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No, you have to take a test. The only extension available to you is if you book a test before your licence expires, it can be up to 42 days after your expiry. If you fail your G and there is still time left on your G2, this is the only extra time you can get. If you really don't think you can pass your G, you can retake the G2 test instead. If you pass, you'll get five years on your G2. If you fail, you instantly go down to G1. This is why requalification is not the best option if your G2 is still valid. If you try the G, you should get at least a couple attempts before it expires(and one after if you book properly).


u/CanuckKrampus summed up your options nicely. I can understand that even with a patient helpful instructor, it takes time to rebuild confidence regardless of either path you take (G test or G2 requalification). The benefit of retaking G2 is that the techniques and skills being tested will be familiar with you since you practiced them before. But failing again will certainly downgrade your license to G1 which may affect your confidence even more. That said, if either path is not successful and you end up restarting, the wait times will be waived as long as you redo G1 test within 3 years after expiry. At that point you can book the earliest G2 test.


Hi! I never post on here but I’m in the same boat as you! Mine is expiring in August as well and I never drove after my G2 cause I was in Uni. I’ve been doing lessons since end of may/beginning of june. My best advice is to try and find a good instructor, explain your situation. I also tried extending mine but couldn’t. I had a really bad G instructor in May and he made me so nervous because he would yell. After finding my new teacher, I’ve been really confident and driven on the highway 10 times! I would say if you can practice and book the test a few days/week before the expiration date so if you fail (knock on wood) you have time to re-book!! Hope this helps :) and remember just do what you think is best for you!


Hi! Random but where are you based out of / doing your lessons? I am purposely putting off lessons because I am scared of the instructor yelling at me


Hii! I’m based in Toronto! I would recommend a driving school! I made the mistake to looking on kijiji 💀. I asked my friends and people I knew for recs and that’s how I found my new teacher. Also, for the longest time I was afraid of finding a new instructor because I didn’t want to offend him but your comfortability is the most important factor!


Yeah everyone I know goes to this once school and the teacher who most people get is not the nicest lol. Maybe I’ll see if people know other teachers there who are good


Yeah, that’s the great thing about the schools! You can request a different teacher :) Good luck on your search!!


However to redo your G1 and G2 and G you no longer have the mandatory wait times.


I honestly thought that the G test was MUCH easier than the G2. Even without tons of driving experience in between. Most people I spoke with had to do less maneuvers on the G than the G2.


This was the situation I was in. I was away at Uni with no car access and little highway driving experience. You don’t have to take your G test, but you can retake your G2 test to extend it for 5 years. I didn’t get my G until I was 25.


If you were driving semi-regularly even on regular roads, I think you probably could do with just some refresher classes, but since you haven't driven since your G2 test, I would think you need more classes/time. It comes down to how you feel about your driving abilities. If it were me, I would probably re-take the G2 test and extend, just because I don't like the time crunch and feel it would affect the way I learn/drive. At least that way you're given more time to practice and be ready on your own terms. Then once you feel confident, take the G test. Don't put it off!


book a test for date BEFORE ur license expires (cuz if u book it after u don’t get a second chance). book it for at least a few weeks before it expires so you can book another test if u fail. THEN book some lessons, at least a few hours a week. it’ll be expensive and it’s a time commitment but you only have to do it once. don’t let it expire. i’d recommend kruzee for lessons cuz it’s easy to book whenever you’re free and the online booking system is ideal for an urgent situation like yours source: i let my G1 expire and failed the test


I was in the same boat as you. I haven't driven since my G2 and it was supposed to expire on July 10 but from June 12-now, I took 7 lessons with an instructor to practice for my G. I am also an anxious driver but with the right instructor, they will make you more confident over time. I just passed and got my G today! Since your G2 expires in August, you still have a lot of attempts to try for your G. So i suggest taking lessons now and then trying for your G, while also keeping in mind that if you fail, you have to wait 10 days to book your G test again.


Hi! I was in the same spot you were in back in the day lol, you can’t get an extension. I suggest just to practice as much as you can. A G license is very easy to obtain, go for a mid morning test. If you fail, try booking again (you wanna get it done asap, so you have more chance). If you fail and it’s closer to the expiry date , you will have to redo it all


Just book a test on August, I was in the same boat. My license was going to expire end of December 2023 from the Covid extension and I had g1 at the time. Took lessons 2 weeks prior and passed the test. Once they passed me they extended my g2 by 5 years renewal. So as long as you get your g2 prior to your expiration just extend it by another 5 years and do your G later


Take the test. It’s 15 mins of just getting on the highway and one exit off back into the test centre. Super simple


You have a few months still. I would book your G and just practice the G it is really easy. They just test your availability to change lanes and merging


This happened to me before. Booked the G test few days before expiring and failed. Had to redo G1 but only 7 day wait time for G2 and another 7 day wait time for G


Just go to Orangeville, Guelph, Kitchener area


If you’re an anxious driver, don’t bother taking your G.