a shame because you could've done something interesting for a Saints Row reboot, but 'Uh, student debt bad much?' is not the goddamn tone for that game. I already know in the 11-odd hours this game's campaign takes to complete Chris's chocolate soylent comment will be funnier than any dialogue this game offers.


It's obvious how little money and time the publisher gave the team, considering how bad the graphics and buggy the game is. It really just comes off as a some cynical reboot.


i'm only half informed, but haven't THQ and Volition gone to complete shit company-wise? its no wonder this thing sloggs so hard


I wasn't really paying attention when I started watching and realized halfway through the video that this was the 2022 game, not one of the games that came out around a decade ago, I couldn't believe it


My jaw dropped when I saw the stiff strafing animations during the opening shootout.


I can't believe that Tomar would use those slurs. I knew about his previous comments, but to think he would attack my people personally, just WOW. Thank God that censored it.


Go back to the Bicycle club you fuckin’ sp*de


What did you call me?


A spider




The 401k was a one off that was delivered at a good moment The Jokes about it in saints row got a chuckle out of me the first time but it's when they ***kept fucking making them*** was the problem






Yeah, definitely cringy writing in the game but Zach's libertarian hot takes got me grinding my health insured teeth.


What are his “libertarian” takes?(Not passive aggressive,actually just curious )


I don't want to put words in his mouth but also can't be bothered to look up quotes. It's the usual pro market bootstraps capitalism solves everything stuff that doesn't really hold up to scrutiny but it's nothing vile and no big deal. He went into it on the create unknown if I remember correctly. In this video it's just that you can tell his annoyance with the shit writing goes along with his distaste for the politics that the shit writing is referencing, if that makes sense.


Alright thanks for the response,especially the line talking about a post capitalist society or whatever.The line is fucking corny but i def see how zach/chris dislike those kind of people/politics


This is my problem with the episode honestly. Because obviously the writing is shit in the game, but they're not hating on it because it's bad from a quality perspective, they hate it because it references sociopolitical constructs they want to pretend they're compartmentalized away from.


Just to be clear, you are attempting to mind read internet comedians and serving a side of word salad. Why?


I'm analyzing the material impact of their words in conjunction with their history of reactionary behavior. And I'm doing that because it specifically has a negative impact on society. Dave Chappelle doesn't get a pass for his transphobic shit just because he's a comedian or because it's "just jokes". That's not how life works.


Okay, let's break down your word salad. "Material impact of Oneyplays' words" Such as? Be specific. "In conjuction with their reactionary behavior" What sort of reactionary behavior? Oneyplays protests? "I am doing it (attempting to mind read) because it (making fun of the video game character) has a negative impact on society. Are you sure? And then you talk about Dave Chappelle which is odd because he hasn't appeared on Oneyplays as far as I know. I'm not sure your head is in the right place, to be honest.


>"Material impact of Oneyplays' words" When someone says or does something that rationalize, justifies, or reinforces reactionary worldviews, that results in real world (material) impacts. >"In conjuction with their reactionary behavior" For instance, them talking down the BLM movement and parroting right wing propaganda ("How is burning down businesses helping anything?!?!") meant to belittle the recognition of black oppression in America. There are lots of instances of these sorts of things happening on the channel, things I and others have discussed in other comments throughout the thread. >"I am doing it (attempting to mind read) because it (making fun of the video game character) has a negative impact on society. Never said I was attempting to mind read. That's not what I'm doing by criticizing them. >And then you talk about Dave Chappelle which is odd because he hasn't appeared on Oneyplays as far as I know. Are you really this dense or do you not get the concept of comparisons? >I'm not sure your head is in the right place, to be honest. What an insult coming from the person who can't fathom a comparative, analogous statement lol


"When someone says or does something that rationalize, justifies, or reinforces reactionary worldviews, that results in real world (material) impacts." You are referring to the comedians making fun of drinking soylent? You haven't done anything to establish which of these views, delivered through sarcastic jokes about video games, are reinforcing specific real world phenomena. You'd have better luck explaining why video games cause violence, to be honest. "("How is burning down businesses helping anything?!?!") meant to belittle the recognition of black oppression in America." Or, more realistically, he thought that burning down businesses is not constructive. As you get older and have more complex thoughts, you'll find that disagreeing with one aspect of something does not mean you do not support any part of it. "...things I and others have discussed in other comments throughout the thread." I'm honestly not interested in what else you have said. "Never said I was attempting to mind read. That's not what I'm doing by criticizing them." You are attempting to mind read, though. Saying that they think and feel things that they've never said is attempting to mind read. You know very very little about these people. They are entertainers. Your window into their lives is very small, and I think you haven't realized that. "Are you really this dense or do you not get the concept of comparisons?" I understand what you're trying to do, but the thing about analogies is that you first have to establish why the two situations are analogous. Why isOneyplays' joking about the cheesy rent jokes in any way similar to Chappelle's transgender jokes? Are any jokes about things you care about comparable to Chappelle's jokes? I'm not insulting you, it's just that you really don't seem to have any experience with any sort of rigorous intellectual discussion where one has to: \-Define their terms \-Include supporting evidence \-Be specific about cause and effect \-Contextualize relevant analogies ...and a laundry list of other odd quirks you have when attempting to explain yourself. In short, I don't believe I, or anyone else, could change your mind.




Nope, nice try though, thanks for being reductive. I don't agree with neoliberal constructs but I know damn well they aren't critically deconstructing neolib hypocrisy/ineffectualism with their comments. They're being reactionary, which is entirely different.




>Neoliberal constructs? Yes, wherein the aesthetics or optics of progressivism are adopted without actually meaningfully committing to those ideals. They bring up things like rent or PMCs, actual topical things that progressives care about, and don't care to explore those ideas or critique them in an intersectional way. They're used as artifical reference points to placate a young base in a shallow, corporate-platitudes sort of way. >The game’s dialogue and characters wouldn’t suddenly become less shit if the people writing the exact same hacky tropes about punky rebels and private military companies were REAL epic socialists instead of phony neoliberals or whatever you claim they are. Never indicated otherwise. The writing is poor quality, and when I call it neoliberal I'm discussing its optics and material impact. >Complaining that “they aren’t critically deconstructing neolib hypocrisy” I never complained that they weren't doing this, I said that their reactionary responses to the writing weren't indicative of this, learn to read. >is simply using pseudo-academic jargon to hide the discomfort you feel when seeing the ideas you agree with (about landlords, corporations, etc) presented in mass entertainment and realizing they come off as hackneyed and blasé instead of revolutionary. If you're insecure about your intelligence or academic history, just say so. Lashing out at others for discussing abstract ideas with abstract language says way more about you than it does me, lol. And again, these ideas that are vaguely called upon by the game isn't adequately displayed in any meaningful capacity, which is my critique of the writing, both in itself and also as the writing exists within its larger environment. Merely saying "oh the rent is high" or "college costs, amirite" means very little within the larger context of the game wherein you are incentivized to commit atrocities to obtain excess wealth, with a lazy justification for why it's okay when the "good guys" commit crimes (again, neoliberal idealization). You're taking poor quality writing of vague allusions to progressive talking points and making short sighted conclusions of those ideas based on that, which is intellectually dishonest to say the least. >Rather than reflect on why your supposedly disruptive beliefs are so common in modern culture to the point of evoking boredom in the average consumer, Except it isn't lmao more and more people are becoming disillusioned with the capitalist lie. >you cope by pretending the real problem is the purity of the people sharing your beliefs, Whatever you have to tell yourself lol again, didn't make a statement on the workers themselves, just the art and its output. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble in this conversation. >as if Saints Row would be a work of art if only Volition was run by a worker’s collective. Lol, lmao even. Didn't imply or insinuate this either. Must be nice to project random bullshit onto a comment so you can refute your own interpretation to "win" ***lol lmao even***




I remember one where they misinterpret those free bleeding protests and just use it as an excuse to dunk on feminism for a little too long






Yeah a lot of the cast are really uneducated on politics. They make lots of bad calls and have short sighted takes despite being aware of some political climates


I’ve said it in the comments but that game is everything people hate about video games and it makes me wonder how no one at Volition stopped to think about what they were doing.


If anyone had done that at any point in the process there wouldn't be a Saint's Row 2.


It's like they filtered the top posts on r/funny and just used whatever they found they thought sounded the most millennial.


At least they didn't put a Star of David on Tomar's character on this one.


Sir Joshua Tomar is very cute


This game tries to be 'relatable' to youth, but I literally relate to absolutely nothing in it. This gon be a good series.


the republicans 🐸 ☕️




i murdered my sister’s abusive boyfriend 🐸 ☕️


I hope he didn't politically allign with you


Are we gonna get part 2?


The things you do to pay rent….


This was such a hilarious episode lol I could listen to Zach talk this kind of shit a lot


Tomar using racial slurs at the beginning was unacceptable. Why does he still collect a paycheck?!?


What the hell even happened in the intro cinematic there? You’re at a party, you’re unconscious, buried alive, then suddenly you’re a mercenary.


This video skipped over the "A few months earlier..." title card. Basically the game's got the ol' "How we got here" structure to it.


Tomar shaved the star of David into Zach's iconic Pink babezilla hair.How could he?




It's hilarious that people are calling Zach a right-wing libertarian extremist solely because he pointed out that making fifteen cliched "jokes" about pay and rent in ten minutes of gameplay was fucking atrocious writing.


It's not that in itself, it's in conjunction with other things he's said across various streams/platforms


They just had to bring politics into MY oneyplays smfh 😡


The boys on the channel brought it up first lmao


Ikr!!! My least favorite part was when they said " the cringie soy boys and soy they thems are ruining anerica!!!!'


Ok lol


I'm so happy


Tomar with the avocado toast.


I thought the characters in this just looked generic but the dialogue is so much worse than I could’ve imagined.


This was an awesome video! I hope they play a lot of this game just to dunk on it


stg they wrote this game for the bluehairs on reddit and twitter when that demographic doesn't even play games like this to begin with. "this man punched the heckin doggo!" "haha capitalism bad am i rite?" "muh student loans and rent" it's so safe and PC which is a very weird turn for the saints row series to say the least. it's a shame because the gameplay was pretty fun especially on co-op.


hey man im not too sure if you know this but my balls are really red and itchy, they’ve been like this for almost two weeks, or rather a week and four days. i think i may have an infection but im not too sure. theyre bigger than usual and have a weird smell as well, like i said they’ve been like this for a week and four days. should i go see a doctor EDIT: Ive used various creams and ointments, but i think ive made it worse… there is now a black spot the size of an apple seed that is slowly spreading, its numb and cold to the touch. i might die


Get well soon brother


GARARARARARRAAAAAAAA IT BURNS thanks man, it means a lot


dude that's REALLY funny




you can make it up to me by not responding to this message. cheers.


Idk why this got downvoted so hard it’s true…idk why people get so offended at holding that garbage humor accountable


Because it's a tired strawman, this blue hair sjw shit died in 2017


How can something that is objectively right be dead? The jokes in this game were written by someone attempting to be relatable to my generation.


Someone doesn't understand what objectively means. Classic redditor moment




??? Do facts just get stale like bread? Wdym


Lol if we held garbage humor accountable then we'd all stop watching this channel. Like I enjoy the channel but let's not pretend that their random noises or dick jokes are high class


the reboot wasn’t great, but zach isn’t off the hook for being a part of High on Life🤢