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https://preview.redd.it/no2falls83uc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726e740b5cc2735dfc803e9337a21d70bf634cb7 At a hitchhiking trail, to a funfair. Fun! *Rapahel notices her, and waves* He's 7"7, by the way


(O-O) *Kotone spots Raphael from a distance and comes running to him, a radiant smile dashingly adorning her face* Kotone: I’m so glad you could make it? Shall we go?


"We shall!" *Raphael places his brush on his back, a smile on his face as well, though he still looks tired* "Let's go."


Kotone: It’s feels nice to walk a little bit behind you! You block all the pesky sun rays for me so I don’t even have to use sunblock, lol!


*Rapahel chuckles* "Come on, I'm not *that* tall. I'm one the shorter side for Angels, actually. But I hate those sun rays too." *He takes his brush, as he slams it on the ground, as it morphs into a pair of sunglasses. He puts them on* "It's quite nice, walking with you."


Kotone: I feel the same way. Although, I’m a Seraphim and I’m still five two. Might be because of my elven half, but anyways. I’m surprise I haven’t seen you in the spirit world until today.


"Well...I tend to be reserved. I've been watching over father, making sure he doesn't self destruct."


Kotone: Oh… Well, first things’ first… You have a father? Like Biological? I mean, I had a father myself but that’s because I’m an non-conventional angel


"Yahweh, he's my dad. Biologically. His wife was named Lilith, as his sons would later be named too. He had me, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Zadkiel, Azrael, Metatron, Lucarias, Seraphiel, and Samael, or Lucifer."


Kotone: I thought Yaweh didn’t need anyone to look after him


https://preview.redd.it/fjm8xd4283uc1.png?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9b58e85a2b4fa1bd76fb161bedab133c5adf33 Uh... In a library... (Now I have a problem. Frost is commonly used when referring to him, but his name is Michael...)


(Roman empire it is!) *Kotone walks in, holding a copy of Homer’s Illiad. She looks at Frost and smiles* Kotone: *Whispered* Hi. Can I help you woth something?


(Yay) ^("I'm trying to find books about the fall of the Roman empire, yet I didn't happen to see them anywhere...")


Kotone: Oh! Have you tried the fall of the roman empire by historian Edward Gibbon? It’s a little long but very informative!


https://preview.redd.it/igl01l8l83uc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2c71a1d91a8b93b0974b07e56287c40ebfd0b3e (Been wanting revamp Kreck so scenario is he met Kotone in a train and they are sharing a cup of coffee.) *Kreck just sips his coffee, trying not to make eye contact as if he's nervous about it or something.*


*Kotone doesn’t move, noticing something is going on with Krek. Instead, she acts naturally. She taps in with her angelic form. Her eyes suddenly glow bright blue.* Kotone: *telepathically* Are you ok, Krek?


"Huh, what? Oh yeah. Just not used to people wanting to do stuff with me.." *He says, sounding kind of sad about that, as if thinks it's his fault.*


*Kotone offers him a cup* Kotone: Well, I’m on the hunt for new friends, and as a fellow coffee lover I would love to know your opinion of my new brew! It’s minty and sweet! Would you like to try it?


*Kreck seemed lost in his thoughts for a moment.* "Oh uhh sure. Sounds good enough." *He says taking a sip of the coffee he already has.* "You must be pretty experienced with coffee if you can make your own brew."


https://preview.redd.it/9js8olkz83uc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f0881b8709d2bffc19d19966b31f2e8cd1a7c5 (On the train + Go for a cup of coffee lol)


Kotone: Hi, I’m Kotone! Wanna hear a funny story? I’ve brought two thermoses of coffee so I can drink it later in the office, but my nutritionist is trying to get me to cut my caffeine in take. Would you like to share it with me?


*She takes a deep breath, slightly overwhelmed from how outgoing the girl is* "Sure. It's been a long time since I drank coffee."


Kotone: Ooh, tell me how long!


"Months? Maybe longer. It's not like I can afford it." *She takes the coffee and takes a sip* "Oh yeah, this is some good stuff."


Kotone: It’s my own recipe! I add crushed sprinkles of cinamon inside to give it a little pump in flavor. In any case, I’m Kotone, profesional Bookworm, Therapist and part time librarian, at your service


"Kai. My friends advised me not to tell anyone what I do or I might get arrested."


Kotone: Oh! There is a private room right around that corner! It’s often reserved for study groups, but there is noone there today! Wanna head over there to talk?


"Hmm, sure." *Just now the axe on her back is actually visible*


(Serious discussion about the Roman Empire involving a girl who was alive for it in the aquarium, lol) https://preview.redd.it/gimzdja4b3uc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f642a7bda880feef98410d2833090242b42d8f9 *F-O is staring into a fish tank, reminiscing.* “Cod, they were? Yes I think so. They remind me of the fish upon the Tiber on the eve of the death of Julius…” *she looked sad, staring at the fish longingly.* “So, so very long ago…”


Kotone: It was a fascinating time. So much progress was made in so mamy levels! Philosiphical schools of thought were at their peak, the military formations were outstanding, and their culture… *Kotone notices her sadness* Kotone: Are you ok?


*F-O turns to her, her frown turning into a melancholic smile.* “Yes, I’m alright. Just some memories… and thinking about how old they may be.” *She sighed, as something flashed into her hand. It was a laurel.* “The height of human civilization for over two millennia, and to think all that is left of it is memories. And few to truly remember it.”


Kotone: You know, I’m also bound to a long life. I have only lived for some time, but I’m also scared of the fact that every single love one will die before I do. I’ll even outlived these modern civilizations. I guess what I’m trying to say is… I’m right there with you


https://preview.redd.it/x34osfcwc3uc1.png?width=4510&format=png&auto=webp&s=562e51a4158404bc2e72ec5159e30d8447a913bb At her therapist office and Zeeza starts with z so a hug it is lol “Sup. I don’t know what it is but I could just really use a good old fashioned hug right about now”


Kotone: Studies show you need at least 6 hugs everyday in order to live a happy life. But I’d like to try aomething with you if I may


“Something different? Hmm okay I’m interested. Whatcha got?”


*Kotone blinks her eyes, deeply. Suddenly they are in the spirit realm, and Kotone is fully in her Angelic form. Kotone wraps around her with all of her wings.* Kotone: Now that is cozy, isn’t it?


Zeeza stands there a bit surprised but embraces the hug. She hugs her back, wrapping her wings around her too. “Yeah! This is quite cozy,” she still holds her tight “ uh you don’t care that I’m a demon and I may or may not have slayed a bunch of angels..?”


Kotone: Are you gonna slay me?


“Nah, I’m not here for violence”


Kotone: Then I’m ok with whatever.


“Great. To be honest I like never really talk to angels. Wait are you like a full angel or something else?”


Kotone: I’m half elven, half Seraphim. Every 100 years, one of my kind is born among humans, and we’re bound to live both on earth and the spirit realm. We act as bridges between two worlds, to guide humans towards a better future, and to fight against the horrible evil spirits that aflict the human soul.”


(Coffee in the library sounds illegal) hi... https://preview.redd.it/u49k8ie1d3uc1.png?width=947&format=png&auto=webp&s=96ccd3bf8518434d7180bb30ffd037093e554977 \*he sounds a bit shy despite looking as imposing as he does\*


Kotone: I know what you’re thinking. Coffee in the library is pretty much ilegal, but if you don’t say anything, I won’t say anything. *Hands cup* deal? *smiles*




Kotone: My name’s Kotone, what’s yours?


K-Ken... \*he looks kinda sad\*


Kotone: what’s wrong?


nothing, I've just been really alone...


Kotone: Well, now you’re not! I like your sword, btw


o-oh.. thanks... \*he's taken a bit of a liking to her\*


Kotone: Do you use it often?


https://preview.redd.it/90fkec0ad3uc1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0707eef4dc461238dc8b96ef09d1188db02f8436 Agent of Chaos (Real name Damien.) The Train.


Kotone: Welcome to debate club, the place where our only policy is responsible free speech! Now, let’s hear some of your ideas and opinions. What would you like to talk about?


*He stays seated and laughs to himself before saying.* “So murder and torture…pretty fun”


Kotone: *shoked* O-oh. Ok. Is murder and torture part of your day to day?


“Yes…it is! How have you not questioned the blood and cuts? Demon horns? Sharp teeth? Come on doc…think smarter!” *He leans forward in his seat, putting his elbows on the table*


Kotone: O-ok. I will state my case now. Murder and torture are Imoral and should always be reserved for very particular cases


“Of course they are! The argument is that it’s fun! Listen for once, doc.”


Kotone: That is subjective. What’s fun for you sure isn’t fun for me. What is objective is that it is worng to take away a person’s future. Life is sacred and dignified, therefore killing is wrong and should not happen


“No…that’s also subjective. What if you kill a future murderer?”


(Therapists office and romantic getaway) "Hello foo- I mean hello Kotone!" https://preview.redd.it/p9vwtnmie3uc1.png?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b337ab43d924d546feff21d51e4d97bfdef60c7


Kotone: Good afte… ehem. I-I… Hello, sir! Um… My name is Kotone, what is yours and how can I help you today?


https://preview.redd.it/xocabimme3uc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93af6f8dc8e3bcae5626727c0e1a50a1472b93e Aquarium and picnic, I suppose. Very cool prompt!


What was your OC’s name again?




Fighting each other on the spot on a train.... Poor pacifist *Jae waves and smiles brightly* https://preview.redd.it/84kg88xye3uc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a845725cfedf30c0a64586a5a0b658f43f08b9


Kotone: OMG you’re so cute! Unfortunetly, I will do what I must. *Kotone blinks hard. Suddenly the world twists and turns. Suddenly Jae and Kotone appear inside of a ring. Kotone has changed into her angelic form.* Kotone: Ok, put them up


"put what up!?... Couldn't we settle this over some tea and cake?... You said I'm cute right?... I love cuddles!" *He seems a tad afraid*


Kotone: Omg, I’m so sorry, but it’s for your own good… Damn… *When Kotone throws a punch, it phases Jae completely. Instead she punches out a shadowy goblin, right off Jae.*


"my own good?.." *He doesn't dodge anything. Just trying to shield himself with his arms* "Is this cause of my time travel stuff?"


Kotone: Time travel? Maybe… *Kotone flings off another goblin* Kotone: These are goblinsecurities! Ever heard of them?


"I have not!... They are interesting though!... But... Couldnt we talk this out peacefully?... Nice and calm?"


Kotone: Probably… I’m sorry! I’m not very good at my job! As a Seraphim, I’m supposed to relieve people of the evil spirits that are aflicting them, but I’ve only started like a few months ago!! And I didn’t have any training so I don’t know what I’m doing!! *Kotone starts to sob* This job is so hard, and I’m sorry for fighting you!!


*he holds his hand out. He smiles softly* "It's okay....let me try and take your pain.... I wanna help you.... One hug from the soft fluffy goat can make you feel better...."


Kotone: YOU ARE SO CUTE! *Kotone sovs even louder when she approaches the furry creature and dumps her head on his fluffy furr*


https://preview.redd.it/6vjag9hdc3uc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c67686cbd142fe7807efaf5f1457078c26a0f5c6 *Ariadne slips into Kotone’s office, her usually demure face a little nervous* “*Salvē*… are you Kotone?” (Salvē means hello in latin) (For context she’s a priestess of Vesta)


Kotone: Salve, bona soror. Sede quaeso sume ac libenter cor tuum infunde. Tutum hoc spatium tibi est. Nihil extra hoc officium aperietur quod dixeris. Nunc ab exordio sumamus. Quid hic ad officium meum adfert? (translation to save you time: Hello, good sister. Please take a seat and feel free to pour your heart. This is a safe space for you. Nothing that you say will be disclosed outside of this office. Now let's start from the beggining. What brings you here to my office?)


*The young priestess gratefully dips her head and sits down, hands lightly fidgeting in her lap* “*Gratias tibi ago, carissime... Bene, hic adsum quia certas res ingenue habeo. Ego sum in amore apud aliquem, et nescio quomodo exire ex eo.*” (Translation: “Thank you, dear... Well, I'm here because I frankly have a specific issue. I'm in love with someone and I don't know how to get out of it.”)


Kotone: Video cur conundrum sit tibi. Putasne haec studia in cottidianis religionibus tuis obvenire? (I can see why that is a conundrum for you. Do you think these feelings are getting in the way of your daily religious practices?)


“*Ego non sum certus quod dicam. Officia mea bene valeo facere, de eo cogitare non possum iustus. Pro imperio miles est, vides…*” (Translation: “I-I'm not sure I would say that. I'm able to do my duties perfectly fine, I just...can't stop thinking about him. He's a soldier for the empire, you see...")


Kotone: Ego videre. An casus amoris provisi? (translation: I see. Is it a case of forbiden love?)


\[I have no clue how Flere is in jail, but sure, why not? Plus, the whole Roman Empire thing does kinda fit since he has some sort of relation to it \[He's 7'4"\]\] *impatiently walking in circles, his voice raspy and quiet as always (due to how he can/does talk), and occasionally bumping into a wall on accident* https://preview.redd.it/mnbx3t7ri3uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfb3cad90310d7363d6b0e000c0103a65eca80a0


"Can't they make these just a *little* bigger..?"


Kotone: I know, right? *Kotone is sitting right next to the wall, in or age attire.* Kotone: Alea Iacta Est, the die is cast. That was Julius Ceasar. Ever heard about the war of the Gauls?


*Flere whips his head around, accidentally bashing in against a wall* "Ceaser.. the.. monkey..? Or the person? I knew that guy, didn't really want anything to do with him, but I still knew.. even if just by a little." *Flere positions to maybe NOT hit a wall again* "There was a war? All I knew was that they had architecture specifically designed to look like my home.. don't know why. Thought that WOULD explain why there are *modern* people."


Kotone: Well, they did wage a war with the Gaults for years and it was recorded for years to come. The point I’m trying to make, Julius Cesar Wanted to make himself look more compassionate and he does this by commending the efforts of the Gaults, even though he still slaughtered them like animals. That’s how they trapped us, you know…


(how does one have a picnic in jail?)


(We’ll never know until we try!)


https://preview.redd.it/b63yv1qlm3uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a9ffe4bf5ce8b63bee81983db0e770850f9be5 September: dark forest. Adrian lake: therapy session. Adrian is spotted sitting under a tree. In his hands he holds a red scarf with tears in his eyes. “Damn you… why didn’t you just listen to me?”


Kotone: Adrian!! Oh my goodness!! are you ok??


He slowly turns. “I… hello…. Just… thinking.”


Kotone: Hey, It’s ok… *she hugs him* What’s the matter?


“… I lost people… important to me… cause I was weak…” he said softly. “He didn’t listen. I told him to run and he didn’t.”


Kotone: You did what you could, the situation was just too big for just one of you


“Did I? I could have done something. Fought harder. He died protecting me…” he places the scarf to his forehead. “I’m weak.”


Kotone: Can you describe what happened?


“… I faced someone… a demon king. Him and his siblings wanted to … recruit me. I refused. My Allies came storming in to rescue me. But… the demon king started destroying everyone….”


Kotone: Did this demon king hurt someone you knew?


https://preview.redd.it/v2wujc6wo3uc1.png?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2121f38d8632e08c01e18927363f55e9cae30717 (I got Theater. An finding long lost sibling, but here the thing Hilda doesn't have any long lost siblings. Could we do something else for that part.) Hilda: *She see Kotone* "Hello there nice day we are having. My name is Hilda what is your name Miss." *She offers a hand shake*


*Kotone is stuffing her face with Pop corn. She suddenly looks at the girl speaking with her. Her face turns red* Kotone: Oh, hi! I’m Kotone! I’m sorry. I haven’t eaten today… Too many people at the office. Plus, I had three telephonic appointments. It’s been crazy. Nice to meet you Hilda. *Kotone offer her hand after gently wiping it with a sanitary wet wipe*


Hilda: "I see good to and that is fair. It's nice to meet you Kotone. Could I help you with your job."


Kotone: Well, I’m a therapist. My job is not for everybody. But I could use someone to waych a film with!


Hilda: "Sure am up for that." *She sits next to Kotone.*


Kotone: What’s your favorite movie?


Hilda: "Godzilla minus 1"


Kotone: Oh! What’s a Godzilla? Is it like a God?


Hilda: *She looked shocked* "He has God in the name but his not a God. We are watching that movie right now." *She takes her to watch Godzilla Minus One.*


Kotone: Oh… I just asked for a random ticket and hoped for the movie to be good. Oooh I get it. He is like a Kaiju, isn’t he?


https://preview.redd.it/ql5bkocyy3uc1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d35633f0a930e14d2397996d10b02aa7a33f7cf Therapy session at a hitch hiking trail...


Kotone: Hey, stranger! Wonderful day we’re having, Huh?




Kotone: What’s your name?


"I was given the name Aegis. May I ask the privilege of knowing yours?"


Kotone: My dad gave me the name Kotone *playfully smiles*. Pleased to meet you!


"A pleasure as well, Kotone"


https://preview.redd.it/v6q6aqnj44uc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed791f3c12307f3e11cdd44226740ca965ea0b77 In the middle of a dark forest, go to explore the sprit realm.


Kotone: Hey! I’m Kotone! We need to get away from this forest as soon as posible or we’ll be in danger!


“O-Okay. H-Hang on.” *The young man suddenly turned into a horse. Kotone then heard a voice in her mind.* *”Get on and tell me where to go.”*


*Kotone looks flabberghasted at the shape shifting boy. Her mount almost touched the front of her neck.* Kotone: Yep, this is going to be a great expedition. Kotone closes her eyes, and suddenly, They are in a brand new reality. Different species of animals are walking around and talking to each other like people. There is also a magnificent cherry blossom tree in the middle of the field, producing flowers of every color known to man


*”What is this place?”*


Kotone: Welcome to the great Cherry tree! We’re in the spirit realm, a paralel dimension to ours. What do you think?


*”Wow. Is it okay for me to change back?”*


https://preview.redd.it/z0dnq1s0b4uc1.png?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85fb82d97bd780dfe108a6fb0ad695173f0dc598 At a cafe Horse riding


Kotone: Who knew a horse riding café would be such a great idea!


"You know, as outlandish as it seems, it sounds like fun!"


Kotone: I’m drinking a chai latte on a pony! This is literally crazy!! Anyways, nice to meet you! I’m Kotone!


"'Kotone?' Nice name." *He reaches out his hand, wanting you to shake it.* "I'm Raito. Raito the Cyborg."


*Kotone shakes his hand. She then playfully pulls him up onto the Pony.* Kotone: Alright! Let’s ride through this trail! Now tell me, are you really a cyborg?


*Raito pulls up the bottom of one of his pant legs, revealing a metallic leg.* "Does that prove anything?"


Kotone: There was no doubt in my mind. I was just curious.


"'Curious?' I like curious people."


https://preview.redd.it/xaa2wkptl4uc1.png?width=206&format=png&auto=webp&s=11b9fe57af3e5322bb63889221c2ba9afe95d3ad "Y'know, for aquarium coffee, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be."


Kotone: Right? It’s a little overpriced, but at least it comes with this cool shark themed mug! Although, you do have to return the mug at the end of the day.. Bummer. Anyways, I’m Kotone!


“Nice to meet you. I’m Kaira.”


Kotone: I like your sword! It’s very distinguished!


https://preview.redd.it/2igs09j4l5uc1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e88cd2aa1261005136ad30c56fa07f978499088 (They hugging in a dark forest lmfao) "... This is strange."


Kotone: I’m sorry for hugging you all of a sudden. I was just scares caused I saw a massive cockroach?


"It is just a roach.." *he looks for a big but and stabs it with his trident, holding it up to her*


*Kotone steps back a bit* Kotone: thank you… I’m sorry for making this a bit awkward


"It is fine.. I cannot say I didn't feel happy to be back as a protector of some kind."


Kotone: And you were great at slaying that roach


"It is tiny, it would be easy for you to slay it, haha."


https://preview.redd.it/e07v20otr5uc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30390ffb077e296ed06aaa3796fc8778338f5f2c *You found Frostbite on a hitchhiking trail. Or, his real name, Austin Darque. It was slightly cold around him, and he seemed to be ‘accidentally’ avoiding you with every turn. You had an inkling that today’s session wasn’t going to be easy… especially since you heard him quietly humming to the tune of Last Resort with his headphones in.*


Kotone: Well, this is probably the best place to have a session, right after my office of course. Are you ready, Austin?


*He takes out his headphones.* “I… I guess.”


Kotone: Tell me a little about yourself. How would you describe your life?


“As of recent or in general?”


((Coffee at the park)) (She’s sitting down, alone. Some schoolgirls are laughing at her) https://preview.redd.it/2ppr56ny76uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6dbe411e7a3c402ffb66fa08f6b5261086456b8


Kotone: *to the school girls* Leave her alone!! *backtk your OC* My goodness. Some people are just so cruel for no reason. Are you ok?


(The strange looking girl nods)


Kotone: Would you like some coffee? I make this particular type of brew. I mix in wild berries with the coffee water to give it a blueberry flavor!


(She pulls out a notepad. All of her lines are written on the pad because she is mute) Kori: sure, I’ll have some of that


https://preview.redd.it/91xleadu79uc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4599ab447f0f31360ace3d8af264427a486d3d Aleister: "Ouch." Aleister's walkie talkie: "Alex, this is Kate, are you at the movie theater right now? Over." *Aleister holds his walkie talkie while looking at his missing left hand.* Aleister: "Yeah, i'm there, i gotta get a few doses of minerals from the snack they sell in there to fix my hand." Walkie talkie: "Understood, take care. Over." *The walkie talkie shuts off. Aleister leans back to the wall with movie posters on it, trying to act cool but looks like an unsociable, autistic and drugged-out homeless.*


*Kotone sees aleister* Kotone: Hello! What movie are you watching today?


Aleister: "Wha-" *He quickly hide his missing hand away and looks at the wall behind him, reading the first movie he sees.* Aleister: "Uh, i'll be watching this movie called 'Feline in Footwear: the final desire'… yeah, that's what. Hehe.'


**At the cafe, depending if we're going legal first name, or prefered name, they either throwing hands or playing animal crossing** https://preview.redd.it/zn0wowkeiauc1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9d5f9a7b4ac7e10804ea068fcad67e8dc240832


https://preview.redd.it/zzmfctjuo81d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa07d5c4782ccb09b940e08ced22233de12a341 (In jail with a debate of a topic of my choosing, wau) She looks at Kotone and waves shyly as her tail slowly wags and she folds her ears down “…h-hello…”


Kotone: Welp, that’s the last time I’m gonna commit tax fraud. Who knew the IRS was so picky about people not paying their taxes, Amirite, Snow?


“I… I haven’t done anything wrong tho… you know that I don’t even live here… what even is this place? Everyone here is creepy :<“


“This is where they take everyone who has committed a crime. Anyways… What did you want to talk about?”


“I don’t know why I’m here… I didn’t do anything 😞” “So um… do you like puppies? Also can you help me get out…? Pwease”


“Out of prision? I mean, we could break out, but we might get in even more trouble though. As for puppies, I love puppies! I’ve always wanted to own a Samoyed. I always thought that if I owned a dog so pretty like that, it would draw attention away from my albino skin and hair. People tend to stare, you know?


“Oh… um… yea… you’re friends with Icy no? He’s kind of like a puppy… also… I heard there is something like a bail or something like that”


“Yeah, but you need money for that… Wait, don’t you have money?”


"infinite wealth but my parents don't want to see me :<"


“Do you have any personal funds?”