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because dvas who aren't actual trash will understand that they can simply ignore the zarya


Yep, made someone switch off Zarya as D.Va last week because my team understood the assignment. Don’t shoot her bubbles, kill her friends. Why they swapped to WINSTON, I don’t know. Something that gets lost in the “counter” discussion is that you can outplay most counters in the game. The game has very, very few hard counters that just totally deny the other hero from getting value. An Orisa that doesn’t understand cooldown timing and just uses everything on cooldown is a pain in the ass to kill, but they aren’t actually countering anything. It’s bothered me for years. “They have a pharah, go hitscan.” “Unless Cassidy comes with an aim bot now, I’m not hitting her in the air, let me stay on the hero I know what i’m doing and we just kill everyone on her team faster. If your soldier is struggling to kill Baptiste, they aren’t gonna kill a good Pharah just because they decide to focus her.


Winton's electricity will go through her matrix I'm pretty sure. 


It will, but he can’t crit her, and if he’s close enough for the Tesla cannon, he’s close enough to eat ever pellet from her cannons into his massive head hit box.


As long as Winston has his armor Dva literally does baby damage to him after the armor and tank head shot changes. Also Winston does not need to crit her since he literally ignores her copious amounts of armor. What you described used to be the case, but not so much any more.


I thought they reverted the “reaper can’t kill tanks” change.


Nothing whatsoever has been done to the global tank changes since it was introduced in the middle of last season.


To add on to this, even Emongg acknowledges that the DVa vs Winston matchup currently favors Winston.


Because it really isn’t as hard of a counter as it’s made out to be.


D'va can also counter Zarya's ult. Very satisfying to eat her ult with Defense Matrix. D'va has mobility too and Zarya doesn't.


Can confirm. As a regular Zarya player having this happen mentally cripples me for the rest of the game.


It depends on what the dva player is doing to respond to the zarya. Some say counterPLAY is generally a better technique than counterPICK and in this case I wouldn’t consider Zarya to be a HARD dva counter


Because Zarya isn't actually a hard counter to D.va. Also note most D.va mains will have so much play time against Zarya that it is almost an easier match up then against the newer tanks.


Zarya isn't really a Dva counter unless it's overtime and Dva is forced to contest the objective.


Because Zarya is good into D.VA bit D.VA can avoid her pretty well and win vs the backline.


Not just that d.va can even destroy zarya if the dps just focus fire on her as well because as soon the bubbles are done is she nothing sadly are many to scared against zarya.


because I wanna play dva and I only melt if im close to zarya


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What’s the counter pick to Zarya?


Rein, Ram, Winston, Doom can be, Ball can be


Skilled Hog, Mauga, Sigma can be, but require different DPS to counter her


Because people are dumb


At some point you have to be able to play your hero against anyone. If the enemy tank was playing Doom and destroying your back line, but switches to Zarya to counter Dva, that’s a win. Why don’t you counter the Zarya when this happens?


Cause despite it its gonna be one of the best matchups on maps with powerfull highgrounds. I literally switched off rein and went d.va against zarya on circuit royal last point and clutched the entire game like this. The more you play the easier it gets to counter zarya on any character.


Because there are no hard counters in this game only soft counters and dva v zarya is pretty easy to play around by controlling high grounds and diving her backline


The real answer is D.va players, like Doom and Ball players, are very stubborn and would rather push through a rough matchup than switch. On maps with a lot of high ground (Gibraltar, Dorado, etc) the matchup can be winning since Zarya struggles to approach, but on flatter maps (King's Row, Antarctic Peninsula) Zarya wins.