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I saw 7 for Observation Log and now I know I can't trust any of the ratings. You're probably too hard to please.


I too am part of the Bertia Fan Club. I especially love the condemnation scene in this one because it's so cute.


Sequel was fun to read too


There's a sequel šŸ‘€!?!?!


Yeah First one: Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku Second one: Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Tsuma no Kansatsu Kiroku Sequel was after school time..if i remember it right


This girl has her standards šŸ¤­ It's probably preference though. I like drama over fluff and dislike goody-two-shoe FLs like Bertia usually.


Whatā€™s a 10 for you?


Surviving Romance, No Outtakes (massive favorite), Agatha, Your Eternal Lies, This Witch Of Mine My taste is tragic https://preview.redd.it/bkpuluuf3d6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2446041c504b99467d16db414e2927306ae6f20e


Surviving Romance definitely changed my brain chemistry. Also maybe my sexuality. Whoā€™s to say


ā€This witch of mineā€ is on my reading listā€¦ how tragic is it? Happy ending?


It's compiled of stories from different witches. The first story ends VERY tragic, but >! at the very very end it is indeed a happy end !<


Which series is the image from?


Post-Possession Damage Control


Waitā€¦ isnā€™t that the one where she >!timetravels into her momā€™s body and sleeps with her stepdad?!<




Iā€™ve been meaning to try that one!


ty for saying that about bertia because while i don't necessarily dislike the series, i really can't stand this type of protagonist and i was just really irritated by her. i sort of liked cecil as a ml but him viewing his own child as a rival was not charming.


Nah i'm with you, dropped Observation Logs, but I think I just outgrown Japanese type of characterization for cutesy, reckless, dumb FLs.


Same as a Breita fan I canā€™t trust this at ALL and she gave miss not so sidekick a 8 instead of 10 āœŒļø BYEEEEEEE https://preview.redd.it/bqax0iyyfd6d1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a32c50806dffc719e1783a59aef1cb58c711581 inner peace


Lmao I was going to say something similar. I can't understand calling Cecil a typical oi ml. He has similar aspects sure, but that's just due to the nature of the story as a subversion of most villainess stories. Compared to most psychopath MLs, Cecil stands out as just being really nice in how he grows and eventually learns to actually be a good person outside of his interactions with Bertia, which is a nice contrast to him actually being a standard oi ml in the original timeline.


I liked him as a person with low empathy because heā€™s one of the most sympathetic ones. Heā€™s not evil. Just disconnected and bored. (The genetic possessiveness thing near the end was bullshit though.)


I like how they portray him as willing to be fairly kindhearted despite being a sociopath, even with people who aren't Bertia. He knows that Bartia would like him more as a good person, and knows that things work out better for most people if he's a good person.


No way !!!! Wars of princesses got cancelled???? WHYYYYYYY ???


Same reaction šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


this is shocking for me too! why!!!!


I wasn't expecting a cancelled series in a conpleted list!


Yeah it was on my "Near Completion" category bc I swear I saw somewhere that it only has a few chapters left before end but apparently it's now going to the Cancelled category lol


I don't accept revenge wedding slander in this house >:( I think winter wolf was fine too. It's smut, so my expectations were rock bottom. But I was pleasantly surprised by how it was written. Not the most complex story, but it was better written than some OIs despite being smut lmao


I'm sorry, I just couldn't with FL and her social media addiction in revenge wedding šŸ™ Winter wolf was fine... in the first season. Second season was soo boring for me. I do admit it is written good for being smut though!


Just gonna say for Winter wolf, first season was adapted from the novel but season 2 was a manhwa original. Iirc I heard from the novel it just skipped from them running away straight to settling down


But I loved season 2šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ we need more SOL and peace


Revenge Wedding was pretty fun, I love that FL is a social media influencer.


Bro I relate so much after reading [The duchessā€™ 50 tea recipes] I tried and collected so many different type of teas right now my favourite are matcha, chai, and every other fruity flavours Iā€™m still looking for the chocolate flavour one atmšŸ’€


I highly recommend you to visit r/tea I got a lot of recommendations and learned a ton!!


Noooooo youā€™ll restart my tea collection with that suggestion! My wallet has been regrowing for 6 months since I finished reading that.


I havenā€™t read My Dear Astor but Iā€™m so glad to see you point out the ā€œI need to have my exact kids againā€ trope. It justā€¦wouldnā€™t happen lol. I want to see a story where the MC is thinking sheā€™s going to have her exact children again andā€¦doesnā€™t. (Is that what happens in MDA?) Iā€™m also fully in the camp of people need to read Miss Not So Sidekick at the right time in their OI journey. I read it when I was SO annoyed at OI tropes and was getting fed up. It was refreshing to me at that time and I think if I read it earlier I would have hated it.


I remember disliking Miss Not So Sidekick because Latte seemed to always be the butt of the joke while the MLs mostly got to keep their dignity as the story went on. The best aspect of the story for me was the >!subversion of her being good friends with the duke instead of love interests.!< That felt very fresh at the time and should happen more


Mmh kinda, but also kinda not? FL gets called out though with how unlikely it is that she'll get the same child again and she does recognize this, but also says even if the chance is 1:100.000.000 she'll still try because she loved her daughter that much. Which I can kinda get behind


At least in [Baroness Goes On Strike](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/66gix75/baroness-goes-on-strike) it's explained that, in that world, one's birth isn't determined by the individual sperm/egg but by the star sign they're born under, so FMC knows how to reconceive her children. (also it's pretty firmly hinted that >!the person who told her this is her time-traveling daughter!<). I'm guessing that series won't be finished for another 3 years, though.


>!Time traveling son. Her daughter is the old lady that's helping the black haired asshole.!<


wait wait wait. >!which black haired asshole?!<


>!Axios or Nexium or whatever his name is? The one that was flirting with Cassia.!<


Uuuuugh. >!We hate that guy.!<


All our homies >!hate that guy!<.


War of a Princess got canceled?! Ugh thatā€™s what they get for making the 2nd ML so beautiful and perfect. As if anyone would fight over that jealous prince šŸ¤¢ Rating ā€˜Iā€™m all out of healthā€™ higher then ā€˜revenge weddingā€™ā€¦.everyone is so creative https://preview.redd.it/6j6hcbszcc6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bef8c109ada089b3aae7f0e2bed6db032ea9c4


Don't start comparing my ratings. I will have to face my random ass rating system if you call me out like that *sweats*


Agreed with your comment about Myu-- he could probably save **Post Possession Damage control** too


Bring the love seems so cool


Well, it both is and isnā€™t. Fl gets quite unlikeable and infuriating by the end. Thereā€™s also a lot of victim blaming in it in general. I both liked and hated it. It did have potential to be something better than what it became.


I just said from the cover thank you for saying


Who made me a princess was also one of my first OIs and I still wish Lucas was her boyfriend lol


Thank you for this. I had so much fun reading your review. It was more entertaining that some of the titles you reviewed šŸ˜‚ especially the manhuas. I laughed so hard that my husband wanted to see what I was reading. I dropped most of the ones with low scores, so yeah...


I bet you are your English teacher's favourite because even though I don't like that you gave "wished you were dead" a fucking 4 I.will take it because the way you worded it in 40ā€“50 words was majestic enough


I looooved the drama and I loved reading it until the end arc. All that build up felt wasted. It probably deserved a 5/10 though. https://preview.redd.it/1iqlr2kgic6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39722c18ac6fd3b3d69b6959c224ae37ae6dcd87


I need to read the end arc but now I'm scared bro..


I always need reminders of how many abs there are. https://preview.redd.it/s8p3dbpzzc6d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=672dee4a97684d3672bb296d54eb09a54638252c One of my favourites. (Sauce: Long after the ending. Also completed and fluffy af and with a broccoli green ml, with a quite edible chest)




This is on my to read list, but judging from your pic I need to push it up a bit.


Do. Itā€™s one of those short and sweet and great stories that Iā€™d have wished was twice as long. Let me add that I wish I could read it for the first time again. ā€When the villainess is in loveā€ is probably even more fan service minded than wmmap (but I have yet to read wmmap, so I canā€™t swear on it). There are no boob windows, they do full on french doors. šŸ‘ and there are 4 of those hot guys (and itā€™s completed, although quite a bit rushed. Art is as good as ā€the villainess needs her tyrantā€)


Huh, a title I hadn't known of before. Question about *I Raise a Black Dragon*: It says [here](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=191094) completed at 74 Chapters (Side Stories: TBA) but the novel apparently had 294 chapters total (all TLed). Any idea how much of that was adapted? I mean was the whole main story done? Reading the comments of that link seems like it either rushed the end or never reached it, so when I read it I'll probably switch over to the novel at some point.


It's finished, but the end was rushed and things just conveniently happened to wrap everything up. It's sad because the story deserved more. Nonetheless, seeing FL and Myu in matching outfits was my personal feel-good-moment and just for this I would recommend giving it a try.


Cool, any rough estimate of when the rushing seems to start? I'll probably abort at that point and go to novel.


Very rough estimate, because it's been a while: around the 50ish chapters.


Cool, thanks!


You gave all the stories similar or higher ratings than I did, so I feel like someone understands me. Also I agree on 50 tea recipes. The story was eh, but the author is a genius at what has to be the first 143 chapter infomercial sponsorship on tea. I feel like they casually tapped on a whole new world of marketing and ads then called it a day. Badass move.


the villainess' bf (forgot his name, guy with the k-pop floofy hair) got the short end of the stick in rewriting the villainess. šŸ’” everyone got a happy ending except him. my headcanon is he gets together with the villainess inspo girl (the one with short purple hair).


War on princesses ended ????? no it didnt ?


It did. I even checked the chinese site and it got axed T_T


ą¼¼ā ;ā Ā“ā ą¼Žąŗ¶ā Ā ā ŪĀ ā ą¼Žąŗ¶ā ą¼½ is there a LN or was it an original?


There's a light novel called Princess Wars, but I have yet to find a translation unfortunately


Ok, but I actually want to hear about your tea collection


You only need to know that even know, over a year later I still haven't emptied even half of the tea I initially bought. ![gif](giphy|f3dRSiajsz8DLmt0KS|downsized)


This is your excuse to go buy books, cause tea means reading books. Also, eating scones.


As an avid tea drinker even before the Duchess, this is just how it goes. Oolongs are very dangerous.


Oolongs are my favorite T_T


Have you joined the tea subreddit? Muahahaha. (Now thatā€™s villain behavior)


Observation Log is definitely better than WMMAP in terms of writing.


Hard agree on that. If I'd been honest with WMMAP it would've gotten a 6/10 or maybee 7/10. But nostalgia won again


Completely agree on *50 Tea Recipes*. That OI is peak mid, 6/10 on story (+1 because of how it addresses the OGFL), 9/10 on tea (-1 because not enough tea). It will forever have a spot in my heart but I'll probably never reread it. All "gimmick" OIs should commit to their shtick as much as *50 Tea Recipes* committed to tea.


Tyrantā€™s only perfumer also dives a bit into itā€™s niche. I loved how, in the comments, people were saying which irl perfumes would be the same smell


I feel the wmmap review on a spiritual level. Plus, athyā€™s dresses were gorgeous.




I'm glad you mentioned that part in Winter Wolf where she tells him about her almost rape and then they have sex šŸ„“ at that point in the story he was still >!pretending to be her refugee escort!< And all I could think was "omg this is seriously unprofessional! šŸ¤£


Rewriting the villainess hurt my feelings šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i wanted my pairing to get together. THEY wanted to get together


Me too šŸ˜­ I spent so much coins on that and then they just didn't get together, my poor boy all alone šŸ˜­ well I mean maybe the rl version of Lisa could be his partner ig


Surviving Romance mention, you are so correct for that OP


I'm All Out of Health: I disliked the FL so much. Just an all around unpleasant person. The ML was flat. The story was like 3/10 for me because of that. Surviving Romance was so good. You know it's good when I, an extremely vocal hater of all things zombie, really enjoyed it.


Holy Crap this is the most entertained I have been by reading reviews šŸ˜‚ I absolutely live your commentary, & thank you for the recommendations šŸ«¶


I really liked Revenge Wedding actually. Also I know I should read Miss Not-So Sidekick but I just can't get over the art...


What are you talking about in the first one? You're completely off. >!FL isn't mad that OG!FL doesn't like her or that she's willing to befriend and spare her. She doesn't like her because OG!FL stole her fiance from her on purpose so she could be the crown princess. Shitty thing to do. And once she wakes up she realizes that FL is going for the harem ending and just trying to collect all the love interests like it's a game She planned to ruin FL's life and steal her fiance and position she's been training for her entire life since way before they even met let alone any bullying happened!<


With Rewriting the Villainess I found the reverse isekai refreshing, but tbh I read the first 10 chapters, then skipped to the end not bc itā€™s a bad story or anything but bc it felt like they were taking a more boring love triangle route and I got impatient. Itā€™s probably a flaw in my own patience and bc I have different tastes, but I also found it charming (though after reading the ending it was a little more predictable then I thought)


Miss not so side kick was hard to start because of how the background was drawn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but itā€™s a fun read once you get over that part


Thanks for doing a re-review of Rewriting the villainess and Surviving Romance And just to point out, I know many don't like the ending of Rewriting the Villainess, but I am okay with that. And if you feel like reviewing this isekai maid is forming a union maybe another time or if the series ends next year. Thanks for re-reviewing two series And one more thing if you are going to do part 6 of Short reviews of completed rofan , you can review "The Hopeless Desire of a Witch " but be warned you might not like when you read the 2 part epilogue after the end of the main story.


Wait.... "All Out of Health" what's wrong with FL's personality? I have it on hold for better translations, but I've gotten to like 30 chapters in, and I don't remember her personality being nasty or bad.


For me second one is like 5/10 max. I liked it at first but it kinda felt off and then the ending was ridiculous so the rating dropped. I liked the "villainess" more because she's the one who actively solved the "author"'s life problems and also the guy whom I forgot the name but basically it's a bad ending for such a sweet guy... Everyone got a happy ending except him :(


Karina Syndrome: When you read Karina's Last Days so now every single sick FL story is just a worse version of that one


I second Surviving romance. Came for romance and stayed for fleshed out characters, amazing developments and not to mention how many times I've SOBBED until the end. Literally 10/10


Cries in empty wallet after reading "50 tea recipes from the duchess". I was a tea fanatic before, but it only got worse. I'm literally waiting for a tokoname kyusu to arrive so I can drink my Japanese greens like God intended. I consistently have more than 20 varieties at home, and can't even stand supermarket tea bags anymore. I have no regrets.


ā€œWe never found out who made her a princessā€ Yes. Thank you for voicing all of our thoughts here. šŸ‘


wdym by "part 5"?? IS THERE MORE?????


Yes there's more if you want more of my cringy humor: Part 1 (under 80 episodes long stories) https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/s/1AntSuEX7m Part 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/s/LILzAZWOlh Part 3 https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/s/N0aI9Z4pzE Part 4 https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/s/gZ447S4rFu


appreciate mate


nice, i need a list like this


That's so true about the teas. I continued reading it just to know what kind of tea leaves to buy next and what snacks to pair them with. Lol.


No offense to you personally, but I notice you definitely have a noticable bias against fluffy and similarly non-tragic/dramatic stories. Even the ones you do nothing but praise like Flirting with the Villain's Dad seem to arbitrarily be knocked down a few points.


No offense taken when you're only speaking the truth. The thing is, my ADHD brain gets soo bored with just fluff and worse is that they are dragging on soo much most of the time. I need the drama for my dopamine production. There's also only so much I can write about in ~50 words in these reviews so a ton gets left out.


Funny, my ADHD brain tunes out seeing a super cutesy romance get muddled down by drama and political intrigue, I'm perhaps just easy to please lmao


"We never found out who made her a princess" šŸ”„šŸ”„āœšŸ”„šŸ”„


50 tea recipes got me into coldbrewing fruit teas every summer and for that its a 10/10 now if only i could figure out the science behind that earl grey milk jam,,,,,,,,


Out of the ones here I actually read (based on my biased opinion): * **RTA 24 Hour Record**: Loved it up until >!the date rape drug plot happened!<. But like "The One Within the Villainess", the rest of the story is great and seconded! * **War of Princesses**: Great mix of scheming and friendships! I'm def biased for all of the fairytale references. Even if the ML sometimes does stuff that makes me go "bro wtf", he's still (kinda) likeable for his competence. Didn't know about the LGBTQ part >!(unless you mean the Ariel Expy? haven't got that far yet.) !<*Wait wdym cancelled*- * **Surviving Romance**: Loved EVERYTHING about it, the only "flaw" being the general drawbacks of having too many likable side characters you *wish* you could see more of. Surprisingly kinda underrated in this sub, only gets mentioned once in a while. * **50 Tea Recipes**: It's great for a slice-of-life type of story with a dash of social power fantasy, so long as you don't think too hard about all the side characters or historical inaccuracies. Automatically loses points for the "Evil Corset Plot", though.


Thank you for the reviews, maybe I'll check some of the works out!


I desperately want to see your gaiwan now




I liked RTA 24 Hours because I feel like it's a perfect peek into OI, with all the fat trimmed, turning it into a perfect revenge speedrun. And the plot twist at the end was really interesting. I didn't go in expecting any deep plot stuff, so I really enjoyed it. You're so right about 50 Tea Recipes, needed more tea. I thought it handled the isekai aspect in an interesting way, so that's a bonus point for me.




I read ML was fine. And got a jumpscare when the next words were he's a psychopath lol


I prematurely bought a couple of bundles for war of princess and instant regret I could not get into it


Miss Not-so sidekick was hilarious as it went on & on the fun path. Sometimes I think about the situations she went thru & dialogues she said and laugh out loud. It is. 10/10 from me. The sidestories are even more hilarious than the main story I thought it would be a Good time pass but I've read my bookmarked chapters many times now cause I keep going back to those hilarious dialogues


Lol was this your reviews? Because I'm her for it hahahha not sure how many times I laughed but this was definitely the most entertaining reviews I sawšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I esp love that bit about WMMAP and not knowing who made her a princessšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When did I'm All Out of Health have half sibling plot? Wasn't the ML just someone the FL's dad picked up? He wasn't her half sibling tho


Not talking about the ML. FL had a female half-sibling and I didn't enjoy that arc at all as FL was very nasty to her in my opinion.


Oh rightĀ 


i read the first one after seeing this and i liked it a lot. very dramatic but i was satisfied with the ending. the twist was kinda cool too.


Your reviews are very entertaining. Had to drop the tea one it just got so boring. All they did was yap about tea for 60 chapters, I did like everything else but I couldn't read about tea anymore


I want to thank you for bring the love! The artstyle didn't really appeal to me but the story is carrying it hard! I am loving reading it!


YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY READ "I Will Live the Life a Villainess"!!! It's a little short right now (32 chapters) but I just LOVE the girl boss BADASS FL and it's seriously my favourite romance, you should definitely try it!!! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Surviving romance is so fucking powerful. I donā€™t like modern romance, i ESPECIALLY donā€™t like highschool settings, I donā€™t like zombie settingsā€¦. Surviving romance is worth it. There were so many moments where Iā€™d be like casually reading and iā€™d suddenly sit up straight and start stomping my feet with excitement, or said ā€˜YES!ā€™ or ā€˜NO!ā€™ out loud. What a rollar coaster of a read


-Literally only says praise about Miss Not So Sidekick -Not 10/10 Something's not right here...


There's only so much I can cover in ~50 episodes. To expand my review: I initially dropped it because it wasn't my cup of tea. The humor wasn't too funny and the story dragged on. It didn't GRIP me and kept me reading. It was nice to read in between story-heavy stories (which I prefer) 8/10 is the top 15-20 stories though since I am suuuper picky


Fair, part of my 10/10 rating is just personal bias for slapstick comedy done right, and I probably just ignored the contrived plot issue ""because it's a parody"" I have binge read it twice, definitely not biased XD


I also liked it but the plot seemed nonsensical and kind of contrived.Ā