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They hate when they see toxicity being reported because they want to keep being shitty people with no repercussions


Exactly lmao! Then resort to blaming women


I mean they’re being awful on the internet and making r**e jokes, it’s kinda expected they’re gonna be misogynistic unfortunately, good on ya for reporting em


Well said xD


I remember getting a game where everyone on my team were girls... I didn't use mic and my name was ambiguous so they assumed I was a girl and I just went along with it (didn't help that I was using Sombra). Ngl the game was fun and we won but it was funny 😂


probably my fave moment of all time was when some guy in comp decided to be shitty to me for playing DPS as a woman and everyone else on our team hopped into voice to reveal they're women too, and they dogged his ass ALL match for not hitting his shots. "aren't guys supposed to be like, good at shooting?"


That guy was traumatized for life


I love that lmao. Like if you’re gonna talk shit at least be good lol


And then blame women for a male loneliness epidemic


My theory is that they are the angry bike guy meme. They ride the bike. Put the stick in the spokes. Crash. Then get angry about getting hurt. It’s scary how many things this applies to. A lot of people in the find out stage of life and angry about it.


Unironically this. I miss the wild west of the internet where everybody was shitty


I very much do not miss it, because everyone is still shitty.


Now they’re shitty in an oblique, tattle-tale manner though and people are just looking for ways to “gotcha” others. I’d much rather just have people insult me to my face than do some whiny shit. Edit: I’m not downvoting anything but looks like got blocked so can’t reply further.


Reporting people isn't tattling xD it's a system the creators of the game put in. Don't like it? don't say stuff that's reportable I guess


the sexual harassment is so bad on a lot of games rn it's actually crazy


Right now? Shits been going on since the beginning. I remember id play cod with a friend and as soon as she turned her mic on the lobby would literally go ape shit


i don't mean sexism that's been a thing since the start but recently it's been getting worse with r*pe and SA threats made to ppl


Back in the day the target wasn't the other player but their mother. Still was SA threats though


If old cod lobbies and Minecraft servers are accounted for my mom has allegedly touched more balls than prostate exam doctors.


Oh idk lobbies were wild back then. I heard all kinds of shit, both to me and her. They'd even bring family members into the pot. Shit was ruthless. I specifically remember a guy spending about 5 minutes going on into detail about the many ways he would touch me. Now it's pretty much a funny memory, and I can tell he wasn't serious, but I can see how that's not really a topic everyone is confortable with, and how easily it can reach the wrong audience.


I quit online gaming entirely around 2005-ish because of it and didn't touch it again until OW2. I've never been a prude, but the cycle of casual misogyny sliding into hostility and outright threats just got to be too much. Being degraded wasn't fun. The last straw was a guy who said he would get me pregnant so he could beat the baby out of me. Because I "stole" his rocket launcher in Halo.


I know it's horrible but that's just so out of pocket, it's kind of funny in the context of a rocket launcher. All seriousness though, I personally try to take it in a positive light. I know my worth, and I have seen how pathetic and depressing some people can be. The fact they need to stoop that low over a casual game that means literally nothing already puts me above them. In introspective, it might be a little egocentric or maybe even narcissistic, but I don't really care. I know I'm not in the wrong. That's just the mentality I've developed over the years.


Honestly, if he had caught me in a different mood, I probably would have let it roll off. I've heard worse on a slow night at the bar. It just landed really wrong and I decided that I didn't need the headache anymore. I had lots of single player games to make my way through and that was that.


Maybe you're younger or haven't been playing games that long but it used to be much much worse and had 0 repercussions. Reporting systems have gotten alot better.


Yeah… having the word “girl” in my gamer tag doesn’t help with that


Girl this is why I never use VC. I actually want to find a group of just other girls to play with so we can hype each other up. Is there a discord for just girl Overwatch players? 😩


We need to make one!!! I have made a few good gal friends on Overwatch just by happening into a game with them. Manifesting that for you!!


Thank you! I feel like it’s hard to find other girlies in games because we have to be a little stealthy, lest we get harassed.


I remember seeing a video on tiktok awhile back about a female only LFG discord. Don't remember the name of it, but some searching might bring it up.


I don’t have Tik Tok, but I’ll see if I can go some googling. Thank you!


There's a girl gamer subreddit that, while mostly used to show how shitty guys are, probably has some resources you can use to find/make something like that


But don’t you know, that’s reverse sexism which is the most harmful kind of sexism. /s


Oops 🤷‍♀️


Amen it's just so bad for any not straight white guy, it's almost the same as going outside, almost


I get "thanks for reporting" every time I log in. It's so easy to choose to be a decent human being, idk why it's so hard for these type of people.


Exactly. It’s so easy to just say nothing or to be nice. It’s just a video game after all isn’t it supposed to be fun?


I don't get how they do it I have a very hard time saying basic stuff like "Sombra deal with the Widow" or "Dude Cass shoot the Phara" cuz I'm afraid I'm being too mean lmao I literally couldn't bring myself to tell someone to kill themselves like a lot of people have done in my games


Best advice I’ve heard is ask open ended questions and avoid singling out like the plague. “Can anyone play a stronger Pharah Counter?” “Could someone match or focus that Sombra?” E: but not “Can you swap?” Probably the most useless dialogue I see near daily. “Could we try -Hero Name(s)-?” Is fine, it actually suggests something. “Can you swap?” Seems to fall right in line with the blatant unconstructive criticisms, even though I don’t feel like it’s usually said maliciously.


For sure, there is a huge difference between talking game strategy/asking someone to actually play the game right and being downright hateful and toxic! As a widow main who also dabbles in sombra I see u and respect the game lmao!


I guess the difference is whether what you are saying actually contributes to the game, people really think being toxic to a teammate will make them play better lmfao As a Sombra main who is way too bad at widow, I apologize for focusing the widows and respect the skill, good widows are a menace lol


Yes, very well said! Hahaha love that. I take it in stride!


Same and same. I get the message every game. I typically respond to toxic comments with “gg. just say gg and leave the lobby. Gl next!”


Because their parents failed them and now we’re stuck with the education duties.


Pick me = woman they don’t like lmao


Right lmao. Her insecurity is showing


people always become weirdly unhinged on the internet. Like, no one would even TRY to say that shit to ur face in person but i guess they can hide their shame if it's online?


Exactly. I think I’d laugh if someone said these things to me irl. That or be genuinely terrified lmao


half the time "people can't take the heat anymore" is the same guy who's too afraid to correct someone on their food order.


it's really, REALLY funny how they just call themselves out like that. it's like being an asshole to strangers is an achievement to them. go outside man 💀


I actually get a lot of enjoyment from reporting people and getting that screen next time I log in. I don’t really feel offended by them but I like the sweet taste of justice!


Hang on, isn't the very act of getting pissy about someone swapping to Sombra also being "unable to take the heat" then? If you dislike Sombra then beat the Sombra. Bitching about the player playing her does nothing except add to their win over you. Just keep reporting them all, OP. Let the trash rant and get themselves punished. Sombra may be annoying but going after the player is like shooting yourself in the foot! Ha!


Thank you! I agree 1000000%!!


No worries at all! Also, just saw that there was more than one picture; the mostly negative Steam reviews come from a mixture of Team Fortress 2 brigading, salty players and a bunch of bandwagonning trolls. The same people calling others "thin-skinned" are also the ones rage-crying in the reviews.


It’s just awful people not wanting to be held responsible for their actions. If anything it’s more troubling/disturbing that these people feel entitled to hurt other people.


Yeah, as a society people have become so desensitized to this type of shit. Personally I’m not letting it slide lols


Anyone upset about the negative reviews has Stockholm syndrome


I’m so quick to report. I’m over the bullshit.


that second one is a wild claim lmao. pretty sure it’s blizzard’s monetization tactics and heel turn on promised pve that gave it the mostly negative on steam.


I do think people get tilted a little too easily on this game, seriously I've seen people get mad for getting tbagged or getting the "No" voiceline when killed But suicide, rape or any kind of abuse "joke" is definitely report worthy


Lmfaoooo right. I do my fair share of t bagging and all of that, that’s good fun. But the amount of real world fcked up comments I see is just ridiculous. These ppl need to get outside… or maybe they don’t lmao


Yeah, there is a difference between mild videogamey toxicity that is just fun and actual hateful or harmful stuff lol I always try to just ignore them, I have a feeling they want you to respond most of the time, the weirdos


Hahaha! I love this. Keep it up. People who have issues with this are admitting they are part of the problem.


Exactly! Thank you xD


These guys are really telling on themselves LOL And the irony of the chick accusing you of pick-me behaviour while literally being a pick-me defending horrendous male behaviour 💀


DUDE THAT ONE LMAO!!! Like I’m being literally the opposite of pick me. I have girls agreeing with me and men being mad at me😭


I'm not even surprised; most of the people in ow that have called me a pick me have been girls playing mercy and pocketing a DPS, just because I was playing tracer lol


Pretty much this lol. At one point my friend (a dude) locked in mercy first. The edaters ask him to swap so he does, and because I was practicing dive DPS and the tank was hog, he just double pocketed the dude. When the guy died, his girlfriend instantly started calling my friend a dumb Mercy one trick who shakes her tits for boosts. My friend unmuted to say “I’m a guy” in a deep ass voice and the Mercy was instantly chill with him.


Lol, they really are all the same huh


The pick me with absolutely no self awareness calling other women pick mes for not putting up with complete and total bullshit is the cherry on top.


Right. The jokes write themselves for real!


Sucking up to the most abusive people around for their attention. I feel sort of bad for her. "I'm not like the other grils I'm one of the good obedient ones that puts up with your abuse!" Seriously internalised that shit.


Lmfao exactly. And by the true definition of pick me it’s her who is one


Lol, imagine having so much brain rot you think this is the reason why the feedback is overwhelmingly negative on Steam.


Lmao literally. Because everyone loves to play an extremely toxic game right, and girls are just ruining it! Not because of the numerous issues with blizzard and the game itself xD


That comment is to get people to smugly list off why the game is bad for him. Probably wanted to call Overwatch shit without the effort. The “no other reason” at the end is the invitation/taunt for Overwatch fans to “correct” him with all the reasons the game is ass.


Is it really that hard for people to be decent human beings, Christ I get the "thanks for reporting" message almost every time I start the game


Ah yes, because the reason why the game is dying is because people are being toxic, not because of the EA mindset they had for a while and now Microsoft is changing that... Also, yeah, these people are definitely toxic in games. They think its all fun and games until you confront them and say "what if it was your own family?" then they get all defensive and call you worse stuff. I just love how keeping the community safe is considered bad now. I could take all the trash talk or r\*pe jokes or whatever, it doesnt mean that it should be said in the first place. No one wants to hear it and people handle stuff like that in different ways. They could make someone k\*ll themselves and they wouldnt care and call them weak.


9/10 times I log in, I get at least one "thanks for reporting" message. Racism and slurs, sexual and gender-based harassment, and being an ass to other players beyond "gg ez"-type messages all get reported. I'm usually in a 2 or 3 stack so it works out in my favor most of the time. They can stay mad.


It's because of their own self image and how they learned to view themselves and handle their emotions at a very young age. They need therapy and help to unpack their shit in order to change.


Honestly, who am I playing this game with? What the fuck are those people?


I get thanks for reporting messages almost every login, it feels good to know exactly which games got an salty boy punished as I usually have 2-3 per day of overwatch and my login notifications reflect those


Yeah fuck those pieces of shit.


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but: people love dark, edgy, spicy humour. They do. The trick is you have to actually be funny! If you’re getting this response, sorry, but you just aren’t I can’t believe the number of entitled idiots who think hate speech with no punchline is peak comedy. What’s more is having the nerve to blame everyone else for not laughing. You, lost internet shit head, are not the arbiter of what is and isn’t a good sense of humour


The comment on the second pic just confuses me. It's either a bad attempt at satire or the guy hasn't checked what the reviews actually are


I’m with you. I recently had two sessions in a row where I got two “thanks for reporting” messages, so four total. I’m not gonna put up with toxic nonsense just so I don’t inconvenience the person spewing it.


It’s wild to me how people say the most disgusting shit, then say “it’s a joke” and expect everyone to say “oooooh that’s okay then, no problem!” In what fucking way is r*pe a joke? How is that funny to anybody? These immature idiots in your comments aren’t just a part of what’s wrong with OW, but gaming in general. So the second and third slide are hypocrites. A woman defending a man saying another woman should be SA, but has the nerve to call someone else a “pick me”? That’s how you know these morons are immature children and just use the phrases they see without any kind of understanding. I get those notifications all the time too. I play the game sporadically and every time I get on, I get that notification about my reports.


Very well said!! I’m with you 100%!


The average comment from someone who says “I got banned for no reason”


My bf got silenced for 2 weeks yesterday, honestly he deserves it for how toxic he can be sometimes. (Strictly making fun of the play style and skill, never jokes about things as serious as r*pe.) If you break the rules, get caught and banned then the rules worked, good on you OP for quick reporting these fools.


Hahaha thank you! I definitely only report people who are genuinely a problem / saying serious things. It’s a video game after all in my opinion there’s no need for all that. That said I definitely also get mad over throwers on my team, lmfao!


A little off topic from the main point, but Overwatch is absolutely NOT a dead game.




I’d say it’s on a comeback


I love it when someone says this game is dead. Yeah tell that to my 10 second queue times!


The signature move of every gamer who hates the fact that they love to play a game is to say it's dead Lost Ark? Dead. Overwatch? Dead. WoW? So dead it kills every other WoW-killer.


I don't know why this is tagged as humor, because this just pisses me off.


I receive so many of these notifications. I receive them very quickly now too. Sometimes it’s only hours between a report and an action receipt. Not sure if that’s a ramp up across the entire game, or if reporting often gets your reports taken more seriously, but it’s definitely gratifying playing a game with someone I find offensive enough to report, and knowing that within 24hrs their account received some kind of action. For all the problems the game has, I feel like my reports do something and it makes me happy.


The reason it’s heavily negatively reviewed on steam is because steam was the first way we could actually give our reviews of the game. And the game released on steam in a not good spot because it was back when they were lying to us about PvE and removing things we liked and adding things we didn’t care for or want. And adding a battle pass and removing loot boxes


I'd laugh my ass off if someone said that to me just cause ik I pissed them off that much. Still an awful thing to come out with, I mass report any toxicity I see atp- don't put up with that shit


Bro has no concept of what a “pick me” is 💀 embarrassing


OW has so much drama on it I just don't even talk to ransoms most of the time. I'll join voice, but if it gets too loud or toxic I just leave and continue playing the game. Or I block them


I probably report more often than I should, but I have gotten a "Thanks for reporting" pretty often


dont play much OW anymore but every time i get the report notif in league i smile


And theres one of many reasons i hate tiktok, people in there just dont care, hate and descrimination is so normalized on tiktok that it scares me, its all dumbass 12 yo saying wtf they want because they think its funny, its one of the stupidest things ive seen come out of tiktok and theres nothing done about it.


These are prolly the same people who don’t understand why they got banned


The pick me comment is so wild, the lack of that persons self awareness


Right lmfao. I kinda feel bad for her


It’s always the players who are absolute dog shit at the game as well. Like maybe if you got better you wouldn’t feel the need to use slurs and cuss me out because you are going 2 and 9. Eat your ban and pick up a new hobby like gardening or something


It's just as bad as a gay guy lmao The amount of comments related to that specific subject when they get called out for toxicity is just insane.


I main lifeweaver and I still get the occasional gay slur thrown at me. I'm not even gay, I just like playing lifeweaver.


It's awful. I main Moira as a gay man soooooo liiiiike


Some people are just so miserable they want to bring others down w them.


The dude with the rowley in his avatar is disrespecting such an innocent soul! They don't deserve to have him as their icon


It’s WILD to me that someone can tell me to kill myself and I report and nothing but if I say “gg tank diff” or something I get the warning I’ve been reported lol.


I feel you lmaoooo


Heroes of Newereth, an old MOBA died because the players were too toxic from the get go and was deemed one of the most toxic games to exist. The toxicity of the players quite literally killed the game. Sure it was because the people just dont know how to take stuff anymore…


Uhm, that's definitely not the main reason why HoN died lol


Yeah its disgusting, but giving these people a platform and letting them know it bothers you only encourages it.


Widow flair, they mad you pop off?


Oh yeah. Every game I get shit like “sweating as widow in qp is embarrassing” like in what way💀hahahaah


The community will hate Widow unless their are carrying them and even then the hate is just quiet until they fuck up


I think the vastmajority would agree that sombra is by far the worst character. Just awful game design


Fortunately, I've found it's just a loud minority that circlejerks about Sombra, mainly here on Reddit. The rest of the community doesn't care. Certainly not as much as a weirdo like you who complains about being banned for toxicity towards Sombra players ingame :)


I must be in the minority. If you're annoying as a sombra/widow/tracer/whatever, it means you're good and I usually compliment them.


My friends always say this and I have to remind them that's sort of Sombra's deal.


And we appreciate that so much! I love to do the same xD


None of these sound like they've been on OW for long


Dude does not understand what a "Pick Me" is. lol


Dude censors himself in the same sentence he says people are too soft. Like bro you too soft to type a cuss word bitch


The Venn diagram between people who get reported for harassment and the people who yell at strangers on the Internet that they have every right to make R-jokes is a circle. 💀


*In John Mulaney's voice* My game is full of snowflakes, that's why it's dead!... no other reason


Been off league for a few months, logged in today and got 7 of the thanks for reporting pop ups. Always a great feeling.


Yeah that’s tiktok overwatch community for you


Why is everyone saying ahh now. I only see it related to overwatch


It’s because they’re 14 year old boys who speak in tik tok comment section sayings lmao


There are quite a few lines when communicating in online games. There’s things done in good fun, like t-bagging a slept person, or saying ‘no’ or ‘thanks’ when someone misses a big ability. There’s things that are genuinely toxic and make you insufferable to play with and against, like constantly whining and insulting other people for no reason. Then there’s things like telling people they should get sexually or physically assaulted, telling people they should harm themselves in real life, that any decent person wouldn’t joke about. You can bash people and be tilted, we all can get like that, but the minute you bring in sexual offences and harm to a person over something they do in a video game? Come on. That’s you not being able to maturely handle a situation. If you can’t even bash and make fun in a semi-respectful way, you should take a break, a rather long one at that. I’ve been a bad teammate in the past, and I’ve been insulted in such creative ways that genuinely make me laugh, and give me an incentive to actually want to do better. I think we’d all appreciate more witty insults than blatant toxicity and harassment.


fuck sombra but rape is way too far, thats so fucked up


Idc about what some toxic person said in chat… hell I’m toxic too but not gonna wish someone got r*ped… I’m not that kind of toxic. I feed the trolls and laugh when I get a thanks for reporting message like HA!! GOTTEM!!


Average overwatch players in TikTok comments


God you thrive off internet attention. I don't even agree with the absolute morons in the screenshots, but if you made a tiktok that got engagement and then felt the need to come shame them on reddit, i bet you also posted this to twitter too.


Wow you take life way too seriously. Deep breaths dude




i hope this is a joke


The real hero


There are MANY cases that reporting is justified, but most of the bans aren't justified in any way 🤷🏻


Agreed! I only report people who say genuinely fcked up things. And it’s shocking how often that happens. Well, I guess it’s not shocking lmao


Respectful trash talk should be allowed in competitive shooters with comms. I remember when there were options for people to queue into matches in other games and choose either rowdy or quiet. Trash talk can be fun and funny if everyone is a willing participant and it doesn't cross lines. OW right now feels sterile, lifeless, and hardly ever do I hear people talk in voice or chat with text. It's a social game, yet say anything but GG and people lose their minds. The characters in game have voice lines that would get someone banned if they said it in a match. "You have failed your team" -Zarya. Guaranteed if I said that in game chat word for word I'd get reported.


I can respect some funny trash talk for sure lmao. When people tell me to kms bc I headshotted them 10 times on widow that’s no longer funny


I miss the old days where you could say whatever and everyone just moved on with their day cuz they weren't terminally online/understood that anything anyone says in an online game isnt gonna hurt them. What happened to good ol fashioned shit talking. Every sport does it you see literal fist fights over football. So how come a competitive shooter cant have a little shit talking. Now its all wah wah you said mean words you dont deserve to play the game with me😭😭😢😢


Waaahhh I can't use slurs in mah bidya gaem waaaaaahhhh


but why? what's the point? why do you want to try and hurt someone's feelings? i just don't get it.


You ever see people get angry over football? You see soccer fans yell and get angry and cuss at each other? Tell me how this is different. You gonna ban all the sports fans who yell "fuck you" or "your mothers a whore"?


people get kicked out of games for poor behavior, yes? i don't think that's groundbreaking at all. you are also comparing apples and oranges. and also your point is ridiculous because this person is specifically talking about r\*pe and sexist insults and slurs. so why are you comparing it to minor offenses such as that?


You obviously never been in frontline football. Other teams saying "after this im gonna fuck your mom" "ready to have your leg broke?" Shit talking is a part of competitiveness. So yes it is the same. If you get upset over someone saying shit when you will never ever see them in person, will likely not even match up with them again, and have the ability to mute and block them, then its your fault not theirs. Grow up this isnt real life its online.


why are you still talking about dumb silly comments like that? like seriously you’re playing it down so crazy. that’s not the same as r*pe threats or slurs, and i’m sorry if after a hard day if i don’t wanna get barraged with slurs and told to kms and they’re gonna r word me etc etc. if you can’t control your bad attitude and get suspended, that’s your fault not theirs. grow up your overwatch qp match isn’t pro football.


Guess what its a competitve game. Put together football games have competitiveness and shit talking, no difference here. And guess what, its just words online that will never touch you. And on top of that, you have a squelch chat and mute feature that lets you stop seeing certain peoples messages entirely. Who would have thought!


and you can yell at your monitor instead of telling me i’m a t slur that deserves to die. who would have thought




Jumping to insulting people instead of responding to what they actually said is how you know you're wrong lmao


Why do you personally feel entitled to saying awful things to people with no retaliation or consequences? Also if you think calling people slurs in a video game with cartoon superhero’s is part of being “competitive” then I genuinely have to question if you’re older than 12.


Its a competitive shooter so yea its competitive. You see football and soccer fans cussing and getting into physical fights. But yea someone saying words when you can just mute them is sooooo much worse


Yet again…it’s a cartoon video game. It’s not real life. If you are unable to control yourself from verbally attacking people personally because you lost in a bunch of pixels that’s a you problem. It’s also hypocritical to say people are soft when you yourself are getting offended at being reported. If you believe you should be able to say whatever you like then other people are entitled to report you.




And its not even the offended part. I can understand if you dont like it and dont want to see it, but theres a reason the mute/block feature exists.


Exactly like if you’re getting offended by people on a non existent platform then I can’t imagine these same people in the real world. Like tf are they gonna do when meet someone that don’t like them? Report them in real life 😭 ?


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Yea they are


WTF They normalized the toxicity


While being misogynistic, racist and verbally aggressive is inacceptable, bragging of reporting people is also cringe


I’ve never denied being a bit cringe sometimes


Awareness to others to report the toxic people = cringe because OP is "bragging"


Agree wholeheartedly


Meh.... to be honest the game went downhill when you idiots were planning on making a literal career off paying the game. I stopped playing OW1 when every ranked match was a toxic pile of who you do you main and other bullshit. Oh you don't do well as 1 of the tanks? Kick. Oh you just ranked gold? - kick




Are you stuck in the 1930s or something?


imagine being offended you can't insult people, go plz find some therapy




Soft ≠ having fun seeing toxic losers cry




this guy excuses rape jokes and then calls people soft


Wow what an unpleasant person


I agree anyone who comes to Reddit to complain about getting punished for their actions and not being able to play a video game for a short bit are soft.


Where was OP complaining about their actions? What they did was good.


Huh? I'm replying to the person saying soft. You may have missed it but that's who I was mocking. It's the same thing I use on all these posts about "The community is so soft". It's always coming from people complaining about not being able to play a video game and they don't see the irony. The real soft people are the people who get banned then come here and complain about it.


Oh im sorry, that same dude is battling me rn saying that he never called the OP soft, which he did, and is now calling me a child for saying it


Lol. They truly truly truly don't see the irony in calling people soft while complaining about not being able to play a video game.


He started telling me that i was toxic, when all i said was stupid. Plus, he keeps saying i need to fix my reading comprehension so i must be a child


Damn you r slur?