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looks like a TEAM diff to me, you did what you could but all 5 of them better than all 5 of you


Just for context we won .


oh then you guys objective diffed the enemy team so good


The stat board doesn’t quantify the objective of the game . They removed objective time and added mitigation . I died less than the enemy tank and I was on the objective longer than the enemy tank . He would leave point to get a kill and ultimately , in my opinion, that’s why he lost . The last play of the game I mirrored his Winston and told my support to just trust me when I jumped in . She did and we beat them after full holding them to first point in OT. It was a movie .


Looking purely at the stats yes


We won and I made the play to for the dub , just for context . Watch the replay code 😂


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The problem with a shield tank stats is that the only one that really matters in that it is showing you doing what you are supposed to be doing is Mitigation and that entirely relies on the enemies shooting your shied


I would guess you got comp diffed. Bap supports Winston much better than Moira, and Torb is annoying for Winston to deal with.


Ok so I can tell you guys didn’t watch the replay code but that’s ok . We won the match and I made the play to win 🥇it took some rallying but I got the team to play behind me and we completely stomped them.


Looks like your moira was diffd