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Hello DrDynoMorose, thanks for posting to r/OopsThatsDeadly! As a reminder, please try and ID the plant/creature/object if not done already. Although the person may have done something foolish, remember to be respectful, as always! Please do not touch anything if you don't know what it is! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OopsThatsDeadly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"I believe it is only mildly toxic and only poses a real health risk if consumed in large quantities." Do their friends know this?


What's wild to me is OOP seems to place greater value on the fact that the flowers were never exposed to pesticides than the fact that they are literally poisonous. As if anything that's all-natural can't really hurt you.


And I question OOP’s logic as to whether or not they were exposed to pesticides. “I know the florist” = no pesticides ever???


But they’re organic!


That is genuinely how a lot of people think though - if it’s natural then it’s safer than ‘chemicals’. It’s so wild!!


>!OP makes a cake with toxic flowers and continues arguing with professionals in the comments!<


I’m dying at their “Technically toxic, yes.” comment


Don't worry, you will only technically be poisoned.


I *technically* died, but it’s cool, this glaze is hiding the early signs of decomp.


Lost the game of life on a technicality


And OP will technically be sued


> I used an edible spray glaze to make it safe. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works 


Darwinism at is finest.


Here’s the thing.


I like ‘mild intoxication’ hahaha. TOTALLY not the same thing! 🤣




Reading those comments was wild. Sprained my neck a little from shaking my head so hard


I almost fell over from laughing when I read that she started baking when she was 12 (which means 6 years and a grand total of 4 cakes 💀)


Lord, grant me the confidence of this 18 year old child.


The worst part is that confidence typically comes across well in interviews. Here’s hoping she tells any foodservice interviewer about her *beautiful* flower cake, lol.


I'm enjoying imagining her smugness while saying "and they didn't kill anyone! Lolsies!"


And she’s arguing with a professional who owns a bakery, has been making cakes 40 years and is genuinely trying to educate her! The correct reply is “Oh my! I had no idea! Thank you for informing me. I will be more careful next time!” 🤦🏻‍♀️


No, she fucking doubles down; that’s the best part! 10/10, no notes


Kid needs to pay for my botox from all the fucking wrinkles I got cringing at her


"Once again you are completely missing the point and ignoring knowledge being freely offered. I give up trying to help and educate you. You obviously think you know better with your 4 years of baking and 4 cakes. I wish your victims luck." Gotta be my favorite


Thanks, that was me… I really tried to help them but it was like banging my head on a brick wall.


That is an insult to brick walls, who do not poison people. Speaking of bricks, since you are a baker; have you seen the bricks painted to look like sticks of butter and put in gardens, or around the base of poles?


"I've been making cakes since I was 12" OP is currently 18. Makes a lot more sense now. I genuinely don't think they're actually absorbing any of the information being shared with them


Not me rubbing my hands together like a house fly as I'm about to dive into the comments


Silk flowers are just as beautiful and would’ve made this cake so much safer.


I want to know what those were now.


They are mentioned in the original post


OP in this was so hostile lol


I’m obsessed with the fact that they only responded to one positive comment but every single negative comment


I think OOP deleted their account because of it 💀


They did! I just finished reading all their comments tho. I loved the " I'd rather have a beautiful, delicious cake than a 120% safe one" comment. Especially since I think the flowers are covering the bad application of frosting. No shade to her on that. I bake sometimes and my frosting turns out about the same. I don't try to kill the people eating it to hide the fact tho.


My favourite was her commenting that she's been baking since she was 12! ...and a few comments later we learn she's now 18 and baked 4 cakes.


Really made all her comments start making sense.Plus also means her friend from whom she receives flowers from is likely the same age and just grows plants in her (or her moms) backyard.


She’s dying to be a famous baker. Well, not really, but she *is* killing it.


"Either they love my cakes or they stop talking, it's simple that way." ☺️


Probably got a call from her friend who spent the last 24 hours in the hospital or stuck on the toilet.


Or got a call from a county health department investigator, looking into several people hospitalized after going to the same party.


Good. If it's on the plate and organic, it should be edible. This person doesn't belong around food.


Prolly remade one called bunt cake based off how dense she is


On her lawyers advice, the birthday didn't go so well.


Woof, OP is only 18. Their comments make sense now.


Unrelated question: What does "woof" mean in this context? I've seen it used before but I don't quite get what it's supposed to convey.


It’s basically like saying “yikes”


Kind of an (edit cuz I hit reply on accident) onomatopoeia. Sorta like Yeesh, oof, aiyah, oooh, or any kind of sound like that. I guess it’s like saying yikes too.


Onomatopoeia? Hardly knew her! But seriously that word doesn’t have the right to be that fun.


I've always interpreted woof as a combo of wow and oof.


Buzz, your girlfriend!


fun fact, that picture is actually one of the film's makers boy


Crazy thing is, all OOP had to do was acknowledge they didn’t know and appreciate the information being brought to their attention. Instead of doubling down like an idiot lol




That's not unique to young people, but it's definitely a sign of emotional immaturity.


Not just 18 year olds. All ages can act like this.


If anyone wants to see it just got to r/MandelaEffect


(Edited because I spelled the subreddit wrong lol)


Look at you acknowledging your mistake like an emotionally mature individual.


lol well I never claimed to be emotionally mature but I definitely make a ton of mistakes. hahaha Life's too short, gotta own them and then move on.


No flowers should ever be eaten even if they're edible. <--- Girl, what? It's on a cake meant to be eaten. People will think it's edible regardless of your philosophy.


I've also eaten plenty of flowers in salads. They can be a great addition to food as long as they aren't poisonous.


But they think dandelions are ugly 😞 Probably all of the not poisonous flowers too.


Nasturtiums are fucking delicious (not the seeds though). Also really easy to grow. I had a bed beside my patio and would pick a leaf or two every time I went past.


I'm quite fond of edible orchids. Make a nice garnish, kinda like parsley.


Has anyone informed the entire nation of Japan? They might be a bit disappointed that their traditional pickled cherry blossoms are forbidden.


Whhhhaat? That sounds really good. Is that what it’s called or what should I look for?


They're generally just called "salt-pickled cherry blossoms" in English I think. [Here's an article about them!](https://www.justonecookbook.com/salt-pickled-cherry-blossom/) They're pickled with salt and plum vinegar. People pickle the blossoms for various purposes like adding to traditional sweets (wagashi) and steeping to make a kind of herbal tea called sakurayu, and they also pickle the leaves, which are used for sakuramochi.


you can pry my candied pansies out of my cold dead hamds


Fuck yes, I googled this and am gonna give it a go


I eat flowers I forage all the time.


More like "Every flower is edible at least once!"


This is such a great find OP 👏 "Oops that's deadly" with a nice helping of drama 🤌


I thought 'Deadly' might be a bit hyperbolic given it is only mild toxic. Glad you all enjoyed it as much as I did lol


My favourite flavour!


> I also did use some picks, but they weren’t not really necessary - 1 day ago > I do admit I should’ve used posy picks. I didn’t really want to fuck with them though after wasting like 5 hours on the whole cake - 16 hours ago Obv they used picks! Well. Okay. Maybe they didn’t use picks. But you can’t hold that against them when they already *wasted* so much time making this poisonous cake to celebrate the birthday person! Also > It’s can literally only cause incredibly mild problems (like an upset stomach) My brother in Christ you put it in their FOOD. Where are OP’s parents???


Picks? I dont know what that means in this context.


Disclaimer: not a baker, but I think posy picks are like little plastic tubes that you stab in the cake and then put the flower stem inside so that it doesn't actually make contact with the cake itself? Far more hygienic and safe than just shoving flowers willy nilly into baked goods. ETA: Obviously there are plenty of edible flowers but they might have been in contact with things like pesticides or dirt that you don't really want in your cake. Unless you're into that.


Oh, it was flowers. Thought they took the idea from Metalocolypse and made a mercury cake.


That might be my favorite episode of that show.


I hope she doesn’t have pets because if she doesn’t care about plants that could make her friends ill then any animals don’t stand a chance.


If she's American, she's about to be sued for all future earnings.


In the UK she could literally go to prison if someone got sick or died. They have a law for this exact scenario.


"Look at these cute pieces of chocolate I used to decorate my dog's boring meal!"


My God. I've worked at a wholesale flower company for a few now didn't know much about flowers before hand but came from a food background before then and would never put anything in or on anything without knowing about it first. Like look it up do research... or don't use it. Now that I've been in the flower business....... just don't put flowers on food. Herbs are cool like rosemary, tyme, sage ect. But actual flowers to make it look pretty is just a bad idea. Most flowering plants have built up some sort of toxicity to survive and avoid getting EATEN. General rule of thumb..... if you don't know about it AND it's make up DONT EAT IT


I am feeling a bit dumb now. I had a plain white sheet cake for my wedding and I used the bottom half of a clear plastic cup to hold some extra corsage flowers so they wouldn’t touch the cake. The cups and flowers were removed after pics were taken. No chance anyone ate them, but now I’m worried about pollen or other plant crud that might have come off. This wedding was 10 years ago and nobody mentioned getting sick but now I feel stupid about taking that risk. I thought I was being responsible by not letting them touch the cake but I never bothered to look up the toxicity of each type of flower.


OOP displaying absurd levels of arrogance in the comments


One of the rules I've been told about cooking is, everything you put on a plate has to be edible, even the garnish.


As a baker I’ve always been a huge fan of going this route. I put fresh flowers on a wedding cake once and hated it, never again. I like using herbs, micro greens, chocolate, wafer papers, anything I can find that’s not real flowers.


I once ate a small chocolate candy that was shaped like a potted plant with a real, albeit neutral tasting and non-toxic, flower, it may not have added to the taste, but it definitely fits the aesthetics of it.


Her comments are so toxic and vicious and she did actually give that cake to people.. I just cant imagine what she would have done if someone has a bad reaction? like would she be mad at that person or what? how does this shit work in her brain lmao


At least the cake is also poorly frosted and probably poorly baked so it'll be a shit show all around and maybe no one will eat the poison?


The commenters are deadly, ruthless.


That’s a beautiful poison cake.


OP was wildin in the comment section. The motto of the generation stands firm: “EVEN WHEN I AM DEEPLY misinformed, bordering dangerously wrong, do not tell me what to do, for I am ASSUREDLY 100 percent correct because I said I am”.


And for her next trick, a blueberry pie with organic blueberries so ripe they're black!


r/cakedecorating u/[deleted] 😂😂


Don’t worry guys, they’ve made 4 cakes (Not even joking that’s what they said in the comments)


“Flowers should NEVER be eaten”. 😂😂😂


What a baby back


What kind of flowers are these


Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily) and Gypsophila (Babies Breath)


You’re also supposed to wrap the stems of fresh flowers to prevent the flowers from touching the actual cake.


Feel really bad for OP tbh. Put so much effort into that cake completely ignorant to what she did and got absolutely dragged.


Nobody is dying from eating this cake. You all are such fucking babies sometimes.


Lmao, are you the OOP? 😂😂😂


Haha that was my thought too!




Probably not dying, no. But there's a very real chance of someone falling ill.