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I have a new prayer request for the soul of Farida. the grandmother of an online acquaintance of mine. She passed away this morning after months of battling with cancer, and it was especially rough with the tumor getting an infection in the final month. Pray also for the Ali and his family as they process this loss.


Pray for me friends, struggling with addiction


Pray for the families of Zoe and Carl. They had to postpone their wedding due to a family emergency. Also pray for me, a sinner, that I can maintain the focus and strength of memory I need for my next CPA exam (which will be at some point at the end of this month).


I don't know what to do anymore and need help. I was a bad father and husband and neglected the emotional and spiritual well-being of my family. I was selfish and focused only on worldly things, forgetting God. Now my marriage is on the brink of failure. I love my wife and child, and I would do anything to make things right again. Please pray for our little church, that we may rebuild it with God's help. Pray that I learn what it means to be a good Christian man and father. Our names are Alexander, Tatyana, and Theodora (our daughter). If you have room, please include us in your prayers. I am grateful for any help.


"John" - An agnostic acquaintance of mine who is unfortunately suicidal. Thanks in advance and may God bless you all.


Please pray for my friend Dimitri. He has basically overloaded his body with vitamin D, on accident of course, and is now looking at a high chance of kidney failure. He went to the doctor a few weeks ago and it doesn’t look good. He is going back next week to see if there is any progress and if his kidneys havent made any he will be looking at kidney failure and will have to be placed on dialysis. If you have the time, please pray for him.


I am Clayton, a Protestant studying Orthodox Christianity. I have felt like the Lord has been calling me away from things like basketball and video games. Whenever I tell these things to people they try to convince me otherwise and now I’m so lost on where God wants me and I feel distant from Him. I have been studying Orthodoxy but I can’t even tell if that is just to fill the hole I’m feeling in my heart. I’m so confused about what is to come in life, as I’m only 14, but I have felt so anxious and confused recently. Please pray that God will guide me to truth in this culture full of lies. If anyone has guidance feel free to share, I really need it.


Well, if it's any consolation, I know many Orthodox parishes where the kids love basketball. This is no doubt helped by the fact that major NBA stars like Nikola Jokic and Giannis Antentokoumpo are either nominally or practicing Orthodox. So while it may be true that basketball my have to take a backseat to more important things, it's not inherently a barrier to becoming a good Christian. In any case, I will pray for you.


I am "John" a protestant thinking about become an orthodox christian please pray for me. For the past 4 months I think Idk it feels so long it all happened out of the blue. My prayer life was ok and was starting to spend more time with God and dowing the orthodox practice of the jesus prayer for lay men and stared doing the sign of the cross and learning a bit more about orthodoxy. Then out of know were I haven't prayed to God that much and I sined a bunch and don't act like the person I should be. I am always distracted and school is the worst for my prayer because I get distracted in class and when I come home I barely pray. I try to do the Jesus prayer as often as I can but then always I mean always forget to do it after school and in school. I try to always remind myself to pray by writing on my hand "pray" with a pen so I won't forget. It barely works than I try put a plaster on my finger to remember and it worked for a bit till my body got used to the feeling of a plaster on my finger. The third time I taped my wrist and put my small bible on my pocket so I feel something on my leg and arm and then remember to pray and do the jesus prayer and learn orthodoxy. It worked and made some progress but then my body got use to it and as usual subconsciously forgot. Summer holiday hits and thought no school to distract me from prayer so this should be easy to come go back on how it was before this mess. Till I am distracted by my xbox social media and just forget about prayer as always and just think of completely random thoughts. I try to ask for the intersesions of the theotokos but I am still new to orthodoxy I am probably doing it wrong. Please I mean please pray for me to have more faith because I just realised I trusted myself not God and I feel spiritually dry my prayer life a mess but I won't give up and this time try to put my faith in christ and the help of intersesions to get back where I was but better than last time forgive my ramblings.


Please pray for me. I am quitting my addiction to vaping and it is very difficult. I am trying to leave my sins and degeneracy behind but it is difficult. Please pray for me.


Hey Plenty, I have my last vape before I told myself I will quit. I will pray for you, Please pray for me too. My name is Henry, could you respond with your name or an alias at least? I want to make sure its specific as can be, let me know.


I am new to Orthodoxy but please pray that Christ will give me the strength to repent, and throw away my old self. I have hurt many people in my life, I am very sick and in need. My name is Henry, thank you a lot


Prayers for our Church! We are negotiating with property owners right next to us so that we can continue to grow our (growing) Orthodox community. Negotiations have stalled as they are trying to renegotiate an offer they previously found favorable.


Prayers for my mama Elena 🙏🙏 She may be very sick and needing prayers for health


I will pray for your Mom, I am sorry to hear this.


Please prat for Kayley. She's having a lot of difficulty handling her son while her husband is deployed.


Please pray for me. I just applied for my first apartment. This apartment is just perfect for me, I make almost an entire percentage point over their minimum. Every amenity is included except electrical, and it's in a very quiet part of a larger City. I don't even notice the noise there. I also have some really solid references and could pay a few months worth of rent to get in there. However this is all reliant on them looking past my last 2 years of financial hardship. Please pray they look favorably on my application and can come to a good agreement with me


Please, pray for a certain man named Simon. He isn't Orthodox, as far a I know, but he surely is in need of prayers.


My name is Erin. I'd appreciate prayers for letting go of feelings for an ex-boyfriend who has been in my life for about 5 years now and recently cut things off between us. It has been quite difficult for me to accept and process as I had genuinely believed that the two of us would eventually get married. Please pray that the Holy Spirit may grant me peace and acceptance of the situation rather than a spirit filled with sadness, anger, and jealousy. I would also appreciate prayers that I may channel the emotions of love I still feel for this man into love of others. All Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Hi Erin, I’ll pray for you!! Please pray for me as well if you’re able to :) God bless you!


Please pray for my wife Nina who is, Glory to God, pregnant; for health and peace and a healthy child.  We are moving this week and starting our home church, please pray for Saint Nicholas parishioners where we attend; and though I am unworthy of it, pray also for me, Seraphim.  Especially pray for the widows, orphans, the homeless, the captives, injured or ill, those who are suffering.  Christ be glorified. 


Hello, I’ll pray for you & your wife! Bless you :)


Thank you so much!