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If they fix it, they'll revert it a week later.


With several compensation nerfs.


« devs found Symm too strong escaping fights she has now 25hp, tp cd increased to 15min and max range decreased to 3 meters »


She saw pro play yesterday, expect an emergency nerf on Tuesday


Absolutely. Can't have one of the best players worldwide using her. Unacceptable.


yeah this has killed me multiple times over the last few days. I'm not sure if it's registering some other object in the area you're trying to place the TP or what, but it needs to be fixed. having Sym be underpowered and buggy is ridiculous


Game really said "f\*ck your teleporter" I've had this happen to me multiple times and it always left me so confused as to what destroyed it. It's also crazy that this doesn't refund you the cooldown. And the payload and push robot destroying it is also quite annoying


Yeah it's one thing for this bug to exist, another that it takes your CD.


Small Indie Company™


Half of these are caused by the payload tho


yeah but a lot of those were placing on top of the payload rather than in its path. various other deployables don't have as tough of a time staying alive when put on TOP on payloads. heck LW's platform and tree don't get killed when run over by the payload or push bot.


I noticed this too today. Broke several times when I wanted to place it on the playload.


I have been trying to get this noticed and fixed for literal years. Sigh. It's absurd that it doesn't just refund the cooldown if it can't be fixed.


Game should just refund you the CD if it's destroyed in under half a second


iirc in the newer maps (ow2 ones) you can't place the TP on railings to break them like the other maps, so to place a TP on the last Circuit Royale point you have to break them first, then place the TP


Blizzard has totally lost the person who kept up Sym’s spaghetti code


everyone is always talking about a rework for a certain hero, but i think sym needs a rework more than just about any other hero, this is just a tiny example of her flaws


I've never had this happen, are you sure you're not accidentally spamming the button and just immediately destroying it yourself? Though some of these are getting run over by the payload


I mean there's no real reason to ever spam E/tp cast button tho (unless really unfamiliar with sym and making a mistake; OP has mained sym for a while so that's not them). because to place it's E --> left click. if spamming E it means the placement UI gets canceled without placement or cd going off.


teleporter is very sensitive when interacting with geometry. if it collides even a bit it will auto destroy, no compensation. oddly enough i think lw GETS cooldown compensation with petal iirc, i might need to check


It happens way too often. It's not from spamming E. There's even a 'cooldown' on how fast you can destroy tp yourself and it gives you more than enough time to take tp before you're allowed to destroy it. The ones in the video get destroyed by map geometry or payload before the tp is even fully deployed.


It does happen unfortunately. Got me killed in a comp game earlier


It does happen on occasion. Play her long enough and it would happen to you. I'm pretty sure the option to delete the TP takes a bit longer too.


Clip reminded me that I need to upgrade my monitor


They’ve been trying to patch this since they made TP a cooldown


it's really a bug they **introduced (yes you read that right)** during OW1 days because they were trying to fix another bug of putting old teleporter/shield gen in places that can go inside the map e.g. junkertown point 1 end where the doors open and close (could've put shield gen there and the doors would entirely cover shield gen making it invincible). and ever since introducing it, tp and shield gen has been self destructing near walls, obstacles and some random places because logic of "too close too wall/obstacle/slight-map-elevation-on-ground-despite-looking-flat so we destroy it to prevent possible going out of map issues". i.e. technically it's been a bug since sym2.0 days which **was several years ago**


I know the fix. All you have to do is in the spawn room press h.


deployables in general need to *not* steal your cooldown when they dont place. I've thrown my fair share of weaver petals and bap lamps only for them to poof out of existence and me to have a 15/25 second cooldown


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I’m pretty sure it’s because it “slides” off of sloped geometry on the map. It is indeed really annoying.


The ones where you're next to the cart makes sense. The cart destroys the teleporter entrance as it moves.


Torb turret is smaller, but I run into similar issues.




they should just make it so if it's destroyed by geometry before you're able to tp through it it refunds your cd... just to avoid "free" one way tps in locations where it takes a bit for the tp to slide and destroy itself.


OW1 you used to be able to spam tf out of her TP and not think twice and it would always place with 0 issue. Then came OW2…


\*cries in petals\* This is how my platform feels when it just decides to not work.


The Game is Broken in soo many ways that at this point its not funny..


Such a janky hero. Her toolkit really shows its age.


Can this happen with a LW tree too? I swear mine exploded on creation the other day but there was a lot of damage flying around


Maybe just maybe learn how to use TP. This is next level idiocy…


such a braindead take