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Kind of a minor thing, but I know what she's talking about with the throat sound. I sometimes have that. It's totally involuntary and happens randomly to me. My throat will feel kind of tight and it feels like it's opening and closing and makes noise. I think it has to do with the esophagus and windpipe. Whenever you swallow, your epiglottitis moves and covers your airway. https://youtu.be/UNwXoW7z24E I think it's just the epiglottis opening and closing, making noises. It's a weird sensation and it does make noise. Not sure why it happens, except that your throat might be detecting something (maybe saliva) in your throat and trying to protect you from inhaling something into your windpipe.


So interesting! Thanks for the explanation. I think this is such a good example of how EVERY strange experience that happens to paranormal believers takes on a paranormal explanation for them when, a quick google, or trip to the doctor could explain it. But they don’t do it. Do they not want to feel what’s happening to them is benign and normal. I worry about the anxiety in their lives because the won’t accept that just very normal things are happening to them.


but even if there’s a physical explanation for this, it doesn’t explain why it was happening to both Solvieg and Sara at the same time. just because this situation might not be “paranormal” doesn’t mean that it isn’t incredibly bizarre and frightening


First, we don’t know 💯 it’s happening to both. Could be happening to Solvang and Sara says, oh yeah me too. But even if it is indeed happening to both of them - the odds of two people who know each other having their epiglottis make noises, are still WAAAAY higher than an intelligent being from outer space or another dimension contacting them. That’s just statistics.


there’s recording in the episode of Sara doing it in her sleep. to your second point, you’ve taken the position of occums razor. while i agree that it’s certainly possible that this could be explained by medical conditions, we shouldn’t assume that there couldn’t a phenomenon occurring that we don’t have the language to describe yet


I don’t want to yuck your yum, if you believe it’s something else, I understand. I absolutely believe thier is intelligent life out there, I am not 💯 certain it has contacted us yet. The universe in almost uncomprehendingly big and humans have a penchant for thinking we are the center of it. It’s just human nature


Going to preface this by saying that I would love to believe that interdimensional beings orchestrated this entire thing, but this is really starting to wreak of multi-level, cult-like manipulation. Yes, I know we haven't heard from Solveig's mother yet, and sadly we will never hear from Sara, but I immediately went to wondering about the damage Keith Raniere would have done had he introduced the paranormal. I understand this is meant to be a long-form campfire story, but it's starting to sound like these women unknowingly welcomed a sinister group of people that ensnared this family for over a decade. I don't think it's unreasonable to present this angle after Solveig found footage of her and Sara sleeping. Who knows what this third party's motive/ access was..! Idk, it all sounded like taking high doses of psychedelics for the first time. I'd think I was talking to another frequency if I didn't know I was dosed and got gaslit for months afterward.


I was literally in the middle of watching both the NXIVM doc and the Love Has Won doc while listening to these episodes. People can vvvvvvery easily be manipulated into believing really unbelievable things, especially when everyone around them is not doubting it. I mean, Jesus just watch the Love has Wom doc on HBO if you want to see some shared delusions. Also that video was 10000% filmed by the mom. I don’t think these some cult conspiracy of even more people. It’s the mom and Sara, sharing a very, very common alien delusion.


as soon as I heard the video thing I was like, oh yeah your mom did that


Yes indeedy!


> I was literally in the middle of watching both the NXIVM doc don't forget, one of the stars of The Vow, Keith's videographer, who is portrayed in the docuseries as a victim/follower...was the filmmaker who made that new age bullshit film in the 2000s! These people can be highly impressionable.


How do you supposed the cult conspirators remained undetected for 8 years?


It’s a cult of two. The mom and Sara.


Or sadly, the one with the cult-leader-like power is the mother.


I’m talking logistics, she would need at least 2 or 3 hidden co-conspirators in each of the incidents described in the show


she did have 2-3 witnesses for the first ones, the other experiences were so abstract that it would be hard to figure out who, what, when wha


stalking and similar psychological abuse can last a long, long time. Eight years is really not a stretch. And if you're psychologically abusing someone (as cults do) it can be very easy to get that person to believe in what's happening and not question it. I honestly very sincerely doubt Solveig has been in a grounded state of mind. I envy all the folks here who haven't experienced people who can do that sort of thing out in the wild.


Who's to say it hasn't been 20, 30 years? ...I know how I sound, it's a far-fetched idea, and yes, as we've observed, the modern cult can't help but seek validation through recruiting "important" members of everyday society. But maybe there are functional, well-organized societies that prey on families like Solvieg's.. for reasons beyond me. One Otherworld example, the chicken whackers; Off-the-radar satanic methheads that managed to stay organized for decades. Why wouldn't there be an off-the-grid group of sickos in the middle of Norway? Church burning is so 00s


No I mean for the duration of Solveig’s experiences, even one slip up over 8 years would have meant that this story would probably never be told because she would know it was a hoax. We’re there mystery cultists under the water in the forest, hiding behind their couch throwing objects, sneaking around Sara’s house to film them while sleeping? To me, conspiracy is the only non-supernatural explanation that remains plausible, but the amount of sustained effort to do this is enormous and for no discernible benefit


Yeah I agree with you on that last part, but I feel like Jack is sticking to his mission as the story teller.. and we won't have an answer...but nor should we...(\*queue X-Files Theme) I don't think there are people hiding in the woods or the water, but I'm entertaining the idea that Sara and Solveig's mom could have been previously indoctrinated. I just cant help but throw up a major red flag when a person finds videos of themself on their own device that they didn't record... did no one else think that was so insanely weird?? OK glad you brought up the objects flying around, I didn't want to be the first to address this, but what the hell does Solvieg mean when she says a crystal "flys through a wall" and why does Jack accept that as if she might have witnessed gravity completely bending? I'm ok with the answer that "it just dropped" but if they witnessed a wall healing after a solid object passed through a brick wall done darko style.....come on!


Why do you think we won’t hear from Sara?


I’m so fascinated by this story. Whether it’s “interdimensional beings” or not, something really strange happened to these girls. I didn’t think Sara was doing all of this, and I still don’t know if she was, but I do find it suspicious that she and Solveig’s mom lived together for a while and that things kept happening to them and became “all-consuming” (Solveig’s words) during that time. Looking forward to the next episode!


Yes now I have to know what was the falling out between Sara and Solveig's mom after everything they went through, or maybe because of it


I think Sara is "making it happen" in the sense that she is the primary contact. In the 19th century they would call her a trance medium.


I also had this thought. Maybe Sara is unconsciously (or consciously) manifesting all of this to get closer to the mom (whether she’s in love with her or sees her as a maternal figure, who knows; hope we get an interview with her), especially since the mom was clearly into all this before these events - and if that’s the case, it seemed to have worked as they end up living together.


why Sara manipulating the mom and not the other way around? Sara was a kid when this happened--19 right? The mom was a full-ass adult. Think about the power dynamics and the ability to manipulate and influence someone whose brain is still developing (even if she's sort of unaware she's doing it--I'm sure Solveig's mom genuinely believes all of this stuff)


Interesting thought, I hadn’t considered that yet!


Well said! I have been wanting to hear from Sloveig's Mom since the beginning. So excited! Also, I think another Wendy reading with Sloveig would be the cherry on top of this story. I'd love if Wendy would fill in any more about the purpose or lessons of these interactions, if really from these "beings."


Interesting that they react enthusiastically to "having fun" and "being silly." >The only words the visitors ever said to me in clear spoken English have been two: “have joy.” - Whitley Strieber, *Them* The "7 Portals" just sound like chakras. The 4th is the heart, they represent levels of awareness. Pretty typical for NHI contact accounts to involve psychological or mythological archetypes.


Yes it was interesting to hear this, it made me think back to points where they mentioned that fear obstructs them


Fear *is* the mind-killer


If I think about it, fear is the thing that most tethers you most to the lizard-brain experience of being a physical organism


"Reject fear" seems to be a common theme of modern NHI contact accounts. >The Earth is out of balance. Our vibration is totally linked. Our vibration is totally linked to her, and to this Earth, and into love, or fear. And as we are in fear, our vibration drops to a lower level, which throws every living thing, every tree, every plant, every creature, including this Earth, its vibration off. And it's beginning to shake and tremble and self-destruct. >We have to change that. We have to change this fear. We have to change it. We have to bring love into this Earth, into this world, into our hearts, and our minds to bring about peace. Never look at the Fear. Never talk of negativity. Never bring it into our lives. Remove it completely from us to stop this negative vibration from going on. - Chris Bledsoe, Regression Transcript


I thought about these two concepts a lot during these episodes too! From all of the things I’ve read about from mediumship readings and NHI channeling - it’s to just enjoy the ride and have fun. “Joy” (specifically “childlike joy”) is a common theme. I also immediately thought of the 7 chakras and the heart chakra being referred to as “the bridge” between the lower and higher chakras as a direct reference to how to connect with these higher vibrational beings. It’s all so interesting and I’m so here for it 🫶🏻


This stood out to me too. I am a former skeptic that's been doing a lot of research on spirituality, and you can't deny that this message is consistent among people who feel connected, intuitives, mediums, channelers, etc. The idea that joy and gratitude as emotions elevate humanity's frequency, and if enough of us maintained that emotional state here on earth, we could actually make a tangible difference. The goal is literally to have fun in order to raise us all up. A lot of people in these communities have been talking about an upcoming "shift" too. It's fascinating.


There is a point in this episode when Jack asks her if Sara had the moles at birth and she gets extremely quiet. Even through the audio you can tell she is afraid and uncomfortable. She seems seriously uncomfortable as well when Jack asks about their current relationship. It seems like something may have gone down between them, that she hasn’t gotten to yet in her story. So I’m unsure if this is real or some kind of manipulation; either way, Solveig believes it is real. The concept of multidimensional beings actually feels easier to accept than aliens from deep space. There are animals that can perceive things humans can’t, like ultraviolet light or subsonic sounds. Why not a dimensions next to us we cannot perceive? The physical evidence is what is tripping me up. The photos that look like a free photo app edit (or did the being use the app?) The video where Sara mimics Solveig a fraction of a second behind her. The noises that sound like basic reverb. The clicking sounds like a ping pong ball and mouth clicking. The texts could have been preprogrammed to send later. My gut is that some of this is real and some of it was exaggerated by Sara.


> (or did the being use the app?) If anyone has said this and meant it, they would definitely win the olympic gold medal in mental gymnastics. there are theoretical dimensions we can't perceive, yes. but that's not what's going on here.


I mean if we are considering an interdimentional being is using a cell phone, it’s not a big leap to consider they are using the app too. But please enlighten us what is going on here so I can insult your speculations too, it’s only fair.


Great episode. It made me a bit sad when they talked about people who share their experiences as "crazy". Yeah, maybe they are unbalanced but who wouldn't be when you've gone through something and you're trying to explain something no one understands? I have a lot of sympathy for those people because I have things that happened to me that I don't really understand but I know they happened. Solveig is great for this story (and to be chosen to experience this) because she speaks very clearly and cautiously which makes her trustworthy. She questions herself and the experience but she can still clearly explain herself and the circumstances that happened. 


I am in exactly the same boat. I identified with Solveig so much when she talked about her feeling of isolation and absurdity at having to go back to normal life after her experiences. You fundamentally cannot relate to other people who are living a totally mundane life, and that's most people. Like in this episode when Solveig got the text about the holes in Sara's skin, and then had to go back to work serving drinks.


What experiences have you had?


Sorry too intimately traumatic to share in a Reddit comment, also I don’t really want to make this about me, sorry to have to answer like that but thank you for your interest friend ❤️


I too wish they had used different descriptors for those who’ve described their otherworldly experiences with less apprehension! The complete and utter skepticism of the host is frustrating to me after awhile


Jack is dangerously and irresponsibly UNskeptical to the point where I am concerned this podcast is unethical to produce or consume. The idea that he's too skeptical is mind boggling to me.


I think that’s because his objective is to tell a story, not to figure out what is going on or if the person is being truthful. He mentions that frequently. I think that’s why in newer episodes he talks much less than in older ones (like this since he started toward the beginning of the pod)


I think that's a fine approach in other contexts, but this one seems to involve a years long campaign of psychological abuse. It's not really acceptable to just treat it like a ghost story.


Seems to at times, but she’s an adult who wants to tell this story, not a child.


I guess I can agree with that, but can you imagine a more extreme case where there is no question in your mind that this is a person who experienced a mental health crisis and/or abuse? Imagine a person who is \*definitely\* experiencing paranoid delusions. Using them to "Tell a good story" having those delusions confirmed, exposing them to a vast audience who is primed to believe them, and then being referred to a psychic who is going to add new layers of delusion based on absolutely provably false ideas is amoral. It is perpetuating the psychological torment. It is doing harm to that person. If you knew for a fact that Jack was using a paranoid schizophrenic in this way, it SHOULD read as immoral and dangerous to you, regardless of how good the story is. I'm not saying that's definitely the case here, I'm exaggerating to make a point. But can you imagine a scenario where a consenting adult experiencing distress under a provably false belief being exploited for the drama of that distress is an immoral thing to do? I think this is on that spectrum. I sincerely believe her mental and physical health will be negatively impacted by this experience. And I think she is in some degree of physical and psychological danger from Sara.


I hope that is not the case, but whenever he asks her about Sara she gets super quiet and uncomfortable. My intuition also says Sara is manipulating here in some way. Then in the first episode Jack is just appalled at the way her mother responded to her fear and request for reassurance. I do see where you are coming from, unfortunately.


I'm saying it is absolutely certainly the case and entertaining the possibility that the abusive manipulator is correct to such an extent that we should consider throwing out all of our modern scientific understanding of the universe is functionally cult propaganda. It is absolutely, definitely the wrong thing to do. There is no chance that there is anything other than this going on, and pretending otherwise for the sake of a "good story" is morally reprehensible. This is taking advantage a person in a compromised situation and exploiting their mental distress for money.


If Sara does act out in any dangerous way, or if the mother does, or if the abuse and "them" activity resumes, Jack will be personally morally culpable for harming these human beings. This isn't zero stakes fun time where we can all speculate for giggles. This is fucked up and exploitative and dangerous.


We all have very different gauges for this type of thing I guess!


Nah, words mean things


After listening to this episode I'm more concerned than ever that Sara was taking advantage of these women and perpetuating years of mental anguish in order to remain close to them. We need to hear from other people who know Sara to get a complete picture of what's happening here.


Same, especially after hearing that Sara and the mom lived together


Yeah, this is some First Episode Of A True Crime Doc shit. That right there is a cult leader. She just has a two member cult


I see a lot of people thinking this is all some kind of hoax perpetuated by Sara and potentially the mom. I can see why people would believe that, as it’s literally the only non absolutely insane explanation. But I think that’s people’s brains simply trying to explain something crazy rather than possibly accepting the difficult and mind bending truth; that she was in fact contacted by some kind of inter-dimensional beings or aliens. How do we explain the knocking inside Solvig’s apartment? The knocking inside of her sister’s apartment? How do we explain the objects flying, sometimes through walls, sometimes from other locations altogether, even at the sisters house? How do we explain Solvig feeling like she’s being pulled into the water? What about the chairs falling down like they did or the chandalier shaking on its own? What about the shadow person in the window? What about the arrow of stars? Plus the reactions to some of the events sound extremely genuine unless they’re unbelievably talented actresses. The sister and Solvig were clearly just as skeptical as people here, if not more so, yet they eventually believed and didn’t even share their story until now, so it’s not like they’re seeking fame or anything. Then there’s the session with Wendy (I know not everyone has Patreon accounts). Wendy was able to basically nail down so much about the story and Solvig’s life to the point it’s extremely unlikely she was just guessing or using some carnival trick. That interview session was astounding and gave further credence to the story. If this Sara girl was simply on her own or part of some group that dedicated themselves for 8 years to tricking this family, would they really keep that up for years? Wouldn’t they slip up like once or twice during that time? What’s the gain, for Sara to have a roof over her head? It just seems like an even bigger stretch to believe this was all a hoax somehow rather than something truly paranormal with all the events that occured. It is interesting that Sara reached out to Solvig after the first episode came out on Otherworld, perhaps there’s a chance we hear from her yet. Looking forward to the mom’s side of the story.


Thank you for correctly recognizing which possibilities are on which side of Occam’s razor!


> But I think that’s people’s brains simply trying to explain something crazy this is *so* stupid. I'm sorry, but it really is. Skepticism is not a case of "brain too puny to handle the TWOOF"--skeptics can just smell bullshit. You know how many cult leaders make outrageous claims along these lines, and people just believe them because of "logic" like this? There are thousands and thousands of years of humans pulling bullshit on each other like this. It's not new. Some of us just recognize the pattern.


Solid reply, really went into depth explaining all the unexplainable aspects of the story if it’s just some extremely elaborate hoax or manipulation. “This is so stupid, people been making shit up for years, that’s clearly what this is.” Could just say it like that, why even lead with an apology.


I kinda get the vibe that they are having a lot of technical difficulties mostly 😂.. like the camera recording stopping at "random" times, which can happen if the memory card is low on storage etc... I'm not in love with the lack of evidence on these episodes but I still love the pod (for real)! I just think there's too much left for interpretation and not enough evidence to determine that it's not sara or her mom doing these strange things.


Also I want to see these text messages between them and the others. Are those posted somewhere?


Seems like a missed research opportunity with how frequently interactions were happening. Hook up a bunch of detectors and equipment and start a chat with them and look for clues about what level of our physics they're interacting with. Or maybe just ask them "hey, do you mind if we introduce you to some scientists? It'll be a lot of fun and then we will be able to understand your message better"


Hahaha I love this and agree. Why not try to gather some data from them, if "they" are even a "them".


I think you need to have a scientifically curious mind to even think to involve a scientist. Don’t think these women are on that vibe lol




Does Jack read/post here? Jack, please ask Solveig to ask “them” why humans fell from their potential. They are here to help, so they must know what happened to humanity.


This story made me subscribe to their Patreon. Very interesting.


This episode I find fascinating, the most interesting to me is when she talks about frequencies and how the "interdimensional beings" change their frequency, or vibrations to interact with this dimension. Obviously there has been alot of thought put into these theories by scientists and theorists, books have been written etc. So I have dug up a relevant quote from Michio Kaku, on this multiverse idea: “Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg likens this multiple universe theory to radio. All around you, there are hundreds of different radio waves being broadcast from distant stations. At any given instant, your office or car or living room is full of these radio waves. However, if you turn on a radio, you can listen to only one frequency at a time; these other frequencies have decohered and are no longer in phase with each other. Each station has a different energy, a different frequency. As a result, your radio can only be turned to one broadcast at a time.Likewise, in our universe we are "tuned" into the frequency that corresponds to physical reality. But there are an infinite number of parallel realities coexisting with us in the same room, although we cannot "tune into" them. Although these worlds are very much alike, each has a different energy. And because each world consists of trillions upon trillions of atoms, this means that the energy difference can be quite large. Since the frequency of these waves is proportional to their energy (by Planck's law), this means that the waves of each world vibrate at different frequencies and cannot interact anymore. For all intents and purposes, the waves of these various worlds do not interact or influence each other.” ― Michio Kaku, [Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/33496)