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You don't have to be nice about it. It's racist. And I don't mean that they drive cars for a living. https://preview.redd.it/ebbgg6onqw3d1.gif?width=200&format=png8&s=bfefa8c25c887bfac6ade9d93a6a88cee86c0d05


I’m crying, is that Scarlet?




My face when Yamamoto tomomitsu sensei dropped this: https://preview.redd.it/0hi8ccmi2x3d1.png?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab03f28f676b4a49c0684246b67557be6029bf74 The art is good, great even, it's cute but questionable fap material and questionable size difference 💀💀


Oh Jesus. Looks almost like a great way to speed run any % straight to hate crimes and the sex offenders registry.


1.This is actually a hentai manga 2.The artstyle is so good i dowloaded some  3.The segg scene... the author also put words beside images like light novel 4.Not a big fan of the plot


This is indeed just straight up porn, this would be great if you were illiterate. Just look at the pictures🔥🔥🔥 Love the author's art tho. Also, if you want to look at the author's other works you should avoid the one about the Mafia groomer. Her works are mostly >!NTR!< . If you like her art and are morally conscious, I recommend 'A Story About a Boss (♀) who Ended up in a Sexual Relationship with her Subordinate (♂) at Work' her most non-fucked up story


What a title. You know what to expect, at least.


Dammnnn 🤒




Defo a fetish…that’s why i tend to not read those.


SAVAGE FOREST 💀💀💀 my god


I actually wrote a long ass rant in r/RomanceBooks about this except it was about the portrayal of dark skinned (Asian) women in both Eastern and Western media. Could easily apply to dark skinned men in Asian media. Here's another post in that sub pointing out this bizarre trend in the scorching hot r/fantasyromance (and general romance) genre: [Racially Ambiguous MMCs and flawlessly white MMCs](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/s/agml1VeuMl) Also, many readers of Western romances are calling out ~~[the plagiarist](https://www.tumblr.com/alexcollix7/713131156078493696/sarah-j-maas-plagiarism-or-inspiration)~~ Sarah J. Maas on her tendency to do this. [This Instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CPtCsDPDAvv/) is an example. EDIT: FWIW I'm an E/SE Asian woman with dark skin.


It IS racist AND fetishist too. Its the whole idea of people with darker skin being savages and uncultured. Also 90% of the OIs of these type the dark skinned ML lives in the desert and is extremly "inhumam" with demon like streght and depicted as always fighting with either some kind of beasts or demons or other people with darker skin tones. Its hella racist and I prefer to stay away from these. Another reason why I hate these type of stories is the fact that the FL/other MC is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS super white and just basically the embodiment of innocence with a magical kitty that can "tame" these wild men. Like jesus could you be any less obvius abour your fetish dear author?


It absolutely is, and you don't need to feel any type of way about saying it😂😂 It's fetish material where the oh so white and pure woman tames the savage "dark beast." It's basically akin to the "mandingo" fetish of a white woman and why a lot of them can be quite uncomfortable to read


https://preview.redd.it/reehriki2x3d1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0e1cbea7f5a35ce7399929b89d901bb654daeb Why is this trope getting more popular is beyond me


"yes, I will admit it. I am a racist and by god I will win this race"




lovesick dog doesn't deserve to be here smh


You might not know it but east Asians (especially Koreans from my personal experience as a brown guy) are hella racist to everyone with dark skin tones or look different to them to the point that you'll just want to leave. And their obsession towards looks are depicted clearly in their entertainment materials (webshows, comics, etc) that how characters fall for each other mainly due to their looks and without giving a thought about anything else.


creators not even trying to hide their racism lol wtf😭


I have yet to see a manhwa where the female and male have reversed roles in hetero ones like wtf


Do you mean dark-skinned FL? Off hand there is Gold and Rubies and the other is Jasy Whistles. IF you mean savage dark-skinned FL + white pale ML you have to search the subreddit but they do exist too.


Or search for male audience centered harem Isekai. There is a lot of “exotic” brown ladies there too


You have to be careful of the harem isekai for the male audience because sadly they get fetishized too, i.e. beast girl savage, slave, always horny, etc. I think the worst example (although it is not geared towards men per see,) was the Gyaru anime where said Gyaru girl, despite not acting like a Gyaru and being wholesome and more towards an innocent virgin maiden, was turned into a sex-crazed, fetishized, stereotypical horny Gyaru in porn/hentai, than her light-skinned friend (who was the sex crazy pervert into sex.)


Call me master has FL of darker skin but she is still paler than the "wild and beast like" ML. And the plot makes it even worse 💀 I hate it


The problem with this trope is that it is always some pale female lead who is a delicate flower, not a badass, or stands up for herself and tells the other guy to f off. The dark-skinned male lead either forces himself on the female lead to turn her into a sex addict and/or gets tamed by the female lead. They are always treated as savages or their lands as being ruthless/uncultured. I rarely see one with the ML who is not like that. Dark-skinned FL? No.


If you want some with badass FL I'd say (tho if you want FL to reject them... idk what you're doing here) [Marriage and sword] FL is secretly working as a mercenary and saves ML then classic arranged marriage [Song of Theodor] here the reason for badassness is important to plot so, not spoiling


Don't even get me started on totem realm 💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/9ykxbcuzcx3d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7dfd8edb7432ee4057d4078a47b0ea2fc813928


Ughhhhh, you're so right. Well, at least this one is unintentionally funny. It's hilarious how dumb the FL is. And her magical coochie. And how they were mindlessly running around that weird temple thing for like two entire seasons. And basically everything about the nonexistent plot. And... You get the idea.


MAGICAL WHAT 😭😭😭😭 but yeah, I agree 😭


I really need them to stop putting darker skinned people in their stories if theyre gonna be racist bums about it


Yeah I love the darker skinned MLs. But I want them to have a range of personalities. Like from a Soft teddy bear to a full on psychopathic yandere.


Ya, absolutely it is! I could talk about it all day ngl. These stories portray darker skinned men like they're animalistic and force white men/women at the mercy of their desires. I think it's especially weird when the stories are supposed to be spicier. The authors are literally fetishizing racial stereotypes that they themselves are reinforcing and/or creating.


OI stories try to be respectful toward people with darker skin challenges (impossible) I even read a Japanese OI manga where near the end of the story god literally turns FL white. 😂 But the backlash was so severe the publisher decided to redo the ending. Edit: what’s even worse is that a core part of the manga’s plot is FL navigating through discrimination. But the solution the author came up with is to turn her white……


Can someone please explain to me how this is racist? I’m really not understanding. Edit: have never read any of them and don’t know anything about the story/plot. All I have to go off of is the title/cover.


Outside of the last two because I never read them, the first three have racial fetishism. Delicate pale-skinned FL who is native to the wonders of sex and culture with usually a dark-skinned savage ML from a savage land and/or viewed by the FL country/family/etc. as savage who teaches the FL how to have sex and be herself. Or worse the FL makes the dark-skinned ML cultured. Predatory marriage has dub-con to close to non-con on top of that.


It's more accurate to call it colorism. It's colorism since lighter skin people are viewed as civilized, while the darker skin people are viewed as uncivilized. If the roles were swappable, you could say it isn't colorism. Also, even if the darker skin people turn out to be normal just like the lighter skin people, it's still a story where the starting premise is based on colorism


It's racism. It would be colourism if it were discrimination against darker skinned people of the same/similar ethnicity. Idk about the last two works featured here, but it's obvious the MLs from the first three are of a different race and culture to the FL and are based on stereotypes surrounding the Indian subcontinent, Middle East, and certain indigenous peoples.


I don't agree with you. I agree that they have Indian and Middle Eastern cultures, but them being Indian or Middle Eastern is a stretch. It's like how oi is based on medieval European fantasy worlds, but every character is still korean (even the blonde ones with blue eyes). For example, when fls have black hair/eyes and are even more obviously korean (sometimes transmigrated), only the hair and eye color is noticed when there things like eye shape, eyelid structure, hair texture, etc that could be different if the blonde people where Caucasian. From all of that, I feel it's more accurate to call it colorism


>but every character is still korean I've seen this theory but I don't agree with it. And even if they were meant to be Koreans in cosplay its still a cosplay based on racist stereotypes on the above mentioned cultures


Ah, this again. You're not the only person who pointed this out. There's also **Who Kidnapped the Empress** and **Sultan's Love** and **The Dragon King's Bride** and **Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money.** Honestly? I think I can chalk this up to just one of my guilty trash pleasures. Though I don't read enough BL to have caught it over there so that's interesting. I haven't noticed it in other media much. Or haven't paid much attention so that's on me.


The problem most people have is that usually the dark-skinned ML is either treated horribly as a savage, is a savage, has to be trained by the FL, or is a rapist. Or a combination of all. It is uncommon for a dark-skinned ML to not be like that. It is as frustrating as the Cold Duke of the North or the forgiving rapist tropes. Example: Holding you Captive, >!although it also has the pale man as being a savage!<


..I just can't man. Them being dark is like.. like some sort of accessory/trope/etc The stereotype and- Man i hate these tropes. I don't usually read them. I remember this one where the female was so skinny and small compared to this big hulk "Jungle" man like yknow that hamster banana meme? That's the comparison. ![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle|downsized)


Depends on what you consider racist. It's associating darker skin with wild behavior, so it's valid to expect them to view black and brown people in a similar way. However, darker skin has similar connotations even within their own race. It's more accurate to call it colorism


would call this fetishistic for sure 😭 the racism isn't even being hidden here


Fetish and racist 


ML usually has the power to turn into an animal…


manwhas always gotta have a sprinkle of racism🔥🔥 (💔GOD WHY WHYYYYY WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US LORD)


I love men with darker skin tones but i almost don't read any of those. Is clearly racist and fetishist. I just feel so weird and conflicted about them bc some of these are so hot...But I can't stand the beast and savage plots...


Without context of the books, obviously not- but if you explain to them the pattern of every story that has this cliche they’ll understand. The issue is not (and should not be) even that it is a dark skinned man and a light skinned woman, it is the context of “darker skin” = savage that pretty much makes everything feel a bit weird and overal racist. Crazy how many of those there are.


No, it is.


Removed before I could see what it was  rip 😔


For me it's just a fetish, same as all the people that love spicy orc romances with the difference that those are green and not tanned. I don't read them since I prefer light skinned MLs & FLs, but there have been "wild, brutal, untamable, beast" kind of MLs before, e.g. "Flower and Beast". There are tons of white slave-type of MLs as well from a few years ago, idk if people complained about them as well. It's just the same dynamic with different skin colors to attract people with that preference.


A racist fetish. You acknowledge these savage dark-skinned ML stories are a parallel to monster smut and still don't see where the problem is? It's not a coincidence that dark-skinned MLs and their exotic cultures are almost always portrayed in this way.


I get where you're coming from, but I see it differently. For me, these portrayals are about a specific dynamic, not about race. Right now, it's for some reason trendy to have "wild" dark-skinned MLs. In the past (even decades ago), we had similar characters in books like pirates, knights, vampires, werewolves or other rough lovers - most of them were white as bread (my grandmother loved to read those books lol). It was the same dynamic with a different look. People enjoy these tropes for the personality traits and the fantasy, not necessarily because of the character's skin color. So, I don’t see it as racist when dark-skinned characters are portrayed this way if the same types of characters with white skin are not considered problematic. I think calling it racist because the trend has shifted to dark-skinned characters is a double standard. To me, it shows that different looks can be appealing in these fantasy roles, and it’s about the type of character people crave, not their race 🤷🏻‍♀️


... am I missing what the this in "not like this" is?


Racial fetishism. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/1d5gt0w/comment/l6lgr3k/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/1d5gt0w/comment/l6lgr3k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Stop seeing racism everywhere


Consensus report's just come in, got peer reviewed and everything, this is 102% racist and fetishist, with a 2% margin of error. Came attached with a note that said "racism in my Korean fiction? Never saw it coming"