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I don't think the idea of countering is the problem but that so many people will refuse to do anything but counter. I get trying to win, but after like 3 swaps, it's frustrating to play against.


You can pick sombra and ground her but you want to not swap and that's on you tbh. People will use what the devs gave them to win and its a fair chance to everyone to swap


You seemed to miss the point. Swapping in itself isn't the problem, but when you and your opponent are swapping all the time, how is that fun? (I'm a qp player, so I don't care about wins too often. Also, are you talking about the pharah situation, cause I'm kinda confused on what you're talking about.


The Pharah situation is just the tip of the iceberg. Her situation just so happened to surface up. Remember the purple spider and the purple hacker and the purple healer situations.


Oh, tbh I never saw the sassy latina as a problem (but I main her so biased) cause all you do is play close, and she loses a lot of her value. Widow isn't a problem to me. Tons of games have a sniper that can one-shot, so why is she a problem? It's not like she is able to dominate on a bunch, some sure, but not everyone. Moira, I just hate her reach it's kinda bs, but all in all, it just kinda annoying.


We're Sombra mains, of course we're biased. 😅 Yes exactly, it's that some players take "I am getting countered from my 2 mains by a hero" and make it into "I can't play anything if this hero is on the enemy team please buff my hero so I can dominate easily again" you don't see Sombra mains (us) complaining after we have to re learn her whole kit for the second time this year because some 12 year old doesn't want to put in the effort to play around us.


It’s 2024 and people still think counters a) shouldnt be a part of overwatch or b) that their existence is due to bad balancing Hint: they are inevitable and a part of the game. It’s high time you get used to them and learn to play the game


EXACTLY!!! Counters are made to keep the game playable!


Part of that is due to the strong appeal of the hero fantasy in Overwatch. People naturally will get attached to their mains because the hero fantasy is one of the game’s strongest features even though it’s not compatible with the actual gameplay of Overwatch


Then you learn to overcome obstacles. I'm in love with the fantasy of Sombra that's why I'll always try to figure my way with her but you won't see me complain that I have a counter 😵‍💫


You’re preaching to the choir. I’m a Ball one trick and I won’t switch even if they’re throwing sleep, hook, hack, flashbang and traps up my hamster ass. Counter swapping is for the weak. Fuck it we Ball




If someone has 2 mains that can both be countered they kind of messed up tbh. My DPS mains are Ashe and Tracer and where Ashe is bad, Tracer is usually pretty good.


if you swap pharah after one team fight you're part of the fun police and you stink


I'm still wanting a best of 3 mode in which there is no swapping mid match. The losers can swap after each loss. Make it more like a fighting game. Swapping is dope and adds lotsa value to roster knowledge and playability but it also results in the same match ups over and over again


I just pick either Mercy or Kiriko every match. Don't know counters, don't care either.


Chill life just heal if you can jumped either Dash to any ally with 1 brain cell necessary to stay within line of sight or if you don't have line of sight because your teammates are 3 year Olds just TP across the map. That's convince!


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I think they need more hero with similar skill set or whatever that makes the character easily countered. Instead of rock vs paper we should have rock/boulder/stone vs paper/tissue or whatever idk lol


I mean you just play better into your counters and win so all good


I always wondered what it would be like for overwatch players playing Pokémon “No I’m not gonna swap! I don’t care if I’m 4x weak to them this is my main!”


To be fair I never played actual PvP in the game and don't even know the basics of the game like type advantages or what moves actually do. I just play using the pokemon that I like and using moves that look flashy lmao. It works well in base game since pokemon isn't exactly known for it's difficulty but multiplayer would get me beaten up so bad.


That’s great for story mode! Really the best way to play it tbh. But it is annoying when people try to do that in comp and then complain about the game as if they’d isn’t choose a bad option for the situation