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Can you link me to this list of items that’ll be getting banned? I want to know exactly what nitazenes are getting banned as this is the first I’m hearing of this… fuck me man… first the Netherlands and now fucking China too… this is all because the DEA is trying to occupy China in mass to stop the Fentanyl crisis that they themselves fucking caused… 😒 Everything is just getting progressively worse & worse in the research chemical game/scene these days… 😔 I’m gonna have to hurry and try to get some stuff before this ban it looks like…


https://www.nmpa.gov.cn/xxgk/ggtg/ypggtg/ypqtggtg/20240619150650124.html?type=pc&m= That's the official China gov list, 46 chems be gone July 1st


Fuck… the same time the fucking Dutch ban starts… I’m also having trouble getting to the list of 46 chemicals on that site… -.- Do they even have the 46 chemicals listed on that site? Or nah…


It's a .doc file on the website. Has the specific chemical formulas along with names. So what's banned is: - Brorphine - Metonitazene - 2-Methyl-AP-237 - Etazene - Protonitazene - Etonitazepyne - Butonitazene - Protonitazepyne - N-Desethyl Isotonitazene - N-Desethyl Etonitazene - Ethyleneoxynitazene - 6-APB - 5-APB - Methallylescaline - Escaline - Proscaline - 2-FEA - 3-FEA - 4-FEA - 4-MeO-PCP - 2-oxo-PCE - 3-HO-PCP - 2-BDCK - 2-FXE - 2-MDCK - DMXE - 4-F-3-MPVP - Dipentylone - N-Cyclohexylmethylone - N-Butylbutylone - N-Propylbutylone - α-PiHP - N-sec-Butylpentedrone - 1cP-LSD - 1V-LSD - 1P-LSD - 4-HO-MiPT - 4-AcO-DMT - Bromazolam - Flubromazepam - Kratom - Mitragynine - 7-Hydroxy Mitragynine - Metomidate - Isopropoxate - Propoxate


What the actual fuck… why the hell did they decide to ban Metomidate & Propoxate as those aren’t being sold? I heard about Bromazolam but I’m surprised about Flubromazepam as well… (looks like I’ll have to order them as well I technically have 1 gram of Bromazolam already but my dickhead parents decided to confiscate it along with my 250 milligrams of Norflunitrazepam (aka Fonazepam) despite thinking I’m pretty responsible with benzos…) as for NDI & NDE I’ve heard they suck for the most part but what the fuck is up with banning Ethyleneoxynitazene because no Chinese vendor has been selling that to my knowledge… also why Protonitazepyne & not Metonitazepyne which was also discontinued as well? 😑 Fuck me man… I guess this sense of impending doom and horrible anxiety I’ve been feeling these past few days was because of the Dutch ban (since the Dutch are the only place to order synthetic cannabinoids from these days but they all fucking stopped shipping to the USA for some unknown reason(s) ) and now this fucking Chinese ban… I guess imma try and reorder some Bromazolam and get some Flubromazepam as well (sadly my vendor sold out of Deschloroclotizolam though I’m gonna email them and see if they’ll restock that along with their Meclonazepam, Metizolam, & Nitrazolam as well). I swear to god that suicide is seeming like a better idea with each passing day because I don’t want to live in this shitty world anymore especially in this shithole nation known as the USA… 😔 Edit, I have heard of Metomidate’s higher homologue & Propoxate’s lower homologue Etomidate being sold cut in with nitazenes and other people using it as a cutting agent for Heroin and other opioids and I hope it really takes off since it’s not banned…


I feel that heavy. Powders are becoming so fucking hard too find I wish I would've grabbed 10g of each benzo I came across over the years but I always figured it'd still grt made too some extent. Lord has the rc market go ne down hill the last few years w LE taking more notice and more public interest


I know… I completely regret not buying more as well… and my plans to order more Bromazolam powder & Flubromazepam have been dashed to fucking pieces as my vendor literally just discontinued them as they had them on their website a day or 2 ago… I’m just so sick of of life at this point… I’m tired of those fuckwads in the DEA & WHO and their one sided war against drugs where they’re basically just steamrolling over defenseless drug addicts… 😔


I mean tho they did this before. All that's gonna happen is new chemicals pop up. In about a years time we'll have a list of new alternatives. The war on drugs will just keep adapting. Luckily I got like 7+ grams of brom. Just when I went to order 5 more grams to be solid for mabe like 7+ years and poof gone. The fxe really hurts. I loved fxe. I guess my last memory of fxe will be my binge of 20g in may, my bday month. I mean etizolam was banned and we moved onto to brom. Mxe was banned and we moved to fxe. The nitazines popped up after all the fent analogs were banned. Who's to say another country won't start producing either like India. All I can say is, I think we'll be alright. Just got to wait for the next Gen of drugs to hit and then we're back to being hamsters again lol.


Honestly.... I pray you are right. But there's certainly gonna come the day where all the useful or financially reasonable structures have been used and banned and there's simply no one with the resources to jumpstart the development of completely new classes of chems, only for them to be banned again a couple months later. With every ban it becomes harder and more expensive to create new structures. Keep in mind that up until now almost every single substance / or at least every basic-structure, had already been developed and the basic synthesis already been documented. The existing literature from researchers in the 80s up to roughly 2010 contains all of the major structures that we've learned to love; and it took some real hard work to discover some of them; many of which were found accidentally - back when research into psychoactive substances that could potentially be used to treat depression, pain, neurological diseases, psychosis, schizophrenia, dementia, parkinsons, etc. was actually still possible without having to fear a complete shutdown of all production due to the ABSOLUTELY INSANE BUREAUCRATIC RESTRICTIONS in pharma- research-labs. One wrong move and you may accidently have a substance that requires a special permit because it could, under specific circumstances, potentially, if stuffed inside your left ear at a precise time, have a MILD STIMULATING EFFECT that equals 5mg of caffeine which is, of course, COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE BECAUSE OF THESE DAMN JUNKIES THAT ARE DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!!! Iirc the Nitazene-type-Opioids are the last remaining class of full- or highly selective Opioid receptor agonists that are left in the existing literature. It wasn't produced before because of its tendency to be wayy too hard to handle for some and causing too many users to drop dead; especially with disgusting street dealers lacing other shit with it to make a quick buck. Fenta-Analogs might have been a little more expensive but ultimately had more sustainability (even though they were already potent enough for the media to have a fit and declare a new "pandemic" which is surely helped by them broadcasting it to tens-of millions of people who are suffering from strong pain and whose doc. won't prescribe them anything due the 'ohh-soo-terrible' "Oxycontin"-crisis, which anyone with a working brain will quickly realize was caused only because of media making a story out of SOME Oxy-addicts which then resulted in a sudden panic and doctors being scared to prescribe it...... so what happened?? All of the people with severe chronic pain, who NEED a potent Opioid for THE REST OF THEIR LIFE unless they want to suffer from intense pain for the remainder of their lives, and who had already been prescribed Oxy for a couple of years (which allowed the person to participate in normal activities again because of it's great analgesic potency without strong sedation and rare side-effects); now suddenly didn't get another prescription for a pharma-grade, highly potent opioid for severe pain...... OF FUCKING COURSE everyone who was previously in treatment for chronic pain had now essentially been forced into unsubstituted withdrawal. No fucking shit....... So what is the norm now? People with severe chronic pain are told to be happy with their fuckin Ibuprofen 600, 4x / day. Will it ultimately and inevitabely end in severe kidney damage, insufficiency or even failure? Yep. Will it have devastating effects on your gut in the long term? Absolutely. Does anyone care??? No, not really.... because, hey, kidney failure, needing dialysis 4x/week, colon-cancer, chronic diarrhea, sudden enzymatic dysfunctions due to PH-change in the gut; dysphagia after the ibuprofen causing chronic heartburn and acid slowly but surely destroying your esophagus ....... all these things aren't as bad as being a DISGUSTING, REVOLTING ADDICT :C At some point any producers left will go "that shit aint fcking worth it - lets just sell insanely cheap shit-coke and some caffeine laced amphe and mdma that was created in some dirty basement by some dude using nailpolish-cleaner (90% purity acetone and a shit ton of additives) instead of ph.eu. Acetone (99.8%), unfiltered tap-water instead of distilled water, strong alcoholic disinfectant instead of ph.eu. Ethanol and terrible 95% Isopropyl Alc. from some shady Ebay-seller. Then we buy some silly-ass pellet-press to create MDMA in the form of penis-pellets and we'll think of a cool name so that all the edgy, cool, party teens, wannabe gangsters and ecstasy-hoes will buy that shit despite it being fucking trash and way too expensive... but 99,99% of these idiots don't even know what MDMA even stands for, so I bet you, either way these ppl be telling their friends how they had "yo I swear bro, like, that was like, the cleanest, like, Ecstacy, or like, MDM..A ever bro, like, i swear, this shit was so strong bro, like crazy dude, best shit ever bro, and the design brooo, yooooo, fkcing amazing dude, like, it's a fucking boner dude, so its like, 'yoo I'm swallowing a cock now' and half an hour later ur like super happy and shit like... soo gayy hahaha.. u know, because like getting happy from a boner dude.... " wtf, im high...... I'll miss this feeling. When I started writing I was just pissed, frustrated and worried cuz of these bans. But then the 4f-MPH, 3FPM and NEP began to act and instead of being a miserable bitch, I could find some enjoyment in imagining some of the people I knew in high school who pretended to be the hardest dudes ever because they smoked a joint or two a week and took some mdma every couple months at a party - but acted like they're constantly high in the most pretentious way imaginable. It was absolutely hilarious.


Good for you… I technically have 1 gram of Bromazolam powder along with 250 milligrams of Norflunitrazepam (aka Fonazepam) powder but my dickhead parents confiscated it by breaking into the safe I keep my take-home doses of Methadone in… and they won’t give it back until I find my own place to live… 😒 I hope there’s a special place in hell for them and that they suffer for doing this to me because they took the fun out of living… 😔 Fuck it… I guess I’ll buy Bromazolam & Flubromazepam from some US domestic vendors that carry it for the time being… meh… I hope World War 3 happens because I don’t care about anything anymore… life sucks and then you die… 😔


yeah i should have added the list. but forgot. i didnt realize the ban was happening til recently and ordered a bunch of etizolam solutions because i hadnt had any years and now finding out bromazolam and flubromazepam are getting banned i kinda wish i ordered less etizolam and some of those 2. luckily im sure theres a bunch already in the US so hopefully it wont get too expensive, my fav vendor sold out of all his powder but still has cheap enough solutions for now. im also super bummed on the zenes and pynes getting banned since i barely got to any that are getting the ban.


Etizolam was prob better than brom. Flubro was great for detoxing but that's about it. Flubromazepam should be made into medical drug. With the king half life it works great as a taper


I just don’t get the logic of banning Protonitazepyne but not Metonitazepyne as well and also why Ethyleneoxynitazene? No one is making or selling it afaik… so fucking stupid… 😑 I hope that German lab selling F-Etonitazene & F-Etonitazepyne end up making it to spite the Dumbfuck Enforcement Agency.


Fuck the 7 hydroxy mitragynine will really cause trouble i believe the vendors in the usa buy from china and i love this chem


Well I think I found out why they went after Kratom & Metomidate now… still I can’t believe they didn’t schedule Etomidate which is actually being sold and used as a cutting agent in Heroin & nitazenes in the UK. I hope it takes off and gets even more popular now (though preferably not as a cutting agent) also a friend told me that the synthesis of those drugs isn’t hard and requires no watched/controlled precursors. http://newyork.china-consulate.gov.cn/eng/xw/202209/t20220901_10759286.htm


> still I can’t believe they didn’t schedule Etomidate They actually did schedule Etomidate already in 2023, [according to their 2023 China Drug Situation Report](http://us.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/zggs/202406/t20240620_11438701.htm) > The prices of mainstream drugs like heroin and methamphetamine have remained high after the pandemic, prompting drug users to turn to more accessible, cheaper, and similarly effective addictive substances, such as narcotic and psychotropic medications. Among these, the misuse of etomidate is particularly notable. **On 1 October 2023, the Chinese government officially placed etomidate under control** , and in the fourth quarter, 29,000 instances of etomidate misuse were dealt with, with 21,000 new etomidate users identified.


Well thats fucking stupid… 😒🤦‍♂️ I guess they really like their Etomidate and Metomidate (aka Fish Tranq as I call it lol) over there. Many years ago back in 2020 I came across a place I could order 5 grams of the Aquacalm brand of Metomidate for $120 and I kind of regret not buying it as I was always curious if those chems could be used recreationally… 🤔 well I guess I’ll have to find a place that isn’t China to order these chems from (though I wonder how that’ll work for the companies that order their chems from there or get their medicines made in China as Etomidate has legitimate uses as an anesthetic in humans) I guess… at this point I hope World War 3 happens and we all die in nuclear fire… 🤦‍♂️ I wonder if I could convince a well known Canadian vendor to start selling Metomidate, Etomidate, & Propoxate… 🤔 The only positive I can see out of this Chinese ban on this class of chemicals is that they must indeed have some sort of recreational value otherwise Chinese citizens wouldn’t be using them… now we just need a laboratory in another country to synthesize them.


Just looked up this Aquacalm stuff. OMG! Now I get what you mean with "Fish Tranq" 😂😂 Yeah you totally should have bought that stuff when you had the chance 😅


One of the many things I regret not buying when I had the chance… 😓😭


Is this a blanket covering analogs or just the listed chem? What about a lot of the newerish listed chems like clobromazolam, mdpihp, isotonitazepyne, avizafone, etc? Also I don't see 3-ho-PCE on that list? So that's safe?


What is on the list is being banned


It's not supposed and it's not upcoming. They have been gradually banning RCs the past couple months. A year ago I had a catalogue of hundreds. 2 months ago about 20. A month ago they banned the last of the zenes. And my manufacturers and suppliers were notified to stop selling bromazolam and the last of the others on the 19th of this month. It might be official as of July 1st but out of 20 manufacturers and suppliers I've been working with for years. 20 of them stopped at the same times of last month and the 19th.


I am sure the labs overthere will make some new substances but until this happens it will be a tough time. There will also be some labs somewhere else but the prices will be higher and some scammers will try to get profit out of this


the prices are already super taxed if you arent ordering from china , im sure itll get even worse though. i guess ordering at least 5 or so grams from china wouldnt be a bad idea right about now.


They labs will want to get rid of it so theyll sell cheaper and bulkier and likely go through the darknet markets. I believe they will be even more expensive though due to the end of manufacturing


The bans are pointless, its not like the flow of rc’s coming out of China is gonna stop. I imagine Chinese chemists are synthesizing the next wave of novel chems to replace the banned ones as I write this. These bans just succeed in introducing new drugs with completely unknown safety profiles into an already fucked drug supply. I also feel like the new rc’s get progressively shittier after every ban, i.e. 3-cmc & 3f-pihp. U-47700 is still the best rc opioid I’ve used, minus the causticity. For a fully synthetic opioid it was incredibly euphoric. Fent and nitazenes are lacking in that department imo. I went on methadone primarily because the opioids that have largely replaced heroin are potent and sedating to the point that it detracts from the euphoria. I hope production of rc’s just shifts to India. I know they are like the other main rc producer, but it seems like most US vendors use Chinese vendors. How common is it for domestic US vendors to get their supply from India? I dont think many rc’s get banned there


It's much more difficult to source from India than China. I almost had limitless Chinese manufacturers and suppliers and don't even know how to find one Indian manufacturer/supplier


That makes sense. Ive never been able to find one either. Apparently most of the rc’s in Europe come from India though


Makes sense that they'd come from India in europe. But also it is possible that the flow might stop or at least slow down. The US govt out of the southern district of Florida came down on some Chinese companies and affiliates hard last fall with some serious sentences for intent to traffic/ import to US. They hit people at all levels of the companies even the people whose names western unions were sent to who could've just been pawns. (As well as owners of crypto wallets etc though less likely to be a pawn) I went from having catalogues of hundreds of chems this time last year to catalog of 20 things 3 months ago. To a couple opes 1.5 months ago. To a benzos 2 weeks ago. To nothing June 19th. Some of my main suppliers and manufacturers fell off without a word over the past few months also. I called it too. But still didn't try to order again until a week after ope was gone and June 21 when last benzos were gone. 15 suppliers and manufacturers all notified and pulled the RCs the same days. Smh. This might be the end. At least for quasi legal sourcing. I'm sure some companies will continue to pump some existing and new RCs through black market back channels. But being able to pay with a credit card and do it quasi legally and with simplicity might just possibly probably be done ha. Guess we'll see


Yup, as more of the RC opioids get banned I have a feeling the next wave of chems are going to progressively turn more into the "noids" category. Basically K2 chems that fuck you up by activating every receptor you have and turn you into a fiend zombie having to re-dose every couple hours like the acetyl-furanyl-fents. Whatever happens it's not gonna get better ☹️


Why don’t they just stop selling fentanyl precursors to the cartels?


right all yhis shit is just politics/publicity, meanwhile they all running yhe prohibition drug war machine


It really is all just lip service for the general public (and Pharma, they don’t want you going around them)


deffffffff cant forget pharma lobbyists and stock holders 


seems isotonitazepyne isn’t being banned tho


War on drugs created RCs, now they banned they’ll go underground, same with vapes here they banned them now it’s a police problem to stop them coming illegally. It’s never worked for any banned substance so it won’t now.


Alll this because the us can understand that prohibition doesn’t work


nah all these motherfuckers just pretend. the american govt started yhe drug war, they know exactly what theyre doing


If it's true (can't find a legitimate source), then hopefully they will make something decent now.


It seems to be true, I saw it on what seemed to be a legit government website. And we can only hope, right now O-DSMT is the only normal one.


It's true. Straight from all of my manufacturers and suppliers. But it has happened already. They won't sell any more already. They aren't waiting til the 1st


Just asked this question. On the other exact same question. It didn’t make sense with literally just a few days to spare that they would still sent them out. I know we got different vendors, but the last years.. kinda seems like they get a banned quicker and quicker.


They are getting banned quicker and quicker no question. . And it's possible that the flow might stop or at least slow down significantly. The US govt out of the southern district of Florida came down hard for the first time on some Chinese companies and affiliates last fall with some serious sentences for intent to traffic/ import to US. They hit people at all levels of the companies even the people whose names western unions were sent to who could've just been pawns. I think it scared the shit out of a lot of them and I actually sense fear when I talk to some of my people now. I've asked about similar substances and some of them have straight up told me to go somewhere else like they don't want anything to do with it anymore. I went from having catalogues of hundreds of chems this time last year to catalog of 20 things 3 months ago. To a couple opes 1.5 months ago. To a benzos 2 weeks ago. To nothing June 19th. Some of my main suppliers and manufacturers fell off without a word over the past few months also. I called it too. But still didn't try to order again until a week after ope was gone and June 21 when last benzos were gone. 15 suppliers and manufacturers all notified and pulled the RCs the same days. Smh. This might be the end. At least for quasi legal sourcing. I'm sure some companies will continue to pump some existing and new RCs through black market back channels. But being able to pay with a credit card and do it quasi legally and with simplicity might just possibly be out the window. I think the Chinese govt has them feeling like it's a blanket ban. I ask about other substances and some have told me straight up to go ask someone else like they're done. Usually it's the other way around where they'll haggle or try to sell me or something. Guess we shall see


Seen reports a few times recently about new opana analogs. Part of me is like fuck yes on that the other half is like.... I'd rather not have stealing money from anywhere and everywhere to keep that high going.reviews I saw looked real promising


What’s it called


Stealing money...that's for sure what you are doin and I'm gonna make sure people know better than fall for your BS! You done picked the wrong one to FAFO with


Name? Where'd you hear of it?


They'll still proceed to do it, just the ones that are most popular. I know the two I'm talking to, they don't seem to change their inventory because of that list.


it’s cool, odsmt still here edit: but kratom? what in the fuck is the world doing


Id be interested in this info too


Is cycloropine , and the 2 methadone analogues being banned (as in IC26 and the other one) What will be the best RC opiods and benzos not on that list ?


Isotonitazepyne 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Have fun with the withdrawals


No thanks I have a lake of metadon in my garden


Yeah you’re gonna need a lake full of methadone, literally,


Yes I know man Im serious. I have free access to metadon and if I have to take a break to zenes I triple my dose for a few days and than I go back to my mainteinance dose, for me works.


Dont really care never had acces to them sadly😩lol


Where do people hear of this? Is it on a blog??