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I miss the intensity and darkness of the 1st season. The filming gave a different feel and each season had less and less of this, to the point where it’s now almost story-bookish? Idk if that’s the best description, but some ppl might get what I’m saying! Even the actual Outlander books don’t give this vibe. I guess I just miss seeing Jamie and all the boys in kilts sword fighting lol


I also miss the spicy scenes from season 1


Omg yesss


I agree with how the feel of the show changed over the seasons; to me the word that comes to mind is the show now feels more soap-opera ish


My sister says it feels like little house on the prairie. I thought that was a good comparison lol


This season is much improved from 6. Almost quit between 5 and 6 cause once it hit America the show just completely changed, even if the core themes stayed the same.




Exactly. It’s weird cause the stakes haven’t changed much from the last two, but the vibes are completely different and as compelling as the first 4 seasons.


idk how unpopular this is but I wish they hadn't killed Angus and Rupert at Culloden, I think they were a really important comic relief and I loved them


Agreed!! Definitely 2 of my fav characters.




I completely agree!


100% agree. That comic relief was important to the show and losing them was a hard change, especially since no new characters were introduced to fill that role. Even in serious or dangerous situations they would add this much needed light heartedness. Now it's just serious and it kind of takes some of the fun out of it. ETA: I would have loved to see Rupert and Angus in America.


Massively Agree!!! Rupert became one of my favorite characters. I would’ve liked to have seen him stay with the group all the way to Fraisers Ridge. Or help face Bonnet.


Steven Bonnet is the best villain in the show. He has so many layers of evil and some good and depth to him. He is one of the best actors in the show as well and pulled off some masterclass level performances.


Ed Speleers makes him such a horribly charismatic villain. He also adds this very subtle side to side movement which I finally realized reminds me of the body language of a young Axl Rose.


OMG! I have said to my husband SO MANY TIMES, this actor could play Axl Rose in a movie!


Agreed. BJR was really good but you knew he was sadistic. It was predictable. Bonnet scared me more because you never really knew what he thinking


The book version of Stephen Bonnet is one of my all time favorite villains.


Couldn’t agree more. Extremely charming with the soul of the devil. Much more dangerous as far as I’m concerned.


I personally think he is worse than BJR, at least in Jamie's eyes. BJR almost killed Jamie and Claire, but Bonnet >!almost killed Claire and Bree, raped her, kidnapped her and tried to sell her, and take Jemmy to get river run.!<


The acting is so good that when I saw Ed Speleers in Downton Abbey, I kept waiting for him to do something evil! My brain just couldn't forget Steven Bonnet lol


Same with You. I watched You right after I watched Outlander for the first time and it didn't help that they made his character look like he was up to no good in You!


I totally agree. It felt earthy and gritty. Now the show is much closer to a soap opera than it is to season 1.


Whew! You guys don’t pull any punches. My unpopular opinion is that D.G can be quite long winded at times.


Yeah and I find some chapter transitions jarring. Like they were written separately and inserted in random order.


I read somewhere that's literally what happened, that's how she writes


I saw a piece online she wrote saying g she writes scenes supposedly at random and then "stitches" them together into a book. No outlines and definitely not a linear thinker in terms of her story narratives. Must be a job and a half to edit for continuity!


Yeah that's what I read too. I agree that sounds like a nightmare to edit


Her later books seem to have fallen into the "writing just to be writing" category. You can't really get into reading them. They are sloppy and boring.


This! I have to say, I have been stuck on the 5th book for so long as it’s hard to hard to get into and I’m hundreds of pages into it!


It was the same way for me. I switched to an audible book and got through it. I enjoyed that, so I did the rest of the books on audible.


I read that book at a point when a lot of people on the sub were and we had a support thread of sorts. Kind of a loose read along to get through together. Hang in there!


My unpopular opinion is that Roger and Bree (and the actors) are just fine. I don’t think they’re quite as good as Claire and Jamie— who is? —but I have no real problem with them and feel like it’s such a worn out topic. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of the characters and actors, of course, it just feels like I see posts every couple days asking if anyone else hates them. They’ve never ruined the show for me.


I think, in any other show where they were the main couple, we wouldn’t be giving a second thought about their chemistry. It’s just that Jamie and Claire’s chemistry is SO strong that everything else seems weak in comparison. Even Fergus and Marsalis.


This is a really good point. I'm reevaluating my own view with this in mind and I definitely would feel differently!


I disagree about marsali and fergus, I think they have just as much chemistry!


Yes! They aren’t meant to be as compelling as Jamie and Claire. J&C are an aspirational couple, something rare/unusual. Bree and Roger are a normal believable couple working their way through a normal marriage


Roger fan over here


Me too. And I've gotten used to Bree, she doesn't annoy me so much anymore.


She’s improved in every way. The character grew up and had more compelling dialogue. Sophie’s acting has also improved a great deal.


I happen to think Roger is a great character, very human, and the actor is gifted as hell.


I like Roger too… but I don’t care for the actor playing him. In my minds eye, he looks like the actor that played Mutt in Schitts Creek. ![gif](giphy|WUaOKUEnzmcj7r7nnl|downsized)


Same. I actually think the actor does a great job with the role of Roger. He is endearing, funny, and quite believable when he goes through his physical and mental hardships. He has really grown on me and I very much enjoy his scenes. He is underrated in this series.


Roger and Bree definitely get much better after they go back to Lallybroch in the 80s. They're kind of whiney up til then and constantly bickering. But then they actually get interesting, when they go back to the future.


I love Sophie!!! I think shes magnificent as Bree! And Richard does a great job as Roger, i don't think he fits the book description great, but neither does Cait as Claire. Cait & Sam are other worldly on film but i think all of the casting of Outlander is excellent!


season 6 is one of my favorites, and the France part of the show (season 2A) is my favorite storyline


I have 2: The show (I have not read the books) became precipitously less interesting to me once they left Europe. Claire may be an excellent healer, but she’s too dumb for her own good. I realize a story must have conflict, but the number of times where she could have just not said “(blank)” is infuriating.


We said unpopular lol I miss Scotland, I can't wait for 7B!!


Yes, just finished "Do No Harm" (season 4, River Run-Jocasta- Slave situation) in my rewatch. Claire's stupidity was hard to watch and Jamie's blind obedience was painful. Like they really just kept forging ahead...at the risk of literally EVERY ONE ELSE. There's so many other situations where Claire can't seem to help herself...like damn girl! Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!


That episode and Creme de Menthe are the worse 😬


Yesssss. "I have to save him. I took an oath" No. Claire, you literally do not have to save him.


You took an oath to do no harm *in the context of medicine*!!! Self-defense is ok, girl!


I've re-watching the series and just finished that episode. Why did Jamie think that it OK to not tell Jenny and Ian that Ian Junior was OK? Why did Claire insist on trying to save the life of the guy that tried to kill her? I understand they were trying to set up conflicts between Claire and Jamie, but it was ridiculous.


Throw in Down the Rabbit Hole, and it’s the trifecta of the worst episodes!


She's so much dumber in the show, tbf. Which I mention not just to be annoying but literally that's why she never seems to face plot consequences for not saying the wrong thing is that in the books she doesn't say the wrong thing, and they're following the book plot. But it's annoying.


They should have just cut the Bugs/hidden gold plot line completely if they weren’t going to take the time to really develop the Bugs properly during the lead up. In the books their betrayal feels like such a shock because you’ve grown to care deeply about and trust them. In the show you’re like … who are these people again?


I agree with you. Until I read the books after season 6. I had no idea the Bugs were anything but the hired help. Then season 7 picks up the Bug storyline out of nowhere. If I hadn’t read the books I wouldn’t know why Ian said that Mrs. Bug was like a grandmother to him.


I never see anyone talking about it so I assumed there wasn’t really any opinion, to be fair 😂


Agree mr bug showed up out of nowhere


I thoroughly dislike Tom Christie. His "sacrifice" was the bare minimum and his feelings for Claire were an unnecessary added plot to the story. I am so happy I don't have to see him again. Okay. I shall get ready to be stoned to death now.


Completely agree- also I love the actor that played him but as a fellow Welsh person his Scottish accent was awful - all I could hear was Welsh!


As a book character he wasn't all that interesting but the actor who plays him really brought another dimension to the show's version.


Well as I told you, you *will* see him again in the books. >!You get to read about him and his family in books 5, 6 *and* 7.!< I know you must be thrilled. 😆


I shall imagine him as a different character in the books, my friend. I have a talent for doing that. I might end up liking his books version anyway.


I do not agree with the Tom Christie redemption arc at all. He knew >!his son was raping Malva!< and did nothing about it.


I was playing the world's smallest violin for the dude in his last scene. I am so happy he is gone now. Also >!when Claire asked "why did he wait so long to say something?/why didn't he say anything in front of Brown? I was screaming to my screen: YES CLAIRE. YES. THAT'S THE QUESTION I'VE HAD EVER SINCE THE HORRIBLE ENDING OF SEASON 6! He saw how claire was being stoned, humiliated, how her house was destroyed...!< okay. I will shut up about this now. I could rant about it the whole day. PM me if you wanna talk more about the topic. Here we will be stoned to death 🤣😅


Did he know about Malva and Allen?? I don’t remember him actually knowing about that.


He didn't .


The show went downhill in quality significantly after season 2.. still good, just not the same vibe at all. Nothing can top season 1 and 2 IMO


You said unpopular so here we go… As someone who has read all of the Outlander series books and novellas, and loves the story SO much, DG should have ended the story WELL before now. She is extremely long-winded. The first three books were spectacular. The last two books especially had SO much happen, but nothing actually *happened.* I was happy when they started mixing things up a bit and mashing up different scenes to make it more intriguing and I’m glad they’re stopping the show at 8 seasons. This is one of my favorite stories, but at some point it becomes overkill.


I acually think Book 8 could have been a perfect ending. Minus the convoluted Cameron plot. A lot of plots were wrapped up, a lot of characters were paired off or at least with family.


I agree. I LOVE this story. I have read the first 8 books 3 times, and books 1-3 more than that. However, I cannot for the life of me get into book 9. I have tried. There is too much going on that is really nothing going on. It is all over the place and nowhere at all.


I think that’s the hardest thing for authors. Like they get so into the world and so involved in the characters that they can’t bear to end it but realistically it has to come to a conclusion. Some series I’ve read I think ok finally they’ll get their happily ever after only to go ah shit nope there’s another catastrophe to overcome and it lurches along from catastrophe to catastrophe which is a great read but are we going to do this till the main characters’ 90s? Or can they just go off peacefully into the sunset.


I would have been very happy for the story to end at the conclusion of MOBY. Great ending. Bringing in more storylines and characters at the homestretch of BEES makes me fear she’ll need more than one further book to close it out. I personally despised BEES, so I don’t have great hopes of loving the future book 10


Yep! “Hello the house!” would’ve been the best ending. Bees was terrible, the first entire chapter was filled with nothing but continuity errors. When they released the first chapter of Bees before the book was released I was legitimately horrified when I read it because of how bad the errors were.


It does annoy me when the show gives so much of Jamie’s agency to Claire. I get that Show!Outlander and Book!Outlander are different in many ways but this is more my pet peeve.


IMO the writers are working the strong, confident woman angle to the detriment of Jamie's character. It is the Claire show with her sidekick Jamie.


It’s a pity because they’re meant to be equals even though Jamie is an early 18thC highlander. By the time he met Claire he’d already had so many life experiences - university, serving as a mercenary and being victim of BJR. Also living with the Mackenzies, albeit under an alias.


They did this a number of times, giving good quotes from one character away to another, giving important moments and fights away to another. I know that had to happen in some instances but it really makes me sad for the character development of the ones stolen from.


The Bree and Roger don’t have any chemistry


I'm not sure how much unpopular this is 🫢


This is not really unpopular!


They do in the books! Though it takes a long time to warm up to book Brianna so I do feel like Sophie was faced with quite a formidable challenge right from the start playing that character.


Did you read the books first? I’m curious why you felt that way cause I’ve heard other people say the same. I watched the show first which also took time for me to warm up to her, but that was only because of Sophie’s acting. She’s improved a lot so I wonder how I would’ve felt about her without that factoring into it!


Yeah I was a looooong time book reader before the show came out (I started reading the series in 2006 and was pretty heavily involved in the fandom from that point onwards) and it was really hard to connect with or like Brianna when she was first introduced. I didn’t warm up to her until probably midway through book 4. I also remember hearing back then that Diana struggled with writing Brianna and couldn’t hear her ‘voice’ as clearly as with the other characters when writing so Sophie did an admirable job considering book Brianna is basically no one’s favourite.


So speaking of them - I’m not sure if it’s unpopular or not but I think they are terrible actors. They both got better when they travelled back, but it was insufferable at first


They were so much better in season 7. That being said, I also disliked them in the books until book 7 so that might be some of my own bias for their story.


Bree was almost unwatchable bad. Like terrible soap opera actress bad. That scene of her flipping out when Claire told her about Jamie really showed such a sharp contrast between the skill of the various actors. She has gotten better though, I’ll give her that.


I just posted a very similar comment. While she has improved, she's still awful.


I wouldn't give up modern plumbing no matter how good the d!€k is.






I don’t like Jenny, book or show. She’s bossy, nosy, judgmental, and for someone who’s “never been ten miles from Lallybroch” (according to Jamie) she sure thinks she knows how everyone and everything should be done. She has good moments, but overall she’s rude and obnoxious.


Dang, you're making me see her in a different light. I'm so attracted to that Fraser spirit I became blind to her other behaviors lol. It's like the annoying habits episode [of How I Met Your Mother ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG-Nkhp7qec) Funnily enough, the more I rewatched HIMYM, the less I liked majority of the characters. I'm sure if I could rewatch Outlander at a sitcom pace the same thing would happen lol.


Nice reference! I've rewatched himym so many times. Ted is an awful human and I definitely disliked him more and more on rewatch. The only ones I actually like are Marshall and Lily even though they do bad stuff sometimes. And Barney even though if he was a real person he'd be a sociopath because he's so awful. But always Ted and sometimes Robin just suck. It's amazing watching that show and the main characters mostly suck as people and it's still so good. Reminds me of its always sunny in Philadelphia. The difference is it's always sunny purposefully made their characters awful people while how I met your mother did not. Sorry I'll get off my how I met your mother tangent!


Don’t worry, you speak truth!!! I think the characters were meant to have flaws. Lily is redeemable in my eyes because she often owns up to the bad things she does and seems genuinely remorseful. Marshall is a good with a big heart - no problems there. Barney is so wild it’s almost unrealistic, I can suspend my disbelief there. Ted seems selfish, all in the name of love, but he’s been honest about that I’m pretty sure. ROBIN. WTF ROBIN. Poor Patrice - I’ll start and leave it there 🤣 All in all, the characters were portrayed as humans and I LOVE IT. Back to our regular schedule Outlander programming.


But she did give me my favorite new insult: dirty fat lumpkin. 😂


True! She described him perfectly. And her letters to J&C on the Ridge, describing Leghair with the hired hand in the grape arbor were funny too. When she described spraining her ankle, she was hobbling like a spavined something or other and her ankle was gruppit (pulling that from memory, I’m not near my books, don’t beat me up!)


I definitely feel some of this


Totally agree


I prefer characters of book Jamie and Claire rather than show ones.




I agree!


Jamies season 3/4 wig wasn’t so bad! At least with the fringe you couldn‘t see the atrocious wig hairline like in later seasons


I swear the wigs are getting wiggier. It’s so hard to focus when all I can see is a bad wig…


Right?! That sweet recent video of Sam being excited about going to the Taylor Swift concert and all I could think was 'what the actual fuck is that hairline?!' There are a few scenes in season 5 where I like the wig. I‘m thinking the 'busy wee strivers' scene in 511 for example. Solid hairline and they got the curls right! He‘s becoming less and less curly as well now!


I loved the season four wig and fringe. It was the best since season 1 where they used his own hair.


I found Roger’s whole minister journey boring AF.


I prefer JAMMF with the ponytail 🙈😂


I’ll piggyback on yours and say … deep breath… I liked Jamie’s season four fringe! There I said it!! I miss the fringe 😭


Jamie buckling his boots after their reunion night in 306 is possibly the worst noise I have ever heard in my life.


So glad someone finally said it! 😆


I have a number of observations. The main one being that Show!Big House is like a palace they nicked from Versailles. Jamie, Young Ian and others crafted the house (and the cabin before it) by hand. Also the furniture in the houses.


Not disagreeing or agreeing, but in the book they do make a point of saying Jocasta sends them a lot of the furnishings. Which would presumably be nice stuff.


I’d forgotten about that but the actual construction of the house would have been much more rustic I would have thought


These comments relate to the TV series only. I hate how Jamie has been dumbed down so Claire can always be the 'smart' one. I hate how so much of Lord John's character has been ignored so all we see is the lovesick puppy. Both Sam & David deserve better.


I like Frank and think he was screwed over multiple times and was more selfless than most people would be


I want a Frank novella about his work with the intelligence service during the war!


That would be super cool


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion with show watchers. I think it’s more book readers who hate Frank. I didn’t care for Frank even before I read the books, but I think I’m in the minority.


I love Davina Porter reading the books. You can do other things while listening. She brings the characters to life and you feel like you are with the characters in the story!


Too much war. Sorry, I do not give a single fuck about the military strategy of colonial America. I feel like I haven’t really read large portions of the last two books because I’ve just skimmed through the war/militia stuff. Give me more of Claire healing people.


Yes. I’d happily read an entire book or watch several episodes of Domestic!Frasers just getting on with life and either developing their place on Fraser’s Ridge or (more or less impossible in the 1860s because of the Jamie having to make over his inheritance to young Jamie Murray) going back to Lallybroch


Yeah, I know it’s a show with a historical backdrop, but I originally watched for the Celtic history. I enjoyed seeing how the clans interacted and how different countries might have interacted with each other. As someone from Ireland, I find it funny that the Irish characters in the show are all bad or crooked characters. When the show moves to America, I lose some interest mostly because American history doesn’t really interest me and the show sort of loses the Scottish charm it had. Like, I loved how in France, Murtagh and Jamie continued wearing their kilts under the French coats. I wish we got more kilts in America as they were fiercely proud of their heritage. As for Claire, yes, I want more healing, more science-y stuff, more experimentation with healing methods. Colonial America just doesn’t do it for me!


True, and as someone who has studied American imperialism in college extensively I just hate how Claire is constantly talking about how the US is "free, new, amazing, incredible and an amazing cause" when so many revolutionaries were terrible to the indigenous and enslaved people at the time of independence, and that didn't change. Like she was Joe's best friend, a black man, at the height of the fights against segregation but still gushes over freedom like what? It just feels like American propaganda sometimes idk 😬


This has been my problem with the last few books. I get it the American Revolution is huge and obviously cannot be ignored if they exist at the same time. But I cannot understand for the life of me why Jamie chose to get involved OR didn't think it would ever come back to bite them in the ass considering the Brits gave him the land he currently resides on. In Tell The Bees >!when Ulysses shows back up and gives him the letter telling him the land will be taken from him and all his tenants asked to leave, I was like "well yeah duh...this was bound to happen. Did you think the British crown would be like cool yeah let's leave that rebel/traitor with the 10,000 acres I gave him." It's so fucking dumb that J&C didn't even consider it up til that point. !< But also it's been 3 books. I'm so bored of the American Revolution. Williams story is so boring too. I actually like William but I don't need another 5 chapters of him racing up and down the coast being a hero to women everywhere.


Yes I JUST read that part in Bees the other day and was like ok come on?? For a book with time travel at the core, there isn’t enough with it. I really enjoyed the Buck/Roger/Rob Cameron debacle in the previous book and wish there was more of that kind of stuff.


The show has never been as good as season 1, all following series’ haven’t been as good


I don’t like Roger. Is that unpopular? He’s too “I’m the man, do it my way and marry me after an hour of only knowing you” and “only I can sleep with other people because I don’t love them but you can’t do the same!”


I don't like Roger in the show, but I do like him in the books.


I adored Roger until the scene in season 4 before him and Bree time travel, at the Scottish festival. The slut shaming, blatant misogyny etc. So many red flags. Bree deserved so much better. Like I know it was a different time, but damn. That was character ruining for me. Haven't liked him since.


I joined the Outlander sub a couple days ago during my annual rewatch (usually do so before a new season gets on Netflix since I don't have... Starz? I believe that's where it's airing), and MY GOD I keep getting reminded why he is my least favorite character. I just needed vindication. Him and Bree's actors just lack... so much together on-screen. Never read the books but I know there's a lot of watering down down on Roger specifically... still don't like him tho.


I wonder if anyone actually likes Roger lol


I like Roger. He was an azzhole at first but has developed into someone more interesting. Richard Rankin is strong but is handicapped playing against Sophie Skelton who sadly just isn't a strong actress.


A LOT of people love book Roger and think what they did to him in the first few seasons of the show is basically character assassination (myself included). By season 5 they’d course corrected but I am still bitter about season 4


I like Roger. Liking Roger and Bree is unpopular on this sub.


Don"t care for J&C's wigs. IIRC, in S1 it was their natural hair.


The wigs are just awful. They need a drag queen to come in and teach them to lay down the edges


I like Roger. His character shows a lot of growth (especially in the books). I feel like this is an unpopular opinion at this point because the majority of fans seem to dislike his character. Richard Rankin isn't how I personally picture Roger based on DG's description in the books, but I've really grown to enjoy his portrayal of Roger in the show.


I like him too. He is flawed, but no more than any other character.


I think Sophie Skelton's acting is fine. I don't get why everyone has a problem with it.


The “sexual chemistry” between Brianna and Rodger isn’t believable, at all. Especially the season 7 sexy time scene in the caravan (after Buck says Rob Cameron has a hot eye for her). Cringed, watching.


That scene makes me cringe so hard. I had to fast forward it on my rewatch..WHY the Phil Collins?! Why!!! 😅 It's so bad. If they didn't have the music it probably would have been fine. And I love Phil's music. but played over a sex scene is so cringe.


I'll give you that. Such a phoned in scene.


I can't buy the mother/daughter chemistry. They should have 20 years of shared history and love between them but instead they just act like polite coworkers ( which is probably their irl dynamic). Their relationship is one of my favourite in the books and it just falls flat on the screen.


Marsali and Claire have way more of a mother daughter relationship than Claire and Brianna imo


Agreed. Her accent was a little weird at first but she worked that out. I really like her as Bri (and Richard!)


Interestingly, in the audiobooks, the voice actor struggled for several books to get Bree’s accent right also, and that woman did not have the least bit of problem with the 583 other characters from all over the world in these books 😂 I think the blend of “English parents who were highly traveled, but grew up in Boston in the 40/50’s” was just a hard accent to pin down period.


I'm rewatching currently and I think her acting has improved significantly in the last 2 seasons, compared to when she is introduced in season 3. She's soooo cringey, her lines seem forced and the acting is not all that great.


same, there are some stuff I cringe a little bit at the beginning, but I like her a lot overall


I can never get over how she says “Mama“. It sounds so unnatural.


I find that better than the 'da' she uses for Jamie. Big cringe every time. Luckily she doesn't say it too often.


I like her, as well and wonder if it’s because she struggles with her American accent? There are definitely a few words she just can’t get through.


Yes, she still says the word “anything” like a Brit. It bugs the shite out of me, especially knowing the amount of American crew on that show, you think that they would’ve corrected her with this by now? It’s just annoying.


That all their drama stems from Claire’s willfulness and inability to stand down…ever.


Diana Gabaldon’s behavior, which I found out about because of this sub, has affected my enjoyment of the later books and series. I’m grateful to people here who opened my eyes and are willing to discuss the tough stuff, though.


What behavior?


- I do like Roger despite everyone says abt him - Rape it’s not a narrative constructing


This is mine. Using rape as a plot device constantly is just bad writing.


I enjoyed Bees. I don't know why so many people don't like it.


Claire is my favourite character and brings peace, strength, warmth, healing and kindness to every other character she meets.


The past like 4 seasons have had the worst intro song renditions ever. Like i used to sing along and feel damn patriotic singing it but why do they suck so bad now😭


I enjoy the show. My main criticism of it is the use of rape as a plot device


I hate that they went to America. I wish it had all just stayed in Scotland. Or somewhere like Cape Breton even, would have been interesting. Regarding looks, season 1 Jamie is superior. Lol


I HATE that they keep tying everything with Fergus back to him being raised in a brothel. His mother was a prostitute and he learned/went through a lot there yes, but he's a GROWN MAN NOW and he was rescued from the brothel by Jamie at like 7 years old. Give him more character development for God sakes.




I feel bad for Frank and wish him and Clare were able to have some form of a happy marriage.


I did at first until his girlfriend showed up at Claire's graduation. Like why would Frank have even made plans that night? They were coparents and friends. He should've been attending dinner and celebrating with her. Claire gave him a hall pass and gave him the option to leave. She didn't try to do him dirty, she did love him. She just wasn't in love with him. And he punished her for that.


Book!Frank is a serial adulterer and made very little secret of it. Show!Frank has been super sanitised with only the one girlfriend. He ultimately planned to punish Claire by planning to go back to England with Bree






In my last rewatch, I finally felt bad for Frank for about ten minutes. For the first time, it seemed to me that while the show didn’t tell us what he knew, he was already coming to terms with his mortality and the fact that Claire was going to leave him in the season 3 episodes leading up to his death. I’d never picked up on that from the show (book is very different here), so it was new for me to cut through my Frank feelings and actually feel sad for him.


I never felt sorry for Frank even before I read the books. The final straw for me was Frank not telling Claire about the obituary. He’s planning to go to England to start a new life with Sandy and Brianna, but he’s not going to warn Claire about her impending death by fire? He’s going to let her go back through the stones to her death without giving her the information that might save her life? I have no sympathy for Frank.


In my first watch it was insanely hard for me to like frank because he does such a great job at playing Black Jack Randall that you absolutely *loathe* his character. After the 3rd watch thru I truly felt bad for him and was able to separate the two people. But MAN was the end of season 1 *rough*.


Claire going back to the future was- plot wise- a bad call and- I am convinced- solely the result of DG’s weird ass belief that all women forfeit their ability to be main characters in an exciting story when they become mothers, unless they are willing to in some way abandon their children.


1) Bree can't act. She has gotten a smidge better, but that's it. I just can't believe Sophie was the best person they could find. 2) Bree and Roger have zero chemistry. 3) Roger is not that interesting. 4) Bree and Roger acclimated way too quickly to the 1700s. 5) Claire has too much power over Jamie. They should work as a team. 6) If the writers want to keep saying how much William looks like Jamie, then hire actors who actually look like Sam. 7) Why doesn't Lord John age? 8) Marsalis and Fergus were highlights of the show. 9) No mention of Castle Leoch, after the deaths of Dougal and Colum, is short sighted. **** I still love the show.


While I like the first 3 seasons and books a lot. And I mean *A LOT.* I like Claire as a granny. I love reading her interactions with the kids. I like how she is there for Roger and Claire as they discover the joys of marriage and child-rearing. I enjoy how she has only become more of a smartass/know-it-all, but she doesn't seem as heated about it. She is more willing to work with Jamie instead of working behind his back. It reminds me of a lot of the older people I grew up around that would say things like "I wouldn't do that if I were you," or "Oh, yeah? And how did that work out?" I feel like after reading the books and experiencing the series for 10 years now, grannie Claire feels like the Claire I imagine in my head. Rereading the first few books is almost nostalgic instead of engaging. Like listening to someone tell old stories around the porch.


This is really cute I feel the same way when I watch the show. When I watch S1 I'm like awww back when Jamie and Claire fell in love and were young


That Bree comes across as an unlikeable emotional decision maker which makes her seem even worse. Plus her and Roger have the chemistry of two left footed clowns. 🤡


Gabaladon fetishizes bi/gay men for her own plot devices and she has an obvious rape fetish. Think about it, nearly *every* adult character and most of the child characters have experienced sexual assault/rape. I recognize it was common then (and still is unfortunately) but God damn Diana. I also don't like how all victims just have to scream or yell or have a singular experience (wtf to Claire's horror 'treatment' after Jamie was raped) to magically 'fix' everything and then never mention it again.


The show became significantly less interesting soon after Claire and Jamie’s reunion (season 1&2 were the best). Also I wish they didn’t stay in America permanently.


Claire comes across as a pain in the neck a lot of times. Roger and Brianna - Boring. The charm that season 1 had couldn't be recreated in any of the later seasons.


⚠️Spoiler⚠️ Breanna had no place to show up and be mad at everyone in season 4


I like Bree’s acting and her American accent.


The show should have focused less on romance and more on fantasy. I love Jamie and Claire, but the "epic romance" bit gets tiresome after 3 seasons. Claire has been the same Claire throughout the series. She is extremely unlikable for the bulk of the series. The chemistry between Claire and Jamie is insanely good, but Claire only works for me when she's with Jamie and that's a problem.


If not for Claire there'd be no Outlander. Jamie without Claire is a big yawn. And Claire evolution is 100% more believable than Jamie's.


Season 6. Nothing happens. So slow. And sick of Claire’s sex scenes.


I don't like the actress that plays Bree. She was absolutely awful the first season that she was on, and while she has improved, she is still very wooden. I can't stand her accent. It still comes and goes.


Wendigo Donner is a smokeshow and I was so bummed when he bought it.


I can only comment on the show. I read the first two books and gave up halfway through the third. Anyway, it's time for the show to come to its natural end. The diehard fans on FB are screaming with rage that the show won't continue until November. They refuse to accept that the delay was partially due to the writers' and actors' strikes. It's a TV show, people. Catriona and Sam are aging out of their parts. I feel that both would like to continue with other projects. Sam has his whiskey business, and Catriona is magnificent in "Belfast." I hope her movie career continues to showcase her talent. I like Roger and Brie. I am completely over the rapes, murders, hangings, beatings, kidnappings, and general destruction. I miss the steamy scenes.


While I still enjoy/watch the show past the 2nd/3rd season, the story was built on the Jacobite rebellion and Scottish history. Time travel was very important in the first few seasons. There was an overarching plot that cumulated at Culloden through the first two seasons. I think this was very integral to the story and not something Diana should’ve gone past. Even though I feel like it should’ve ended there, I would’ve even accepted the time skip if the story ended with Claire meeting Jamie in Edinburgh. Because that completes the narrative for Jamie and Claire’s plot. Even then, I think if it continued, there were so many better ways to go about it than having them land in America. The plot of the gold on the island was completely dropped. The plot of Jamie owing Laoghaire was completely dropped. Jamie and Ian were going to go to France, which could have connected back to season 2, but it was completely dropped. All of these, in my mind, if pursued would have made the time jump more manageable. I even enjoyed their time in Jamaica. But when they get to America the series really loses a lot of its direction for me. It’s still interesting, and there are still some very good moments (I love Marsali) but it’s directionless. I’m not saying there isn’t a story. But it’s not as strong as from before the time jump. I think bottom line, the series and show should not have gone on past Culloden. It completely disconnects the first two seasons/books from the rest of the series. There is no overarching plot or narrative in the story after the time jump. It’s still interesting because we’re all invested in Jamie and Claire, but it makes it messy and at the end of the day, what does it amount to? It’s my personal opinion that the show should’ve started with the 1715 Jacobite rising and ended with Culloden. It would provide a stable narrative in the background and I think the time jump would be more acceptable. It would still incorporate Scottish culture that is so key to the atmosphere of the show. After Culloden it’s like… where do you go with this? Especially after Jamie and Claire reunite.


oof i think this is gonna be extremely unpopular but i don’t really like jamie or claire 💀 i think their relationship is very very toxic at times 💀 i’m a WAY bigger fan of roger and brianna edit: they do have really amazing chemistry though. like i *want* to root for them very badly but i just have huge issues with their relationship and them as characters in general


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but, Brianna and John Grey have much better chemistry than her and Roger.


The last book feels like a terrible fanfiction and I try to forget it exists and hope that they end the TV series on a better note


I love the John Grey / Claire book 7 storyline. I think it’s hilarious.


Here it goes, pretty much everything bad that happens, is Claire’s fault 🥴😬


Jamie’s too good for Claire


Too bad Claire saved his life the first night they met.


I prefer book Jamie and Claire.