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I haven't played him in comp yet, but did well in qp. When I queue up for any game, I join deathmatch and only play as ball! Helps with movement even if nothing else!


When I'm waiting for a game in skirmish all I play is Ball.


Keep doing it! It pays off especially when you get 4 minute queue times lol


I did not understand Ball at release. It just seemed like hook on the point and spin in a circle to annoy the other team (when you didn't have a time limit on the hook). Then I watched a friend basically play him like a bowling ball and realized what his actual potential truly was as a bully tank. Sometimes, you just need to see what is possible and mimic it instead of trying to invent the wheel by yourself.


This. There was being good at Overwatch and then there was being good at ball. Literally an entirely different skill set.


Agreed. His voicelines are so good but I can't play him at all.


I really don't know how people get so much healing on brig while not dying.


The worst part of Brig for me is that I can't effectively test her passive on the Training Range. For me it's great for getting a hang of the hero's abilities and playstyle. I can't really do that with brig's passive, which is arguably the most important part of her kit, along with the shield


She's super niche. If you don't have the right comp and right map, you can't do much. Otherwise, a big thing is constantly hitting whipshots.


Ana cuz I swear if was good I could cancel half the ults at match


I always wanted to be really good at playing **Widowmaker**, but sniping in Overwatch just doesn't land with me somehow... In every other game, I can pick up the rifle and pop heads fairly consistently, yet in OW2, I'm terrible at it. I used to be better with hitscan in the classic game, tho.


Try to learn more side to side movements. Less up and down and place it appropriately where the heads will be.


I appreciate it! I guess I should just practice more. But I'm usually afraid of letting my team down and not contributing to the match, so after a couple dozen misses, I tend to switch to someone I'm comfortable playing as.


Sometimes not as fun, but playing deathmatch on a hero you are not great with helps a ton!


Widow for me too. Not only because of how oppressive she is when played well, but also because I love the femme fatale trope, and black widow is one of my favorite super heroes... I wish blizzard would release a dumbed down version of widow so I can play her 😔


>but also because I love the femme fatale trope She does have a certain charm and allure >I wish blizzard would release a dumbed down version of widow so I can play her What about Ashe?


I don't think Ashe is that much simpler tho... There is BOB of course, to do some heavy lifting but still... I need something Junkrat levels of dumb gameplay lol


You have to hit headshots, there's a ton of vertical movement and the movement is really fast compared to cs/valorant for example. I was a "good" sniper in those games because they're more about crosshair placement than raw aim. On widow I just miss a ton of shots because of all the strafing.


yes, i wish i was good with any heroes


Who do you main?


Any hero that isnt hitscan. Im not good normally, around silver 2-3 peaked gold 5 once. Im maybe bronze 4 on a projectile hero on a good day.


You on m&k or console?


Im mnk. I just dont have the brain power to figure out leading targets.


Hitscan is all about tracking not leading. There are workshop maps to help with tracking and aim!


Lifeweaver right now.


As in his current state this patch? I love playing with a good lw


It's more like there is multiple heroes what I would wish to be really good at, but currently is Lifeweaver the most painful. I love his abilities, I loves his style, but I just cannot get into it.


I think I'm starting to get the hang of his kit except for the petal platform and his secondary fire. And I sometimes forget that he has a movement ability.


i just wish they would remove the slowdown on movement if charging for too much and reduce the wait time when swapping weapon or make it instant


Genji, Widow, Hanzo and Sombra.


I really don't want to ever be good at Sombra tbh. 😆


Widow, ana, junker queen, tracer


Tracer has an underrated skill ceiling! It's insane what amazing tracers can get away with.


Doom, ball, winton, mercy. I can play basically every character in the game at a somewhat decent level, but these characters have techs (apart from winton) that i just dont know how to do


for mercy there's parkour maps that really help! i know doom has some too, at least to help with rollouts 😂


There are mercy, doom, and ball parkour maps. Great for movement. Also watch tech vids with button presses. So you can get timing right. For movement heros it's all about canceling the movement at the right time to take advantage of the game physics


Genji, Lúcio (I used to be good 😔), Sigma and the Holy Hampter


Good lucios are underappreciated!!


Back when speed boosting around the cart was good enough. The first golden gun I bought. Years later and I don’t even play with him.


Hampter, Lucio, Genji, Pharah, Winton. There are a few others. I’m not good enough to master movement. Controller doesn’t help.


Brigitte. I love her kit but she's tough to play.


Pharah and Echo. With Pharah I just can't seem to get the timing window for her rockets downpat, I'm the worst Pharah ever but people make it look so easy. With Echo I don't do quite as bad but I feel like I just can't make an impact, the constant healing in this game undoes any damage I do pretty quickly.


I also keep forgetting that they reworked her boosters so I just keep flying into walls


I have 300 hours on Ana and the answer is still Ana


widow, i just cant aim well enough to make use out of her,


tracer doom soj


I played lots of doom when he wasn't a tank! So much fun...now I've come across doom players who survived longer than an orisa lmao


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Doom, Genji, and Ball (but 90% of my experience is with support so I could probably pick them up if I actually tried)


Genji , ash bc widow and phara are the bane of my existence . And rein i will not elaborate on it


Zenyatta, he's such a cool character! I just need to get better at my aim.


Tank: JQ, Hammon DPS: Cassidy, Ashe, Hanzo, Tracer and Genji Support: Kiriko, Ana and Baptiste


Junkrat, venture, genji, ramattra😅😅😅


Junk is my true love, I've studied the ways of trig and I routinely fuck up bird lady. But widow and soldier are my mains


Tracer and Sombra. I just can't kill no one with them. When friends telling me they're easy compared to Hanzo (I'm good at predicting movements and get a lot of headshots)


Genji and Tracer. Too much adrenaline for my ancient ass. 


Genji and Ball. Not that I wanna main them but it would be nice to have some fun with that insane mobility from time to time


Sojourn. I have such a hard time making the mental switch from projectile to hitscan. I can play Cassidy and ash just fine


Kiriko bcs she seems so OP, but when I player her I have -340% winrate somehow


I feel like Genji and Hanzo are the coolest heroes to be good as. I haven't even tried Genji, and Hanzo.. I'm just not ready for that aim.


Don't wish to be good at rein. It's pain. As for any tank... Because when you're good they take all counters and then it's just suffering. Nah being a good tracer or sojourn should be infinitely better !


Any tank or supports really


Any tank hero but especially Winton and Doom. I just suck on tank. And in general but we’re talking about tank here. Tracer/Gengi/Ash basically I wish I had any mechanical talent.


Ball, Doom, Mercy, Widow


All of them


Junkrat needing a buff? I think he's pretty balanced personally. He can fire at the enemy without line of sight, can plant traps, and can throw explosives in to the air with remote detonation! He's awesome on defense. Then there's his ult

