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A life for a life. She explodes after rezzing someone


The law of equivalent exchange


Delete it from the game.


Make it like Echo's ult where if a tank is rezzed, they only come back with 350 hp. Nothing worse than expending a ton of resources to kill a tank and then they instantly come back with full hp


Good idea


Make it disappear


If anyone has played Smite make it like Khepri’s ult. Make it a timed status effect that can be applied to a player. If the player dies within that timeframe, that player is resurrected and transported to the location of the mercy. This will make it easier to balance because you can make the ability a skill shot, tweak cooldown time, adjust status effect time, and even make it so the player is resurrected with partial health.


I feel like she's got a little too much wiggle room on the resurrect. I've seen some pull of resurrects that REALLY don't feel like they should have been allowed. Like, floating a full character height in the air, or a yard or two away around a corner. I've literally booped Mercy's in the middle of Rez and had them not move far enough to actually break the rez.


Remove it and give her something that makes living players better instead. Maybe a healing burst that she can use even while beaming? A boop around her to protect the pocket? Literally anything that makes Mercy *play the fucking game*


Illari boop, but no verticality, and regenerative burst. Extra healing when done via angelic descent. -basically mercys have an at will spin button.


I actually really like the mirror watch soul explosion in place of rez. It's nice to contribute some damage and makes me feel like I have more agency in the team fight.


Tank rez takes longer . Its too big of a payoff


Make it where she needs 100% Los to start Rez and to finish Rez No more Rez behind walls or below platforms. And no more delusional mercy mains saying it shouldn’t require Los


Rework the ability too op against poke too bad against dive and full brawl


It should take more time. So many times after I kill someone, the Mercy flies in, resurrects them and flies off like a mosquito.


I think it's fine mostly but I think that if she gets hit with cc's it should cancel. She does need some form of a buff tho.


it does cancel if she gets hit with CC


I've seen her get hit with boops and bash and still be able to ge the rez off. Maybe it was sour spotted but it feels like that doesn't stop her half the time.


it has to do with distance, why would it get cancelled from a boop if she's still in range? any hard CC stops her and pushing her far enough stops her


It's just a suggestion either way I think she should get buffed, she isn't in a good spot right now because all the break points shifted. But their are times with an especially good mercy it feels almost impossible to stop the rez.


Make it a chanelling ability wherein if you press it it'll restore them with half hp, and if you hold it in it'll rest with full health but twice the time. Also res targets can't be healed for 3 seconds after resurrection


The rez time could change based on the max health of the character, it could be like normal rez for the lower health characters but then when you start getting into higher health characters the time on it increases. I do agree that they would need a better line of sight.


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Reduce cooldown to half, then resurrected hero will not at full health at start (only 25%)


Reduce the radius to initiate a rez. I feel like Mercy can safely rez from a little too far from the soul. To compensate, perhaps slightly decrease the cast time.


Make her do a QTE to get the Rez, a combo of buttons appears and she has to hit them ir nirder to get the rez (That's a terrible idea shut up) A more serious idea would be make it Line of Sight, she has ti he able to see it for the full rez timer and not be allowed to hide behind cover and breaking Los of the target


After being resurrected, they will have half HP and abilities on full cooldown.


Make the cast time longer since the TTK got longer after she got 50 more hp


If you break LoS, the revive instantly stops and goes on cd. Fucked up that if someone dies vaguely near a corner she can revive them from full cover without seeing them. Also stops the stupid 'mercy twirls at 1600 rpm while reviving' thing people do.


I like the exploding soul more than rez. Either that or resurrected allies only come back with 50% of their health. 


Souls stay on the battlefield permanently, and Mercy can rez one at plant time to spawn an echo of them for a short period.


Just make it so she needs los to the soul for the cast time (same time as when she is killable to cancel rez) and its fine. Maybe change how much health tanks get if rezzed but that probably isnt necessary


Remove it But if it *has* to stay, I'd make the cutoff point for it way stricter. Those insane rezzes from behind 15 walls or from 10 yards away are too common.


There are 2 routes, make a preentive ability, like a buff that last a bit and if you die you get res(could be an issue and hard to balance) or they make a res hero spawn at less health, ofc with compensation cause mercy sucks rn


Make rez instant again but their remaining HP is determined by how recently they died. The more recently they died, the more HP they get back. This plays into the role-playing aspect of how doctors perform miracles the sooner things go wrong, and rewards Mercy players that are as attentive as they are risk-taking since Mercy is taking a risk jumping into the fight her teammate just lost. At max respawn time, they get only 75 HP back because Mercy's team probably won the fight already.


I'll just throw random ideas, obviously we don't need all of that Limited time to rez, the whole respawn timer is just too damn long, when you kill someone, you'd have to contest the « point » for 11-12s (even more when it's overtime) and that's a lot of time Also, not full health, there's nothing worse than having a tank back to full health during overtime Much longer to rez and/or stationary (I like the idea of tank rez being longer), los breaks the rez (a rez during Valk is pretty much unstoppable) But I were to rework it : I'd probably make it instant but the target isn't full health, and the rezzed person is targetable while glowing (so even when you don't have full control, you can still get killed) Pretty much like Sage in Valorant really. Resurrecting somebody should require protection and a lot of resources. So it would incentive changing targets if somebody is being rezzed during a fight, or protecting said target because that could turn up a fight, while making the rez more fluid to use. Or just nerf the shit out of it and give her something else, but I like my rework. I feel like people don't necessarily understand that it's not that people think it's always too powerful, but it's frustrating as hell and I don't think that such a frustrating skill needs to be at the center of her identity. I would gladly welcome something new for her.


She sucks. Arguably the worst support in the game. The 20% healing reduction has made her even worse yet. She doesn't need more nerfs


Make the rezs take longer on characters with larger healthpolse. Like 1 second for 100hp or something to balance it out more. You stll have 2 sec rez for tracer and widdowmaker. 2,5 second rez for 250 hp and the like but a 7 second cast time forcharacters hog, ball and mauga.


It's currently 1.75, 7 seconds is a bit much. 3 seconds, full line of sight would be decent.


Its just an idea. I did the numbers a bit to extreem. It could be 0,5 or 0,25 seconds for every 75 hp or something and in my opinion d.va should not be rezed with remech.


Make the time it takes her to resurrect scale by HP


Making it so she rezzes everyone within a specified field


1 change would be more charges, multiple changes would be different. If we want to improve her necromancy fantacy then increasing chatged reducing cd but kneecapping healing or damage boost would be the choice. If we wanted to increase her boosting fantasy then making her rez increase the attackspeed of all allies for x amount of time is the play