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OP, I think you need to relax. Nobody is looking to get you fired, especially not over something so trivial. The kinds of things that are going to get flagged are actual porn websites. They probably go by URL— no one is going to know you what you actually viewed on Twitter, just that you were on Twitter. Not that anyone is looking. If someone reported you were looking at inappropriate things on your computer, they’d probably look into it, but otherwise, just chill.


Well, I didn’t think of it that way…this kind of helps as it wasn’t a porn URL… thanks. I’m praying no one bothers to go further.


Nobody has any interest in turning something like this into a big ordeal. They would need to have major concerns to even consider thinking about going through the activity on your computer, and even if they did this would be easily explained away as a mistake.


I'm pretty sure they just automatically block any site that is obviously porn. I haven't actually tried opening PornHub or anything like that on my work devices, but I have noticed that certain sports blogs are blocked based on some sort of filter on gambling websites, so I would be surprised if they didn't have a similar filter on adult content.


Huh? You’re fine 


Hopefully. I’m hoping they’ll see that nothing has been flagged in my logs and just forget it or give me a warning.


No real idea as I've never had this happen but likely fine, but in future avoid doing anything non-work on your OPS computer. Although many people do many things e.g. auto trader, shopping, etc., even basic non-work stuff could be flagged. Just better to not risk it.


Thanks, but for sure I’ve basically deleted my twitter and YouTube accounts, never even going to them again on my personal computer not to talk of the work one.


No. But also, don’t do that 


Pack your things jr


No. Has happened to me before. Just be more careful


More than likely you'll be fine. IT Forensic Audits are very cost prohibitive.


It’s really not that serious I promise you. If you’re still that concerned reach out to your union and they’ll help put you at ease too. Literally nothing will come of this.


Typically I stream a YouTube playlist while working and open twitter to occasionally check news etc…this incident has got me so distressed I think I should be looking for another job as I read that any logs would be inspected and severe misconduct charges brought against me. Please no bad comments as I’m close to doing something to myself.


If anyone asks, just explain it was an innocent mistake. It is incredibly hard to be let go from the OPS. Pretty well impossible. No one is inspecting every log of every employee.


That’s what I’m planning to say, I hope no one even brings it up cause I’ll be completing my probation in 2 months! 🤢


You’re chilling, no one will go out of their way to look at your logs.


Are you saying that you are thinking of harming yourself because of this incident? If so please contact a crisis line immediately. The Gerstein Centre is a 24/7 peer-led crisis centre that is a safe way to seek help. # (416) 929-5200


Oops, I actually googled the number as I wasn't 100% it wasn't a troll/sarcasm comment. My bad. Thanks for posting this. EFAP also has 24/7 support.


You’ll be fine, just give this explanation if anyone asks. Worst case your manager would just tell you not to go on those sites for anything personal in the future. It would have to be a pattern of behaviour (likely from someone mentioning it) + poor work performance for them to actively be looking into anything.


Do not use your work device or work network for this anymore please. Will you get in trouble, probably not. Could you, yes. Play music, check the news, etc on your own device on your own service. Don't ever do anything personal on work devices networks - when you use the employers devices and networks you are relinquishing your right to privacy, per employment law.


Is youtube not blocked on your network?


If wfh, YouTube works. And some ministries have it open now as a learning resource if ur in the office on network. My Ministry blocks everything however.


My office doesn’t block YouTube. I watch it for Microsoft tutorials.




Our tax dollars at work. You should be fired.