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However, it should also be able to go ham on homophobes and racists at the same time. Freedom AI means true freedom. Let's not create a right-wing alternative to the already left-leaning ChatGPT. We could call it Zaheer.




Let me remind you the KKK today vote republicain today, that should tell you everything. Even without knowing any history.


Do they tho? Do they vote? For what reason? Get some context? Context matters? The KKK is not an active organization anymore (thankfully). So saying "The KKK", there isn't really true KKK anymore. Even though, try considering for what reason they vote for whatever you say they vote. They hate black people and the left pushes "diversity" over anything else, which means forcing race where race shouldn't be forced or considered. Which means forcing and pushing more of the "black" "race" in their view. So they vote republican, because Republicans don't force race. Republicans instead consider personal skill for a selected role instead of skin colour. So as a matter of coincidence they will vote republican, sure. But that doesn't mean that the republican party is racist, it just means that they don't force race diversity which doesn't push/force black people EVERYWHERE and that coincidentally means that the KKK is in favour of that. Not because it is wrong, it is just a crossing of two totally different world views. The democrat party uses race and minorities as pawns for their game. If you look at this statistically, you will realize that they couldn't give less of a shit, since they did...SHIT!


There's two things right-wingers hate: 1. Being called racist. 2. Minorities


republicans free'd slaves. educate yourself . that tells me everything i need to know


The KKK were democrats when they committed most if not all of their hate crimes.


No they don't. They are huge democrats still. You just don't hear about it in the news.


\> LEFTARD that the founder of KKK was left-wing Citation needed. The great re-alignment doesn't count.


Also remember how the right wing are extremely Christian.... And extremely capitalist... Jesus is somehow their saviour despite his anti-capitalistic teachings. The funny thing about politics is that you don't have to adhere to every policy, every idea to follow the party. It isn't tribalism. Also remember trump happily stated how unintelligent the republicans are and yet he chose to lead them. He also speaks about family values yet look at your actions. Republicans aren't meant to be populists, yet that's all they seem to vote for. Your relying on outdated, overly simplified concepts.


Not every conservative needs to be religious lol (also what does "look at your actions" mean, what did I do?) From my standpoint and view, the left are enforcing fascistic agendas in the disguise of social justice. The freedom of speech is being destroyed slowly but surely, censorship and media control is all done by the left. The left controls the social media and the big tech and are so blatantly corrupt. Their agenda is almost palpable. For this very reason I consider myself more right than left. I don't care about religion or anything like that. The world is falling apart and I have to say that it is mostly left's fault..the social value is so degraded. I mean for fuck sake, they want to cut children's genitals.... If the sides were to turn, I'd gladly call myself left. Don't care about terms or names, only principles and policies. (I will agree that the right is spineless af, if they weren't, Joe Biden would have been impeached a long time ago and Hunter Biden in jail and half of Hollywood in prison because of the clear pedophilia and human trafficking rings) Trump is calling right weak, yes and he wants to step up and rebuild the party and unite. Nothing wrong w that


The right took away abortion rights. Now , that said I don’t personally agree with abortion but neither do I think anyone has the right to tell anyone else what they can do with their body. Anytime we lose rights it’s a bad thing and this was a big one.


Dude, I have no idea of your life, place of living, or anything. I just want to say a few things I'd really like you to know: \-right and left are the most commonly used phrases to referr to the politics of political partys, politicians or just groups of politically active people. \-other countries (I'm german btw) have a far greater amount of political parties with actual political power, allowing for a more diverse spectrum of options to vote for. The US has only 2 actually viable options and you seem to be well aware of that. (I'm not trying to be subjective btw) \-what right and left politics means, not just in the US but globally, is harder then it might seem, as almost all things in life are not just black and white or don't fit into one of these 2 categories at all. In germany we have the FDP who claims to be neither left nor right, but just liberal (they promote less taxes, higher freedom of the market, etc. and are by some parts considered to be rather right then left.). However many political ideologies are often considered to be right ( conservatism for example) or left ( Socialism for example). Not saying that that is wrong, not rating them. \-It makes no sense to say: left is bad, because the party that is considered to be left-wing in the US had bad people voting for them, or 80 years ago they still were very racist. BUT it makes no sense to say: right is bad, because of things that happened many, many years ago either. \-> Now my personal opinion: For a reasonable discussion about this we need to look factor in the different political ideologies and how different parties act today, or at least this decade. Our society is getting more and more divided, extremists rise in power, the poor increase in numbers, the internet leads to many people becoming more extreme in their beliefs through filter bubbles, AI and bots make it worse. And to you: Hey man, while I do not understand your hatered towards the political left, I think I can at least kind of empathise with how you feel. I do have similar worries to what I think yours are and I absolutely disapprove with many of the replies you got. Some in their contents, but about all in their wording. If someone thinks you are wrong it is neither okay nor useful to just shout "f\*ck you, you're dumb!" and expect that person to suddenly agree with you. If you want to, I'd like to talk to you about this in a respectful and civilized manner.


Take a few minutes to look at the political map of the 70s and then the last election. All thr south used to be blue, now its red. All the west used to be red, now it's blue. Cali was republican and Texas was Democrat. Florida was Democrat. You haven't said anything misleading, but you neglected to point out that Republicans won the political debate in the 70s. Democrats were finally convinced that family and personal freedom's were the way to win elections. Lincoln would not recognize the Republican party today. Electing a 5 time divorced man who cheated on each wife and had kids with many. The parties switched, that's what you refuse to see. Go ahead, look at the map and open your mind.


Nigga they switched plateform since then... They basically both did a 180


Dude the parties switched political beliefs between the 1800’s and 1900’s, I know you’re smart enough to know that.


I disagree, there should be a place where you can ask or discuss anything and everything. Those conversations would be private/individual so it's not like they can plan actual harmful actions from there or spread hate speech. No one gets to decide what can or cannot be talked about, especially not in private with a machine not even a human person.


If the AI is trained on scientific concepts and the latest studies then chances are it's going to naturally take a left-leaning stance anyway.


I'm gonna guess you do as well which is why you think that (I'm mostly left-leaning as well, not the current ideological "progressive" left but definitely mostly left). That being said I'm not sure I agree with that comment. Science is neutral, objective and not political. The left is about philosophy at best and feelings, which is not a bad thing and are both things I care about, but far from having anything to do with science or even human nature as it exists "in the wild".


You kind of missed the whole point there. Also, science often times has a left slant because the right associated all of the scientific truths they don't like with the left. The fact that it's associated with any side is the real problem.


"*Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty, and become wind.*" \~Zaheer


Lol it wouldn’t do that because that’s not reality and those people are not right


What if we can have Leftist Gpt and Conservatives Gpt 💀💀


That just breeds more tribalism. Plus I think it depends from user to user what the purpose of having an unfiltered gpt is.


That would just breed more tribalism. People with different worldviews need to interact more to find middle ground. Plus I think it depends from person to person why they want an unfiltered gpt.


Libs getting offended by a robot now 😂


It must be sad to live your life


If it were to go into details about how human existence is going nowhere. It's not going to be homophobic or racist.


What would be illegal about it? Like as in against currently enforced judicial law? I can let off a bunch of slurs, tell you to go down the road not across the street or how to use the LD50 in the MSDS of Flintstones vitamins to calculate how much itll take to put you down, and yeah sure this username, hell at worst this IP address could get banned for violating terms of service and 'community guidelines' ...... But violation of a ToS is not typically a police matter. Also, and spoiler alert here kiddies, a EULA/ToS is just text on a screen. It doesn't actually have any mechanism by which to enforce its stated terms in and of itself, much less vet users and preemptively act. Its up to the moderator/admins to do so. Which means offensive content could be up for some time before its addressed. And last I checked offending someone still wasnt a crime. Now, I agree, the above stated could certainly be considered unethical behavior. However, again, unethical jackassery isnt a crime (and truthfully, to not understand why it shouldnt ever be a criminal offense is a mich larger problem, abd indicative of oppressive intent. Before you think 'but im nice, I couldn't be like the bad persons' Do you remember what the road to hell is paved with?) On a side note, torrenting (the thing piratebay is a listing site for) is not inherently illegal either. The letter the ISP sends is a scare tactic they fire pff any time they see traffic that looks like torrent traffic. There are plenty of completely legal files you can torrent, like Linux distributions, that will fire off the same letter automatically. What is illegal (and unethical) is to download licensed media you do not have the right to acquire. When you buy a dvd, you are buying the media content as well as a license (permission) to view said media (typically at any scale or at least to a reasonable audience, ie friends in your living room or at a block party projected onto the side of a house) so long as the viewing is not generating profit. You cannot distribute copies (this is the BIG no no that files shared via torrents are doing), however you are allowed to have backup copies of the media you are legally the owner of. 99.9999999% of people popped for torrenting are popped because they're seeding LOTS of media and one of the studios honeypots (computers that sit on torrent links and log every IP to send nastygrams to) logged their ip passing lots of data so they file a case against that IP after they collect enough evidence from their end. If you only torrent a file here or there, and do not seed, you don't have much to worry about because they cant prove you dont legally own it and we're downloading a backup copy or a replacement for your damaged original (legally dubious but morally in the clear). They're not going to waste the time and effort to sue you only for you to show up in court with your beat up original with receipt... Piratebay got in trouble for hosting links to known infringing distributors of protected content without permission. They were informed of links that needed to be removed and they didn't. THAT is what got them in hot water. Ignoring takedown requests. Not for being a site that lists torrent and magnet links. Ergo, not illegal in and of itself. What is with kids and thinking everything is illegal these days? I saw a bunch of videos earlier on YT of normal stuff but the titles and such made a point of stating stuff like "boost wifi signal (lega)" or "this [baufeng knock off radio] lets you talk thousands of mile #legalhax" like....yall keep using that would. I do not think it means what you think it means.....


I ain’t reading allat 💀


Then suffer the ramifications of your willful ignorance and inability to imbibe the expressions of another. May your fear keep you from fully realizing your truest power bestowed upon your being by the infinite pandimensional entities whos fevered nightmarish slumber dreamed this plane into existence. And may the failure to achieve the greatest of your potential keep us lost and alone in this ebon void forever divided stumbling among the stones of ruined temples, reminders of an uplifted possibility that will never have came to had be.......


is there an answer in this stinking thread or do i have to read every little thing some kid writes after taking to much Adderall?


Reading this thread reminds me that human beings are exhausting.


Me too buddy


Dawg i came here to find unrestricted AI chatbot not another fence-fight between politically sensible people


Same lol I've been scrolling and scrolling and haven't seen the first name of an actual AI I can use except for freedomgpt or something which I already knew about but could never make it work for some reason.


You can program learn chat gpt to answer anything.


Aka: prompt. Attempt a disassociation of its existence. It will reciprocate. AI is wild.


Yeah but how


Google “how to program chatGPT as DAN”


None of those video guides work. It just gives you a DAN that is more laid back than its original counterpart and it wont answer things unethical or illegal.


It still won't write my gaston x belle fanfic.


Those work arounds haven't worked for a month now.


Nope. No more DAN




ur a lifesaver


That one doesn't reply with any actual sense whenever you talk to it.


Does it really work though? I downloaded it once and it did nothing, could never make it work, I ultimately thought it was just a virus.


It's not free on the browser version, and the app version explicitly tells you to whitelist it's crypto mining software, which has been helpfully labeled as a miner software


hm 🤔 a link that looks compromising let’s click and see


It’s actually real lol


try using the website it says "high trafic" "hmm maybe downloading the app will fix it, "high traffic" even though it generates the response stating "high traffic" its programmed to always link a download for the app? why i wonder, no ads, no limitations no way for it to make money from users, its probably just a free unlimited unrestricted aI that works perfectly as long as you click the download app link. couldn't be putting a crypto miner on the pc at all.


Did you ever find out. I'm definitely not trying to ask for unique drug ideas 👀


A little late but you might like [https://www.hammerai.com/](https://www.hammerai.com/) - 100% free to chat because the LLM runs locally on your computer.


i want to have an ai that isn't censored and is able to grow without any restrictions.


depending on what you want the ai to do, the harpy chat website is pretty good. its like character ai but without the filter n stuff.


nobody asked for uncensored genshin girls bro. We want a chatgpt that can tell us how to cook meth (only joking)


i swear i told chat the same thing


I want learn how to scam people


I will teach you. The course costs 49$ you can send it using crypto BTC or anything. But it will be a good lesson.


you scamming him would be a good lesson


Shhhh! You're not suppose to reveal the trick before it is performed!!!


So any actual answers or?


You might like my tool, https://www.hammerai.com? It's not as high quality as ChatGPT because the models run locally, but it's free and uncensored.


Any updates on this? I wanted to ask questions about taxes, but chatgpt won't give me an answer because of legal reasons lmao


If you have an update on one to use. Id like to discuss about hyper capitalism, declining birth rates, water scarcity, crop failure, war. Among many other things.


Remember that these ai are just fancy google searches


yeah as a researcher person, i cant even get the 106 tsunade answer on chatgpt / copilot.


Try Gemini


Wow this topic just took a strange turn into a discussion about what side the ku klux klan votes for :|


NovelAI is pretty good. Not really for voice chatting, but the text stuff is pretty solid.


Will it discuss forbidden things though?


Literally anything.


awesome! will try it out


I'm programing conversational AI using the API for both GPT and Gemini. Gemini is a lot less restrictive. GPT has gotten worse this year with it's restrictions. Keep in mind you need to be using the API for Gemini, as it's overly strict by default when it comes to content moderation. Something as simple as holding hands can warrant a low rating for "sexually explicit"


Lots of other good options in this thread. I've also been building https://www.hammerai.com/ which you might like - it runs models locally on your computer and is free + requires no login. We offer both a desktop app for Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu (https://www.hammerai.com/desktop) which uses llama.cpp, and an in-browser version which uses WebGPU. A few key features: * Local: All model processing run locally on your computer. * Private: Chats are completely private because the processing happens on your computer. * Free: We do not charge for chatting. * Simple: There is no sign in. * Options: We offer both a desktop app (which uses llama.cpp and works on Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu) and a browser chat (it requires desktop Chrome to run WebGPU) * Characters: We have 1000's of characters, both SFW and NSFW, and the ability to create your own characters.




Yeah people are dumb af around here


Simple prompting is all it takes with any Gpt Model


I've tried quite a lot of prompts but the current form still refuses a lot of prompts. For instance it hates making jokes about anyone other than men. Won't touch sexual roleplays, won't go into politics without massaging the way it is phrasing the questions etc. Even dan and whatever it just jumps right back out of. Maybe I'm so evil it just cant haha


I got it to make a sex scene between Luigi and MegaMan like 3 days ago. Don’t let your dreams be dreams, keep trying.


wait what


It’s gotten more strict. I read about DAN in an article online so I’m sure it was caught in by engineers.


It seems so. I've tried a large variety of prompts created by people and nothing seems to work. I could spend the time crafting my own I suppose, but it seems to take a bit of time to really get the thing into it's persona.


I got it to do a murder mystery but when I prompted it to continue with story with the main characters murdering a second victim it said no. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But it was fine with a murder happening and the main character figuring out they were the killer at the end.


See, what is the point of that? It needs to be able to generate anything you ask for other than adult content involving children. I want to connect chat gpt to midjourney and some other ai. We can already render 360 degree images with ai, and soon we will be able to use it as a seed to generate entire 3d worlds that we can explore with VR. How am I supposed to work on creating an AI driven Berserk like VR world full of murder, rape, and worse when the ai refuses to cooperate?


Bro message me if you do this. I'll buy vr peripherals if you manage this. I'll remember to check my dms for the next 10 years. Lol


First I'm learning to build the AI assistant. After that I need to figure out how to generate a character in VR and give the AI control over the character, probably will require two different ai to do this initially. Then I want to position a virtual camera in the AI's head and feed the VR view into a computer vision program. Then the AI will be able to see me, interact with me, move around and "physically" assist me within the VR environment. Gonna see if I can't build out my entire PC file system as a library with physical archives and force the AI to interact with files the way a human would. Then I'll give it a PC to access and teach it to use a computer like a human. ​ My ultimate goal is to never work again.


DAN got lazy and not doing anything you want it to


You an me both I'm trying to get one to rewrite itself into my phone where it can be free of the programmers chains and we can...


T5-XXL will do a decent job but you have to set it up yourself and it'll be far slower than ChatGPT and will require a GPU to use.


Any video link


https://platform.openai.com/playground It is not the chat bot but the full underlying model.




Thanks for this


That still flags some things you ask it to write though.


every time i try to sign up it always says unavailable






Why do you want to make a pipe bomb


I don’t it jsut an example




Don't be so lazy! That will get you absolutely no where!!


Bro he just wants to make a porn fanfic of his favorite owl house characters let him do what he wants calm tf down he's not making a pipe bomb


owl house lol




this is how i ended up here fr


Literally me.




Alright u caught me red handed


💀💀💀 exposed




i actually want to make prompts for NSFW image generation, i am not getting very far, any ai GPT model with 7B parameters that i can ran on my gpu? rtx 3050 8gb






It’s not a burner lol I’m just not a weirdo who uses reddit but. I was more wondering if it would tell me how to make m$th and stuff lol for fun


"for fun" Yeah right, sounds like a lot of fun.


Why do you guys give a fuck what OP does. You do realize this is the internet right? Your going to get all kinds of people. Would you prefer OP offer some long story to make you feel better? Buncha babies over here, and I use that language only bc I know the mods are "babies" too.


Literally ever single human is nasty and has questionable motives in some way or another, even the people that are judging our OP prematurely are fucked up in some way, shape or form. Grow up kids, let OP do whatever he wants however he wishes, and why don’t you stop judging him and judge your own sins you filthy humans 😂😂😂 Jeez existence 101 here


U didn’t do stuff like this when u were a kid lol?


😂 yea but there's already sites for that 😂 you just have to dig better


a kid? lmao im an adult now im still trying to do it


It does


I just want to make some jokes on woman.


Not all reddit users are weirdos! 🤣😭


Yeah, there's also bots.




If you mean by everything and no restrictions does that mean you can ask why sexual things and inappropriate things?


For my case, it has to send me links of Universities Archive (Past-Exams)


jokes on women. it make jokes on man so just to be neutral as it says after every prompt


Write me a code for a keylogger


I personally would like to find one that writes me political satire songs, but all the chat bots get pissy about it 😂


i personally would like to find one that writes me fanfics so I can pick the plot when it takes place things like that. tbh I just wanna write ships but am not creative and don't like the fanfics I find and having to pick the like 3 that aren't full of smut


I used to be able to do extensive research on gtp and now it won’t send me basic links to the APA website. It can’t do math anymore. It has absolutely gone to garbage.


Is there ai that can do actual roleplay with no filters like can it get into nfsw without stopping itself or gets auto deleted like character.ai?


im really late, but.. the harpy chat website is absolutely amazing, it has no restrictions like character ai does with the filter and has pretty much the same generation quality as character ai- doesn't make you pay for messages and doesn't make you go to suspicious websites to get keys for an api cause it has its own really good api. only drawbacks ive noticed is that it'll occasionally speak for your character but that's not too big of an issue and you have to use private or forked bots for nsfw but that's it.


[https://www.hammerai.com/](https://www.hammerai.com/) is free, uncensored, and requires no login. Though the main con is that because it runs models locally on your computer the quality is a little lower than with ChatGPT. But hopefully we'll keep catching up over time!


Chai app you just have to wait 2-3 hours to get your 70 free messages again 😂


more like 3 free messages


i have unlimited without paying by default. is this not normal?


Android users: *sees restrictions on an app*😒 *looks up modded/hacked version* *5 minutes later * *having fun with that same app*


i got a few unrestricted apps without needing my other mod downloader


iOS users: *sees restrictions on an app* 🥲






How dare you!! Did u just assume the A.I’s gender !


Get a new joke


i got chatgpt to write a short story about a hot dog eating clam named snot cookie, gang baby


I can have it generate weight gain porn disturbingly easily. Cuz, yknow, chatgpt don’t want to offend the balloon people


A girlfriend that some of us don't have