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Just want to add to this, I found most of the times when me or my friends failed the g2/g it was because of the instructor as in they didn't explain something properly. My g2 instructor was stuck up and always answered my questions with, well what do you think and did you read the book. Sure this method may work with some people as this invokes thinking. But I need an answers now to know how I'm wrong kind of guy. For sure if it didn't work with the guy the first time find a new one fast.


Dont worry brother! i failed my g2 recently as well iam 26 dont beat ur self up! We go again and again, and again. Think of the dude like a gps!


Yuppp. I failed my first G2 at the first intersection, so less than 1 minute of driving. 2nd attempt, examiner told me I was the best driver she’d seen in weeks.


Lol same ! I missed a stop sign and literally kept apologizing LOL. Listen regardless of what happens you try your best by always improving on your last efforts! Theres no need to worry about the test. You fail keep on going dont quit


Don't give up and keep on trying! You're also never really behind, it's just a mental thing. I failed my g1, g2, and g but manage to pass the second time around easily by taking the feedback and correcting it (although I had the exact same examiner who failed and passed me on my G test, I made almost no difference driving and parking wise except voicing my actions and over exaggerating my head turns) Didn't even get my full G until I was 25, there's nothing really special that you're missing out unless you absolutely need it for driving to work or something. I know only a few people who got their full G by 18 and that's usually the well of family who's parent bought them a car but a lot of people I know who are 35+ don't even have a g1 lol


How do people who are 35+ manage without a drivers license?


There's dozens of us! I'm 33 and working on my G2. I get by on public transit, Ubers, and family. Test coming up in July - wish me luck!




Dozens gave me a chuckle lol. 30 here and also doing my G2 test in July!! Best of luck to you :)


Bus, Lyft. I just got my G2 at 37 😄


Just got mine at 34 - if I hadn't left TO I might never have done it.


It’s easy if you live in a city with good public transit (in Ontario that pretty much narrows it down to just Toronto).


Not that hard, I bike everywhere when it starts to get warm outside, plus I don’t have to worry about car and insurance payments every month, other than that ttc/go train, I hear so many people my age complain how expensive it is to drive, it’s less stress tbh


1.Get an ID card for photo ID purposes. 2.Use other forms of transportation.


If it makes you feel any better I'm 30 and just passed my G2 the other day! You might feel behind but you never know where other people are at in their journeys 😊 If you felt prepared for these maneuvers maybe you were nervous during the exam? If that's the case something that helped me to take the pressure off was to just accept that I would likely fail the test and see it as a practice exam. I've done the test before and failed because of nerves. So whatever you can do to help keep a cool head during the exam might help, even if it means accepting you'll have to do it again.


I don't think you are far behind. You failed your G2 once, time to focus on trying again. When I was in high school, I know it was all the rage to get your licence right away. My friend failed her G2 five times before she finally passed (at 18 years old). I think that feeling feels a lot worse than you thinking you're far behind at 21 and failing once. You need to mentally focus and you will get through this on your own time.


you’re not behind at all, everyone’s at their own pace. i’m almost 21 was terrified of driving but i’m also taking my G2 next week. i’m comfortable driving and actually enjoy it now but also struggle with maneuvers and parking. just need to practice and book again, you got this


I failed my G2 test 3 or 4 times. Truly anxiety inducing, but the reason i kept failing was a lack of practice. Hopefully you're in a situation where you have available access to a vehicle and some patient folks willing to help out. When I finally passed (mind you this is 15+ years ago) it was because I finally had some family members willing to teach me and then lend me the same vehicle to use. Just keep practicing good habits and you'll get it next time.


bro.. I drive a lot since 10 years ago, and I still fail my G test. sometime its about luck, just go in knowing that you may fail and u wont get disappointed. just go to youtube a lot of very useful and even precise driving path (the exact same as the test - based on my experience)


Gently bumping the curb won't make you fail. It was definitely the second incident that caused the fail


Don't get discouraged, mate. I'm 23 and I feel behind too, and I also failed my first test because everything went wrong on the day. Just keep practicing with your teacher and write down all the mistakes you make so you can review them and stop making them.


Sometimes, the location matters. Book your test in Clinton. Thank me later.


thanks! toronto is so much harder to get it


The test is hard, back to back tough parking situations , when a driver at ur level of experience will typically go for an easy pull through or walking a bit instead of parallel parking on a busy street. It’s okay, practice does make perfect but it’s understandable that the test was super hard and not a fun experience for you. Don’t beat urself up, so many people go through the same experience and if you stick to it, you’ll get their eventually no doubt


They failed me on my first g2, I've since then booked my second test. Will be giving it soon. It wasn't my fault on the test, some truck that was way behind me sped up I saw him on the center mirror and through the blind spot. He was way behind. He sped up what seemed over the speed limit as I had indicated my indicator to merge and I saw him sped up and corrected my lane but still failed. Don't give up!. I was super disappointed too and I'm older than you. We got this champ!


Don't feel down! I didn't get my full license till I was 32 and failed my g2 the first time. Just keep practicing and try again!


Don't worry failing those tests is common. I'd say review your score sheets and keep practicing on the weaker areas noted by your examiner. Many people get their licenses later than the standard teen years. Focus on yourself. As long as you learn from your hurdles and get proper feedback from a trusted licensed individual (driving instructor or family/friend/relative) you will be fine.


Don't feel far behind. After moving to Canada, the sassy service Ontario lady bullshitted me for a quick power trip when I Infact did. She told me I didn't have the right paperwork to transfer my license to a Ontario one and that I had to redo the tests. It took me 4 years lol. I'm 32 and I just got my G license last month. I've been driving for 15 years.


Keep trying you will get it. A friend who is an aerospace engineer took 3 tries to get their G.


Don’t feel down. I failed my G test twice after two mistakes that were easily preventable. Worst of all i had the same examiner both times and after the second time. My examiner said “he was rooting for me”. Made me absolutely livid. Good news is i eventually got over it and passed on my third attempt. Everyone works at their own pace, just remember its your journey.


It happens. It’s a stressful situation. My daughter who is a truly excellent driver and in my opinion was an excellent driver already at the time of her tests failed hers not once but twice. I’ve driven with her a lot and feel safe in all situations. She’s confident, not cocky. She’s conscientious and careful but purposeful while driving. I would be a passenger with her happily anytime. It happens. Both of hers were incredibly poor timing of situations occurring and hesitation cost her. Both examiners told her she was excellent and just got caught in a bad situation but in both cases the results of those situations were essentially an automatic fail. Killed it the third time and we still laugh about it 5 years later. Wasn’t funny at the time but she took it as a lesson that regardless of how good a driver you are sometimes shit happens that is out of your control but it’s how you react in the situation that determines the outcome. She takes the privilege of driving seriously as a result and is an even better driver today. You can do this! Don’t be embarrassed and don’t get too far into your own head…..


Best to imagine the examiner is not there or what they think. Drive like you are a pro, don’t doubt. Just key twisting your head to all the mirror location every 8 sec(?) to appease the examiner, whether you are actually looking or not but definitely look if you changing lanes.


I failed my first attempt at my G1, my first attempt at my G2, and my first attempt of my G. I've yet to retry for my g but don't stress too much. Accidents happen, there's alot of pressure on you during the tests too which makes it worse. I know this is a cliche but try to look at where u flopped and touch up on those spots.


Don’t feel behind! I was about your age, also in Ontario, and failed my G2 the first time around too. I waited 3 years before trying again and it was the biggest mistake. Take a little bit of time but try again while it’s fresh. Nearly everyone makes a mistake due to the nerves.


Not far behind. I’m 58 and just got my G in April. My mom got hers when she was 72.


Dw. I got my g2 when I was 22. Not everyone does it in highschool. I know a ton of people who don't have their g1


You just need more practice.


I failed both my G2 and G tests the first go around. 15 years later I’d say I’m a pretty good, defensive driver. I took more lessons after each failure. There’s a lot of bad drivers out there, so you need to be well-prepared both for yourself and others safety on the roads!


I used to be a high school teacher. The kids commonly would come back and without shame tell me that they had failed the driving test. If you live in the Burlington area, it is notorious for its high failure rate. Don’t give up. I know a kid who took four times and he’s a happy driver now.


Dont be stressed about it. I got my G2 at 30. Lol Get comfortable in driving & parking before you retake.


I’m 35 and just got my G2 for the first time last month. I just want to say, you’re not behind and you’ll get it eventually.


Hello, I failed my G1 twice and my G2 5 times! Passed my G on the first try. It was all about confidence


drive more


I'm 32, and I failed my G test twice before getting it on the third try. My first failed mark definitely put me down because number 1, it's not cheap, and 2nd, I had to work on my schedule. I had to book a half day leave on my first exam, so the failure mark really hit my mood even after arriving home. 2nd try, I felt stupid and thought the judgment was unfair, but then I kept telling myself, "They know better, they know better. Just keep on trying. " I got a golden moment on my third try because everything was just smooth and perfect. I find it also interesting that my first 2 tries are both on lunchtime 11:40 am scheduled time, but my 3rd try is 2:40pm. I may be a better driver on my 3rd try, but it could also be the traffic depending on where you are better at 😀 Keep on practicing 👍


You’re not far behind at all. I know people in their mid to late 20s who don’t have their G2 yet. Everyone has their own timeline. I got mine like 8 months ago when I was 25. Haven’t driven since I passed the exam cause I don’t have a car lmao


Hi friend! I’m 30 and I just got my G at the end of May. There’s no rule that says you *have* to have your license at a certain age, you do it when you want to and when you’re ready. I know it’s hard and it sucks to fail (failed my G2 the first time), but you CAN get there. It sounds like you know where you made your mistakes, so practice those and you’re gold. Good luck to you! :)


Don't worry! Lots of people fail the G2 the first time. I failed twice before I passed! Take everything you learned from failing this time and use it to better your skills, then try again!! You can do it!


Please don’t feel far behind at all! I didn’t get my G2 until I was 24 and I also still know some friends who haven’t gotten it yet. All my friends who did get it earlier like your age (20-22) all redid their G2 as well. So, to be honest, you’re not falling behind - you’re right on track! It’s never about the age, it’s always about the safety and the experience. I am sure that with more practice, you will do fine the next time. It doesn’t matter how old you are when you get it - just be safe, as that is going to lead you to being safe throughout your whole driving life which matters significantly more than when you get your G2!


It all depends on the tester you can fail before they even get in the car. I wouldn't sweat it. Just get some more practice in and book the next test.


On the one hand, I passed the first time. On the other hand, I was 34 years old. You are very much *not* behind.


Almost everyone I know has failed their G2 Test at least once (myself included) all it takes is some more practice. Most times, it’s just the nerves of the situation getting to you. Next time you do it, just act as if you already have it in the bag and you may pass off of the confidence alone even if you do a few slight slip up’s. But I will say, once you finally pass and even more when you pass the G the sense of accomplishment is much much stronger because you know it didn’t come easy. The day I passed my G test is still one of the happiest days of my life, I even remember the first song I played in the car as a listened driver! You’ll get there soon, I believe in you!! Don’t beat yourself up about it I cried so hard my first time& looking back it really wasn’t necessary, the fail rate far exceeds the pass rate.


I failed my first G2 by not giving right of way — I thought it was a 4-way stop and I felt so stupid. Then I failed my first G in the first 20 seconds because I was in an unfamiliar place and didn't know the speed limit!!! You got this, driving tests are a lot more stressful than actually driving in your everyday life and some instructors just have really bad days and take it out on people.


It’s just driving. Not worth beating yourself up about it.


You have already received a lot of good advice and encouraging messages. I will just add - More practice. You can also easily avoid these mistakes by checking while parking. Ask your instructor to teach you this skill. Alll the best for your next attempt.


Nah bro, I didn’t get my license til years after. The nerves from my first G2 test caused me to make so many mistakes that I never make when practicing. Just take it again, you’ll do great. Then you’ll pass your G test like nothing.


My vice is how expensive driving instructors are. I spend 800$ getting my g2 including renting his shitty car twice to take the test.


Keep trying lots of people don't get it on the first try. My wife had to take it twice. One time I saw a guy in his test and instead of backing up he put in drive and hit the building. I guess that would be a automatic fail but I was laughing my ass off


I’m 29 and I failed my tests thrice before clearing it in the 4th attempt and trust me none of my mistakes were non-avoidable; all of them could be shred off if the examiners were good, also I didn’t have a car and had to carry an instructor vehicle each time, costing me more than $250 each trip. Done worry, it’s more of a luck than skills, yes your driving sense matters equally but you need to give as much attempts as it takes to clear the test.


Hi friend. I was 18 when I did my G2 and failed. I remember the feeling when my driving instructor dropped me off at home (I wasn’t even allowed to drive home) it can be really really hard on the confidence. I’m 28 and just got my license this month and I passed on the first try. I waited 10 years for no reason and spent the last 10 years of my life missing out on fun plans because I was too scared to try again. My best advice to you is work on what you need to, if it’s parking, go for a couple extra parking lessons leading up to your test. But do not wait, book your test and make a pact to yourself that you are going to pass. Signed - new G2 driver who’s driving her new car :)


I took test in Etobicoke where they want you to park in between cones. It confused me and hit the back cone during my first attempt. I practiced again and again did the test and passed .


Don't feel down.. it's a pretty challenging process. With enough motivation, you'll eventually pass. You're not very far behind at all. I'm 30 and didn't get my G1 till I was like 25 (never had the opportunity). I'm 30 now and JUST got my G recently. You can do it OP!


I failed my first drivers test too. Not in Ontario. But I was so nervous and focused on what was in front of me that I drove halfway through a school zone without slowing down to the correct speed. Went again a few weeks later and passed. Just give it another go.


It’s all good, I failed my first G2 and my first G and am 36 now drive 40k a year and never had so much as a ticket. Don’t beat yourself up


Get blind spot mirrors and stick them in for the road test. Not possible to hit the curb if you use them- and if you do it’s your skill level that’s the issue. Not sure why the instructor had to use the brakes for a front park unless you were very fast or about to hit something. Good luck next time. Happens everyday so don’t feel like you’re the only person who failed.


I failed one time in G1 in second try I successfully pass the exam having and extract so i can skip G2 in G test passed in first go but i took 4 driving lessons


Do you have a car you drive consistently?


I failed my g2 twice when I was 16 and 17. I gave up, took the bus for years. When I was 23 I had my first serious job and was ready to get a car. I went out with a friend and didn’t feel nervous driving or parking anymore. When I didn’t test, I was very relaxed and it was a breeze compared to the anxiety disasters of my teenage years. Now I’m a great driver and turned into a car enthusiast. Don’t sweat it. You’ll figure it out. If there’s a reason why you need to figure it out sooner than later, then just keep practicing until the nerves are gone.


I failed my G2 3 times and my G twice so you’re good hahaha. For the record I am not a bad driver, I have zero accidents / tickets (knock on wood). Just got really bad test anxiety. I swear to god i still have PTSD from those tests. I’m good at school examinations but for whatever reason I would just freak out for driver exams.


I failed my first one because the tester told me to get on the highway at rush hour - there was no way I could’ve merged at 100km/hour when it was jam packed to the brim but that was his reason for failing me. I was pretty pissed at that one. Then I changed test centres and got it without a single issue. Just try again once you practice enough and you’ll get it. If all these people coming from other places driving like maniacs can get it, so can you.


hire a driving instructor or even better someone who can teach you and genuinely talk/get along with. for example, I failed my G2 at 22 , 3X times lol so, take from me , sometimes you have to just improve, but sometimes you need a better teacher, for example my instructor ( when I finally found one who I got along with, ) they told me for example, respectfully tell the examiner every time you are changing speed, say outloud you are checking the blindspots and for PARKING do it as SLOW as possible during the test, they CANNOT take poitns down because of how long it takes, and just keep going, hugs


You’ll be okay! I got my g2 at 23! There’s no timeline for driving as long as you’re safe. My friend had to try 3 times and went to driving school the same amount of times.


How I helped my brother pass on the first try.... 1 - I made him drive me everywhere for 2 weeks. We took all the back roads for safety, but 14 days of driving an hour a day will make you more comfy. 2 - we learned the "technical" way to parallel park, front park, etc. Then we went to a mall parking lot and practice imagining there were other cars in the parking spots. So he'd have to back in, front, parallel. I got out of the car, and watches him do it to see how the technical textbook advice applied to our car specifically. Then we could "landmark". For example, for us we learned to perfect back in, we'd need to be 1 car width and perpendicular to a parking spot. We'd line the left mirror to the future left line. Crank the wheel and turn until car was 45 degrees, then crank wheel opposite direction and the car would go in. The trick for us was knowing the distance and landmarks for the maneuver. Then we did the same thing for parallel, etc. 3 - We practice strict BS driving. Man had to snap his head left, then right at every intersection. Man could not glance at mirrors m, must rotate with head. Full stop at every intersection. Hands must remain at 10 and 2, etc. We both hated it, but driving like that makes it obvious to the instructor.... 4 - The day before the exam, we followed some other cars taking the test then did it ourselves 3 times. Then the day of, we did the course 2 hours before our appointment, and then at the appointment. Knowing the course meant we knew how heavy traffic was, potential stop signs instructors could bust us at.


I got my license at 18 when all my friends had theirs, failed 4 times and had to take a driving course, wasn't even a bad driver either, it feels like they want you to fail on all these technicalities which they do, sucks but you'll eventually get it.


I failed mine as well! Lol … what can you do … life isn’t about failing, it’s about overcoming and getting back on your feet! No ones going to feel bad for you, push yourself to do better… not just on your G2 test but life in general! Good luck


Practice makes perfect. Just keep it up. You'll get there.


Try again, and practice a little more. This is life sending you a little curve ball and giving you the chance to show a little determination! My aunt got her license in her 50s, not getting it 1st try is no big deal. I know a guy who had to pass an exam to get the job he really wanted. He failed 4 times. 5th time he got it and had an amazing career traveling the world…it’s normal to be disappointed, let any roadblock fill you with determination to pass and not just pass but be a good driver!


Don't give up.Keep practicing until you get it perfect.My wife was well into her late 30s before see passed her full license.She passed her full g licence on the 4th time.Shes now a real safe driver.


I failed my first one and the instructor basically said I almost killed them lol it’s really not funny 💀 but 7 yrs later I’m driving going my merry way. You will pass! Work on the maneuvers and you’ll be good for next time.


I got my G2 at 23 years old, don’t let it hold you down. Practice ! You got this !


If you fail your G2 more than a few times maybe you shouldn’t be driving. It’s common sense and practice


Lol I hit the curb on my way out of the centre on my 1st go. Nerves got the better of me. Which was even more annoying because I aced the rest of the test. You got this. Remember the points you're looking for when parking and you'll do great.


This isn’t a “failure”. You’ve already identified the mistakes you’ve made so it was instructional. Jsyk, my first driving test I blew through a stop sign, and exceeded the speed limit buy more than a little while driving through a school zone…. You’ll be fine .


Hey dude, 29 here. I failed my first attempt a few weeks back and man I was down in the dumps for the whole day. Felt like a failure, couldn't work properly, didn't feel like talking to anyone. I'll just say, it's good that you're hard on yourself. But sometimes it really helps to zoom out and realise - nothing has changed except an intangible perception. You can practice more, get right back up and try again. This time, really focus on practicing on what went wrong the first time. If you fail again, life goes on. But don't give yourself that option. Go in next time knowing in your gut that you've got this. Looking forward to hearing good news from you soon.


i’m also 21 and you are not far behind every one has their own speed in the race that’s life and if you are just getting your license now means you were not ready for it before but are ready for it now. also I failed my g2 3 times so failing onces is no big deal, most people failed their drivers test at least once


I failed 3 times before I got my G Get a good instructor, don't cheap out


I’m 50+ just passed my G2 last week in 1 take. No worries u can make it