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perfect example of why people judge too soon. one comment saying “abilities are broken they need to be on 10 second cooldowns and lower damage” and another saying “cooldowns to long buff them” give it more than a day yall


i agree but i just like to have memes hear what peoples thoughts are, i wish they had an E ability, idk if they had like 10\~ 12\~ second abilitys with an e abiltiy to half the time on their current abilitys cd i think that would be kinda sick XD


Wish their dig was faster, as well as their animation for digging 






you fixed and acknowledged your mistake. In other words, you're doing better than 90% of people in this sub lmao


all you did was simple correct someone and get downvoted to hell. crazy world.


Because look at his attitude afterwards xD It's like he's correcting pronouns to spite this sub not to actually correct ppl.


that is not why they're getting downvoted, and we both know that. any post where venture gets misgendered has the same song and dance going on regardless of how gentle or sweet the messenger is. in fact, they complimented the person they corrected in this very thread for acknowledging and correcting.


Well then I guess stop correcting people? :D I don't think venture minds. Unless you know correcting ppl is starting a conflict and you decide to continue then that's on you.


or why not just respect people's pronouns and understand trans people see when you don't? i don't understand why you feel the need to put all of it on the people correcting and not the ones being intentionally callous.


You think so shallow. I have my own pronouns but I'm me so I can't enforce what I feel on everyone. But personally I feel like this too much correcting is doing the opposite, it gets on people's nerves. On mine too at that. No one likes to hear or see the same thing over and over, it's literally like nagging. People will eventually know by themselves eitherway, so why were chancing on this negativity is beyond me.


thats fair i wish they did go under a little faster but also remember underground u can use ur dash


feels a bit overtuned, she gets 325 hp from using 2 abilities which last a few seconds, not rlly fun to play against, playing supports that are divable against her, expect to get deleted very quick, especially if they are gross enough to play pharah venture. man some ppl, need to touch grass when making these comps


yeah i wish it was 3 abilitys and each gave a little less sheilds (but the 3rd abilty halfed the cd of the current donwed abilitys) so they could combo more but also had longer cds so they could go "all in" but also nice ammount of abilitys to survive when all ining


I think her damage is fine, she is very squishy and easy to kill




**They are


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It is obvious she is going to end up a tankz I’d just stop pretending she is a dps.


i mean mei is a dps so i dough this character is getting a rework to tank


but i think they are a fund dps who plays like a tank and my main dps i play are mei and this character now for that very reason


Mei plus like a short range dps with some cool controls. Vent plays like doom. It is obviously what is going to happen.  All This had all happened before. All this will happen again,




Id fix her face to not look like hillbilly


both of her abilities should be on a 10 second cooldown and her damage should get nerfed


i dont think they need a nerf to main damage, its a lot but its similar to ana? like ana does ALOT of damage but also the time between shots makes it alot less? and they are a dps and a dive dps at that


my issue is that their shift does more damage then being inside of a doomfist ult (JUST outside of the blue big cirlcle) at the very edge of the ventures ones


that’s why she needs a nerf damage from her primary weapon damage and her dash damage should get a nerf and like I said be on a 10 second cooldown.


Really the only thing that I think that needs changed is when she's Underground she should be able to charge her pop up instead of having to come to a complete stop but other than that she's just meh, fun because She's new, her kit is good, she'll be a decent hero, but her mains will probably be back to playing Sombra when the hype wears down

