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Answer: you can read the text [here](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise). This is the executive summary of a series of policy papers written by conservative advocates. You can search for pornography, on page 37 it says porn should be outlawed. The question then becomes what is pornography and I assume what the person you are asking about found the definition of pornography elsewhere in the series, or responding to how it has been defined by conservative leaders at another point. Edit: for abortion, on page 38, it says they plan on “vigorously” using federal power to ensure “robust” protections to “innocent life.”


That link is over 900 pages. You're probably not going to read it. That's fine. You don't need to be a psychopath and read the whole thing. What you should do, though, is do a find search for things that you care about. Keep in mind that this is a deeply pilled document, so don't only use the words you know, use the conservative buzzwords as well. If you want to know about civil rights, search the words "woke" "DEI" and "CRT". If you want to know about abortion, search the word "unborn". If you want to know about voting rights, search for "election integrity".  For me, the scariest part is giving the president the ability to fire civil servants without cause and replace them with political loyalists. Keep in mind that the vast majority of US officials aren't political, they're people who come to work and have a job to do. Project 2025 wants to end that. They want every position in the government to be subject to the spoils system, to clear out all the civil servants who come to work and keep things functioning and replace them with people whose singular qualification is fealty to one all-powerful head of state. When we ask questions like, "how would it be possible to just reject election results they don't like?" that's how they're going to do it. They're going to fire all the people with relevant expertise and replace them with people whose sole purpose is winning for their side at all costs. This is nothing less than a roadmap to dictatorship. We should all be very, very concerned. And we should also be cognizant that it doesn't rely on a certain former president getting reelected. Anyone who supports the Heritage Foundation and gets into office (and that's a whole lot of people) is going to be operating on some version of this program. We can stop it in one election, five elections, or twenty, but the threat won't go away until we exorcise the dictatorial impulse in this country entirely. They must never come anywhere near power ever again, lest we lose the basic freedoms that are the soul of this country.


It's also worth pointing out that replacing massive chunks of government departments and bureaus every 4-8 years means losing collective centuries of institutional knowledge and having massive numbers of completely new people all up and down the ladder. You know how you're kind of useless for a few months while you're on boarding at a new job? You're talking about entire bureaus effectively shutting down while they relearn the ropes every four years.


The rules limiting presidential appointments came about from it not being illegal and politicians using government jobs to pay off political debts, not surprising that ability to do the job wasn’t a factor. Also not surprising that it’s how many “3rd world” dictatorships operate, fill the government with people who depend on the dictator for livelihood.


> The rules limiting presidential appointments came about from it not being illegal and politicians using government jobs to pay off political debts, not surprising that ability to do the job wasn’t a factor. also known as the [spoils systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoils_system) for anybody not in the know


Assuming the bureau itself isn't just straight-up shuttered during that four-year period. The current Republican nominee wants to end certain parts of the government that include the Department of Education.


>Assuming the bureau itself isn't just straight-up shuttered during that four-year period. The current Republican nominee wants to end certain parts of the government that include the Department of Education. That's also literally in the Project 2025 document.


It's been part of their platform for a lot longer than that, they've been tossing the idea around since the 2012 election.


Alongside the Department of Commerce, and... the, uh... what's the third one? [Oops.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN8uFJz9gTk) (Fun fact: even though that moment effectively put the final kibosh on any shot Rick Perry might have had at being taken seriously as a candidate for the nomination in 2012, the third agency that he was trying to name was the Department of Energy, which Donald Trump put him in charge of. [Because of course he did.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry#Secretary_of_Energy))


I am so glad someone else connected the same dots I did, because I thought of that exact moment when writing my comment. I also thought of the Jon Stewart clip of that moment, which remains a top-10, maybe even top-5, segment of his original time on the Daily Show.


They came for the books first.


But the whole point is that under this new system, you wouldn't need to replace people every 4-8 years. Or ever. It's fucking scary.


> while they relearn the ropes every four years. Bold of you to assume that there'd be more free elections past a certain point.


So, there are career civil servants who work for the government through different administrations. We don’t replace every single federal employee every 4-8 years. The majority of these workers stay throughout the transitions. The problem is that Project 2025 suggests firing anyone and everyone who doesn’t wholeheartedly believe in Trump and replacing them with someone who does. This would dump those collective centuries of knowledge at once and have new people across the board who don’t even need to be qualified, they just need to do Trump’s bidding.


For actual numbers, currently there are about three million Federal employees, or roughly 1 in 110 people or so (so roughly 1 in 55 working age adults). About 4,000 of these are directly appointed by POTUS or his cabinet. Project 2025 ultimately wants to make ALL of them appointed. Even ignoring the moral implications for just a moment it's a logistical nightmare that would shut down the government for MONTHS after each election.


Also for what it's worth, the largest government employees union, AFGE, and the union that serves the most departments, NTEU, both openly oppose both Project 2025 and their presidential candidate.


It would also allow for Trump to tell people, "if you keep saying this is unconstitutional, you will lose your job. We will fire you unless you ignore the vast abuses in the deportation camps. Shut up"


Pretty sure I've read multiple histories on how incredibly destructive these kinds of policies are. Sad that there is a strong push towards these anywhere in this time.


And it's win/win for them because the inability of government to function is a foundational belief. So when their own toadies are in charge, they can either fault the gubmint for their failures, or find some hair on the tail of the elephant to brag about - "We built the Donald J Trump bridge"


I tried reading the whole thing. I got about 300 pages in. It's depressing as fuck. I think I stopped when they were talking about giving the newly combined Department of Border Patrol and Homeland Security officers WHIPS to be able to WHIP MIGRANTS FROM HORSEBACK to repel them back over the border. Literally 19th century thinking.


I did read the whole thing (because I am apparently a glutton for punishment) and it doesn't get better. It's like every unhinged boomer Facebook post ever, all rolled into one, with contributing author David Koresh and edited by Pope Steven VI.


you have to be deranged to produce this stuff. extreme lead inhalation content.


The scary thing is that this didn't come from a fringe group. The Heritage Foundation is one of the premier conservative think tanks of the last 50 years or so.


It's actually Gen X that's propagating a lot of the right-wing crap around the US.


People should take these extreme policy proposals seriously. There was a time when anyone who accused the right wing of wanting to criminalize abortion/control women was laughed out of the room. They said for years what they would do as soon as the opportunity presented itself, and they did it. Of course, it's difficult to take them seriously in most conversation, the right has a tendency to equivocate and make disingenuous points to a level where good faith discourse with them is almost impossible. However, Project 2025 basically lays out what they won't say unequivocally. I think they will spend this half of the 21st century trying to achieve some or all of the proposals, unless some unlikely reformation causes them to moderate themselves soon. The Republicans seem to become more extreme the more they lose.


> Republicans seem to become more extreme the more they lose After losses their blathering gas bags pontificate on Fox *et al* that they lost because they weren't conservative enough. Meanwhile, wherever they've got power they skew the next election through vote suppression and gerrymandering.


>that they lost because they weren't conservative enough. Similar to their solution when any of their deregulation praxis fails: demand more deregulation The colloquial definition of insanity comes to mind


When Trump was POTUS, the Mexican immigrants detained for months on end were given forced hysterectomies with no medical necessity involved, in addition to keeping kids away from their parents for so long that they struggled to find the families of a non-zero amount of children to send them back home to.


[Slightly exaggerated](https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-were-mass-hysterectomies-performed-on-detainees-at-a-us-immigration-centre).


>For me, the scariest part is giving the president the ability to fire civil servants without cause and replace them with political loyalists. Keep in mind that the vast majority of US officials aren't political, they're people who come to work and have a job to do. Yeah this terrifies me. I work in arguably one of the least politicized divisions within the government, I’m just trying to do a job to provide for my family.


I agree 100%. I do think that large parts of project 2025 would be ruled unconstitutional, even with the current 6-3 conservative majority on the SCOTUS. But if I am wrong, the damage is incalculable. The chances of this actualy happening are pretty low, as there is a very good chance the House will remain under democratic control and a decent chance the Senate will become democratically controlled.


Even if unlikely this still needs to be shut down and shamed. That it's even a conversation is deeply concerning.


The government literally hands out pins and certificates for people who make it their career.  Continuity of service is a crucial function done by non political employees.  Imagine if the government had to  say  rehire and train all 8,000 patent examiners even few years.  People who require both technical backgrounds and specialized legal knowledge.


Yup. and when they need people, instead of raising up qualified employees since that takes too much time and money they simply reduce the bar to entering. actual dumbing down. that's their approach to everything too; see the relaxation of child labor laws to get more people in the workforce.


Reading your comment makes me think about Gilead and the Handmaid's tale.


I've not read *Gilead*, but Margaret Atwood was very explicitly drawing from the ideas of groups like Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority. The difference now is that those forces have a chance to actually implement the theocratic dictatorship that Robertson and Falwell could only dream of. This reckoning has been a long time coming. They've been building the machine for half a century, but people considered it a lunatic fringe movement. Now we're seeing what happens when the crazies are backed by a massive, well-connected infrastructure funded by billionaire oligarchs. Our parents and grandparents didn't take them seriously enough. Now it's up to us to put a stop to this thing.


In fact, she drew from the ideologies of the group that Amy Comey Barrett is a participant of... so, the plot line of Handmaid's Tale is chilling lying close to reality.


It occurs to me how the women who push the rhetoric of women's subjugation never seem to see it as affecting them. Amy Coney Barrett is one, but Phyllis Schlafly is perhaps an even better example. She went on a decades-long speaking tour, writing books and giving speeches about how women need to stay barefoot and pregnant and submit to their husbands. But neither Schlafly nor ACB does that. They are liberated women who enjoy their freedom, their power, and using that liberation to tell other women how terrible it is to be free. 


> funded by billionaire oligarchs This is the only part I'm having trouble making sense of. I'm sure there are probably some billionaires out there who believe the same things the rest of the cult does, but I'd have to imagine for most of them their one and only concern is protecting and continuing to exponentially increase their wealth. How does funding this movement aid them in that? Wouldn't it be actively detrimental in that, by doing this, they essentially guarantee a future situation where a true-believer dictator comes into power and targets them to liquidate their wealth for use by the cause/government, if not outright targeting them for their "moral failings/sins"? Like this just rocks the status quo so violently when it seems like the status quo we have is already so beneficial to them, I can't help but see it as them shooting themselves in the foot.


Some are just ideologues that want this future. Others though it's just convenient to back forces that support economic deregulation. These forces also happen to be extremely conservative so the bet is that the economic deregulation will be more advantageous than the instability is disadvantagous.


It's the greed of generational wealth unfettered by any taxes to keep their wealth in check, like estate and capital gains taxes. The dimwitted nepo babies only see the power gain, how every untaxed penny makes them untouchable, with no responsibility. They only see their pile increasing shielding them from consequences. While everything gets worse for the average person, the oligarchs just bribe away anything affecting them. The little people will become occupied with simply surviving, without the time, energy or power to disturb the puppet masters.


> This is nothing less than a roadmap to dictatorship. Best one-sentence summary. I would add that it's a RELIGIOUS dictatorship at that.


It sounds like that we need some sort of thesaurus that translates between normal modern English and the language conservatives use. So that people who do not speak 1984/newspeak /whatever we want to call the language that conservatives use can understand what conservatives are are saying in their written documents. Like translating between normal English and managerial/corporate speaking.


it's deliberately written to make it unsearchable with regular keywords and unreadable because of bulk. lawyer speak, the language of contracts designed to stop ordinary folk from understanding it. much like originally having the bible in latin to gatekeep the power of the church


The Bible was originally in Greek (or Hebrew, if you want to look at it that way) and translated into Latin in the late 4th century because that's what everyone spoke at the time in the Christian world (that's why the translation is referred to as the Vulgate Bible). It was eventually used as a gatekeeping tool of sorts but that was only possible because the vernacular changed over the next 1600 years and the text didn't.


It's pretty common for cults to have their own jargon.


Yes, and not everybody will automatically know that jargon.


I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying why they talk that way.


Copy that


Paste that


Part of the reason why HE uses dogwhistles in his campaign stumping. because the average citizen isnt paying attention, but the targeted audience is waiting to hear it.


> For me, the scariest part is giving the president the ability to fire civil servants without cause and replace them with political loyalists. Alberta just passed a bill allowing the provincial cabinet to remove elected municipal councillors with no recourse and block any legislation from municipalities they don't like. It's already happening here.


> If you want to know about civil rights, search the words "woke" "DEI" and "CRT". If you want to know about abortion, search the word "unborn". If you want to know about voting rights, search for "election integrity". Lol every time I see the word "transgenderism" the disgust lobe of my brain makes the [Enterprise red alert sound](https://youtu.be/VqmSdDKmj2M).


I still can't wrap my mind around this being a real possibility in 2025. Even if they win the election and attempt this stuff, what happens if the House and Senate are majority democrat? They wouldn't be able to pass any of these laws. They wouldn't be able to stop the civil servants being replaced. And the Supreme Court would probably do them a lot of favors. But as a whole, I know so many Republicans supporting their party that have absolutely no idea about Project 2025 and seem to just be LARPing/coping/refusing to admit defeat in stupid ways. But were the Republican party to actually attempt any of this stuff and they themselves begin to lose freedoms, a mass wave of realization will hit them all at once. Many of them own firearms. How would the administration be able to enforce these laws if the supermajority of Americans don't believe in their implementation?


>I still can't wrap my mind around this being a real possibility in 2025. Even if they win the election and attempt this stuff, what happens if the House and Senate are majority democrat? If the first Trump presidency taught then anything it’s that a lot of what people assumed were laws are actually merely guidelines. Fortunately for most people Trump’s cabinet consisted of either: - Incompetent people that were loyal to Trump than America *or* - Competent people who were more loyal to America than Trump. They’ve learned their lesson and the plan is appoint people both competent and MAGA. If congress approves a law that Trump doesn’t like the idea is just to ignore them and do whatever he wants. They figure then need about 10,000 people to do this. And, to be clear, I know this because they've actually [*written down the plans*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) >Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers it characterizes as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president...The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration. Oh shit! But what if people protest?! >In November 2023, The Washington Post reported that deploying the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act would be an "immediate priority" upon a second Trump inauguration in 2025. That aspect of the plan was being led by Jeffrey Clark, a Trump co-defendant in the Georgia election racketeering prosecution and an unnamed co-conspirator in the federal prosecution of Trump for alleged election obstruction...The plan also reportedly includes directing the DOJ to pursue those Trump considers disloyal or political adversaries. And here's what George W. Bush's Attorney General says about it: >Project 2025 seems to be full of a whole array of ideas that are designed to let Donald Trump function as a dictator, by completely eviscerating many of the restraints built into our system. He really wants to destroy any notion of a rule of law in this country ... The reports about Donald Trump's Project 2025 suggest that he is now preparing to do a bunch of things totally contrary to the basic values we have always lived by. If Trump were to be elected and implement some of the ideas he is apparently considering, no one in this country would be safe


Violently. Part of project 2025 is preemptively invoking the insurrection act. And we've seen that laws don't matter to Trump and the GOP. Between Jan 6th, calling state leaders to fabricate votes, and dispatching fake electors to falsify election results, they've already attempted a coup, and Republican members of SCOTUS have signalled that they supported it.


oh so just literally 1984. i know it's an overused meme but it's scary that they want conservative Goldbergs installed everywhere to attack the citizens who step out of their personal line. i thought they were against government overreach and pro freedom, i think they mean pro-free-to-do-what-we-want. we need some kind of enshrined law to Freedom from Religion. nobody should be made to follow this nonsense, especially when it advocates demonizing inborn characteristics such as homosexuality. if your religion says to murder someone, our laws come first and say that's not allowed. what happened to that? you shouldn't be allowed to harm others with your religion, our laws trump personal beliefs and practices especially where they start to encroach on other's own freedom and pursuit of happiness.


We do have a law ensuring freedom from religion. It's the first amendment. The question is, what do we do when bad actors choose to interpret that law to mean that fundamentalist religion gets to rule the country?


How do you suggest exorcising it from the country entirely?


> deeply pilled what does this mean? i can kinda guess from the context but it's not fully clear.


"Pilled" in this context is derived from the "X-pilled" meme terminology to convey someone or something is deeply aligned or engrained in X thing and knows/is part of the jargon associated with being in so deep. So you can say it's "deeply [convervative]pilled" since it uses a lot of esoteric conservative buzzwords.


It's a reference to [this scene](https://youtu.be/zQ1_IbFFbzA) in The Matrix. Conservative online communities have since used "red pilled" to mean going down the rabbit hole of conservative/reactionary thought. In this case, the people who wrote this have gone deep, deep down the rabbit hole to the point that they no longer know which way is up. 


Yeah I tried reading it when reporting on it first started, but it’s just too long. I’ll have to rely on summaries, and if needed I can always try to find specific text.


If you want to learn more (the entire document is extremely long), check out [defeatproject2025.org](https://defeatproject2025.org)


There's also a subreddit! r/Defeat_Project_2025/ I suggest op and any others who want an excellent breakdown of what Project 2025 is and how IT'S ALREADY BEING IMPLEMENTED go through the sub and some of the mod-posts.


Sadly though even with direct textual proof, most conservatives will never hear of it and will immediately dismiss it if they ever do. People *refuse* to acknowledge how garbage Republican policies are and refuse to believe anyone is advocating for them. Trump could go on stage and say "If elected, I will ban all the porn and have everyone who ever looks at porn shot" and no one will believe he said it.


He's already doing it. A great many of these things have started turning up in his stump speeches, particularly promises to prosecute political opponents and throw dissenters in prison. It is straight out of the fascism textbook. It's so ridiculous that I feel crazy just repeating the words these people say.


I don't understand because conservatives are the biggest viewers of porn, aren't they? From what I see with Christians, they think about sex constantly.


*Everyone* looks at porn, so some selective enforcement makes it possible to convict basically anyone at any time. A sufficiently motivated police department could get search warrants for literally anyone they want to harass, like say Democratic politicians or political activists or "uppity" minority leaders.


"Rules for thee, not for me". As the other responder said, selective enforcement is the Republican way.


Conservatives worship power. For them open hypocrisy is a feature, it means they’re strong enough to get away with it.


So Trump and Republican's goal is to enact everything in this document if they win the presidency and Congress?




Jesus god almighty this is the most blatant terroristic plan to ruin America I’ve ever read. Straight up reverting everyone back to the fucking Stone Age if this ever happens.


37 pages… in a row?




Hey, let’s not insult the Taliban here. This is 100%, all-American, christofascism.


Honestly if you're finding out about this project now and porn is your big concern... You seriously need to rethink your priorities. Fuck porn this is the future of democracy at stake.


This site took the mindbreaking step to summarize: [https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/chapter-breakdown](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/chapter-breakdown)


Answer: Just copying an answer from a previous post about this. Question has been asked three previous times. This answer is too good to not post again. **Credit to u/Ill-Stomach7228** ----- It is a real thing, and that isn't an exaggeration. It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more. Edit [note: I just copied the comment with the edit]: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it [here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) and here are some specifics - Project 2025: * ~~Advocates for child marriage~~ [I can't verify this] * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", **including**: * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something *mentioning* that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship. * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, **including**: * Making it even harder to get medicine * Making it even more expensive to get medicine * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws * Ban abortion **even in cases of:** * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, **extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder"**. Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis. * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - **it is impossible to give birth to the fetus**, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, and possible infertility. * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include: * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. **There is no way to save it.** * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. **It is always fatal**. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases.


>compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, It'd been a while since I've read the specific entry on this, but if I remember correctly, it's a bit more insidious than that. It doesn't just "compare", it fully and legally classifies any form of homosexuality and transgenderism as pornography and pedophilia, paving the way to arrest and convict anyone they deem gay as a felon pedophile. What's worse is that in another section, they detail how anyone convicted of pedophilia or "other crimes against children" will be sentenced to death. They've written out for all to see how they plan to fully and legally exterminate gay people, and considering their track record on selective rage against pedophiles, it's plain as day that extermination of LGBTQ is their only goal.


Yeah, that’s the big missing point here. It’s that they’ve cloaked their intentions behind language that most people can at least understand. “Ban all porn”, while controversial (on Reddit), is something that at least can garner some support (especially among centrist conservatives and even some moderate democrats). The issue is that after banning anything pornographic, they then would classify anything LGBTQ+ aligned as “pornographic”, effectively outlawing lgbtq rights fully and allowing them to jail anyone who isn’t straight and cisgender


>“Ban all porn”, while controversial (on Reddit), is something that at least can garner some support (especially among centrist conservatives and even some moderate democrats). I doubt this. Porn is so common in our culture that I don't think even 1/3rd of Americans would be in favor of banning it. I suspect that number is more like 10%. Edit: [Gallup says that attitudes toward pornography are shifting toward more people finding it morally acceptable](https://news.gallup.com/poll/235280/americans-say-pornography-morally-acceptable.aspx). 43% of Americans say that it is morally acceptable. I doubt any substantial percentage of moderate Democrats are actually in favor of a porn ban. Gallup did not ask about banning porn as far as I can see.


I think it’s probably a number that would surprise you. A lot of people would support banning porn with the thinking of “they won’t actually ban *my* porn” or “I won’t be caught using a vpn”. But they’d still vote in favor of a ban


They'll get more traction by making it "Ban porn in schools" and "Ban porn in public spaces" and "Ban porn without proof of age" And let people have a nice self-righteous moral crusade while feeling secure that whatever they do in the privacy of their own home won't be impacted. It's a foot in the door strategy.


Most Americans support gun control, universal healthcare, and abortion rights. And yet, here we are. The system has been hijacked on multiple levels by bad faith actors.


The system was hijacked in 1778 to give small states unequal representation in the Senate. It's inherently broken.


I don't disagree. Hence the EC. But all of that could be and can still be corrected. I hope.


I doubt it will happen in our lifetimes. We might get the NPVIC to happen and we MIGHT get ranked choice voting in half the states. But making the legislative process to actually adhere to the 1 person 1 vote ideal? So unlikely. The small states in 1778 really fucked us by threatening to join France if they didn't get their way with the Senate.


So was booze back in the 20s/30s, how'd that work out at the time?




The premise of prohibition popularity by the 'moral majority' in the 1920/30s


I think it's just an excuse to punish "undesirables"




A direct quote from the 900-page document: > Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender > ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot > inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual > liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its > purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product > is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. > Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should > be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed > as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that > facilitate its spread should be shuttered. The moment porn is mentioned the authors immediately tie it to "transgender ideology" and child sex abuse material (tells me a lot about the authors' porn habits), links porn to illegal drugs and child predators, calls to outlaw all porn, calls to imprison anyone who makes or distributes porn, and calls on the government to "shutter" all telecom and tech firms that "spread" porn (presumably all ISPs and websites). And to top it all off, it indulges that insidious idea that any book that mentions sex or gender is equal to child porn, and the authors call for any librarian or educator to be treated like a sex offender if they use any such books or make them available. This is codifying the hysteria and book banning that has been wreaking chaos at local school districts and schools boards around the country for several years now. Certainly some of the people promoting this ideology truly hold such narrow views of humanity that they think this is necessary. But many more co-sign this document cynically adopting the religious and moralist elements mentioned above in the name of gaining votes, getting power, and enacting all the other policies this document lays out. Certainly the former president does not care about porn or libraries, but he will support these ideas if he can get re-elected.


What scares me is the mass execution of all death row prisoners. They want to set up ah infrastructure to mass execute people quickly and efficiently. The prisoners are just to get it going. Once it's up and running, who's next? Add in equating homosexuality and transgender with pedophiles, and making pedophilia a death penalty crime, and it's pretty clear where this is headed. Just to start at least.


Holy shit, they’re advocating for child marriage???


They're Republican politicians, so yes? To quote New Hampshire Representative Jess Edwards: > … If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, **when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved,** are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples? This in response to a New Hampshire bill to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18, so this adult man thinks girls under 18 are ripe, fertile, and should be getting pregnant. Fucking creeps, all of them. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/ https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/13/last-ditch-push-to-ban-child-marriage-in-missouri-must-overcome-resistance-in-house/ https://www.nj.com/politics/2024/05/gop-official-argues-in-favor-of-child-marriage-girls-are-ripe-and-fertile.html https://www.sdstandardnow.com/home/south-dakota-house-republicans-show-support-for-child-marriage-by-killing-bipartisan-bill


My mother was a teen mom and had severe pregnancy complications as a result of her young age. Fuck anyone who says minors are "ripe and fertile".


>describing ~~someone~~ *minors* as "ripe" Jesus Christ.


Yeah I’ve heard of all of this. Republicans have always been angling towards child brides, I just didn’t realize they were being even more mask off about it and including it in Project2025.


But it’s the LGBTQ community who are a danger to children apparently 💩


That shouldn't surprise you, coming from Nationalist Christians.


It really doesn’t surprise me. I just didn’t realize that was in Project2025.


You know, I'm trying to verify that and I can't. So maybe that is wrong. I'll strike it out.


They want to make the Handmaid's Tale real.


Even worse, they want to leave out the *only* good part of the Republic of Gilead: the machine-gunning of Congress.


When Mars Attacks! came out, I think it was a bipartisan reaction to laugh about stuff like that. But have you been living under a rock. Conservatives post Jan 6 most definitely want to gun down Congress.


Texas is *well* on their way towards this.


Your edit, although informative, probably won't change the minds of people who thought the first things you mentioned were good. Jesus.


It's not "my" edit though, that message is copied directly from a different post. Removing the edit line seemed uncool. But I did add one edit in brackets with strikethroughs. But yeah you're right.


It's not about changing the minds of the zealots. The vast majority of people are not extremists, and a surprising amount of them haven't made up their minds yet. This is about letting those people know that a vote for Trump is a vote for a dictatorship.


>~~Advocates for child marriage~~ \[I can't verify this\] not hard to imagine it, though. child marriage is legal in most states right now. "Child marriage was legal in all 50 states until 2018. Since then, 10 states have passed bans, and advocates continue to push lawmakers to end the practice." [https://19thnews.org/2023/07/explaining-child-marriage-laws-united-states/](https://19thnews.org/2023/07/explaining-child-marriage-laws-united-states/)


I can't verify that it's actually in Project 2025, but I would not be at all shocked to see it in there. These handmaid's tale types are all about fertility and it's creepy as shit.


Answer: Here is a summary breakdown of Project 2025 including all of the things you asked about. Only 10 pages instead of 800. Basically it is an ultra right wing multi million dollar mandate for leadership by The Heritage Foundation and is meant to basically make the next Republican President a dictator. It espouses Christian nationalism and is a fascist guide on how to never have another election again. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/5hDrpTIwDP


Thank you for naming the group responsible. My main question was whether or not this was a fringe group everyone was overreacting to.


Answer: It's an attempt to use Trump as the patsy for instituting the American Taliban. A state run by extremist Christian values. Vote every time you have the chance.


and vote blue. 


Answer: Project 2025 is a blueprint for a second Trump presidency should he win. It was written by the conservative think-tank The Heritage Foundation and others, I believe. They are absolutely looking to implement this and the proof is that red states have already implemented some measures leading to book bans, making cross-dressing in public a crime, and ID verification on porn sites, leading to Pornhub blocking access to its site in those states. Edited for clarity


>a second Trump presidency Let me fix that up a little... > the next Republican presidency Don't fool yourself into thinking that if Trump is defeated, that they won't wait for the next election cycle. or the next one, or the next one. They've been planning this for decades. They're going to shove this into place the NEXT chance they get. Trump is just a willing stooge who will do anything for his own power. He'd sell his own children out if it got him ahead an inch.


> He'd sell his own children out if it got him ahead an inch. Eric Trump is a sub-prime tranche in human form.


I keep reminding people even on the sub about this. A tRump win only hastens this process, but it's already being implemented in some ways AND it's primed for the next Republican presidency for sure.


The other element is building a database of contacts to hire as civil servants across the US. The White House had rules limiting the President’s ability to fire and hire permanent staff in the executive branch, which Trump had revoked and Biden restored. The idea is to once again loosen those rules, and install permanent staff who will serve as Yes Men to whatever Trump and the GOP say.


There's a crapton of fascism in there that I could've elaborated on, but OP's question seemed to focus on the pornography and indecency laws, so I only addressed that. You're right though, they will fill the staff with sycophants. Very scary stuff.


I highly recommend people really read all the key points highlighted in the doc. There was even a good breakdown of it by a lawyer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3UvaC5m7o&pp=ygUUd2hhdCBpcyBwcm9qZWN0IDIwMjU%3D


Happy Cake Day! Thanks for the link. I'll check that out!


If you hated trumps presidency before, if he wins and starts this in motion... It's gonna be pretty fucked for anyone not white male and rich 


Exactly this! Add "christian" to that as well


But only the right kind of Christian of course ;)


As a Christian ally I’m boned 


Best part is they can label whoever they want Christian and non-Christian it doesn't matter.


Just like during the 17th century Puritan witch trials!


Yeah, but you can pretend to be Christian, plenty do. It's a lot harder to pretend to be white or rich


LMAO. You're absolutely right about that, but it's republican "christian" and not actual Christian.


And then keep adding and keep adding and keep adding. Fascism always needs an enemy, and so it will keep finding them.


Question: could this legally be passed and implemented? There are so many things that just…completely violate and disregard the Constitution in this.


The plan tries to account for this and has several workarounds and contingency plans for if something doesn't work. Essentially the goal is to make the executive branch as powerful as possible so that the president can ignore congress and the courts to instate whatever they want


Exactly. To shove this stuff through, they would need to have completely compromised the Supreme Court and put in a ton of other completely biased judges... oh, wait... It doesn't matter if something is "legal" or "illegal" when you control the people who write and enforce the Law. The entire Project 2025 is laying out how they will absolutely take over "rule of law" by packing government with "like minded individuals". They want to make a brand new America.


The Constitution is just some words on a piece of paper. The courts decide what it means, even if it was written fairly plainly. Things like precedent and laws do not have to apply if the courts choose to ignore them. If the Supreme Court says something is constitutional, it is, even if it really isn’t. Their written opinions (justifications) do not matter except in order to establish a framework of precedent, which can be ignored. There is no practical check on the Supreme Court. Congress can impeach and remove a justice, but it requires two-thirds of the Senate to remove, so that is essentially impossible. Congress can pass laws to hold the court to ethics standards, but these bills have been rejected, and if they actually did pass, the Supreme Court could simply rule them unconstitutional. Quite the pickle we are in.


So, part of the problem for Trump last time was that there were people standing in his way that refused to break the law, or break rules, or do certain things. They got a lot of resistance from the "guard rails" intended to stop a dictator from taking hold and mandating policy. Part of Project 2025's plans are to implement something called "Schedule F", which would reclassify about 50,000 government employees as "political appointees", meaning they would be appointed by a President rather than elected. Basically, that means the President would be choosing their appointed sycophants to head a department that was previously headed by a civil servant with decades of experience. Basically, part of the plan is to remove anyone who stands in the way of their plans and replace them with a bootlicking sycophant who will be a yes man for Trump's most disgusting and disturbing ideas. The plan is to grant unitary power over the executive branch for the president. The Supreme Court is willing to allow it to happen. Al


The Constitution only matters as much as the institutions that enforce it. Considering Supreme Court is part of this project already, I wouldn't put any hope into the Constitution today. It is irrelevant, they can just say "the Constitution was meant to be vague and we parse it as blah blah so these laws are just fine". It is not like congress would impeach the justices and replace them.


That's why they BEGAN this process ALREADY by packing the courts. Something every liberal has been warning about since the 1990s. Even now, if you use the term "pack the courts" around the wrong people, they roll their eyes even though it's already fucking happened. **We've already lost SCOTUS.** They are ready to go. FYI... I say 90s, but this goes deep. If you look at some of the videos/topics on **YouTube that has recordings from the 1980s from the Koch brothers**, they've been calling for "remaking" the constitution and the laws of this country for well over 40 years. The Koch brothers (or brother, now) identified themselves as **Libertarians.** I tried searching YouTube for those videos and too much other stuff filled the results. Here's a great article that highlights their intentions (it's from 2017): https://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/koch-brothers-want-new-constitution-theyre-closer-you-think-2552039 Now, don't get me wrong. This is very widespread now, involves Trump, and other people have taken this baton and have expanded to what we're all describing as Project 2025, but this was basically a financially motivated political move when they started on this path. It has now turned into christofascist one due to what the political spectrum as begun. But it's always been the aim of these guys as well as other "dark money" billionaires to go in this direction. I seriously wish I could find that video. It was one of them speaking and they had a slideshow on the friggen thing. Found another breakdown article: https://www.businessinsider.com/koch-brothers-fortune-power-conservative-crusade-american-politics-2019-8 https://www.prwatch.org/news/2017/06/13254/koch-convention-rewrite-constitution-roadblocks


Not really. With a sympathetic congress, the majority of it would be easily be implemented. Alot of it would also be actionable through the executive branch solely


Don't assume it's going through Congress. He's going to assert his right to these things and start by firing the civil service and hiring loyalists. https://www.project2025.org/personnel/ This will be challenged in courts and end up at the Supreme where Trump appointed three of the justices.


It's not like Trump cares about what's legal


> could this legally be passed and implemented? What is "legal" in your view? Take slavery which is very clearly outlawed and illegal right? And yet for profit prisons lock people up and make them work for non-liveable wages in what is effectively slavery by every definition. Is it legal? A few people decided it was cool, and the masses weren't piss enough to revolt so it is. If you had a president acting in good faith and respecting the laws, then no, a bunch of this is straight up bat shit insane and shouldn't even get close to a vote let alone accepted, and the supreme court would laugh in your face and throw that shit out instantly. But none of the politicians are acting in good faith (otherwise how did republicans get all those bonus supreme court justices?), and the supreme court is very clearly bought and paid for. So what is legal is very much up for debate, and should a swing to the right happen, everything is legal if you just change the rules or you control you enforces all the rules (one of the things in project 2025 is putting the justice department under control of the president ... so then president controls who enforces the rules). So on the one hand no, no it isn't. On the other hand - yeah it really really is. You just have to decide how much you trust republican politicians to play fair and even!


Answer: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text - [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - [And here](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll.


Answer: Some extreme Republicans saw The Handmaidens tale and got inspired. Blessed be the fruit


Please. Like Trump ever eats fruit.


Under his eye


Answer: Project 2025 is the Trumpist plan for after the 2024 election . It will dismantle US democracy, destroy the environment, affect climate change, infringe on your rights, and potentially take them away. Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of conservative policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation to reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom some Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president.It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration. Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes slashing funding for the Department of Justice (DOJ), dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production, eliminating the Department of Commerce, and ending the independence of federal agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts, though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism. Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated.Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.The Project urges government to explicitly reject abortion as health care and eliminate the Affordable Care Act's coverage of emergency contraception. The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity. It proposes criminalizing pornography, removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action. Project contributor Jeffrey Clark advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants. It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of those sentences. Project director Paul Dans explained that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state." Dans admitted it was "counterintuitive" to recruit so many to join the government to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future president to "regain control" of the government. Although the project cannot by law promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Trump and his 2024 campaign. Critics of Project 2025 have described it as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist movement that could turn the United States into an autocracy. Several experts in law have indicated that it would undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers. Some conservatives and Republicans also criticized the plan, for example in the contexts of centralizing power, individual rights and freedoms, climate change, and foreign trade Read more at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 ----- Christian Nationalists Christian Nationalists are the twisted form of Christianity Just like Jihadist terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda twist the beliefs of the Quran. Evangelicals, Trumpists, Putin, Conservatives, the far right white supremists, neo nazis, antisemitistoc groups are associated with Christian Nationalism. Putin claims to be a global leader of Christian Nationalism. As for reference https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_nationalism ---- Some other crazy stuff going on: The Eurasian party Also created by Russia by Aleksandr Dugin. Dugin is Putin's chef/brain, he created their current playbook the Foundations of Geopolitics. The party is anti-Alanticism, anti-Americanism, anti liberal democracy, and many more. They are using a similar image to the sigil of Chaos. Which is used by chaos magic practitioners. The Illuminates of Thanateros is an international magical organization that focuses on practical group work in chaos magic. It's a manipulative psychological tactic used for achieving effects. Chaos magic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_magic The Illuminates of Thanateros https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminates_of_Thanateros The Eurasian Party https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasia_Party The chaos magic sigil https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/ChaosStar.svg/800px-ChaosStar.svg.png Compared to Eurasian party flag symbol https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/Logo_of_the_Eurasia_Party.svg/800px-Logo_of_the_Eurasia_Party.svg.png What's interesting is that Nostradamus had visions of the future like 9-11. He also predicted three false antichrists the first implied to be Napoleon, the second he called "Hister" i.e. Hitler, the third called "Mabus" which I wonder if he meant "MAGA US" (he mispelled Hitler, so its possible for Mabus being MAGA US) he said he would rise from the eastern hemisphere, maybe somewhere in Asia, which would align with Trump as he got his initial support from Russia. Russia created the Eurasian Party. (Both Eastern hemisphere and Asia. ) He also said an eight spoked star is also a sign of the end of the world. (Like the chaos magic sigil, and Eurasian Party flag symbol?)


This is the most insane thing I have read this year it feels like a fucking movie plot good lord


>This is the most insane thing I have read this year it feels like a fucking movie plot good lord People thought the same about COVID. A pandemic of its scale seems like something that came out of a movie. These are different times. The signs are here.


I've been pretty worried about project 2025 but then this dude started earnestly talking about chaos magic and Nostradamus in his next breath. Now I think it's a great time to disregard pretty much everything in this post and look for more critical perspectives on the issue. Are you fucking for real?


What are your thoughts on the drawings of the 100 dollars bill?


You'll need to be more specific.


Answer: The John Birch Society originated post WW2 by Americans who supported the Nazi realm. Fred Koch, of Koch Industries, America's 2nd largest privately owned corporation, led the charge. Soundly defeated in the 1960s, they rebranded into the Heritage Foundation and Council for National Policy in the 70s,80s and issued the first Mandate for Leadership in 1981, 20 volumes. Under the Leadership of Paul Weyrich and Tim LeHaye among other oil and finance billionaires, they set out to control the world using an archaic and rejected form of Christianity known as Dominionism. The original plan involved weaponization of the Church to gain membership and influence. They also introduced private investment into business known as "Trickle Down economics". In 1990s they partnered with the Russian Orthodox church and Netanyahu's party in Israel to fight Islam and exert control over the oil industry (a Dominionism requirement for the End Times)